"Huh, guess you're not dead." A man scoffed from above me.

I looked up, rubbing my aching side. The tan skinned man had short, messy pale green hair.

For the moment being, I ignored him as my eyes scanned my surroundings. "Those bastards left me behind again!" I yelled angrily.

He simply clicked his tongue in annoyance and took a seat at the stool he had just knocked me from.

He began to order a drink as I stood. "God damn chia-pet..." I grumbled.

I saw an irk mark appear on his forehead, "What did you just call me?"

I just smirked a bit, turning my back to him and waving at him dismissively.

"I said, what. did you. call me?" He growled at me.

"You poor thing, deaf and stupid. I'll repeat myself a bit louder this time" I bent down and shouted in his ear, "CH-CH-CH-CH-CHIA!"

"Damn bitch." He mumbled, trying to hold back his evident rage.

"Excuse you, plants for brains?" I glared.

He glared right back, "You have 3 seconds to run."

"Psht, screw that." I knocked him over the back of the head with the handle of my dagger.

"What the-!? You little-!" He sprung up from his seat, unsheathing a sword with each hand.

My eyes grew in size slightly before darting out of the tavern.

"Get back here damnit!" He shouted from behind as I cut through an alley.

He was still hot on my tail, "Like hell! You're gonna make me into freakin' sushi if I do!"

I cut through another narrow alley way. I thought I had lost him so I skidded to a quick stop.

"Wonder what's taking that shitty swordsman so long?" I heard a voice not to far off.

"I don't know but this thing is heavy damnit!" Another male voice spoke.

I turned around, curious. There was a blonde man with his back to me, and the other man had curly black hair and a long nose that was all too familiar.

I thought back to the crew, wondering why they kept leaving me behind...though I was the only female on the crew.

"Ugh, this so sucks."


I spun around startled, backing away slowly while searching for an escape route.

"Uh, heh...now, now...let's just talk this out, kay?" I put a hand up, the other searching my back pockets for my dagger. No luck, I must have dropped it during the chase.

I backed into someone, great. I spun around to apologize, hoping to make a mad dash away afterwards.

"S-...sorry." I looked up at the blonde man I had seen earlier. Oh my god was he attractive.

"It's no worry" He said, looking up at me from the fish he was carrying for the first time.

"Thanks, well I gotta get going!" I turned to run for it but then heard a loud THUD!

"Sanji! ARGH!" I looked behind me to see both men on the ground. The long nosed being crushed by the fish.

The other...seemed to be rolling around on the floor looking love struck.

Suddenly I felt a sword at my neck.

"Shit! Shoulda run when I had the chance!" I whisper-yelled to myself.

"Oi! Shitty Marimo, what are you doing this delicate flower!?" I heard the blonde from next to me.

"She started this whole thing, perverted love cook." The tan man stood face to face with the blonde.

"SAY THAT AGAIN YOU DAMN DRUNK MOSS HEAD!" The blonde pulled me behind him.

I had a feeling this was gonna get violent.

"QUIT IT YOU IDIOTS!" An orange haired woman looking to be a few years older than me whacked both men over the back of the head.

"Yes, Nami-saaaaaan!" The blonde swooned.

"Yeah, yeah." The moss haired man sheathed his swords.

"Sorry bout that, they have this rivalry thing going on, and Zoro has the IQ of a gerbil."

"Uh..." I nodded, tugging on the sleeve of the blonde man.

"What is it, my delicate little flower?" His eyes turned to hearts.

I shuffled my feet, suddenly feeling shy and awkward.

"Uh, your friend." I pointed to the man still being crushed by a fish.

"Oh...hehe, sorry Usopp!" He said, casually kicking the extremely heavy looking fish to side with little effort.

"So, my dear, may I ask your name?" The blonde took my hand, bowing and giving it a peck.

Why am I so flustered? Ugh don't blush, do NOT blush!

"Katrina. What about all of you? You all look so familiar!" I smiled.

"Uh-...well, you see-" The one that looked like Yasopp started, obviously nervous.

"What a gorgeous name, very fitting for an equally gorgeous girl. I'm Sanji." Sanji flashed me a smile.

Then it dawned on me, the straw hat pirates! But where was their captain?

"You're the straw hat pirates, that's why you all look familiar!" I smiled an shook my head.

Memories of days long past with the small wannabe pirate boy flooded my senses. A felt a few tears fall free from my eyes.

"Woah, what did you do to her Sanji? You made her cry!" The other female spoke up, making Sanji panic a bit.

"What's wrong?" He questioned cautiously.

"Just...thinking of events from a long time ago. So if I may ask, where is your captain?" I quickly wiped the tears away.

He nodded and started to answer only to be cut off by the rude swordsman, "Why the hell should we tell you? You may be with the marines."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm a pirate, why the hell would I be working with those losers?"

"Oh? Well then where's your crew?" The yasopp look alike challenged.

"They...left me be behind, again. " I whispered the last part.

The samurai laughed at me, while the other three gave me a look of sympathy.

"Why don't you join us? I'm Nami, by the way." She smiled at me as we all walked through the town, Sanji close next to me.

"WHAT!?" I heard the tan man question, clearly un-amused.

"Shut up Zoro." Nami rolled her eyes.

"I don't know..." I trailed off, weighing my options.

"This delicate little flower? Oh, yes please!" Sanji spun around excitedly, hearts in his eyes.

"My name's Usopp, and I'm sure the captain would be happy to have you."

They all looked at me with hope, except Zoro.

"Well...I suppose it might be a good idea...I'll join you guys!"

They all cheered, Nami pulling me into a hug while Zoro groaned.

"I wonder where that idiot rubber is..." Sanji surveyed our surroundings.


"Oh, didn't he say he was going to check out the execution site?" Nami pondered.