Well, I am back everyone, and with a brand new story for you that takes place in the Bleach world. I hope you all enjoy it! I want to say thank you here for user gemma53 on tumblr, who is also gemma5353 on wattpadd, for her input in being a beta reader. I could always use more if you want to get a preview. My notes will now commence from below the chapter!

Chapter One:

Waking Up and Living In The Soul Society

It was weird when Rani woke up. She found herself staring up at a new world. There were a lot of people walking past her, not giving her a second glance. And yet, she felt something was off. Like she shouldn't be so close to the ground as she was…

"Oh, my, Akio. Look! What a cute little girl!" A shadowed figure stated and then started to pick her up. "Akio, we must try to take care of her until she can fend for herself. What do you say? And she's only about three years old."

"That might take years, Momoe." He said then paused before adding. "Besides, we don't even know where we are."

"We'll take her with us. Say she's our daughter. If not, what will happen to her? Will she have to sit here for so many years before she's given one of these ticket things we were told to get?"

The man was clearly adamant on not taking Rani, but she wouldn't let it rest. She constantly tried to convince him to take the little girl. It took her about a half an hour before he finally relented. She was ecstatic. Rani smiled in relief.

"I am Tómasu Momoe, and this is my husband, Akio." She introduced. "We'll take care of you little one, although we don't even know where we are." Momoe stated. "But we are going to be your mommy and daddy." She added with a smile.

"My name is Rani." The little girl finally introduced.

As they waited in line, an unseated Shinigami officer was handing out the tickets. She handed one to everyone, including children.

"Here you go little one!" She said with a smile as she handed Ran the ticket. "It's a great thing the three of you found each other. Usually that doesn't happen." She started to explain. "Once you get up to the front, they will take one of your tickets and tell you what to do and where to go next." As soon as she finished that little speech, she was off running down the line handing out more tickets.

Once the trio made it to the front, with Momoe carrying Rani, they were instructed to proceed to the transport pickup area to the North Rukongai's 59th District. It was there that they were given an assigned place to live and a job to do.

By the time Rani was five, which took longer than a normal five years in the Living World, she was required to go to school for three weeks. It was a crash course in the history of the Soul Society.

"Good morning all! Please take your seats!" The instructor started. "We have a lot to tell you little ones in a short amount of time, so please listen." She continued. "I am requesting your full attention."

Rani learned about the Soul Society. How most of the "people" there were either dead from the Living World, or souls born into the Soul Society through couples that were there. They talked about the various Rukongai Districts. The teacher explained that they were in the 59th District of the North Rukongai District out of 80. She was taught about the Shin'o Academy, the Gotei 13, and the jobs that they are required to do. Rani found all of it fascinating, although she didn't let her true feelings show in class. Her classmates would think she was odd.

It was during this time that Momoe and Akio had a son. They named him Yasuo. He was energetic, even at two months old.

~~Three Years Later~~

"WHAT IS THAT?!" Rani heard her mom scream. It was then Rani noticed the rather large shadow that was over the house.

She ran outside to see a giant monster with a white mask. She watched in horror as it swallowed one of the Rukongai residents across the street from her. More screams from around the area were heard.

"Rani! Get inside!" Her father yelled, but she couldn't move.

"Quickly! Men! Get rid of that Hollow!" Rani heard a man yelling. "Everyone get inside and hide! We'll take care of this!" He ordered everyone and then looked right at Rani. "Little girl! Move!" He barked. He then realized she was frozen in fear.

The Hollow was approaching her and she was frozen in place scared. Momoe was inside holding Yasuo tight in her arms, while her father watched as she was about to be swallowed. Right before it was able to, a Shinigami officer grabbed Rani and the other one sliced the Hollow.

"Are you okay, little one?" Rani nodded still in shock. It was then she noticed the Shinigami was in fact a captain. "Okay, go to your mom and dad now, okay?" He nicely ordered and then stepped away flying. Rani watched him for a moment and then followed his instructions. She started to run into the house, but stopped short once she saw another Hollow was on the other side of it ripping off the roof of her home.

"AH!" She screamed.

The Shinigami weren't fast enough. They were headed in the opposite direction right before Rani screamed.

Everything that happened was a blur. Somehow Yasuo managed to flee the house and make it to Rani. Their parents, however, were swallowed whole. Rani closed her eyes and shielded Yasuo to the horror and then ran with him. She ran, but not before catching a glimpse of another Shinigami with red hair on the offensive.

She kept running until she felt they were safe. She realized now that at eight years old, she was on her own. With Yasuo in tow, she ran into a group of other kids around her age standing outside a small shack. They were on the lookout for more Hollows since they heard of the attack.

"Hi!" One of the boys started. "I am Daisuke."

"Hello." Rani replied back. "I am Tómasu Rani, and this is my brother, Yasuo." She introduced.

"Well, welcome to the cabin!" Rani nodded as a reply to the new speaker. "Oh! Sorry! I am Kiyomi. We'll teach you everything you need to know about here."

"Right now, I think I just want to lie down, if possible."

"Sure thing. I'll show you to where you can sleep." The girl stated with a small smile.

Rani followed Kiyomi to another small house and laid down on the bedding that was provided. Yasuo laid down next to her whimpering.

"I know I shouldn't ask this, but are you okay?"

"We will be." Rani eventually answered as she rubbed her brother's back. "It's a lot to take in, you know?"

"It's stressful. Usually the Hollows don't come here. Usually they just stay and attack the Living World." Kiyomi said as she sat down. "Did it get your parents?"

"Yes. At the same time. And another one almost got me a few moments before them."

"Oh! Did a Shinigami rescue you?" She asked inquisitively.

"I think a few actually." Rani said with a smile as she remembered the kind Shinigami who whisked her out of harm's way.

"I want to be a Shinigami. I am going to try to enter the Shin'o Academy when I am able to."

"When can you take the exam?"

"Oh, at any time, really, but I want to be sure I can, so I am going to wait a couple of years."

"Do you think you have that stuff?"

"I know I do. I was already told I have some." Kiyomi replied in a 'matter of fact' tone. "You might too, you never know." She added optimistically.

"I don't think I am going to try, at least not within the year. Besides, I have Yasuo to take care of."

"The group can take care of him. It's not like we need anything." She replied and then got silent. "I KNOW!" She suddenly yelled startling Rani. "You and I could take the entrance exam together. We can be classmates!" Rani shrugged. She would need time to think about it. "I'll let you think that over. I will leave you to rest."

With that, Kiyomi left the little house leaving Rani and Yasuo alone. Her thoughts drifted from the Hollow attack to the possibility of going into the academy to the man that had rescued her earlier.

"Who was he?" She asked herself out loud before drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Oh, so right - I actually have 17 chapter already written but I'll be updating this weekly (maybe biweekly if I am feeling generous). Have a great one and please let me know what you think.