Chapter 08 Him to the rescue

Quanktumspirit scratching my head, "I'm sorry everyone, I know I should have been updating this tale faster, but I was busy with other stories and watching some crime documentations suddenly gave me a brilliant idea how Him and the Powerpuff girls can gain each other's trust. Warning though: a T chapter for blood, gore and a close death. You have been warned."

The next morning, things weren't turning out for the better. Despite the small game, the Powerpuff girls still gave Him a cold shoulder and avoided spending any time with Him. Him had to sigh quite a bit, the Powerpuff girls still don't trust him, despite the fact he hasn't done anything wrong yet.

But not only Him was upset, but the Professor was also sitting that morning at the breakfast table with a worried face and fear written all over it. He was looking at his phone all the time, then to his daughters and last to Him.

"Professor, is everything ok?" Him asked curiously and looked over at his 'friend'.

The Powerpuff girls grew silence and looked at their father concerned, the Professor sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Not very Him... girls... Him... I've just received an important Email about my science class that I've been giving the last few years. Well... I got to go out of state for a few days to teach at a science college." The Professor explained and looked at the others for their reactions.

His daughters looked surprised, they knew of the Professors class and that he was one of the best science teachers in the world, but he never left them alone for that long.

"Well... I'm sure we can manage Professor." Blossom said carefully, "I'm sure I can keep my sisters in line."

"AWESOME!" Buttercup beamed, "We can then do what we want for a whole week."

"Buttercup, the Professor doesn't mean it like that." Him snapped at her. "He means he won't be here to keep an eye on you three and that he is trusting you not to kill each other or trash the house by the time he is back!"

"Correct Him, thank you." The Professor smiled, but then looked at his 'boyfriend' stern. "But that also goes for you. I know you three have problems seeing eye to eye at times. But just see them as your own as well, how would you support your own children if they were under your care 24 hours a day."

Him swallowed hard, the most he had to care for the Rowdyruffboys was about 10 hours or less, the boys were very independent and didn't need much watching, but if this way was to gain the Professor's trust even more, then he will have to accept it.

"Ok Professor, I'll try my best." Him smiled a bit.

The Powerpuff girls looked very scared at the thought of having Him with them about 24/7. Maybe Him could have them beaten to a bleeding pulp, hypnotise them in doing evil, force them into child labour ect. But Him didn't look like he was too worried.

The Professor nodded, he gave Him a hug and his three daughters a kiss goodbye before driving in his car away from his home. This was going to be a difficult time. Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and Him all waved at the car as the Professor drove away from the home.

As the Professor was out of sight, Him took the Powerpuff girls back into the house and locked the door, he sighed before sitting with them in the living room.

Bubbles looked over at the red man a little scared, "So Him... what do you want us to do now?"

"Bubbles, please this came at me a bit of a surprise as well. You three can just go to your room and play. I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to." Him sighed.

Despite the fact they weren't alone for more than 5 minutes, Him already sounded depressed and sad.

But before an idea could be brought forward, the hotline rang a bank robbery. Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup said their goodbyes and Him warned them to be back before 7 PM, which the girls promised. And they were off.

Him smiled and sat down in the living room, he relaxed and watched a few DECENT films, like Frozen and Frozen 2.

As the bell struck 8 PM, however, the Powerpuff Girls weren't back from the bank robbery. Him was confused and checked through all the news channels about the bank robbery until he found it. It was reported that the robbers suffered strong burns and beatings, but they suddenly launched a bomb towards the three Powerpuff girls and they vanished from the scene.

No life has been found yet, the search was still ongoing. Him could feel his heart almost ripped out of his chest, the Powerpuff girls are missing?

Grabbing his new winter coat, Him quickly teleported himself to the crime scene. Luckily he could disguise himself as one of the searchers as he sent his demonic powers out over the field. Him tried to detect any sign of life, and after walking a few times around the place, he came to three holes in the ground, swallowing hard Him focused his gaze downwards and saw the three small bodies of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, but they looked severely hurt.

"Don't worry girls, I'm here." Him called down.

He knew it was a sort of crime, but Him hoovered his hands over the holes and hoovered the three Powerpuff girls up and out of the ground, carefully placing them next to himself. He could see several wounds on the girls bleeding severely.

"I don't have time for this." Him sighed and clapped in his claws.

Using his demonic powers, Him teleported himself as fast as he could back to the Professors home and into his lab.

As Him got home, he carefully placed the three Powerpuff girls on the Professor's lab table. He sighed as he saw the girls were all still unconscious from the brutal fight. Him swallowed, knowing what he had to do.

Taking a pair of scissors, some antiseptic, some splinters and bandages Him began with fixing the girls back up again.

He began with Blossom, Blossom had a fractured skull, two broken arms, three broken ribs, one broken leg and the other leg sprained. Him had on choice but to place Blossom into an almost complete body cast.

Bubbles entire chest walls have collapsed and were broken, her head had a fracture, she has one broken arm and the other arm was sprained, three of her fingers were broken, but her legs and toes were fine. Him had to place quite a few bandages over her as well.

With Buttercup Him almost wanted to run, she had two broken legs, five broke toes, her feet were dislocated, her hands were both broken and Buttercup had three broken ribs as well.

After the last PPG was bandaged up, Him sat at their bedside and waited for the girls to wake up. Also, he placed three plasma bags up and injected medication into their systems.

Despite the fact Him hated God, Jesus and all this believing stuff, and he was almost killed not too long ago, Him still decided to pray, even if it will hurt him.

"Please, I know I'm not worth speaking to you God, but please heal the Powerpuff girls. They don't deserve this pain that those monsters put them threw, please heal them." Him whispered.

Seeing as the Powerpuff girls weren't going to be going anywhere, Him went to bed very tired.

Inside Him's dream.

Him was confused where he was. He found himself hovering over three small graves, on the gravestones stood the words: Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup. Looking into the graves, Him recognised the Powerpuff girls with no problem.

Their bandages were still on them, but they were bleeding even harder through them then a while ago. Suddenly Him looked up and saw the Professor standing next to Him. He looked furious at Him.

"I've given you one job Him, look after my daughter's whiles I am away. And what do you do?" The Professor snapped, "You've murdered them."

"N... no Professor... no, I could never-" Him said shocked.

"They are dead because of you HIM!" The Professor shouted, then suddenly he jumped on Him and had him pinned to the ground.

The Professor started beating down on Him with pure brutal strenght.

"Professor I'm so so sorry. I'm SORRY!" Him screamed as he faded into darkness.

Back outside.

Him quickly woked up horrified, he turned around and looked at the Powerpuff girls worried. Were they getting better?

He looked at them and used one of the Professors computers to check them over, luckily because of their Chemical X in their blood, the bodies were all healing up very fast, the girls even woke up again.

"Hu... w... where are we?" Blossom asked.

Bubbles and Buttercup blinked as they saw their condition and Him at one of the three computers which were checking on the girl's vital signs.

Bubbles looked very scared, "Him? What happened?"

Him sighed, "You three have been severely hurt by a bomb exploding at your feet girls. And... you've been in a coma for almost eight hours now. All of you have severe damages. With the Professor out on an important meeting, I'll make it my job to get you three back on your feet."

The Powerpuff girls sighed, but nodded their heads, as best as they could. All of their bodies were hurting them a lot and Him looked at all three of the girls very worried.

"Can I get you anything?" Him asked.

Bubbles nodded her head, "Can you head straight down to Miss Kean's house Him, tell her, we won't be able to come to school for a few day's."

Him smiled a bit, "Yes I can do that. And what do you three want for dinner?"

"Can you make us a casserole for dinner Him? Thank you." Blossom smiled.

Him nodded, "I'll do it after I get back, you three stay in your beds and just ring me if you need anything else."

The Powerpuff girls nodded their heads and Him left the Professor's lab and headed to Miss Kean's home.

The drive was no problem for Him, though he did find it a bit creepy as to why Miss Kean's home address was programmed in the Powerpuff girl's car. But Him didn't decide to question it but accept it.

After driving for twenty minutes Him reached her home and knocked against the door of the teacher. Miss Kean blinked and got up from her couch to see who was at the door, her blue eyes glistened a bit as she saw the black-haired and red-skinned man in front of her home.

"Oh Him, hi what are you doing here?" Miss Kean asked.

Him sighed a bit, "May I come in? I have to tell you something important."

Miss Kean nodded her head, she leads Him into her kitchen, Him sneered a little bit as he saw the Professor's old image was on her couch table as if he were a part of her life, but only her recent breakup and best friend now.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Miss Kean asked Him.

But Him shook his head, "No I'm fine Miss Kean, I've come to tell you something important-"

"You and the Professor are going to be married?" Miss Kean beamed excitedly.

"No, not yet." Him said blushing a bit at the thought, "No, something has happened to the Powerpuff girls. They were fighting some bank robbers, who have severely hurt the three girls. I can't risk them leaving their hospital beds until they are healed back at 100%. So I want to suggest placing a film classroom up in the Powerpuff girl's hospital room, for them to follow the class that way. And for three computers reflecting the Powerpuff girls to you through a video chat. Would that be ok?"

Miss Kean blinked shocked, but Him didn't look like he was lying. Miss Kean sighed and looked at Him worried.

"They are so severely hurt Him? And how long will their recovery be?" Miss Kean asked.

Him sighed, "I have no idea. But be reassured I'll do everything in my power to heal the three girls. But I need your agreement. I can come down every morning to pick up the books, papers, and equipment the girls would need for the class. Of course, the sports lessons will have to be cancelled for all three girls, because I don't want to risk them moving too much. But I need your agreement for it."

Mis Kean saw Him looked really worried over the girl's health, so he wasn't lying. Miss Kean then nodded her head agreeing to it.

She drove with Him down to Pokeyoaks school, Him then set up the camera at the back of the class and a TV next to the camera. Miss Kean stayed then in the classroom as Him drove back home.

Back at home, Him walked to the Powerpuff girl's bedroom, the girls haven't moved from their beds and looked at Him worried.

Buttercup smiled, "This isn't too bad, now we have a reason not to go to school."

"I wish we weren't so severely harmed." Blossom sighed, "We can't risk missing too much school."

"Don't worry girls, I got an idea; how you can still have your lessons." Him smiled.

"What do you mean Him?" Bubbles asked confused, "We are very hurt and any movements and we could get worse."

Him showed the girls that he set up a TV in their hospital room, then after moving the antenna a bit around, Miss Kean's picture suddenly appeared on the TV.

"Him, and Powerpuff girls, can you three hear me?" Miss Kean asked through the TV.

Him found three headphones with a microphone on it, he attached them to the TV and then handed the Powerpuff girls one each. The girls placed it over their ears and looked over to the screen.

"Miss Kean, we three can hear you loud and clear." Blossom smiled.

"We are not feeling much better." Bubbles sighed.

Buttercup nodded her head, "Can you hear us?"

"Everything seems to be set up well." Miss Kean smiled, "Ok, I'll see you three tomorrow morning. Thanks again Him and keep a close eye on them. Bye."

"Bye Miss Kean." The Powerpuff girls smiled.

The screen went blank and Him smiled.

"I'm glad it is all set up. What can I make for your dinners girls?" Him smiled.

The Powerpuff girls smiled back at Him and nodded their heads, Him left upstairs and whipped up a delicious meal. Hopefully, the girls will get better in a few days.

The next morning, after breakfast the girls had their video lessons as promised, and understood what they had to do. Buttercup was cursing a bit that she couldn't do any sports at all until she was better, but she trusts Him not to kill them.

After their first hospital lesson was over, Blossom asked Him to stay with them in their hospital wing. Him blinked since the girls have been avoiding him since he 'moved' into their family home, being invited to stay longer in their room was a nice change.

Blossom looked over and saw her two sisters faced her, ready to interview Him out.

"Say Him... why don't you just destroy us? You used to hate us and we used to fight you in every way possible. So... why are you now taking care of us on our weakest moment?" Blossom asked.

Him blushed a bit and sighed, "Well girls... I've grown to love your father over the short time I've been here. And... I know to keep his love and friendship it means I'll have to get along with you three as well. The Professor loves you three so much that no relationship in the world is worth it if you three weren't in his life anymore."

Bubbles smiled, "Despite the fact you are doing all this for the Professor must mean a lot for you."

Him smiled and nodded his head, despite the fact he had a hard time with the Powerpuff girls by fighting them all the time, he did feel the girl's warm love surrounding his heart as well.

"But Him, I'm sure you know of the normal warnings." Buttercup sneered a bit, "If you dare to hurt our father, you will find yourself in a coffin fifty feet down. Understand?"

"I know Buttercup. At your full strengths you three could destroy me. But I promise I have the Professors best interests at heart. And your three." Him smiled. "I know it will take years until I can gain your trusts, but can you please not hold a grudge against me any more?"

The Powerpuff girls sighed, they agreed and Him gave the three girls carefully a hug each.

Six days later, the Powerpuff girls were back at 100%. they had followed all of their school lessons as exact as they should be, and the promised Him not to tell the Professor anything about their injuries. Luckily none of their bodies showed any damages anymore.

Him cleaned the hospital section inside the Professor's lab up, packed the TV and CCTV camera away and cleaned everything up as if nothing has happened.

Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup each got washed and dressed before waiting for Him in the living room. After finishing the cleanup, Him left to the living room as well and checked over the three girls once more.

Blossom smiled at Him, "Thank you very much for looking after us three Him."

"Its alright Blossom." Him smiled. "I'm just sorry you three were hurt so much. Are you sure you all are back to being normal?"

The three Powerpuff girls nodded their heads, they proved their strength by flying around Him, collecting things and showing to have everything back to normal. Him smiled and gave the three girls a hug.

Bubbles blushed a bit at the close contact, "Um... Him, what are you doing?"

"Well... I... I was hoping... that we three could be friends now. I've proven to you that I wouldn't harm you or anyone in Townsville. And I saved your three lives." Him pointed out blushing a bit.

"Well Him..." Blossom said worried, "You are right. You did save and heal us three. Thank you. I think we can trust you from now on."

The three Powerpuff girls hugged Him all over again and all four smiled. The girls felt a warmth radiating from Him like they never have done before. It was the embrace of love. Him promised himself to never let any harm come to the three girls, who grew inside his heart, just as much as the Professor did

Quanktumspirit: "Aw, now they have a trust built between each other. So sweet. Any wishes for this story anyone? Fire away."