Distractions Chapter 15.
Hey everyone.
I apologize for how long this chapter took to get together. I swear I had every intention of finishing it sooner. I don't even know where my notebooks went with the story in them :( SO that makes me sad, because I had already started this chapter. It probably won't be as long as you want, but get over it. I've loved writing these two and I'm sad to see this story come to an end. Perhaps I'll publish some drabble after thoughts.
Special thanks to savemechocolate for kicking me. Thanks again deary!
This will be the last chapter of Distractions. It has been a great ride with you all!
So of course they got married. It was a beautiful ceremony. And even better? There were even more people at their wedding than Naruto and Hinata's! Of course they wanted a small ceremony with just their closest friends, but then they invited Gai and everything went nuts. More people showed up to see who the eternal bachelor had actually gotten with than anything else. They stayed for the ceremony and left. Everyone (except those who were pregnant at the time), got really trashed at the reception. Ino was the lucky one to catch Sakura's bouquet, and she deserved it, the beautiful woman.
The honeymoon was supposedly spent in a different country, but it was actually spent in their bedroom with the door shut for several days. The only ones who knew about it were Tsunade and Karin, Tsunade because someone had to convince everyone that they had actually gone and Karin because someone had to bring food to the silly couple.
Sakura was moved out of her old apartment within a week of their 'return', Kakashi had already talked to her landlord about everything and received her permission before going through with it.
Within the year, every one of Sakura's married friends were pregnant. Hinata and Sakura were even in delivery rooms right next to each other when the night came. Hinata on time and Sakura quite a bit early. At least at the beginning they were. There were complications due to Sakura's slight frame, the babies coming prematurely, and of course having more than one child at once. They had to wheel her into an operating room and make Kakashi pace the hallway with an ecstatic Naruto. After about thirty minutes a doctor came and got him.
"Excuse me, Mr. Hatake? Come meet your daughters."
His heart flew.
I'm a father.
The twins Sophie and Lettie were just as mischievous as expected, being Kakashi's daughters and all. The two were told they probably wouldn't be able to have any more children, and that saddened them for a bit, but the next year of saying goodbye to sleep and hello to minivans and carpooling took their minds off of it. The twins are beautiful, silver haired little girls with bright green eyes. Evil green eyes. Tsunade and Jiraiya are named their godparents and make every excuse to come see the little girls. (They were married who knows how long ago on the DL but sadly weren't young enough to have any children of their own. So they settle with being doting grandparents.)
Sakura got a promotion at the hospital and now makes more while working a little less. Kakashi was taken off of the active mission roster, after all wouldn't want to make your brand new daughters fatherless for any reason as Tsunade put it. He started teaching a class at the Academy full time. Sakura started a medic training program for those who wished to follow that path from earlier on.
On the twins' first day of school, Kakashi led them to their first class, all three waving goodbye to Sakura. My little babies growing so fast.
She wanted another.
Sakura and Kakashi discussed it and agreed if they could make it happen, it would happen, but agreed to try not to be depressed for the girls if it didn't. They saw a doctor and were prepared for his I don't think it will happen speech. The two tried for two years with no luck. They were about to throw the towel and say screw it when Sakura began having morning sickness. The couple was ecstatic, they threw a party.
Every precaution was taken for a safe and healthy pregnancy, they didn't want any sort of complication like last time, and when the time came, Kakashi wanted to be in the room with her. It was almost too much for him to bear not being able to hold her hand and encourage her last time.
I thought I was going to lose her, like my mother with my brother…
The pregnancy got through to the third trimester but halfway through it one of Sakura's fellopian tubes burst. They rushed her to the hospital immediately, and their miracle baby Cal was born. Kakashi held her hand the whole time, swearing he'd never leave her side even when she herself passed out. Their son had the most beautiful peach colored hair and two different colored eyes. One was jade green like his mother's and the other dark grey like Kakashi's. He was an extremely fast learner and was soon into everything.
He would be their last.
During surgery the doctors noted what had happened to the first fellopian tube and tried to save the other one, but sadly it didn't make it. They closed everything up on the way out.
Their little family was complete. Two beautiful daughters and a charming young boy.
It became apparent that their children were very very intelligent. (I mean with brainiac Sakura as your mother and Kakashi le Genius as your dad, well what did you expect?). The twins were already out of the academy before Cal even started.
Ino and Sakura started to compete over who could get back to their pre-baby shape the quickest, and well that competition ended rather quickly when Ino got pregnant with her second child. She and Sasori are very happy together, they took over her parent's shop and have done amazing things with their products.
They decided the cutest baby pictures would be a better competition.
Kakashi snuggled up with Cal won that of course. (Only because he didn't have his mask on and was completely gorgeous of course.)
They've been married ten years. Sophie and Lettie are nine years old and are on their own genin teams making their way in the world. They are tall, with beautiful long silver hair and piercing green eyes. They could take you down in a heartbeat together. Cal is three, (and a half as he says), and he is the most adorable…. Little shit. Mischeivous to the bone. Sakura swears he got that from his father.
Naruto has started Hokage training with Tsunade, and it looks like she will be stepping down in the next few years. (She'll probably still be an advisor of sorts but we all know she'd much rather be gambling and drinking than running a country. Shizune has vowed to keep an eye on her. Bless her soul). He and Hinata have two beautiful children and third on the way. Their daughter is like a third sister to Lettie and Sophie. Her name is Len. Their son, much to Sakura and Kakashi's dismay, has made himself Cal's role model. They just hope painting the Hokage's is not on their daily agenda. Hinata has made leaps and bounds with her family, and has announced that there will be no side branch of the family any more, and to show that truth, she made Neji the head of the family.
He seems to be happy in the new position. A year later he married Tenten, much to everyone's surprise. (Just kidding it was totally obvious.) There are rumors of a little one on the way. The Hyuuga clan has benefited amazingly with new leadership.
Gai left Konoha three years after Sakura and Kakashi got married. He said he wanted to grasp his own youth and he couldn't let Kakashi win… something? He was running out of the village at that point and no one really heard what he said. Kakashi sometimes gets letters from the jumpsuit-clad man and… his new wife? No one really knew who she was, but apparently she's keeping Gai in check, which is exactly what he needed.
Karin's son was born almost three months before Sakura and Hinata's. She and Sakura keep in just about daily company, both working at the hospital and all. The pediatric department has grown tenfold in the last five years. (who knew everyone would be having bebesss?.). His name is Alfonse, and he has the most beautiful dark red hair. Karin is worried he will be a hothead like Sasuke, but so far he has been the opposite of that. They discovered that he has the ability to use his Sharingan to convince people that they are doing fine and can heal themselves. Apparently it works. (something to do with a combination of Karin and Sasuke's abilities. No one is really sure the limitations or extent of how this ability could benefit the village. He's under slight surveillance from the village elders). She's expecting another child soon, and a daughter this time.
Asuma and Kurenai make constant visits to Kakashi and Sakura's house. Their son is several years older than their children, and all are hoping he will be Cal's genin teacher. Kurenai has started working with Sakura on her medic training classes at the Academy. The students really look up to her and it appears the village will have plenty of medics now.
10 year anniversary~
Kakashi and Sakura have taken to visit the cenotaph and various friends' graves on the morning of their anniversary. To be filled with love so that they can share their happiness with those who have gone on before them. Ino and Sasori always volunteer to babysit the kids in the garden, which is a blessing so the two can be by themselves for a night.
This year Kakashi went back to the Whispers of the Heart jewelry store and sure enough the same man was still there.
"Hatake-san! It's been a while. How is everything?"
"It's going rather well thank you! It's my wife and I's tenth anniversary in a couple days, and I wondered if you had anything in her size I could get today."
"Very good, sir." He led Kakashi down the row of displays to one filled with beautiful items, all in size 7 for rings.
"You have a very good memory."
"Thank you sir," the man said opening the back of the display case, "If I may recommend this one? There's a small diamond inset in the band for every year you've been together. Ten yes? There we are, ten diamonds."
Kakashi looked the ring over carefully and looked at the jeweler, "This is perfect, what do I owe you?"
"100. That is all."
"Are you serious?"
"You are fantastic sir. I will always come to you for now and ever for my needs in this area."
"That is all I have ever wanted from my customers, Sir. Shall I wrap it up for you? Oh and what was your wife's name? I'm sorry I haven't caught that yet."
"Sakura. My Sweet Cherry Blossom."
"Beautiful sir, as I am sure she is also."
"She is." The jeweller pulled out a small tag and wrote a few small things on it and put it in the box with the ring.
"For good luck sir, I do hope you the best of years with her."
"Thank you!" Kakashi paid the man and left.
What a fantastic person. And I thought my faith in humanity was gone. Well consider it restored!
He took a small piece of paper out of his pocket to look at then tucked it back inside. I can't wait til she sees this.. It's going to be a very special night. Kakashi tucked the box with the ring inside in his jacket pocket, then walked up the steps to his home.
He took her hand and led her to the door of the restaurant.
"Do you remember this place?"
"How could I forget? We never leave this place without food babies and tons to take home! It's a fantastic restaurant my love."
"I'm glad you think so."
They walk in and are seated in a private circle booth in the back corner, the most romantic place in the restaurant. A band is playing quiet in the far corner of the restaurant, adding just a hint of lovely ambiance.
"I love you Kakashi. Happy anniversary."
"Sakura. You know how much I love you. Happy anniversary to you as well my love."
Their waitress, a tall brunette woman named Cassandra came to take their drink orders.
"We'll have champange please, peach if you have it. And just bring the bottle."
"Of course sir."
The woman joined them just a moment later with a fantastic peach flavored bubbly along with two large glasses of water.
"Do we know what we would like, or do we need some time with the menus?"
Sakura started with her order,
"I'll have the chicken fettucini alfredo, and a side ceasar salad please."
"All right, and for you, sir?"
"What is your chef's special today?"
"Roasted goat with special sauces and a side of gooseberry jam."
"Um… well… I think I'll just have the three italian special then, please."
"I'll get that right in for you!" She took up the menus and left for the kitchen.
"So you don't want goat today, eh, Kakashi?" He blushed and looked away,
"So I don't like goat alright? I thought you knew this?"
"I did, which is why I thought it was hilarious that it just so happened to be the chef's special today!"
"You're so bad. Just wait til we get home, I will have something to say to that delicious little bottom of yours."
"Ohoho… I can't wait."
They ate their respective meals and shared a slice of lemon meringue pie.
"I have something for you my dear." Kakashi said.
"Ooo, me too!" She took a small parcel out of her purse and held it in her lap.
Kakashi took out the ring and a small piece of folded paper and handed them to her. She took the package and gave him hers.
They each opened the gifts and were silent for several seconds.
In Sakura's hands were a beautiful ring, ten intertwining spirals each containing a small diamond. She fit it on her finger and looked at the rest of the gift. There was a small note with the ring, My Dearest Sakura, may the whispering of my heart never fall on deaf ears. -Love, Kakashi. The folded paper was a picture of her, from just before they started dating. It was obvious he had held onto it through everything, it was slightly faded and worn around the edges.
Kakashi studied the gift she had given him. It was a small metal tube with turnable circles on each end. The top part screws off and the bottom opens the display. Each turn of the bottom circle moved a new picture into the display, there were countless pictures, of him, of Sakura, of them together, of their children, and even a few very old ones Sakura had gotten her hands on of Rin and Obito, of their former team even. A tear rolled down his cheek at the sight of their happy faces.
"Its-" Kakashi started, but was cut off by his wife,
"I love you." They said simultaneously while holding hands across the table.
Kakashi paid the bill, Sakura left a tip and they returned to their home.
He picked her up in a hug and whispered in her ear,
Time for that delicious little bottom of yours to get what it justly deserves…
~The End~
Thank you all so much for reading this story! I'm again very sorry for how long it took to get everything together!
Also, because I wasn't sure how I could tie it in, their little boy (somehow no one really understands) inherited sharingan from his father. Only in the one eye, but everyone was extremely surprised. Research on the sharingan began anew.
Love you all!