If I Choose You


The pale faced creature gazed at the rehearsal below as the scene progressed. As the next line was spoken Caliban readied himself on the pulleys which, much to his terror and the actor's dismay had stalled. The male lead, Simon began one of his usual fits.

"Get me down!" Simon hollered. His lover, Maud spoke up attempting to calm him. Caliban reversed the pulley and lowered him down.

"What's wrong?" The troupe leader, Vincent called.

"Sorry Vincent." Caliban muttered.

"I'm not going up there if he can't get the fucking pulls right!"

"Simon," Maud insisted. "Stop it."

"Sorry Simon; won't happen again." Caliban said lowly. Simon immediately dismissed his words with the same arrogance as usual. Letting his hatred for Caliban be well known to everyone in the room which caused them to erupt in laughter– even Vincent was laughing at him. Caliban glanced around his surroundings fearfully finding only faces and laughter at every turn.

Caliban woke with a start. He was breathing heavily trying to regain himself when a cool rag was placed against his cheek. He turned in alarm to a young girl with a damp rag in her hand. Caliban felt his breathing stall almost immediately. She was a vision; pale tan skin, vibrant hazel eyes like a forest at sunrise, full rosy lips, and a pale flush on her cheeks, but what stood out most was the crescent moon birthmark on her neck. She was wearing a bilious black dress that fell in a fluttering heap around her bare feet. She was completely beautiful.

"Are you alright?" She asked timidly. "I'm sorry if I startled you, but I got worried seeing you twitch about like a trapped rat."

"I… I'm fine ma'am." Caliban said turning away.

"Farina." The girl said.


"My name. It's Farina Adagio." Farina said extending her hand.

"I'm Caliban." He took her hand and shook it gently. She smiled at him then. It was an angel's smile. Farina dabbed the rag against Caliban's cheek. Gently dabbing away the beads of sweat that had formed across his face. She held his hand in her own as she worked to soothe him. To Caliban eternity seemed to stop and it was just the two of them. They weren't speaking just interacting.

"Is that better?"

"Yes, thank you ma'am."

"Farina. Call me Farina. Okay Caliban?"

"Of course… Farina."

Her soft hand cupped his cheek. "Go back to sleep Caliban. You'll feel better when you wake up, I promise." Farina whispered sitting down beside his bedding. He glanced around seeing not his former theater cellar home but the cholera infested tunnel-slums he moved into only days before. Although he had much to concern himself with Farina kept him at an uncanny calm. He felt almost safe around her.

She placed a cool hand on his shoulder pulling him downward onto his back and set the damp rag across his forehead folded neatly into a triangle although Farina sensed something was off. Caliban flinched at the contact and his body tensed at her gentle touches. She frowned slightly at the obvious discomfort and she worried she was the cause. She didn't fail to notice the scarring down his face that he had attempted to hide behind his sleek onyx locks. She felt a twinge of guilt and shame and came up with another idea.

"Don't worry and don't be afraid. I won't hurt you Caliban. My mother did this for me when I was little." Farina placed her hands on the sides of his head and rubbed gently.

"Did you have a nightmare?"


"It rattled you?"


"Would it help if I sang to you? I'm quite good."


Farina nodded. She took a moment to clear her throat. She moved her hands around his shoulders soothing his fears as she began her lullaby.

Soft and sweetened as the fruits of spring.

I seek a sparrow – young and free.

One that will linger forever in me.

Making a symphony only I can sing.

Oh such a raven and songbird compare

That the sparrow's proud voice as it fills the air.

Twitter and chirp and so boldly call

Out to the world till there's no voice at all.

Caliban sighed at the sound of her voice. It was like an angel had descended to ease him. Her warm digits caressing his neck as she sang in a clear voice. Each note seemed to rock him further into a peaceful sleep. He could feel darkness begin to fill his vision and his mind and body were going numb and heavy.

"You… have such… a… beautiful voice." Caliban murmured before he dozed off again. Farina stared down at him while he slept. He was completely calm and relaxed against her hands. She glanced at a young woman in a black dress staring at her from across the way. She was a volunteer handing out food and drink, the tray poised firmly in her hands. Farina couldn't see much of her face due to the surgical mask, a protection from the rampant cholera filling the air they were breathing, but her eyes gave away her smile all too easily. Farina stayed through the night her nails slightly pressed into her companion's body as she filled herself with his fear and sorrow. A sustaining meal for any Fairie of the Dark Court. She needed his anguish and the light of the moon to live but his pain tasted different. It was not sweet like a broken heart or tart like as if he had been lied to. His pains tasted bitter and metallic like poisoned water and Farina knew immediately that his pains were both great and uniquely destructive.

'What a poor man.' She thought. 'What has caused him this flavor?'