Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
The strong breeze ruffled his hair as he drove down the road in his convertible, top down. It was evening, and his mind was sprinkled with thoughts of home, where he hadn't been in so long. The leather seat felt warm against his back, and the slight vibration of the motor was relaxing. The sun's harsh rays were slightly muted by his sunglasses.
The trip had not left him unscathed. He lightly traced a new cut that extended from his temple down to his jawline. With every new mission came new risks, new injuries, new scars: souvenirs.
And new memories of her.
He glanced down at her. She was relaxing against the headrest, her bright red hair glowing in the setting sun. She hummed softly along to the radio, her slender, delicate fingers tapping the armrest. He was reminded of a moment on the mission when they'd been close, closer than they'd ever been before. He could still remember the feel of her, the fragrance of her hair; a new memory still clear in his mind.
She couldn't know how much this time meant to him; the warm, quiet moments after their missions when he felt closest to her. He wished this moment would never end, and he did his best to capture it in his memory forever.
She surprised him by glancing up at him. He was about to avert his gaze, to pretend he hadn't been staring openly at her, but to his surprise, she smiled. He returned the gesture before she focused her eyes on the road again. He studied her a moment longer, then did the same.
No words had passed between them, but something deeper had. Something he couldn't define. He'd felt it before when he looked at her. He felt it now.
They continued along the road in comfortable silence, each one deep in thought, headed home.