prompt: "Kiss me quick!"

"Kiss me, quick!"

It's unexpected, and honestly, he doesn't know what on Earth is happening when he's hauled against her. Her fingers grip his collar and her lips press against his and he honestly cannot comprehend a single thought except: Emma Nolan is kissing him.

She is rather good at it, too. One of her hands leaves his collar as they adjust to one another and she grabs a fistful of his hair, yanking his mouth open in the process so she can press her tongue inside.

When his brain finally catches up with him, his hands seek purchase in whatever he can grasp, which, turns out, is the back of her head. He uses it to his advantage, kissing her as well as she's giving and it seems to only spur her on- the ever competitive Emma Nolan.

Their kiss seems to last an eternity, but he'd be glad to spend his life kissing Emma if it was like this.

When they part, he's out of breath and his eyes remain closed as he lingers against her, their noses bumping as she gathers breath of her own.

"Um…" he trails off. "That was…"

Emma's eyes are big when he meets them and she drops her hands from his collar, looking over her at the front of the diner, where her father, Sheriff Nolan, stands.

Killian suddenly doesn't feel too great about kissing her.

"Bloody hell," he mumbles, shifting a little in place in the booth, trying to distance himself from the wildly confusing blonde beside him.

The man at the front of the diner seems to just narrow his eyes at Emma, a silent discussion between them, before he leaves with a tinkle of the diner's bell.

She turns to him, all vanilla scented lotion and blonde golden hair, and presses her lips together. "Thanks. My parents have been on my back about my dating life lately."

He narrows his eyes at her and she looks down at the textbooks before her, gathering them up to slide them into her backpack.

"Excuse me?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Emma gives him a coy look. "Listen. You and I both know you're kind of… the resident bad boy."

He opens his mouth, a smirk inching across his lips. "Well, love, your words not mine. Not that I'm opposed to a good snog in the back corner of Granny's." He leans forward, drawing his teeth over his lower lip. "You, Emma, are a curious breed. Why do you want them to see you with me?"

She swallows, holding her chin up proudly. Emma's determination rolls off of her in waves, though her hesitation might speak otherwise. "I guess I'm a bit of a bad girl myself."

She smiles at him, her eyes a piercing shade of green. Emma grabs her things to go, sliding out of the booth.

"So you're not studying with me, then?"

Emma gives him a look. "We were never studying to begin with."

He opens his mouth, narrowing his eyes at her. "So, let me get this straight, you're using me to get back at your parents?"

She thinks about it for a second and then nods. "Yep. Sounds about right." Emma leans in, close enough that he can feel her breath on his lips when she speaks, "You got a problem with that, Sailor?"

"Not at all, love."

"Good," she replies, her eyes dark as she leans back again.

He watches her go, and all he can think is one thing: he is royally screwed.