Today is the day, nothing and no one will get in my way. Grabbing my tote I was ready for today. I left my contacts at home and went with glasses today, with my hair in a tight bun at the back of my head I felt more restrained and focused, I'm ready to go I just need to grab breakfast and a glass of orange juice. Kate was on the phone as I walked into the kitchen this morning smiling and twirling her haicould only mean it was Elliot on the other line, maybe this is good for her. I waved and made kissing faces as I sat down to eat, Kate and AfterElliot ther date how romantic.

When I think about it, why aren't I looking for romance? I just need someone to take the edge off. Relationships are not really my thing, they always end up leaving in the end after they get what they want. I probably shouldn't be so jaded, but the experiences I've had and the relationships I've been privy to witness hasn't been great. There's something inside that is screaming for more, what that is I don't know. Why didn't I have someone strong and dependent to call on? Sure I had great friends and a promising career which just got better. I should be happy, but there's something missing.

After I'm done I empty my plate and wave to Kate as I head out. I heard her say good luck. Will I ever feel that feeling, wanting to talk to someone on the phone for hours, being giddy and in love? I don't think there's a man out there who can handle me, the demons I fight on a daily basis to remain sane. But today is about moving forward, dealing with the present, what I can control at this time.

Today is about me, I keep the windows rolled up on my way to work and turn the air conditioner up so my nerves won't get the best of me and start showing through my clothes. My first stop is going to be to the office then I'm heading down to the site to walk through. This ball is going to get rolling today. My phone rang, and the caller id showed it was from my mom. I didn't want to ruin my mood and focus so I will call her after work to find out what she wanted. The notification for voicemail appeared on my home screen, I'll check that around lunch by then I should be prepared to listen.

Mr. Lopez greeted me as I walked in with a wave and went back to reading his newspaper. He was one of a few people who still depended on paper instead of the internet and tablet versions. I'm guilt of using the tablet version myself, it's more convenient and I don't have to worry about it blowing away in the wind. There must have been some interesting news for him not to hold a conversation this morning. But I'm in my zone as well, I get into the elevator and head to my office. I stop by Jalisa's desk before I head to my own.

"Hey honey how are you this morning? I haven't spoken to you since the night in he bar, I'm sorry but there were issues at home, on another note a little birdie told me someone went home with the boss. Care to share any news?" I think I changed four shades of red in a span of 10 seconds, oh no I hope no one else knows about this. Office gossip is just as bad as being in high school. I look around to make sure no one is giving me funny looks.

"Calm down Ana, no one else knows, but I would say it's about time someone caught his eye, I've seen the way he looks and follows you with his eyes so care to share?"

"No I don't care to share, at least not right now and besides nothing happened, I drank too much and he showed up where we were and it's actually kind of hazy so I think I'll go to my office to collect my thoughts." I say this as I walk away I can hear her behind me, we'll talk later she says. I unlock my office and notice there are messages waiting already, my phone doesn't usually blink like this until after lunch. I log into my office computer and notice several emails are waiting marked urgent. I see there are a few from Mr. Capmon requesting me to come to his office when I get in today. I checked the rest of my emails and made sure all the vendors were up to date and everything was set to start. I made an appointment with the contractor to meet after lunch to go over some final details and a walk through to make sure all of permits in order. I printed off work to give to my assistant and headed to Mr. Capmon's office.

I forgot to turn on my new phone this morning, when I did I see there was a message from Christian, wishing me a good morning. I couldn't help but smile, I haven't reached out to him since our last chat session. I needed to keep my head on straight for this week at least. When I walk into office I notice Christian and Mia sitting there, this is a surprise. I wonder why he wouldn't let me know he was coming in today. He saw the phone in my hand and smiled before standing and introducing me to Mia.

"Hi Ana it's so nice to finally meet you, I absolutely love all of your plans and can't wait for my opening. I hope you don't mind but I just couldn't wait any longer to meet you so I flew in early. Christian spoke very highly of you, come here and give me a hug we're going to be

seeing a lot of each other." I couldn't help but to smile myself her excitement was contagious, I looked at Christian over her shoulder, and he had a tender look in his eye watching his sister. He winked and sat back down. She grabbed my hand and sat me next to her.

"It's so nice to finally meet you Mia, I'm so happy you love my vision and I hope everything you've dreamed of comes true. I thought about how I would want my own restaurant to be and went from there. I admit this is a surprise but a great one."

Mr. Capmon spoke up then, "Ana with Mia being here we are going to get started right way with getting all of the permits and things in order, there will be meetings on your schedule this week, I have to leave for a week on an unexpected trip so I will leave everything in your

hands until I get back and if you need anything you have my cell. Today's meeting is about strategizing." As he opened his folder to go over this week I spoke up to let him know what was in place for today.

"Mr. Capmon I looked to Christian and Mia as well, I already have plans to meet with the contractor after lunch today if you all wanted to come along it would be great. I can walk you through all of ideas for the restaurant. This way we would be ahead of schedule with your viewing and the final okay before we begin tearing down walls." Mia was beaming with excitement.

" Ana that is great, I love how on top of things you are, I always knew great things were in store for you, well I'll let you all get a move on, I have other meetings today, it was great seeing you again Mr. Grey, Mia." Mr. Capmon gathered his things and left.

"That is a great idea Ana, me and Christian are going to grab lunch why don't you join us that way we can discuss more ideas and get to know each other better." I thought about this for a second. I have work that needs to be done before I meet the contractor I was planning on working through lunch so I would be ahead, I like to have a plan, and plans help me function throughout the day.

"Thank you so much for the invitation Mia I would love to have lunch with you and Mr. Grey but I may have to take a rain check, there is some last minute work that needs to be done before we head to the contractor. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better-." before I could continue Christian looked at me with a raised brow.

"Surely you could make some time for lunch, eating is very important you have to make sure you take care of yourself before business, we'll be waiting down stairs, see you in an hour." I looked to Mia and she was just sitting there with a smile on her face watching the exchange

between Christian and me.

"Of course Mr. Grey, I'll delegate some of my tasks and meet you for lunch, where shall I meet you?"

"No more formalities Ana, Christian is fine from this day forward, makes it more personable, no need to meet us we'll be waiting in the car for you" he looked at me directly in the eye as he said this, I guess he means business and of course I didn't want to make a bad impression on Mia.

I looked to Mia again "I look forward to our lunch date Mia, I should be getting back to make sure I don't keep you all waiting." I gathered my things and began to walk to the door, before I could open the door Christian was behind me and placed a hand to my lower back, scorching me with his touch, I couldn't help the warmth that spread through me. I looked at him with a questioning look.

"You haven't responded to my messages. Is everything ok?" as he looked down at me it seemed as if everything around us disappeared. The way he looks into my eyes is as if he can see into my soul, or it may be wishful thinking on my part. I took a deep breathe before I spoke.

"I actually just turned on the phone before I came into the meeting, and I haven't gotten any more was there something that you needed?" the look he gave me let me know exactly what he wanted but I'm not sure what he needs.

"Yes" was all he said, well okay. I had to get back to my office before I made decisions that would make me even more rattled than I 'am now. "I need to get back to my office Christian so I can make lunch with you and Mia. I promise to check my messages and respond." I say this with a smile and turn to leave again.

"See you soon Ana" Mia says with a smile, oh no I forgot she was in the room with us, this man has my mind in wonder land. I need to make a good impression on Mia and I don't need her thinking her brother is what's driving me to get this done. No matter what happens or doesn't happen with Christian will not have an effect on my work. I hurry to my office to get things done before my impromptu lunch. I call Jalisa as I sit down to talk with her so she can calm my nerves. I needed this lunch and meeting with the contractor to go well, my plans for the week have changed and I need to get myself together.

I walk over to my window and think about how far I've come. Growing up with a single mom who always looked for a man to validate her, money was more important than her child. Growing up being told money equals love. To endure the heartache from an absentee father who never called to make sure you were ok, never called to wish you a happy birthday. From the abuse of men, turning to alcohol and sex to feel a void. My life has always felt like something was missing. Turning off my emotions have been easy for me, using men for my pleasure rather than have them take it has been my refuge if you can call it that. No attachments, no love means less heartache for me. Pain is different on so many levels. Who really understands?

I always do this to myself, start thinking about the past brings me down. I try to live for today and make the most out of what I have now. Work makes me happy and this restaurant is my chance to really live and enjoy myself. This think with Christian I don't know where it's

going to take me or what we actually have but it's making me feel and want things I haven't thought about before. I'm going to try and keep a level head even if it kills me. It's time for lunch so I grab my purse and both phones and head out.