"And finally, I'd like to congratulate the entire graduating class." Principal Celestia spoke through the microphone on the stage set up on the school field. "I believe I speak for the entire school when I say the last four years have certainly been...magical." All in attendance cheered and clapped as the students tossed their caps into the air and celebrated the first day of the rest of their lives.

"Yee-haw!" Applejack shouted as many of the others shared her sentiment as many of them joined in group shots with the different clubs, bands and just friends.

"Rock and roll!" The members of Thunderstruck shouted as Photo Finish snap several pictures of them.

"Today couldn't get any better." Napalm said as the others split up to talk and celebrate.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Aria said as she walked up behind him, Taffy Shade in tow, holding Therma's hand as she waddled alongside her. Taffy herself had her own Crystal Prep cap and gown on as she joined her ex and his current girlfriend.

"Hey," He kissed Aria, hugged Taffy and gave his daughter a peck on the cheek as he lifted her onto his shoulders. "Hey P.F., hows about getting a picture of me and my favorite girls here?" Crimson turned his head slightly to see a boy with light green skin and green hair standing off in the distance. "That the guy?"

Taffy gave a nervous nod as Napalm was grim faced for a moment before changing to a smile. "Well, tell him to get over here. He's a part of this too."

On the front steps of the school Flash Sentry by himself after taking pictures with most of his friends as well as his parents having already taken more of their fair share of photos. He stared out at the rebuilt Wondercolt statue that had contributed much to many of the students' experiences in the last few years. "Hey, what are you up to?" He turned to see Sunset Shimmer standing to his right.

"Just thinking. These last few years seem like a crazy dream."

"I know. I mean portals to other worlds, sirens, nature spirits and girls with comic book powers. It's nuts to say the least." She took a seat next to him as she noticed his eyes fixed on the statue. "You thinking about Twilight?"

"How could I not? We have...had a lot going on. I just wish she could have been here."


Flash turned his gaze downward for a moment before he continued. "Just thinking about all of this. She's a princess, I'm just a high school graduate with a car and a band."

"You do rock."

"True, but even if I bar those differences, we're worlds away. I guess I never really thought about how this was going to work. I mean, can I really have a relationship with someone who I can never really be there for? It's just so many questions that I don't have answers for."

Sunset placed a hand to his shoulder. "It is a lot to think about, I'll admit. But I can offer a listening ear if you ever need one. We all can." She gestured to the other side of the two as Flash turned to see their classmates waving to him.

"How did...you know what, never mind."

Sunset reached into her bag and handed him her book and a pen. "I know it's not the same as her being here, but I know Twilight would love to hear from you personally. And like I said, no matter what, we're all here for you."

"Because we're Wondercolts forever!" Dash cheered as the rest of the graduating class sounded off.

"Thanks everyone."

"Time to capture the magics!" Photo Finish shouted as she placed her camera on it's tripod and set the timer before joining the rest of the class.

Ten Years Later

Ten years? Seems just like yesterday sometimes. Despite all the time we've been apart most of us have managed to keep in touch, one way or the other. Some of us have taken some very interesting turns in our lives.

Watermelody stayed close to home. She's followed her passion for acting and runs a local theater troupe with Nolan and Hazel. Caught a few of their shows. They're pretty good.

Cap and Blueberry are doing great last I heard. Blueberry's introduced a line of very fashionable animal friendly clothing with Rarity's help. She's still very supportive of Cap's desire to help nature and proceeds from her clothing line go towards helping to fund his wildlife preservation fund.

Heath, like he does in all things, swung for the fences and made it to a minor league baseball team. He played for a few seasons before he went back to school and got a degree in engineering.

Sweet Leaf and Teddy played the "Will they, won't they" game for a while before finally getting together. Teddy got a football scholarship and earned a master's degree in business. The two help run her families flower shop and they've even expanded, opening several more shops.

I guess I could say the same for Brawly and Starlight. It hit Starlight hard when her grandmother passed away. Glimmer and Sugar Belle did their best to cheer her up but it just seemed like she was in a bad place after that. Brawly came by and took her out for a night on the town to lift her spirits like he'd unknowingly done before. The rest is history.

Snips and Snails made some solid investments after school and they own a multi-million dollar shipping company. Just kidding, they work as part of Canterlot High's new custodial team. Fuchsia and Lavender teach there as well so never a dull day when they're on the job.

As for Indigo Wreath, he and Buzzsaw moved back out to her family home in the countryside and they help to run the her families furniture company. Turns out he has a knack for wood cutting. Guy's ripped now.

High Winds left town and joined the military, flying helicopter rescue missions. Unfortunately, she was in a bad crash while doing a test flight for a new vehicle. She survived but it left her paralyzed in both legs. High Winds was hit hard by this to say the least. Luckily she has a lot of great friends and family around to support her, with Curly inviting her to stay with him and helping her through physical therapy.

Scott Green. Guys had it up and down since school. He's worked for a fashion company before finding a calling as a lounge singer. Eventually signed on with a music label and he and Rarity tied the knot about three years ago and have a little girl. The divorce papers are being processed as we speak.

Sonata and Ringo married straight out of high school and moved out of town. No one has heard from either of them since they left, outside of a random postcard with the word "Chips" on it.

Aria Blaze followed her talent in boxing and took up a pro career after school. She actually won a title in her eighteenth fight and is a local celebrity. Aria's got a passion for the sport, though Adagio wishes she'd give it up for her own safety.

As for her and Napalm? Well, they have a...complicated thing going on. They worked things out so Napalm's daughter, Therma, spends some time out of the year with them. On top of that, they've got two kids of their own who don't exactly play nice with their half sister. Not really the best thing for an active athlete and a musician who are rarely in one place for too long. It didn't help that some tabloids and news articles started to surface about certain "activities"of Napalm, nor did it help that he'd been seen around with Fleur Dis Lee.

The two eventually ended up on a popular talk show to hash out their problems. That was a mistake. They went at each other on national television and it took Adagio to settle things then and there. She tore into the both of them and the two hashed it out. Funny, Crimson and Aria may have been the celebrities, but everyone was asking for Adagio's autograph after the show.

Speaking of Adagio, she's adapted surprisingly well living the human life with Wiz. He pulled another grand gestures on Napalm's suggestion to propose to her. Needless to say, it didn't go as planned, but Wiz won her over all the same. While he works for a big time electronics company, she's put her exquisite taste to good use, sampling and reviewing restaurants around the country on her blog, which has become very popular. The two wanted to have kids of their own but with Aria and Crimson away so much they basically consider the latter's kids, Falsetto and Prima Donna, their own.

Lyra and Bon Bon are...well, Lyra and Bon Bon. The two of them stayed close friends after high school. Still do everything together. Both went to the same college, got married on the same day. Heck, even Lyra's daughter and Bon's son share the same birth month. Honestly don't know whether it's endearing or creepy, but let's go with the former for now.

Can't talk about friends without talking about Flash Sentry. Who else can everyone in the school say they helped to set up with a princess? Flash went straight to the police academy straight out of high school. Surprisingly, Rose Heart signed up with him and the two became partners after graduating. The two always had each other backs. Flash really needed the support after he and Twilight broke up. It wasn't an easy decision for either of them. Then one day about three years ago Flash just up and disappeared without a word to anyone. Everyone hopes he's doing alright.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the girls that made our graduating class so lively.

Rainbow Dash went into competitive sports for a bit, specifically judo. She impressed in the tournament scene and caught the attention of a talent scout looking to sign someone for a new martial arts show, Hands of Iron. Dash also settled a long standing grudge against fellow showman, Trixie. Ms. Lulamoon plays opposite her on the show as her character's long running arch nemesis, Tuk Yo Chin.

Fluttershy still operates the animal shelter with Sandalwood. A lot of us come out each year to help out with fundraisers. Cherry and the rest of the band make it an annual thing to free themselves up to be a part of things and they always help produce a huge turnout. Fluttershy is always thankful for the extra help.

Rarity manages Carousel Boutique that she's worked at for years. Her passion for clothing has only increased in that time and she's put out some very inspired designs. The fall season will be upon us once again so I'd suspect she's working on something big. Despite her thing with Scott, she hasn't really found that "Prince Charming". She hasn't let that slow her down and continues to improve with her skills and making time for her daughter.

Then there's Pinkie Pie. To everyone's surprise, she and Thunderbass ended up together. Apparently it had something to do with Spring Break, a wild concert, and a duffle bag full of money. Yeah, we didn't ask. Anyway, she works with the Cake family now that they've expanded their business. No party, wedding or general get together in this town is ever complete without the help of everyone's favorite party planner.

Applejack still works on her family farm with Curly Winds. After the two put aside their competitive nature they made a pretty good team, though she's not afraid to be honest when Curly's gotten in over his head. AJ even managed to talk her wealthy aunt and uncle into loaning them a bit of money for Curly to open a fitness club. The place has done pretty well and they'll be opening a second one soon.

Though she attended our school for less then a month, Princess Twilight was an honorary member of our graduating class. I don't think any of us will ever forget the excitement she brought to the school, even if it was terrifying most of the time.

As for Sunset Shimmer, the former bad girl, well she was our class valedictorian, an honor that she was tied with Sophisticata for our entire senior year right up until the end. Sometimes it's hard to believe that this kind, friendly, helpful girl was the same person who used to terrorize the halls of the school. Just goes to show that anyone can change with the magic of friendship. Sunset travels quite a lot, like she's always wanted. And the guy she married is great. I mean really, really great. I'm talking every woman's desire, you couldn't find a better example of..."

"Micro, are you almost ready?" The bespectacled man turned his head away from the screen as Sunset Shimmer, donned in a teal dress walked into the room. "I'm used to being fashionably late, but I don't want to miss a second of this reunion."

"I know, I know," Micro said as he typed a few more words. "Just wanted to put the finishing touches on these memoirs."

Sunset smiled and leaned over the chair, resting her head next to his. "Don't you usually right memoirs once you're old?"

"Well seeing as how our lives so far have been jam packed with adventure I thought I'd get a head start."

"True, but still. Every woman's desire?" She questioned as she chuckled. The couple promptly departed their apartment and headed out the front door. Unknown to either of them, a familiar book began to glow and vibrate as it sat on a shelf with a host of others.

Arriving at the school grounds, the two were soon greeted by many friendly faces from their graduating class inside the gymnasium. "Sunset!" was all she heard as the solar haired girl was promptly tackled by the ever energetic Pinkie Pie, who wrapped her in a tight hug. "It's soooooo good to see you again!"

"Pinkie, we just had coffee last week."

"Darling, you know there's no half doing it when it comes to Pinkie." Rarity said as she and the rest of the elements walked up.

"Good to see you all." Fluttershy said.

"Just glad I could make it without drawing a crowd," Rainbow Dash noted. "You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get here without being noticed."

"I'm honestly surprised they made it here without a crowd." Applejack gestured over to Thunderstruck as Cherry and the band were making a big commotion on the other side of the gym. Despite the loudness of the rockers, everyone's attention soon turned to the doors as they swung open.

"What up my peeps?" The voice came from none other than Sonata Dusk alongside Ringo. She was clad in a white fur coat with gold rings on each hand and a pair of purple shades.

"Sonata?" Adagio said as she almost spit out her punch before running over to her. "Where have you been?"

"Duh, didn't you get my letter? I said 'chips'." Adagio tilted her head in confusion. "Hello, chips, casino chips, as in Las Pegasus. We made it big! We're rich!"

"You're kidding?"

"Nope, check out these rings. Solid gold, baby."

"Sonata?" Aria walked up to her in complete disbelief and wrapped her in a hug.

"Aww, it's good to see you too." Sonata was instantly surprised as Aria put her in a headlock.

"You little puke! I can't believe you! No one knew where you were. I worried about you!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Sonata screamed out as everyone around laughed.

"So how are things Sunset?" Applejack asked as they got back to their conversation.

"Good. Actually I..."

"Get off me!" They turn to see a little girl with tan skin and blonde hair with black streaks wrestling a slightly older boy with similarly colored skin with curly blue hair.

"Sorry Sunset, just a sec," Applejack apologized before shouting to the two. "Honey Crisp, get off your brother! Curly, you said you were gonna watch them." Curly, talking with Wiz, gave an innocent shrug before he went over and separated the children. "Sorry girls, our babysitter canceled. So Sunset, I've been meaning to ask, have you heard from the princess?"

"Yeah, I mean what's she been up to?" Rainbow inquired as well.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I haven't heard from her in a long time." The other girls lowered their heads slightly.

"Yeah, sorry about that," All of them turned as they heard a voice coming from the doors as an older Twilight came in. "Things have been a bit busy, but we didn't want to miss things." Her friends as well as all of their classmates rushed over and embraced her, before they barraged her with a series of questions.

"How have you been?"

"What's up?"

"How's our favorite princess?"

"Are you staying long?"

"Okay everybody give her some space." Sunset made some room between Twilight and the large group. "It's good to see you Twilight."

"You too. I wrote ahead. Guess you must have missed our call."

"The book? It's sitting on a shelf at the house. We rushed out the house so quickly. Wait, our call?"

"Yeah," A man's voiced confirmed as a blue haired male entered the room, placing a ringed hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Hey guys. Long time, no see."

"Flash!" Everyone shouted in excitement as they once again mobbed the two new arrivals.

"Stop!" An accented voice shouted as the group turned to see Photo Finish with her camera and tripod set up in front of them. "It is time to capture the magics." Everyone immediately grouped up and shouted in unison as the photographer snapped the picture, "Go Wondercolts!"