Nijimura often wondered how he ended up at Teiko with the six little monsters that everyone labled "Miracles."

He also wondered how he managed to put up with each of them. After all, they were just kids in middle school, and they got on his nerves quite a bit.

But... by that same logic, wasn't he a child, too?

He certainly didn't feel like it. With his father's declining health, being head of the basketball team, relenquishing his title, and letting these younger boys take over...

Well, it made him feel impossibly old.

"Nijimura-san, why aren't you on the court yet?"

The soft question from behind him made him jump just a bit. He, like many other people on Teiko's team, couldn't quite get used to Kuroko's lack of presence.

Forcing down his surprise, Nijimura turned his head to face the little blue-haired boy, and offered him a small smile. "I'm just thinking some things over, Kuroko-kun." He patted the bench beside him, signalling that the Shadow could sit beside him if he wished. "I'm watching the others, too. Care to join me?"

Kuroko hesitated just slightly before stepping over the bench and sitting beside his upperclassman, resting his elbows on his knees.

After a few moments of silence - apart from the squeaking basketball shoes and swishes of the net - Nijimura glanced over at the second-year once more. "What are you thinking about, kiddo?" From what he'd seen before, Kuroko's mind was a complex labyrinth of thoughts and emotions, even though his face showed none of his inner turmoil.


Nijimura felt a smile coming on. "You can't be thinking about nothing, or else you'd be a brainless little starfish. Are you a starfish, Kuroko-kun?"

Kuroko's lips quirked up a bit at the corners, and he glanced at his senpai from the corner of his eye. "Maybe Nijimura-san is the brainless little starfish."

Nijimura promptly gave the boy a light swat to the back of his head, eliciting a laugh from the Shadow. "No, you're definitely the starfish, kid. Don't argue with your seniors," he warned when he saw Kuroko move to speak.

Things went quiet once more, until Kuroko apparently decided that he wanted to say something. "What were you thinking about, Nijimura-san?" When he got no immediate response, he continued, "Your father?"

"Partly," Nijimura relented, reaching out to ruffle the boy's pale blue hair. "But I was also thinking about you guys. I'm concerned about you and the others - Aomine's started acting so strange lately, and Murasakibara's harder to handle than usual. Even Akashi's changing."

Kuroko bowed his head in affirmation, and looked over at the Technicolored players on the court. "I don't know what's going on, really." A wave of depression filled his sky blue eyes as he glanced at his hands. "I'm afraid that they're not having fun anymore. That playing basketball is a chore. Aomine's already said that no one could beat him. I know I need to do something, but don't know what I can do... I feel like I'm responsible. Like I've played a part in changing them..."

Nijimura was surprised at just how sad Kuroko sounded. Like it was his fault or something. He was blaming himself for something entirely out of his control.

Nijimura knew what that felt like. After what felt like an eternity of watching his father get worse and worse, he'd begun blaming himself for the very disease that was taking his parent's life. He'd spent so many hours wracking his brain for what he could do differently, what he'd done wrong. Every single time he'd helped his father do something that required movement, and his father would flinch in pain, it was automatically Nijimura's fault.

At least, that's how it was in his mind.

And after so long of relentlessly berating himself with his thoughts and putting so much unnecessary weight on his own shoulders, it felt as though he was suffocating every moment of every day. The cruel things he would say to himself never ceased. The pressure never ended.

There was no helping it.

He'd already grown up far too fast...

...But it didn't have to be that way for these kids.

"There's no need for you to think that way." Nijimura surprised himself with how strong his voice came out. He glanced over at the Shadow to make sure he was paying attention, and smiled softly when he saw Kuroko's eyes trained on his face. Seeking, perhaps, for the very reassurance that Nijimura was offering. "You're not responsible for any of them, Kuroko. Don't worry about things that you have no control over, okay?" He paused to let the words sink in, and saw the blue-haired boy's eyes widen a fraction of an inch. Then, he continued, "You can't change them. You can just change you."

For added emphasis, Nijimura reached out and lightly prodded Kuroko's chest with his index finger. And for a moment or two, Kuroko just sat there, his eyes fixated on the floor beneath his blue-and-white basketball shoes. Nijimura could practically see the gears in his mind turning.

Finally, Kuroko spoke. "That's very wise, Nijimura-san. Thank you."

Nijimura smiled and reached out to tousle his already-messy blue hair - he clearly hadn't gotten all of the bedhead out of it that day. "Don't thank me. Just think about it." He stood, stretched his back, and looked back down at the boy. "I'll try and make time to talk to the others at some point this week. That sound good?"

Kuroko nodded and got to his feet as well. "I would appreciate that very much. But, Nijimura-san..."

"Hm? What?"

"Don't worry about things you can't control."

Nijimura paused for a heartbeat to process what the boy had said, and by the time he'd connected that Kuroko had been referencing his father, the Shadow was already on the court with the others.

With a sigh, the black-haired young man turned and headed over to the ball bin to choose his own basketball. While, no, he wasn't a starter anymore, he still needed his practice. He couldn't let the second-years show him up, after all.

As he released a well-aimed three-pointer into the air, Nijimura thought about each of the boys in the Generation of Miracles, and how in danger they were. If things kept going in the direction they were heading - the selfishness, the laziness, the cockiness, - then they were setting themselves up for failure.

While, like Kuroko, Nijimura knew that he couldn't change them, he could at least show them how young they still were. How much time they still had to enjoy life. How they didn't have to grow up just yet.

And maybe, just maybe, Nijimura could learn a thing or two himself.

I'm really not sure where this idea came from. I do know, though, that I can sympathize with Nijimura. Having a sick parent is the absolute worst thing. My mother's been ill since I was eight - ten whole years, now. No, she isn't dying, but there were times when we thought she was. It's emotionally scarring, and terrifying. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

So, this little fic is going to be about six/seven chapters long. Just a chapter for each of the Miracles, and then an epilogue chapter. Yes, each chapter will be about Nijimura's interactions with a different GoM member. c: Kuroko was just the beginning.

Also, I don't know how long the chapters will be. Some may be monstrously long. Some may be short. But I think this chapter will be the shortest, at 1,196 words.

Yeah, I realize that I should probably be updating my SYOCs. I know. But I'm really stressed right now, and writing KnB fics is really helping me feel a little better. I guess I feel less pressure with them.

Anyhow, God bless you! Have a great, great, great day.
