Disclaimer: I don't own Sekaiichi Hatsukoi because I can't dance.
"You want me to what?"
Ritsu stared, gaping at his next door neighbor/boss/whatever the hell he was as he stood there, clearly asking him for help on something that he didn't know how to do. Huh, what a plot twist. He couldn't remember the last time Takano had asked him for help, either in the form of a complicated riddle or not.
Takano only stared back, obviously embarrassed but hiding it under a mask of indifferent boredom. "I want you to teach me to dance. Properly."
"I heard you the first time," Ritsu stammered, "but…why exactly? You have no need to."
"Who said I didn't?"
Ritsu gaped, yet again. Takano's frown only grew deeper. "For what, Takano-san? When's the last time you had to dance? High school?"
Those lines were going to stay permanently between Takano's brows if he kept making that face. "Last year, for my cousin's wedding, actually. I kept stepping over the bride's feet," he grumbled, unhappy with the memory and not wanting to bring it up again.
Ritsu snickered behind his hand, but covered it up as a cough when Takano only narrowed his eyes at him. "W-well, thanks for the offer, but no thanks. Ask someone else." He went to close the door when a foot made its presence, stopping it before it could close all the way.
Takano's face peeked through, looking genuinely—maybe—earnest in his strange request. "Who else would I ask? Yokozawa? He couldn't dance even if he took professional lessons."
Trying to imagine Yokozawa in a tango with someone else kept making Ritsu want to laugh, so he settled for answering Takano's question instead. "How do you even know I can dance?"
"Why wouldn't you? You grew up in a wealthy family; surely you've had to have learned to waltz or whatever at some point."
Damn him for being so perceptive, Ritsu cursed to himself. Because it was true; he'd had to attend many fancy dinners and balls with co-workers of his father's when he was younger, and he'd had to dance with many young girls who always blushed whenever he placed his hands on them. Honestly, was it so surprising for a boy—with dry skin and oily hair, Ritsu wasn't the greatest-looking guy in his younger years—to touch them? Obviously not.
Sighing loudly so Takano could hear his frustration, Ritsu peered out from behind the door, weighing his options. "What if I decline?"
"Then," Takano shrugged. "You declined. This isn't some contract, Onodera. It's just a request."
Ritsu frowned suspiciously. There was always some kind of catch when it came to Takano, no matter what. "Really."
Takano rolled his eyes. "Really, Onodera. Is that so difficult to believe? Anyways," he continued before Ritsu could get a word out. "Yes or no? Although I shouldn't even have to ask, should I?"
When he thought about it, Ritsu could list many reasons he should decline and just move on with his life. He could count the pros of accepting on one hand, one of which was the very real possibility of knocking Takano down a few pegs. His ego really was astonishing. Ritsu could also get him to stop with his constant assaults to try to get Ritsu to fall in love again. There was also the weird pride he'd feel at having the Demon Editor of Emerald ask him for help, even if it was for something as mundane as dancing. Honestly, what did Takano need dancing skills for anyways?
So Ritsu asked. "What do you need to dance for, Takano-san?"
He looked like he really didn't want to answer. "Tch," he said at last, though very reluctantly, "another wedding, that's all. And the cousin's bride whose feet I stepped on will be there."
"Wanting to show her up?" Ritsu wasn't even surprised at this point.
"So what?"
Nodding to himself, Ritsu once again continued the line of thoughts he'd had before. Frankly, was there even really a choice? Even if Ritsu said no, Takano—despite his assurances that he wouldn't try anything if he declined—would find some way to force the younger editor to do what he wanted. Besides, Takano wasn't being too…infuriating today, so Ritsu just shrugged and opened the door wider. Hey, even he had to have a break from fighting off arrogant ex-lovers sometimes, right?
"Come in, I guess," Ritsu said, shuffling farther into his apartment and trying to find that one old CD player he never brought out but took with him when he moved out of his parent's house. He pretended not to notice as Takano made a disgusted noise at the pigsty that was his apartment.
"Do you ever clean up in here, Onodera?"
Ah, great. More whining and complaining. Ritsu had no idea why he dealt with this man on a daily basis sometimes. "Just leave it," Ritsu waved off, taking out the CD player hidden in one of his cabinets. "So, what kind of dance do you want me to teach you?" He asked, facing Takano who was standing kind of awkwardly in the middle of Ritsu's living room.
Takano almost…fidgeted. Weird. "Waltz?"
"Hm," Ritsu answered in acknowledgement, creating an area where they could dance by kicking dirty clothes and empty boxes from the living room. Popping an old dance CD into the CD player, Ritsu started up the device and clapped his hands together. "Alright, so. Ready to start?"
At least Takano was willing. This wouldn't be too bad, right? Right?
Totally, absolutely dead wrong. In the last few minutes alone, Takano had stepped on Ritsu's feet at least twenty times. For all the authoritative weight Takano carried himself, he was surprisingly clumsy on his feet. This is something I can use to embarrass him with, mwahaha.
"Takano-san, keep your hands above the waist, please. Just because I'm letting you lead this time doesn't give you excuse for your perverted actions," Ritsu warned, scowling up at him.
Takano didn't even look ashamed. "Sorry, Onodera. My hand keeps slipping."
Ugh, why did I agree to teach him again? Moreover, why did I let him into my apartment in the first place? This was becoming too difficult for Ritsu to ignore. Well, he had to try his best anyways.
"Whatever," He scoffed, rolling his eyes. He couldn't deal with this right now. Even though Takano was most likely the worst person in the entire freaking world, he was a compliant dance partner and listened to what Ritsu was saying. Most of the time. It mostly had to do with how close to hold your dance partner and whatnot—no surprise there—but it…was something, Ritsu supposed.
All of a sudden, Takano dipped Ritsu so low he could feel his hair touch the ground and pulled him up again. Ritsu felt very dizzy. "Wahh! Takano-san! This isn't in the dance—"
"I know it isn't," Takano said lowly in his ear, a smirk apparent in his voice. "Improvising is an important part of dancing, is it not?"
"A-ah, yes, but—"
"Then it's okay if I do…this?" He emphasized the word by twirling Ritsu around 360 degrees and catching him in his arms again when the younger man fell against him.
"Ahn…" Ritsu couldn't say anything; he was far too breathless and dizzy all of a sudden. What was Takano doing? "Y-you…"
"Hmm," Takano said, not even gracing an answer. He leaned over Ritsu—still keeping a tight grip on his hand—and fast-forwarded the CD a few songs, stopping at an upbeat tune that reminded Ritsu faintly of Disneyland. "This song?"
The music started playing, and off they went. Takano moved Ritsu around the living room with surprising skill, twirling and twisting and overall dancing like they were in the 50s again, a sort of jolly, cheery dance that made Ritsu want to laugh. He was…having a lot of fun, actually. Takano took control of the whole thing—like he always did—but Ritsu couldn't remember the last time he felt so free and laughed so much. Takano seemed to be enjoying himself as well, if the wide smile on his usually blank features was any indication.
"T-takano-san! Stop it!" Ritsu laughed, trying to hold onto Takano with suddenly slippery hands.
"Hm? How could I when you're laughing like that?" Takano looked…happy like this, Ritsu noticed. Truly happy. His tone was slightly mocking and there was a smirk on his face, but his eyes were crinkled up as if in a smile and he was—
Ritsu had to catch his breath all of a sudden.
Takano was so, so handsome.
The song slowed down into a soft, delicate thing, and Takano took this opportunity to hold Ritsu closer to him. Ritsu couldn't even find it within himself to complain; he was feeling too light-hearted at this moment. Takano leaned his head forward and, in a voice that made Ritsu's heart tremble, started murmuring the lyrics—when were there lyrics in this song?—into Ritsu's ear, sounding so hopeful and beautiful that he couldn't stop the shuddering breath that escaped him.
They swayed like that, back and forth, gently in the middle of Ritsu's living room in Ritsu's apartment. It was…basically perfect. A perfect moment. With this knowledge, Ritsu buried his face into Takano's chest, ignoring the surprised intake of breath coming from above him. In all honesty…Ritsu was done fighting. He was done fighting a long time ago. He and Takano had had much better relations over the past few weeks, with less arguing and less drama. They were forming a kind of domestic circle around themselves, and Ritsu really couldn't mind it.
"Do you know how much I love you? Ritsu?" Takano murmured softly.
"Mnm?" Ritsu answered back just as gently.
"More than anything in the entire world..."
In the entire time since he'd known Takano, he'd never heard him sound so sincere and so tender, like Ritsu was precious and needed to be treasured above all else. The last shreds of his self-control faded away.
"I…feel the same way," Ritsu whispered, his voice muffled and nearly inaudible in Takano's chest. He hoped and, at the same time, didn't hope that Takano had heard him.
Takano pulled back just slightly to look at him in wonder, his eyes wide and hopeful. "Really?"
Ritsu could only nod before Takano had brought him into the softest of kisses, his lips pressed like a flower's embrace against Ritsu's.
"I love you," a kiss, "I love you, I love you so much, Ritsu. I love you so much."
And in his heart of hearts, Ritsu knew that he wouldn't trade this, this overwhelming love that they both shared with each other, for anything else in the world.
A/N: Uh…this turned out a lot deeper than I thought it would. By the way, I can't dance; I have two left feet, hence the title of this little fic.
I actually also apologize for writing such depressing fics over the past few days. Back to writing fluff for me!
Hope you guys enjoyed!