Chapter 36: A Cry for Help

It has been a week since he took me, I have been counting the days in my head, hoping and praying that the next time I open my eyes, someway, somehow, I would be out of here. I long to be back in Noah's arms, to feel his warmth, just to feel his protection. Josh has been out for quite some time, but he has locked me in the basement again. I heard people talking outside, I climbed up onto shelf that was close to the window, as I pulled myself up I tried calling for help but they did not hear me.

I got back off and sat on shelf, pondering about what to do next. There was something I saw glowing out of the corner of my eye, I got off and walked to the corner, there is tons of boxes scattered on the floor, so I push them aside and kneel down. It was a small knife; he must have dropped and forgotten about it. It was still quite sharp so I tucked it into the back of my pants, hoping that it would be of use.

The door creaked open, and he stood there with his tote bag hanging over his shoulder.

"You are looking lovely, as always." He places the bag on the floor and walks closer to me. "I am growing very fond of you Rachel, the last dinner we had together you played along so well- but that's the problem right there- you played along. I want you to mean it."

"How could I mean it? How could I actually enjoy being with you? How do you expect me to like you, let alone love you?" He stares at me blankly, crossing his arms as he walks closer to me. "You put me in the hospital, you kidnapped me, took me away from my family and friends, abused me, threw me into this shit hole and you expect me to enjoy spending my time with you? There will be a cold day in hell before that happens." I clutch the knife in my hands; he stops right in front of me, his breath lingering on my face.

"That was not very nice of you Rachel. I am trying to give you the world. Trying to show you what real love is like, I want to give you a better life, a better family-"

"Fuck you!" I spit into his face, he grabs me by my throat and pushed me back. He doesn't say a word but I can see he is really beyond angry. He knocks me down on the ground and the knife slips out of my hand, he sees it and pushes it away. He punches me in my stomach twice, and I wince as the breath just goes out of me.

As I kick him he falls back down, I crawl towards the knife and he grabs my ankle, he doesn't notice the knife in my hands. I kick him off as I get up. He got up and rushed towards me, as he reached for me I placed the knife in front of my stomach and I could feel the knife piercing through his skin. I twist the knife and push him off me. He says nothing as he tries to reach for the blade, the blood just poured from the wound from his abdomen.

"You have made a big mistake." He falls to his knees, and takes the knife out, without even hesitating I rushed out of the room, I didn't know which way to go, my mind was in a completely different zone I didn't know what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go or how to do it. On the kitchen table was the laptop and two phones, I grab one and ran towards the front door but it was locked. I remembered when he had me in the kitchen before, we walked past the back door, I wanted to go to it but I hid behind the counted when I saw him coming from the basement door.

He was calling my name as he held his stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. The knife was in his hands. I opened the phone, luckily it was not locked. I dialled Noah's number. I dropped the phone by accident, my hands were trembling, and it went back to the home screen. I dialled his number again, holding the phone with both hands close to my ear.

"Hello?" He said, for a moment I was silent, just hearing his voice again took me to a standstill, "Hello?" He said again.

"Noah it's me please come-"Josh pushed me down and the phone fell to the ground, I could hear Noah screaming from the other end.

"You fucking bitch." He slapped me, he grabbed my hair and pulled me, I didn't know where but now I got scared.

"Noah!" I shouted, as I looked down there was blood between my legs, staining my jeans. It wasn't long until we were alone in the basement again, and this time he opened his bag, smiling as he did so.


I was frozen in place, I wanted to explode, break out and just go after him wherever he was, but it felt like I was trapped. I don't know why. When she called out my name and when I heard a thump on the floor I just knew what was happening and I couldn't even bear to imagine what he was doing to her.

I pushed the vase that was on the table off the floor and just started yelling. I felt like killing the fucker, if I could only get my hands on him I swear I wouldn't mind sitting in jail, as long as I know that he was dead, nothing would make me happier.

Santana and Kurt rushed into the room. "Rachel, Rachel!" I shouted. Kurt asked me what was going on but I just shouted the whole time. Santana came over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Puck calm the fuck down and tell me what is going on."

I grabbed the phone and went into my call log and played them the recording of the call. Kurt was flushed, and Santana's face was unreadable.

"I am taking this to Detective Marshall right away." Kurt grabbed the phone and left the room in a rush.

We didn't say anything to each other, Santana walked over to the window with her hands crossed. She never said I word but I knew what she was thinking and I knew for a fact that we were thinking the exact same thing.

(A couple of hours later)

I was sitting in the lounge, the TV was on but I didn't take anything in. I was anxious, Kurt was not back yet; he called Santana and said he was on his way back with the detective but it has been 30 minutes and he still has not been back.

There was a knock on the door and Santana was there before I was. She stood aside and in came Kurt, the detective and another police officer.

"This, this is our way to him. I don't know how she managed to make the call but he was stupid enough to leave the phone unattended and not protected. We managed to get the phone to our investigators and they are busy tracking the location of the phone. I am sure we will know soon."

"What if he does something worse than any of us could ever imagine in the mean time? Is there no way that you could speed the process up?" Santana says calmly.

"I will see what I can do, but I promise you, today is the day that we find that son of a bitch, and Rachel will be saved."

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know your thoughts and what you would like to see in the upcoming chapters. Until next time