Warning: This chapter features excessive gore and violence. Lots of character death. If that is not your thing then I guess don't read it. I just felt I should put a warning. I think I outdid my previous best effort when it comes to excessive gore. Otherwise I hope you enjoy this chapter and the explicit death and gore. It is the apocalypse after all.

The dead air gave way around him as Naruto sped forward. He could see his destination coming up. Unconsciously his speed picked up. Only half aware to his surroundings Naruto was busy thinking over his return home. The fact was, getting home was going to be the easy part. When he returned is when all hell was going to break loose.

'It's been hundreds of years here in this dimension… So everything back home will be hundreds of years older too right? But Kurama mentioned the theory of relativity... Err, how did it go again?'

Mentally the large fox sighed. Naruto was still Naruto, no matter how much he changed. And overly complicated explanations would never stick long in the blonde's brain.

"That time can move differently depending on where you were relative to other places. So a second is still a second, and a minute a minute. But one minute in this dimension might be a year back home or a year here might only be one second back home. Or they might experience time equally and one second was one second no matter where you are."

'Right… So we could arrive home and no time has passed or it could be a thousand years in the future?'

"Basically. We have no idea, so the only way to know is to hurry back home as quickly as possible and hope for the best."

'Ah yeah I remember. So how lon-', Naruto immediately stopped his question and sharply turned coming to a stop. A wave of air flew around as his slipstream washed over the area. A ways off, he could see hundreds of figures appearing. The dark energy associated with devils wafted off the group. The fluttering bat like wings helped further identify them.

"Ooh?..." Naruto curiously observed a figure he recognized appear. It was the guy who had released him from that rock. What had the guy been going on about at the time? He expected Naruto's help since he freed him from the rock? He snorted.

'Fat chance of that.'


"Brothers! Sisters! Hear me out." Raphael stood before a huge crowd of angels. He was floating gently on a pure white cloud and his halo shined a brilliant gold. His voice carried a sense of importance and the crowd was silent to listen. One doesn't ignore a serious Seraph.

"A great calamity is occurring. Down on Earth the beast is wreaking havoc and causing the death of thousands. Michael is content to weather this storm. He will passively sit out while our charges our slaughtered and our tenants desecrated. The creature who led our lord to his grave flaunts his freedom and commits heinous sins.

"Michael would have us not interfere. The prayers are flooding heaven for assistance. This creature means to bring the apocalypse upon us and, WE DO NOTHING!?" Raphael's words had the crowd captivated. He spoke appealing words and played upon their senses of justice and servitude. His shout only further rallied them to his ideas. Then his voice continued in barely a whisper. But everyone could hear him.

"No… I personally can't stand by any longer. For thousands of years I sought righteousness at our lord's side. I acted in accordance with his will and was a protector of the innocent. When he passed… When he passed I vowed to do everything in my power to uphold our late lord's will." Raphael stood hunched over. His fists tightly clenched and his head bowed. Among the crowd murmurs of approval scattered around. Then Raphael stood straight his passion blazed clearly as he shouted.

"NO LONGER CAN I STAND BY! I SHALL SEEK OUT THE BEAST AND DO ALL IN MY POWER TO SLAY IT AND EVERY OTHER EVIL WITHIN OUR WORLD! NO MORE SHALL I BE A BYSTANDER! BROTHER'S! SISTERS! WHO WILL JOIN ME?" A booming cheered rang out. Golden halo's buzzed as all the heavenly power shook the ground. Pure white feathered wings sprang up from hundreds of backs as the angels ascended and quickly went to the armory. Raphael grinned madly as he saw the effect his speech had.


Just as Naruto was about to start moving again a second rift appeared behind him in the gap. A massive wave of heavenly power surged through the black void. Gleaming halo's heralded the arrival of a tide of angels.

The vibrant light glinted off their golden armor and glowing golden swords were clenched tightly in their hands. Without a second glance at Naruto, the angels rushed towards the gathering devils. None of them knew what 666 looked like. But if there was a gathering of evil devils surely he was their ring leader.

Rizevim stared shocked hundreds of angels came streaming towards his gathering followers. What was Michael doing? Did he think fighting in the void would not count as break any of the tentative peace agreements? No matter the outcome a second war was sure to be sparked from this coming fight.

A roar of anger came from one of his subordinates and the hot blooded devil drew his weapon. A giant vengeful blade. It sucked in the light around it. An inviting blackness darker than the void. Fueled by his rage and purpose. His blade trailing behind him the devil charged to meet the angels head first.

It took the rest of his devils a moment to understand the situation, but they were inspired by their charging comrade and similar shouts of anger heralded a massive devil counter charge.

Rizevim wanted to sigh at the unstoppable battle. But instead when a bolt of holy energy flashed by his face he felt his old grudges rekindle. He turned towards the familiar energy signature.

"It's been quite a long time, eh Raphael? Do you come seeking my death? How did you even know of my movements here and know?"

Floating in his bright glory was Raphael, Seraph and one of the strongest angels. A great warrior and commander from by gone ages. He had led countless battles against devil kind and any others who opposed his lord's mandate. And above all, the one angel Rizevim absolutely loathed. Raphael had personally defeated him twice before and his tactical plans had thwarted dozens of Rizevim's schemes.

Raphael broke his stony gaze to snort derisively. "Where is he? Where is 666? Do you sinners think you can plot with that beast and not face heaven's retribution? Tell me now scum."

Meanwhile Naruto observed the growing conflict for several minutes. Before he snapped out of his pondering and turned towards his target. Only 100 meters away was the space within the void where he could open a rift to the larger dimensional network. The gate way out of this tightly connected cluster.

Naruto was there within the blink of an eye. His body thrummed with his dense power. The six paths sage chakra was amazingly strong and to force open this gateway he was going to need a lot of it. Focusing, he swiftly sped through half a hundred hand signs.

This technique had no name. The control needed was simply so intense he needed the signs to help properly contort his chakra. The battle was heating up and waves of power and missed attacks were flinging in all directions. Already dozens had fallen and the fight was only heating up.

Before Rizevim and Raphael could cross blades Naruto made his move. From his stretched fingertips a huge shimmering wave of pale chakra came forth. As it exited his body he sped through a dozen more hand signs and created a clone for good measure.

Next to him the clone immediately gathered the dissipating chakra and started shaping it into a hollow ring four meters in diameter. Naruto had just finished the next step and moved into the center of the ring. He extended his arms and legs fully out and floated there shaped like a stumpy star fish.

With a grunt of exertion, a cascade of brilliant golden six paths sage chakra emerged from his body and connected to the ring on all sides. Naruto was now channeling the greater portion of his chakra into the ring. It was his first time doing this hypothetical technique and Kurama had agreed he should err on the side of caution and overcharge the portal to be safe.

As his power left his body it emitted a titanic wave of pressure. Over 1,000 meters away the fighters instantly stilled. Their movements restricted by the overwhelming pressure. All eyes turned to look. Illuminated inside his ring and glowing vibrantly Naruto cut the figure of an otherworldly god.

Rizevim and Raphael had paused in their exchange of blows to see what was happening. The ring suddenly began pulsing and crushing waves of pressure were rhythmically washing over everyone. Over half the fighters passed out and the rest struggled to remain conscious.

Inside the pulsing ring Naruto suddenly hunched over into a ball. Then he yelled out his effort as he released a final wave of six paths sage chakra. The portal flashed brighter than ever before and the clone had to shield its eye's to not be blinded.

The on-lookers had not forewarning and those still conscious now had to fight the after effects of being temporarily blinded. The portal hummed with energy as Naruto stabilized it. He would certainly need to figure out a way to streamline this technique. It took way to long and way too much energy to be useful besides in this dire situation.

And then he disappeared. One moment he was there in the portal and the next he was gone. His clone had already popped, and the only sign that Naruto had ever been there was the floating ring of chakra. The fighters suddenly found themselves unrestricted and the angels being more resistant to light recovered their sight first.

Following Naruto's departure a great slaughter occurred where the followers of Rizevim were slain by the angels rage. They realized their true target had somehow escaped. Never mind the sheer power he had emitted. Surely their righteous cause would have won out, but now they did not know where he was beyond possibly following him through his portal.

Rizevim stared in dismay as his forces were obliterated. He was still quickly trading blows with Raphael as the angel took his rage out on the devil. 666 had used the fight as a diversion! How dare he?



Naruto's view instantly changed when he thought of travelling through the rift. One moment he was looking into the endless void and the next he was staring into the most chaotic scene he had ever witnessed.

Literally millions of portals similar to his own were dotted across an un-fathomably vast void. Similar to the one he had just come from but the air was much thicker and he could feel the pull of gravity towards the center. But from those un-countable portals streamed a horror show of creatures.

Billions of creatures were locked in an all-out melee in front of him. They were of every imaginable species and make-up. It was a frantic bloody free for all everywhere he looked. Suddenly a small card appeared in front of him. He reached out and caught it. Before reading;


You have established a portal to the DXD Cluster, [666 Apocalypse Variant].

You are originally from the Elemental Nations Cluster, [Fifth Shinobi World War Variant]. If you wish to return you should feel a pull in your mind towards the portal.

Finally, congratulations on connecting to the Central Dimensional Network. Once a portal is opened it cannot be closed. Hope you can protect this one. That is all.

'… Kurama… Do you know what this is about?'

"Aww shit. I totally forgot about this place… Ok, basically every possible thing ever can exists in its own dimension. And there are an infinite number of parallel dimensions. They all connect here. So naturally over time different worlds found this place. And there are some war obsessed parasite like races. So these dimensions have basically been in never ending war against one another here. More and more dimensions discover this place and the fighting only keeps growing. It was way less chaotic when my soul first passed through the place towards our dimension."

Naruto silently took a moment to try and process that. Before he asked a question that was plaguing his thoughts. 'So… Does that mean there is a dimension where Sakura dates me?'

In his cage the fox fought the urge to break free and strangle his container. "Yes. And before you ask, yes. Literally anything you can imagine it exists somewhere is some place."

Naruto nodded his head and absently dodged a stray arrow that flew by. Before he grinned and said "That is so awesome!" But then he quickly sobered his enthusiasm. "I need to get home."


The angels were gathering up the remains of their dead and tending to their wounded. But most of them just looked on as Rizevim and Raphael dueled. Their strikes were growing steadily in strength and they both showed no signs of slowing down. Rizevim had no back up plan in place. He was supposed to be conquering a foreign dimension right now. So he was growing increasingly desperate.


The thrumming noised echoed through the dead air of the void. The angels turned to look and drew back in disgust. A disgusting seven-armed, three-legged, two-headed, beast was exiting the portal. Its visible skin looked to be pale white and its 43 beady red eyes were quickly taking in the surroundings. IT hung in the air by a pair of sharp metallic wings.

It was vaguely humanoid in shape and then the angels realized it was equipped in dull purple chain mail and carried a curved dagger in each nine fingered hand. It suddenly turned towards the portal and shrieked. It sounded like a mix between a human baby crying and the high pitched whine an incoming artillery shell emits.

Unknown to those in the void, the creature was a scout. And it had just shrieked the all-out, go-ahead, green-lit attack plan. This cluster's guardian was dead.


Dodge, parry, dodge, dodge, snap wrist, dodge, stab. Naruto was in constant motion as he navigated across the battle. The absolute chaos going on around him made it hard to be aware of all potential dangers. He seemed to be in-between small green monsters fighting against tall thin blue ones.

Elsewhere he could see thousands of humans carrying weapons that constant popped and propelled small lead projectiles. They had small trails of fire coming from their feet and they were in constant group motion shooting towards the rush of fat rat creatures charging them.

There were so many things happening he couldn't take it all in. Instead he was just focusing on his movement. Dodge again, twist, and flicker 100 meters to the right. Constant motion and his sharp awareness allowed him to evade everything coming his way.

He glanced back to where he had arrived. A huge stream of deformed purple monsters were flowing into the portal. But there had been nothing he could do. The portal had not been effected by the several seals he had tried to use on it.

A small mental tug was guiding him towards his own dimension. He just hoped it wouldn't be too far away. This whole situation was so bizarre it was mentally draining.


Raphael blasted another putrid green spear out of the way. A dozen burns littered his previously majestic armor. His sword had dissolved on contact with the creature's weapon and his energy was starting to get taxed by the amount of power he was forced to put into each kill.

He had lost sight of Rizevim in the chaos of the purple monsters arrival. His group of angels had already been slaughtered or fled back to heaven. He had entrusted several to deliver an urgent message to Michael.

After the creatures had come through the portal their first wave had crashed against his forces and cut through them quickly. But in the several minutes the fight had lasted unexpected reinforcements had arrived.

Gods. Every god he knew of and dozens he had never heard of before had all come. This was probably the first time every god had gathered in one place ever. And they were losing! The situation was out of hand.

The Norse led by Odin, the Romans led by Jupiter, the Hindu led by their various leaders, ancient Aztec gods, even several new gods that were powered by insane cults. Every single one was here and fighting against the invading monsters. And being overwhelmed.

Not only were they vastly outnumbered but the acidic weapons burned through anything, divinity and ultimate defenses were worthless. Regeneration was stunted and any weapon that came in contact with the foreign weapons melted.

Over 200 gods had already been erased from existence. And they were all desperately trying to keep the monsters from entering into Earth. The humans would stand no chance. For this reason a huge sealing barrier had been erected around the portal and the creatures were viciously targeting any weak points in the god's defense to break free.

It was inevitable they would. Dodging Raphael saw an acidic arrow barrel past his chest plate. A thin line carved into the metal. Only for a sword to come down and cleave him from head to toe. His halves drifted apart and then his body broke apart in a shower of bright light. His soul scattered and his existence destroyed.

Several other gods near Raphael also went down back to back. A gap in their defense opened up and a huge surge of purple monsters broke free of the containment. As they exited they opened small rifts and jumped through into the different dimensions in this cluster.

Down on earth and across the different realms where different races resided the apocalypse began.


Naruto was sick of dodged so he had created a huge Rasengan and was just ploughing forward. It carved a bloody path through the fighting bodies. It was somewhat draining to maintain the spin on such a huge shape but he still had plenty of chakra in reserve and his previous pace was unacceptable.

If the growing tugging sensation meant anything he was probably getting close to his own dimension's rift.

The Rasengan was spewing blood and metal in all directions. Naruto sped by the mangled bodies and could see the slight awe and fear on the various faces as he cut through dozens of different fights. His path drove him straight through a giant beings stomach, leaving a gaping bloody hole.

Then the sensation flickered and he felt the tug coming from behind him. He had overshot his arrival. He cut the Rasengan and turned. A quick Body Flicker saved him from being filled by half a hundred silver arrows. Before his portal giant toad-men fought with naginata's against snake-men who carried strange half-moon blades.

The fighting was slightly calmer in this section as the various races did not seem to be as destructively powerful. Naruto flickered in-between the two armies and found himself before his portal. A small shiver ran down his back. And without further delay he entered the portal and disappeared in a flash of light.


Issei stared in dumb shock. His dragon gauntlet was gone? His entire left arm was severed from the elbow down. Kiba lay dead off to his right half his face melted into a puddle on the ground. Akeno and Rias stood back to back blasting indiscriminately at the approaching three monsters.

The monster in front of him leered with its central mouth. The other four were actually laughing! Then it struck and its massive cleaver cut Issei in half from shoulder to hip. For several moments he lay there in shock. Not registering his situation.

One of his lungs was still functioning and he screamed a soul wrenching scream of pain. The pain was too much and he passed out. He was dead not 30 seconds later.

Rias choked back a sob as she watched another of her peerage go down. Akeno had just been hit by an arrow in the thigh and she hadn't seen Koneko since the small girl had been thrown out of the shattered club house window.

"I-its… all over…" Rias fell to her knees and grabbed Akeno's body in her arms. She sobbed once and then the giant monster standing over her struck and they knew no more.

A scarlet light blasted forth from the ruins of the clubhouse and Sirzechs appeared on the inscribed Gremory circle. His peerage was with him and each one was fully armored and prepared to fight. Sirzechs looked down and saw the wrecked body of his baby sister.

The blast of furious energy that came from Kuoh academy lit the night sky crimson and shook the city in a massive earthquake. In all his glory Sirzechs rose into the sky on his 12 demonic wings. An aura of anger and power radiated around him as he scanned the school campus for the one responsible.

He spotted a dozen monster and was there in a blink. The first one died instantly as he tore its head off. The other reacted quickly and their acidic weaponry forced the man called Lucifer into a defensive position. Dodged and taking minor blows on his armor. He blitzed past several strikes and took a dagger through the calf when he kicked his foot through the chest of one of the monsters and turned to pile drive a seconds spine into the dirt.

Three arrows sprouted from his back as they bypassed his armor and one tore into his right lung. He gasped and roared in anger. Was he the great devil king going to go down so easily? Could he not avenge his sister and slay her killers?

Grayfia can rocketing down and right before Sirzechs eyes her body pulped against a monsters club. A bloody mist coated his face and his hand came up to wipe his dead wife's remains off his cheek. A strangled cry escaped his throat as the monsters crowded around him cruelly laughed.

His fury ignited further beyond anything he had ever experienced. Summoning his vast remaining devil energy Sirzechs super charged his body. He glanced up and saw the wary expressions cross the monsters faces. A hundred more came through a rift on the school lawn and Sirzechs smiled grimly.

In a massive explosion Kuoh was wiped from the map. Sirzechs had channeled everything into a suicide technique he knew and taken his wife and sisters killers with him to the grave in a massive fiery explosion.


The underworld was in chaos as devils died left and right on the streets of their cities. These weak class devils were killed like flies as the invading monsters tore them apart and burned down their buildings. Massive explosions erupted across the landscape as the high class devils desperately launched last ditch effort attacks in vain.

A similar scene played out in heaven as angels died in droves against the invaders. Heaven's golden gates lain twisted in ruing and half melted as the monsters broke into the sanctuary and fought against the inhabitants.

Michael had been rallying the angels and Gabriel had been near the gate when they attacked. He found her missing a leg and her guts spilled out against the pristine clouds that made up the floor. She smiled weakly at him and said.

"He…Heh, do not c-cry Michael. I don't want th-this- Hrugh" Gabriel's pretty face was coated in vomit and blood as she puked while lying on her back. Her body stilled and Michael felt a tear roll down his face. A dark rift opened near him and Michael turned defensively. The other monsters were still occupied rampaging across God's holy church. His golden throne was a twisted mess on the floor and angel blood coated the floor.

Azazel stepped into Heaven for the first time in hundreds of years. He turned and smiled sadly at Michael. "I may no longer be an official Seraph. But I want to go out as I came into this world. Fighting back to back with you brother." He saw Gabriel splayed against the ground and choked.

Michael merely nodded. He didn't think he could speak right now. Wreathed in golden and dark energy the two 12 winged angels turned and faced the approaching wave of monsters. They shouted their fury and charged. Azazel died first. Speared through the gut and half his head sheared off. He was stuck on the spear shaft and mounted into the ground.

Michael was obliterated in a sickly green blast of energy. His skin melted from his bones and his blood evaporated. A bleached skeleton emerged from the energy wave onto to disintegrate to dust and disappeared.

Heaven had fallen. In the void the various remaining gods were launching their last stand against the unending tide of monsters. The earth fell soon after, the various human militaries only have some success against the monsters. Nuclear explosions littered the landscape as governments launched last ditch effort attacks and craters marred much of Earth. Already the ocean was lowering as it filled in hundreds of massive craters.

The underworld fell last. The various realms of the gods had been exposed and looted by the attacking monsters. With no defenders they had proved no issue. But the various devils, youkai, and fallen angels had managed to hang on for a couple hours.

The underworld was vast and exterminated all the hide outs took time to be uncovered and obliterated.

Within 14 hours the DXD Cluster [666 Apocalypse Variant] was completely exterminated and looted. Just another unfortunate dimensional cluster unprepared to fight against the overpowering races from the greater dimensional universe.


Naruto stepped through and appeared back in his own dimension. Before him was the exact same sight he remembered seeing right before Kaguya had blasted him through some crazy portal when he had tried to use his dad's Hirashin. Somehow the combined space-time techniques had blasted him through the central dimensional network and straight into the strange cluster he had been trapped in.

But that didn't matter anymore. Before him floated the tyrannical bitch. Her back was turned as if she had just turned after blasting him and was about to head off. Naruto flashed back through all he had been through.

The fourth shinobi world war had raged throughout his childhood and he had been trained under war time conditions and learned all the tricks of the ninja trade out in the field. The free for all had consumed every nations across the continent and no one had been victorious at the end.

Konoha had been a shamble of what it once was and had absorbed the remnants of Suna, and various other minor villages. Iwa and Kumo had combined tougher and Kiri had been totally wiped out. Then the combined remains of Iwa and Kumo had blitzed the rebuilding Konoha and along with Akatsuki kicked off the fifth world shinobi war not three years after the fourth.

The villages were both destroyed and small roving groups of ninja fought against each other in small skirmishes. It was never safe to stay in the same place longer than four days. Somehow Kaguya had been un-sealed. She had been going around killing off the small groups of roving ninja. She had happened upon Naruto's group and killed off the last remains of his friends.

They had been engaged in altering the landscape of Earth country before he had become a dimensional traveler. Huge craters littered the landscape, trees burned all around and he could just make out the mangled bodies of his friends. Only several remained Kaguya had disintegrated the majority of them with her All Killing Ash Bone when she first struck.

Now back and only several moments after his apparent departure, Naruto felt his old rage ignite. His presence couldn't be masked so Naruto wasted no time and flew as fast as he could towards her back. They had a score to settle and Naruto was going to get his revenge, one way or another.

Ok so that is it. There are several things I want to say.

1. I am pretty sure Azazel was not a Seraph in canon. But the other two Seraphs have no name in canon, that I could find. So he used to be one before falling in my story.

2. The race of invaders had no name I just randomly made them up.

3. I realize that the various gods and other strong characters seemed to die quickly. The invading race is basically a super ancient, advanced race that multiplies quickly and goes around destroying ever other dimension they can find and colonizing some. So they are one of several different races you could consider as the big bads of the giant total universe.

4. I hope the kinda quick backstory helps explain the difference between the Naruto in the story and the canon one. Its why he seemed so different in attitude.

5. I will not write a battle between Naruto and Kaguya. Imagine it ending how you want it to.

Otherwise I hope I didn't do a shit job for the ending? If you have any questions or comments about the story feel free to pm me or write a review.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this story.