Hope Abandoned

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own the Rise or Guardians or the Guardians of Childhood.

Pitch's deep seeded hatred for Bunny goes far deeper than anyone realized. His new mission is to completely and utterly destroy his old enemy and he figured out the prefect way to break him once and for all. After capturing the guardians, he strikes a deal with Bunny for their freedom. If the guardians are to live, he must fuck Jack and both must cum. Using the feelings of the guardians against each other, he sits back and watches their torment.


Italic- thought or quotes.

Bold- Flashback

Jack's heart stopped for the second time in his existences as the blade rapidly slide down towards it's final destination knowing Pitch was not there to stop it. He wanted to close his eyes; he didn't think he could live with the grisly memory of his loved ones bisected down the middle. Fear, however, was sort lived. The nightmare sand chain was not the only thing to dissipate, the binds holding the guardian melted away, giving Sandy just enough time to create a golden barrier right before the blade hit Tooth again. Not wasting a moment's time, the trio dashed from their seats allowing Sandy to finally relax letting the blade decimate the chairs beneath them. Splinters of wood shot off of their host, landing somewhere on the floor to be forgotten and left to decay.

Breathing a sigh of relief North looked over his comparators. 'Shambles' was the only words he could think of. Tooth's head wound still trickling blood, most likely from the sudden movements a moment ago. Sandy, was up and about searching the shadows for something. Bunny just stood there like a zombie, his eyes not seeing anything and Jack, dear Jack, was looking right at him for some sort of guidance. What sort of help could he be know? Only rage seemed to bubble underneath the thin layer of skin.

Pitch…he will get what is coming to him. North thought trying to keep himself focused on what was in front of him.

Tooth's slender arms wrapped themselves around Jack trying to give any sort of comfort she could. "Sweet Tooth, are you alright?" She knew it was a stupid question but still she had to ask. Even sitting, she could eye what sort of condition he was in. Despite Bunny's desperate attempts to be gentle, Jack's body spoke of the horrors he survived. Purplish, paw sized bruises already started to form on his pale hips. Thick bands bearing the same color decorated his throat and wrists from the struggles with the nightmare sand restraints. But looking farther down, she was impressed at her own control as her voice stayed, not a sound leaving her lips or rumbling from her throat. Blotches of textured white issue coated his stomach. However, the other damage concerned her far more. Crimson and white liquid decorated his legs and backside, dribbling out leaving smears on the floor where he sat. They needed to get home and quickly to assess the extent of the internal damage. She prayed it was not too extensive. Moon knows how Bunny would take it if it were the case.

Even though she did not speak of the state of his body, her eyes gave her away. Refusing to have her feel sort of anxiety, he tried to flash her one of his famous smiles but his lips twitched as she tried to help him stand. The white hot pain shooting through his spine nearly caused him to collapse back to the floor. The only thing stopping him was the blank look on Bunny's face. He couldn't show any weakness in front of him. Not after everything he had been through. They would make it out of here together. Feeling the softness of fabric brush against his skin, Jack looked down to see Sandy hold his clothes. "Thanks."

Refusing any help Jack instead on dressing himself. It wasn't until his third time nearly falling, did he allow North to assist him. Jack was thankful for no one's comments. He knew damage was done to his body but his inability to dress himself only made this initial feeling of helplessness intensify.

They needed to get out of there. Pitch might be gone but there was no guarantee he wouldn't come back and as much as North wanted to skin the bastard alive, he knew Jack was his first priority. He would deal with Pitch later. Rummaging thought his coat he sighed. North should have known Pitch would have taken his snow globes. Cautiously, he turned to the only other person who could help. "Bunny." He waited a moment to see if his friend would acknowledge him. When he didn't, North gently placed a large hand on both of his shoulders. The slightly contact causing his friend not only to look him in the eye but also jump slightly. Pitch you shall pay for this… "My friend, we need to get out of here. I do not have any snow globes. Your tunnels are the only way out." Even though he hoped for some sort of vocal response, Aster only tapped his foot twice opening a hole most likely to the North Pole.

Despite Jack's protests, North swept the boy up in his arms as he leapt into the darkness.

The moment North's black boots hit the polished wooden floors of Santoff Claussen, he became to bark orders sending the yetis and elves running to unquestioningly obey their master's orders. For the first time knowing the man, they were afraid. They could feel the anger radiating off his being and no one wanted any part of it.

He only calmed slightly when Jack reminded him they all made it out. Looking down at his son, he tried to take comfort in weight in his arms. They did make it out now to see to the damage. North needed to have a look at both Jack and Tooth. He feared infection might set in, making the healing process harder than it had to be and while they were immortal this did not negate the possibility of extended healing time or a increase in unnecessary in pain. While he knew Aster was physically unharmed, the rabbit man still looked with glass doll eyes completely lifeless and unmoving. North didn't even want to think about the damage this predicament caused. His friend always tittered on the edge of insanity and self destruction.

"Aster, relax and clean yourself." He motioned in the direction of the bathrooms. North felt more like a master ordering a dog around than advising his dear friend on the best course of action as he watched him walk toward his destination. Sharing a look with Sandy, the pair slightly agreed to watch over him as Sandy rushed to shadow their friend. Now that Bunny was taken care of, he needed to attend to his family.

Never before did Aster feel as out of place as he did in that moment standing in one of the many bathrooms in Santoff Claussen. Reddish brown paint covered the steep walls giving it a cathedral like feeling as white porcelain seemed to contrast the wall. Tub, sink, all porcelain. The washbowl embedded into a column of carved cherry wood. Springs of pine wrapped around the wash basin, adding a touch of green to the jolly atmosphere. Pale marble covered the floor giving Aster a cold rush through the fur on his feet. But it was the mirror, he truly hated. Reflecting back at him, his own visage twisted and deranged. His smooth gray fur now matted and tangled with dirt and grime. He wished it was only remnants of the filthy floor he awoke on but the blood and cum matted in his lowered half washed away the notion. He hated the mirror. Hated who he saw. What had become of him? Was this who he was now? A rapist? Destroyer of Hope? The invisible marionette strings pulled as he fist smashed into the mirror shattering shards of glass and silver all over the festive bathroom.

"What was that?" Even from the other room, the royal family could hear the destruction of the mirror. Attempting to rise from the bed, Jack's efforts were halted by a gentle hand placed on his chest forcing him to lay back down. A desperate look paint Jack's face. He knew Bunny was where the noise originated from. Could he have been hurt from their captivity and not spoken of it? He wouldn't put it passed him. It wouldn't be the first time either.

While there was little she could do for him physically, putting his mind to rest would have to be her contribution. "Rest Sweet Tooth, we will see." Looking towards her partner, they calmly rushed out of the room fearful of what they might find.

Rushing down the vast hallway, they spotted Sandy banging on the bathroom door, silently begging for entrance. North was not in the mood to play games and it being his home took the initiative and raised a boot to the door. Slamming the bathroom door open, they found Aster sitting among the shards of glass, his paw tightly gripping one of the large pieces. The sharp edges cutting deep into his paw causing the crimson blood to spill on the snow white floor. It was the same look from before. A vacant stare, Aster only looking at the mess surrounding him and not focusing on his wounded paw or much else. Not even his friends.

Tooth fluttered over the glass, hovering close to her friend. "Bunny?" His panting reverberated though the expansive bathroom echoing in their ears. "It there anything we can do?"

Looking over to her, his breath became trapped in his throat as he spotted the bandage wrapped around her head. It was his fault. All of it. It was then he made his choice.

Sleep would not come easy to them. Tooth knew this from past traumas. She was tempted to use the bag of sand given to her for such an occasion but doing so would only help avoid the problem they all faced. Feeling the bed sink beside her, she wrapped her arms around North's expansive chest, bringing her head down to hear his heart beat. On sleepless nights, the steady rhythm would lull her to sleep better than any sand could, completely comforted, surround by love. But tonight the rhythm was different. It pounded a bit harder, a bit louder and a bit off beat. "Nicholas?" She raised her head to look into her lover's eyes.

Distant eyes seemed to come back to their center as her voice acted as a homing beacon. "Yes, golubushka?" He knew it was a bit old fashioned but still he called her the sweet name. She was his little dove. She brought him peace even in the most trying of times. Even now, just laying there in their bed, he was overcome with a shocking sense of peace.

"You are thinking. I would like to know what about?" She no longer desired to play games. Their day had been too long and too tiring for such foolishness. Even though he always meant well, he did not need to bear the burden alone. Nicholas tried to shield them from the damages as best he could. He patched the three of them up the best he could, Jack would be sore for a few days, Bunny's hand would heal in a day or two as would her head but still the wheels in his head were turning at an alarming rate and she wished to know where they were heading.

"You need not worry." The events proved he was incapable of preventing harm to his family but he was a stubborn man and would try with all his might to protect them. Regardless of the consequences.


"Please, golubushka. Let us rest. Morning should bring better news." Little did he know, morning would not be any brighter.

Sandy was used to late nights. But tonight instead of wandering the world spreading the golden dream sand, he haunted the halls of Santoff Claussen patrolling for Nightmares or out of place shadows. Refusing to sleep until his friends awoke from their slumber, he drifted silently and aimlessly. A dark premonition refused to leave him, the bloody mess in the bathroom. For all of Aster's unyielding strength he was still human…sort of. His mental state, prayed on his mind refusing to give him a moments peace. Aster…he never really opened up about anything. Kept it close to his chest. Never wanting to show a dent in his armor. Always pretending. Always hiding behind a quick jab or a vituperative comment. Only on very rare occasions would he see his friend brake down, letting eons of pain out in a violent burst of tears and screams. All the comfort in the world could not erase the pain. Even with the dream sand, nightmare, no memories, plagued, him forcing him to stay awake for days.

Would he break now? In his mind, Sandy reassembled the pieces of the mirror. Were they all there? He was sure there were no pieces missing. But could he be wrong? What about the hunting knife? Vivid images of Aster's blood wrists maddened his mind causing him to flee towards his friend's room.

Quietly, hoping not to wake Aster, Sandy glided inside only to find the bed empty.

One week.

7 days.

168 hours.

That was all the time which passed from their escape to the present. Their world changed that day. Jack was on the mend. His injuries were all but healed. However, he was still confined to the workshop for fear Pitch might try to take him again. In the past, Jack might have rebelled, claiming he could take care of himself and didn't need to be babied in such a manner. But now, he reluctantly agreed putting up the minimal amount of arguing if only to keep up appearances. Part of it was not for his safety but for North's sanity or what was left of it. The man seemed obsessed with finding Pitch. Always asking Sandy if he saw anything during his runs if perhaps there was something which seemed out of place. But nothing ever came to mind. The man nearly stopped sleeping and might have stayed up nights on end if it hadn't been for Tooth dragging him to bed, telling him it was not good for Jack to see him this way. It was only at the mention of his son did he reconsider. Tooth now practically lived in those frozen halls if only to make sure her boys didn't do something incredibly stupid. Her feminine intuition told her Nicholas was going to do something. She didn't know what. She didn't know when, but something was going to happen and she needed to be there to prevent a devastating outcome. Sandy tried to cheer everyone up, especially Jack. He would try to entertain Jack during his entrapment. The pair came up with a storytelling game. Sandy would create a random picture with sand and Jack would come up with a story to go along with it. He tried to steer the pictures away from anything which might bring up the hell of Pitch's torture but some things could not be helped. Even with Sandy's help, Jack's heart was heavier than it ever was. To make matters worse, there was only one thing Jack wanted to know. "Where's Bunny?" He would ask. And ask. And ask. Bunny…He left shortly after they returned. Fearing for his friend, Sandy attempted to visit multiple times, knocking on Warren's outer door only to receive no answer. No one knew what happened to their friend. They could only hold their breath and wait.

"Please eat something, Sweet Tooth." Her toothsome voice cooed as she once again promoted Jack to take a nibble of his cooling soup. The poor thing had no appetite at all. No matter what was made, he still didn't eat. Only after begging would he acquiesce the hunger strike. Tooth knew his current diet wasn't as appealing as normal. North put him on a light diet for a few days to help with healing the internal injuries. Despite his unwillingness to eat, it was his uncharacteristically wistful eye which broke her heart the most. His sad eye always looking to the door, hoping for a familiar furry face to pop by but never transpiring.

"Where's Bunny?" His once strong voice now no more than a whisper on the wind.

She knew the question was coming. Every day, at least once, he would ask. "I'm not sure, dear. Knowing him, back home healing. You know how proud he is." Despite her assertion, she couldn't help this sinking feeling. He had to at home. Where else could he be?

Jack's silence brought about much of the same concerns. The boy might be over 300 years old but he was still a teenager at heart. He never went through the motions of developing a meaningful relationship. Knowing the joys and struggles to make it work, sometimes hope seeming like a flicker to go out at any moment. He never learned to communicate. "You love him, don't you?"

"Yeah. I don't think that will change anytime soon." Jack didn't blame Bunny for what happened in that hell but he did blame him for not being there now. What sort of coward abandons his friends?

Maybe you are what he needs. "The next time you see him, tell him."

"But he knows!" Or he should.

"No, he does not. What he knows is what Pitch forced you to say. Tell him what is in your heart. Bunny is a tough nut to crack. He always has some type of wall up but you were able to get through it. Trust me. He really cares for you, Sweet Tooth."

Anger seemed to fling forth as the room's temperature dropped causing Tooth to shiver. "If he cares so much about me then were the fuck is he?"

Suddenly, his face was pressed against soft flesh and feather as the rhythm beneath beat steadily in lullaby like fashion. "I know it is hard to understand, but Bunny tries to be a strong person. You don't really know much about his past and in reality, we can only guess how much he is hurting. Ever since I met him, he tried to stay at arms length, he didn't want to be near people, wanted to stay away but over time, a small chip was made and we were able to worm ourselves into his rocky heart. Not much, but a little. You, on the other hand, shattered it. In the 500 years I've known him, I've never known him to smile so freely or laugh as much as he does with you. But he hurt you-"

"It wasn't his fault!" How could he every think that! It was Pitch's fault not Bunny's.

"I know that and you know that! But Bunny…he might not see it that way. He failed to protect you and while it may not have been his intention, he hurt you. In his mind, staying away might be for the best."

"Stupid kangaroo…"

Nearly silent, his steps fell upon the earthen floor of warren as he made his way through the abysmal place he called home. Home. It seemed like such a bright and loving word. But to him this place was now his prison once again. A place he never hoped to leave. A place where he would die. Alone. That was what he wanted. To be alone once more. Alone was safe. Not just for him but for everyone else. It was better this way.

Following the well worn path to his room, a trembling hand reached out for part of his past hidden behind boxes and trinkets given to him over the centuries. Seeking only by touch, he was able to find what was long forgotten. Out into the dim room, the green fabric felt more like comfort blanket than a burial shroud. Tears pricked at his eyes as he looked at the earthy green coat. A house coat. It really didn't do much in the way of keep out the cold. It was more a mental thing. He couldn't remember where or when he acquired this piece of clothing but he always kept it. Never able to part with it even after he had shed that part of his life.

His old life seemed like just yesterday and a life time ago all wrapped up into one. Back then he was carful. Refusing to let anyone in his life. A hermit. That was what he was, a hermit. Before he was dragged out from his safety to assist in saving Katherine. It wasn't so bad. Not really. No one to bother you. No one to correct you or insult you. No one to care if you lived or died. No one to miss you. No one to hurt. It was better this way, he reasoned as he once again donned his mantle of a coat. Everything would be as it should be.

Tooth meant well. She always did and Nicholas was grateful for her presences but right now he didn't need someone calm and collected. He needed rage and anger. Something that could incinerate any enemy if given the opportunity. He needed Aster. At first, when Sandy had no luck getting the rabbit to come out, North was willing to give it some time. But a week had passed and still no hid or hair of the rabbit man leaving North's stomach a bit queasy. Aster was not in the best shape when he left Santoff Claussen that night. Part of him wished he could have forced his friend to stay, but taking away another choice from him, even if it was for his benefit, could've done more harm than good. So, he did the only thing he could do. Let him leave and hope to see him very soon. But nothing! Not even to check on Jack. His belly told him there was trouble and he needed to get into Warren. Enlisting Sandy's help, the pair made their way to North's office. Quickly locking the door, he pulled out one of the snow globes and whispered, "Inside Warren."

Warren had seen better days. Even in the short amount of time, a thin layer of dust seemed to cover everything, even the dirt floor. Gone were the comforting sounds of nature they had come to know in warren. Only silence. Not even the sentinels did not budge, leaving the warren feeling more like a mausoleum than an earthen home.

A morbid thought crossed North's mind. If the sentinels are not moving…Aster wouldn't! No! He couldn't!

Sandy seemed to read his friend's mind as they hurried though the rooms shouting, trying to get their host's attention. A reaction anything! Anything was better than silence. Even in the dead of night on the coldest day, there was still noise. Noise meant life. Lack of noise meant…

His large body stopped short, Sandy crashing into him, but still he did not move. Over in the corner, partially covered with shadows, he was able to make out the body of his friend. "Bunny?" His breath caught in his throat as he inched his way towards his friend terrified at the prospect of what he might see. Please…

It was only when he saw the slightest movement; a twitch did his heart stop racing. Alive. He was alive. Again he called. "Bunny?" Still he received no response.

Sandy floated closer to their friend taking in the pitiful picture of what he had become. Cobwebs started to work their way up the spiny legs of the chair as dust not only blanketed the floor but their host as well. But what was more striking was the green cloth around his body. A tendril of fear clenched at his heart. He remembered the day Aster put the coat away. He said after so many centuries of loneliness, with this coat as his only true companion, it was time to move on. The world still turned and people still needed hope. From that day, he left behind the cold logical Pokka and became the wild rabbit they came to know and love.

"Aster?" A bulky hand reached out to gently shake their friend. Surely he was still awake. His eyes were open with his spectacles perched near the end of his nose.

The orbs behind the green glass shifted slightly to observe his guests. "North. Sandy. What are ya doin here?" His voice sounded horse and raspy as if it was not in use for some time. Even when they first met, North knew his voice never sounded like that. The rabbit always liked to talk to the flora which adorned Warren.

"We came to see you, my friend. We were worried." And with good reason. He added to himself. "Come; let us go to the kitchen, yes?" He reached out his hand placing it under Aster's bicep to guide him through the home.

Still nothing moved, not even the air. No words were spoken as they made their way back to the kitchen. Aster offered no explanation of his absence or inquiries about the others. Silences.

Once in the kitchen, their host deposited himself in the nearest chair and began where he left off in the other room.

Trying not to think too much about Bunny's state, Sandy busied himself making tea. Hopefully the warm liquid would help his throat.

"Ya shouldn't be here." The words caught them both off guard, forcing them to turn to the rabbit. His expression never changing from the neutral faced they found him wearing.

"Of course we should. You are our friend and-"

"Ya should leave. Both of ya."

"Aster. We want to help. Please let us." He pleaded. Something in his friend's voice caused him to quake in his boots. It was a voice unlike any he ever heard from him. It was empty. Hollow.

"There is nothing ya can do. Save yar self the time and energy." His eyes never even made contact with theirs. They just looked straight ahead not really seeing the others.

"What are you talking about? Come. Let's get you something to eat and bathed. You will feel much better."

"Nicholas." It wasn't often Bunny used his given name but hearing it in the dead tone caused him to stop. "I have nothing."

"I do not understand. What do you mean nothing?" Sandy's eyes grew wide as the reality of the situation began to sink into them both. "This is absolute nonsense and I will not stand to hear it from you!" The nightmare sand was kinder than this reality.

"There is nothing ya can do. Why don't ya both go?"

Trying to stay calm North ran a hand through his snowy hair. He had to do something. He didn't want to bring it up so soon. But maybe this would shock him out of it. Sinking to the floor, he brought his eyes level with his friend. "I need your help, my friend. I am going after Pitch. Please, I know if you help me, we can get him. For good! He will hurt no one ever again. Please, get up!"

Sandy had a feeling that was North's ace up the sleeve. But seeing Aster just sit there are the declaration only confirmed the finality of it all. "I'm sorry." He muttered. "But I have nothing left. Not even my anger. I really don't. Just leave me be and go on with yar lives."

"We shall do no such thing, Aster! Come, get up. You still have it in you." North tried to get the boneless body to rise but whenever his hand left the other's frame, he just sank back to his seat. "You can't let Pitch win!"

Slowly, his head turned to see them. He felt nothing. No sorrow. No anger. No hate. "Nicholas. I've been fighting Pitch for eons and look what happened. No matter what I do, he still wins. He really did take everything from me this time. I'm tired. Too tired to fight anymore." Even though he knew the next words would both frighten and sadden his friends, he could not find the strength to care. "I think I am ready to join my people."

This couldn't be. It just couldn't! Surely there was someone who could help his friend. He tried contacting Katherine, but even she was at a loss. Her only advice was to give him time and have someone stay with him. Naturally, he left Sandy there. His quiet company was probably what Aster needed at the moment.

But still this latest development did nothing to quell the boiling anger which lay just beneath the surface of his skin. It only intensified the flames. He couldn't remember the last time he felt such hate and anger. Not even after Katherine's kidnapping was he this enraged. Perhaps because back then he had a plan. A little bit of hope to make things right. But not now. All he had was vengeance and he was willing to grasp on to it with both hands.

Despite not knowing where Pitch might be, he knew to try the last place they saw him. Even if it meant going back to that dismal dungeon, he had to try. Maybe Pitch was still there. Perhaps, he thought it was too clever of a hiding spot? After all, he did flee from it but maybe that was just a ruse. Maybe.

He would go alone. Tell no one. Aster was in no shape to confront the Nightmare King. Sandy was too busy playing nurse maid to be of any assistance. Tooth...if she knew what he was doing, it would be his head and Jack…over his dead body would he allow them to be in the same hemisphere again!

Quietly as for his actions to be undetected by Tooth, once again he reached for a snow globe.

The air was just as heavy as he remembered. It seemed almost stagnant in the cesspool pool of a hole where they were tormented. Nothing seemed disturbed. Pitch's throne still adorned its high place while shards of wood scattered across the floor from when the blade finally hit the chairs. Looking over to what had been their execution platform, he shouldn't have been surprised to see the guillotine blade still embedded in the chairs.

His foot steps and heavy breathing were the only sounds in the deathly quiet room. They seemed to reverberate thought the empty room as rage filled the Bandit King. "Pitch!" He finally screamed. Even he could not say why he felt the need to scream into a vacant room.

Hearing another noise, his hand went for his long dagger. The weight felt good in his hand. It gave him something tangible to contain his rage.

"Nicholas, what are you doing?" He didn't even need to turn around. He knew the voice. Even before then he knew who it was just by the sound of fluttering wings. "Were you actually expecting him to be here waiting for you?"

"Maybe. You never know with someone like Pitch." He muttered not wanting to face her. But she left him no choice as she maneuvered to hover in front of him.

Her gentle hands came up to cradle his face. "Come home, love. Forget all of this." Surely his ears were playing tricks on him. She could not honestly be asking him to forget everything they went through. "I don't mean to forget what happened. I don't think it is possible. Coming out here, hunting him don't, what good will it do?"

He could not stand to have her touch him. He touch always brought him peace and comfort. This time, however, it was unwelcome he wanted his rage. He wanted to end this. "His death will bring more than enough good. Never again will he haunt us. The coward should face me know and be done with it. End his life with some dignity. Not hiding like a rat!"

"Who do you think you are to pass such judgment? Who are you to upset the balance?" Her anger getting the better of her. All this time she tried to be the voice of reason, knowing how going off the handle could damage everything and work against her in the end.

"Fuck the balance! 'Fear' can find a new host and if need be, so can 'wonder'."

"Nicholas…" Her heart dropped at the thought of his madness. Where had the kind man she knew and loved gone?

Even through his madness, her pained expression caused him to falter but he couldn't go back. Not now. Not with so much at stake. "I will not let him get away with this, Tooth. Not this time. Even if I must tear this planet apart to find him, justice will be served. I will have us be his puppets any longer."

"And are you not his puppet now? Here you are chasing a phantom in the night when the people most precious to you are hurting. Tell me this is not part of his plan."

Nicolas tried to turn from her. He didn't want to hear anymore of her words. For all their truth, the impendence of his actions left him hollow. "I must do something."

"Then come home, love. Jack needs you. Aster needs you. What good could you be to them if you are out here? Jack needs his father and Aster needs his friend. Even if they do not speak, just knowing you are there for them is help. Please, forget this madness."

He wanted to return. He really did But…

"No "buts" Nicholas. Now you have a choice. So I'll ask this, who is more important to you? Jack and Aster or Pitch?"

She should have been the Guardian of Wisdom. He mussed as he felt part of his rage cool an iota. "They will always be first."

"Then prove it. We shall face Pitch when the blackguard resurfaces."

Looking over to the twisted throne, he tried to suppress a growl. As he ascended the stairs, he could feel her violet eyes on him, silently praying for him to make the right decision. With the dagger still in hand, he thrust the blade deep into the seat of the throne before turning back to her. "Come, let us leave!"

When Tooth offered to leave Jack by himself for the first time since their escape, he was more than a little relieved. Mama Tooth lived up to her name as she doted on his every move. He loved her company but he needed time to process what happened. He tried to think about not only Pitch's actions but Bunny's disappearance as well. Part of him couldn't really call it "disappearing" but not seeing his friend gave him pause for concern. Bunny was a stubborn one. He never liked to show weakness but right now pride should be the last thing on his mind. They needed to stick together. That was the whole point of being a group. When trouble comes, one could draw strength from the others.

Jack needed someone to talk to. The guardians were out of the question. They wanted to help but they were too close to the situation. He needed someone on the outside. Grabbing his laptop from under the bed, he quickly logged into AIM, hoping Jamie was on. While he might be homebound, it did not prevent him from talking to his friends. He had to laugh as he watched his snowflake icon pop on the screen as he signed in. Most kids didn't use AIM any more, not with the invention of text messaging but for his little group, it worked just fine and much better than Skype. After all, their parents might have them committed if they heard their children talking to a blank webcam.

Smiling as he saw Jamie's user name highlighted as active, he wasted no time.

FrostByte: Jamie? You there?

1stB: Hey Jack. I haven't heard from you in awhile. Grounded?

Jack giggled. Yeah grounded was one word for it. Even though Jamie was in his teens, he still wasn't sure how to approach the topic. How would he be able to explain the trauma they suffered? Making him understand it wasn't their fault. Could he reject him or blame him? What about Bunny or the other guardians?

1stB: You still there?

Looking back at the screen, Jack didn't realize he was just sitting there for over 10 minutes giving his head time to mull over the blizzard of thoughts.

FrostByte: Yeah, I'm here. Sorry. My mind was somewhere else.

1stB: Is everything ok?

Even with a few simple lines of text, Jamie knew something was wrong. Jack wanted to lie. But lying wouldn't solve the problem. But would Jamie understand? A leap of faith. Believing in someone. That's what he needed to do.

FrostByte: Not really. Pitch.

1stB: What did that SOB do this time?

FrostByte: He got all of us last week.

The ambiguous language was read crystal clear to Jamie.

1stB: OMG! Is everyone ok? Was anyone hurt? Is that why we haven't seen you?

A while ago, they decided to code names for North and Tooth. Bunny and Sandy could easily pass for nicknames.

FrostByte: We all got out and yeah, Papa put me on house arrest for my own good.

1stB: But was anyone hurt?

It was now or never.

FrostByte: Yes. Tooth, Bunny and me.

Jack could almost picture Jamie on the other side of computer running his hand through his brown locks trying to stay calm. Jamie was a good kid and would do whatever he could to help a friend in trouble. Hopefully it would sit be the case after this.

1stB: What happened? The truth, Frost!

Taking a deep breath he let his fingers do the talking.

FrostByte: When I talked back to Pitch, he cut her head and he had Bunny hurt me.

He really didn't want to go into the whole twisted set up and he hoped Jamie wouldn't push it.

1stB: Jack…

FrostByte: Yes.

1stB: What do you mean by "hurt"?


FrostByte: Is there anyone in the room with you?

1stB: No.

FrostByte: Is your door closed and locked?

1stB: Yes.

FrostByte: I will tell you only on two conditions. First, you tell NO ONE! Not even your sister. I even want you to delete this conversation. Second, please don't hate Bunny. He is taking everything really hard and I don't know what to do about it.

1stB: Jack, you know you can trust me.

FrostByte: He made Bunny have sex with me.

A minute went by. Then 5 minutes. Then 10. But still no reply. Did Jamie not get the message? Was he ignoring Jack? Hundreds of thoughts each more depressing than the other flew across his mind as he waited for some kind of response.

FrostByte: You there?


Jack stared at the screen waiting again. Maybe his belief was misplaced.

1stB: Sorry about that. I wanted to get some info. I'll tell you about that in a minute but WTF! I knew Pitch was mental but this is a whole new level of crazy! And everyone was there too!

Relief swept over Jack's soul as he was the words. His friend was still there.

FrostByte: Yeah. They weren't allowed to close their eyes. Jamie, I just don't know what to do. Bunny is in hiding, I haven't seen him since that day. Papa is acting crazier than normal, he won't let me leave the house and I know he is going to do something stupid. Mama won't stop fussing over me and I know she is worried sick about Papa but even she can't reach him and Sandy, he tried to act like nothing happened but I can tell he's hurting. Papa said he's with Bunny right now to keep him company but won't tell ME how he is doing! But if Sandy is staying with him, it must be bad. And no one is really talking!

1stB: Jack, you know you were raped, right?

FrostByte: I know that! But it wasn't his fault! Pitch made him do it.

1stB: Does Bunny know he was also raped?

Jack read the sentence again. Was it a typo? It must have been.

FrostByte: What?

1stB: Rape is defined as any UNWANTED sexual act. Did Bunny want to have sex with you?

FrostByte: No.

1stB: So, it was an unwanted sexual act. Rape is not about love but about power. Pitch took away not just your power but Bunny's as well and forced both of you into sexual acts. That means both of you were raped.

Bunny was…

1stB: Jack, you still there?

FrostByte: Yeah. Jamie, I don't think he knows.

1stB: Yeah, I had a feeling he might not. No one is blaming him are they?

FrostByte: Fuck no! They know it was all Pitch. Jamie, what am I going to do? It's not like we can go to a shrink about this.

1stB: No but there are plenty of websites with chat rooms to help. You might also want to have the others go to them for either family members of victims or for PTSD.

FrostByte: PTSD?

1stB: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Basically when something horrible happens, it really messes with your head for a long time.

FrostByte: Hey, Jamie, how do you know all this stuff?

1stB: In school we were taught about sexual abuse and where to go if anything ever happened. Same thing with PTSD. I'll send you the links in a moment. There are a bunch.

FrostByte: Hey, Jamie. Thanks for being there.

1stB: NP. That's what friends are for.

How much longer would this take? Humans were supposed to die of thrust with in 4 day. Liquid never touched his lips even with all of Sandy's protesting. How much longer would he have to wait to die? He wanted his peace. Maybe being an immortal prevented him from dying from such malaise as thirst and starvation. If only he could get Sandy out of the burrow, perhaps he could get his hunting knife.

Frankly it shocked Aster to find Sandy there 24/7. Somehow he was able to spread his dream sand while in one place or he was sneaking out when Aster wasn't looking or putting him to sleep with him knowing. His gut feeling told him it was either the first or third. Mostly like the third, the bastard!

It would explain so much! While he hadn't moved from his spot since North left, he felt surprisingly clean. His fur looked like it was brushed and he didn't feel hungry at all. Yep, Sandy was hitting him with the sand. The Sandman knew Aster wouldn't take care of himself when he was awake and heaven forbid Sandy from lending a hand. The loon was having his groom in his sleep.

Having come to the realization did not comfort him in the least. Once again a choice was taken from him. He wanted to end everything and they wouldn't let him. Why couldn't they just let him fucking die? He was tired of fighting, tired of hoping, tired of every fucking thing and he just wanted it to end. They would be fine without him. Manny would find a new Guardian of Hope and things would go on like they did before. His death wouldn't change the world. But it might make it a bit colder…

Why was it getting colder in the room? Was death supposed to feel cold? No, it wasn't that cold. Just a bit cooler than normal. Like whenever… "Jack."

His green eyes peered over the emerald lens at his unwelcome guest. "What are ya doing here?" His eyes couldn't even muster any heat behind them as he just stared.

Jack tried to steady his nerves. He had a whole speech worked out in his head about how it wasn't Bunny's fault and how he still cared for him but seeing Bunny like this made all the words disappear like the snow come spring. He didn't look like himself. More like a stuffed rabbit from Built-a-Bear then a warrior who was known to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. "I wanted to see how you were doing? North wouldn't tell me. He only said Sandy was staying with you."

Jack still cared… "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do ya care?" Aster's voice void of all emotion.

"Because you are my friend and because nothing Pitch can do will change that." He tried to think about all the information Jamie sent him as he tried to reform his thoughts. "You know what happened wasn't your fault, right?" Hearing Bunny scoff at the idea only proved how much he needed to be there. "I'm serious! He made you do things you didn't want to!"

"Ya are so fucking clueless." He muttered under his breath as he tried his best to think of a way to rid himself of the kid. The sooner, the better. Jack needed to leave. He kid needed to be far away from him for his own safty and sanity. It was usless to try and save him. He was beyond it. "I wanted to. Don't ya get that."

"Those were…biological responses." Yeah, that was the phrase. "Your body was just reaction to the stimulation. It means your body liked what was happening even if you didn't. That's it."

Familiar fire started to burn in the bottom of his soul. How was this kid always able to him to feel something when all he wanted was nothingness? "Ya still don't get it do? I really, really wanted to do it!"

He wanted to…a cold breeze seemed to drift over Jack's soul as the words finally began to sink in. "You…you wanted to have sex with me?"

"And the last horse finally crosses the finish line!"

He really cares for you, Sweet Tooth. He just doesn't know what to do. "You love me…" Before seeing his friend, there were only hopes and dreams. Tooth's words could mean almost anything, but… "Did you want to have sex with me when Pitch had us and it the situation Pitch had us in?"


"Yes or no!" He wasn't going to lose. Not this time. Not when he was so close.


Jakc had to get him to understand. He just had to! "Bunny, rape is any unwanted sexual stuff. You didn't rape me. Pitch did. He made you do things you didn't want to do. He raped you."

He raped you… "That still changes nothing."

"What do you mean? Of course it changes things. You didn't do anything wrong."

Why was he trying to save him? He was beyond saving, beyond hope. It needed to end. "Jack, I can't go on. It's too much."

"What are you talking about? You're the Guardian of Hope! You can't give up." Please, please, please don't give up! He thought as frozen tears started to gather at the edges of his eyes. He couldn't, would he?

Sweet Jack. Even with everything he never gives up. Even when he knows it was going to cost him his life. Maybe if I did this sooner, he would be the Guardian of Hope, not me. "The truth is, hope is messed up. Ever heard of Friedrich Nietzche? He was a philosopher in the 1800s and he had hope dead to rights. He said "In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs the torments of man." Jack, I've been holding on to hope for so long and I am so tired. I just want my pain to end."

This couldn't be happening. He was the fucking Guradian of Hope, the last survung Pokka. Giving up was not an option. Jack wouldn't let it be. "You lost the voice, didn't you? That little voice that tells you "Try one more time". If you can't hear the voice in your head then I'm going to shout it in your ear, Cottontail. You can't giving up, I won't let you!"

"And why not? Wouldn't it be easier on ya to never see me again? I know I never want to see me again. Even if it was Pitch's fault…I will not be powerless again and if it means taking my own life, so be it."

For not the first time since his resurrection, Jack was thrilled he learned to control his powers otherwise the enter room would be covered in snow and ice, burring them in the blizzard of his unbridled emonal torment. "You stupid rabbit!" But just because he learned to control his powers didn't mean he was always in control of himself. Stomping over the Pokka, he grabbed him by the lapel of the green jacket and slammed their mouths together for a moment's kiss. Just as quickly, he thrust the other back. "That was not my smartest idea." He muttered more to himself than the Bunny. What was he thinking?

Had he really just…the slight tingle of his lips sent little sparks through his soul, trying to reiginite the dieing fire. Stupid Frostbite. A bubble of laughter burst out from Aster's mouth. "Ya know, Pokka's mouths really aren't made for kissing. We do very rarely, we mostly nuzzle."

Joy makes our hearts a little lighter.

"Really? Thanks for the culture lesson." It was weird to hear him laugh but it sparked a candle like glow some where deep in his chest. "Do you still love me?"

Hope makes our lives a little brighter.

Running his paw over his face, he tried not to cry. Did this kid really just save him? Or was it just he was not really ready to give up? "Yea. I still love ya. Ya?"

"Yes." Was there really any question?

Sighing, he tried not to cry as spring like warm flooded his soul. Still, he needed to tell the kid the truth. "I can't promise anything now and I don't know when. It might be awhile and if ya get tired of waiting, I understand."

He would never get tired of waiting. Patience was a virtue which he rarly possessed but for this, he would wait an eternity if he had to. "We've got all the time in the world."

The End

I know some people might be a bit disappointed since North never got his hands on Pitch but this was a choice he had to make. If I sent him after Pitch, maybe he would have caught him but what could have happened to Jack and Aster in the mean time?

If someone wants to write what would have happened if North caught the SOB, you have my blessing, but I wanted to focus on the aftermath and healing.

Anyway, I like to share cool things I find on the web with everyone so here they are.

I high recommend you checking out "Glove and Boots". Basically, it is muppets doing a blog and is funny. Here is a link to one of my favorite ones. I think I watched it about a 20 times already… It's called "Levels of Trolling".


If you are looking for more slashy things, may I recommend "Avialae". It's a free web comic about a guy who suddenly grows wings and his bird obsessed neighbor/classmate. They try to figure out why he has wings, what to about them and all that yummy stuff. The artwork is excellent and the story line humorous as well as insightful. Honestly, if you have five minutes, check it out!
