I do not own The Vampire Diaries. I only own Tiffani.

Story Start

After the phone call, things seemed to move quickly. Stefan took off but Caroline refused to leave my side. She got distrusting looks from Rebekah and Elijah, but Klaus let her into their home so she could stay with me. She quickly pulled me away from him so I could sit by her on the couch. It was only a few minutes until daylight and Klaus held the ring box in his hand.

"Don't worry, Bonnie wouldn't lie to me. You'll be ok," Caroline kept whispering, but after a few minutes of her whispering, I think it was more for her own sanity than to soothe my worries.

"It's time," Klaus whispered softly as he approached me and he motioned for me to leave the couch and join him by the window.

"I thought you said that you were going to test this on someone else first," I whispered a little shakily as I saw a bit of sunlight trying to find its way through the thick curtains.

"Do you trust your cousin?" he asked and I gave a nod after looking at Caroline. "Then you should be safe, if not, then I'm going to kill that witch and everyone she holds dear," he growled before quickly slipping the ring onto my finger and flinging open the curtain.

Caroline shouted in fear and I just closed my eyes afraid to feel my skin burning. Silence filled the room and I felt two gentle hands touch my face. I refused to open my eyes just thinking that I was already dead and the sun had turned me to a ghost and I was on the other side.

"Open your eyes," Klaus whispered close to my face. His breath hit my lips, which made a shiver travel down my spine. He gave a small laugh when I shook my head and did not open my eyes.

I thought Klaus would say something else, but he surprised me by kissing me. My eyes shot open and his blue eyes were staring back at me with a mischievous twinkle. I could hear Caroline protesting and telling Klaus to get away from me, but I tuned her out as I returned the kiss. I may not have known this crazy original vampire long, but I just couldn't resist him. He pulled back from the kiss and smiled at me when he watched me realize that I was still alive and not burning into dust.

"Well it looks like Bonnie didn't curse this thing," I said with a relieved sigh before yelping when Caroline went to grab me, but Klaus pulled me to him and away from her.

"Tiffani, get away from him," Caroline snapped but Elijah was now holding her back so she could not try to grab me or attack Klaus.

I let out a big sigh when Klaus started growling at Caroline and my cousin was only too happy to growl back at him. "Please stop," I muttered and the growling ceased. "Thank you, Caroline, I love you. You're my cousin, but I can kiss who I want. Klaus may have turned me into a vampire, but other than that he's actually been nice to me. No, he wasn't nice to me just to get to you or Elena. Sure, he did get the stakes from you guys but he only did that to protect him and his family. There is no telling if Klaus and I will end up in a relationship or whatever, but he has been nice to me," I told her and she just looked at me ready to protect at every word. However, I did feel Klaus tighten his hold around me and put his chin on my shoulder.

"But he turned you into a vampire and now you'll never live a normal life," Caroline said.

"Never been normal. Why start now?" I asked and she just shook her head.

"Just please don't hurt her," Caroline said but now she was talking to Klaus.

"I don't plan on hurting her, but if you or your friends try to hurt me or my family again then I will kill every single one of you. Leave us alone and I will leave you alone," Klaus growled.

"What about Elena? Are you going to leave her alone?" she continued. She started to fidget when Klaus didn't say anything for a minute or two.

"I have no choice but to leave her alone. I have just been informed by my brother that the doppelganger has just been turned into a vampire. Her blood is no longer of use for me," he growled angrily.

"We're all doomed if that bimbo is a vampire," I groaned before hiding my face in Klaus' shirt. I smiled when I heard and felt him laughing.

"Tiffani," Caroline grumbled before yelping when Klaus left my side and appeared in front of her.

"Your cousin can leave whenever she chooses, but obviously she's choosing to stay. She will not be harmed. Now then I suggest that you leave and remember to leave my family and I alone or there will be consequences," he told her and she shot me one last look before running out of the mansion.

"You know she's going to yell at me until my ears bleed later," I muttered to him but he only chuckled again before introducing me to his brother, Elijah. Supposedly I would meet his other brother Kol later. "So I've been wondering, why do you like so much so soon?" I asked Klaus and everyone became quiet.

"It's because you're his mate, welcome to the family," Rebekah told me with a smirk, which she quickly directed to her brother.

"Rebekah, I was going to tell her eventually," Klaus snapped and Elijah just chuckled at his two siblings.

"Mates, huh, well looks like you're stuck with me, be prepared," I teased Klaus, who only just gave me a challenging look.

"I have a feeling that things are going to be much more interesting," Elijah told Rebekah. Both of them were watching me and Klaus tease one another.

I had never thought about becoming a vampire, but from what I could tell so far, my future was going to be very interesting from now on. I would also have a ton of fun getting to know Klaus and his family, and let's not forget driving my new mate crazy. He needed a good balance in his life and my craziness and his sarcasm would work well together.

The End.