My first solely Ambreigns fic! I've written Ambreigns before, but it was mixed with Rolleigns. I hope you guys like this story because I have high hopes for it. Let me know what you think, please, by PM or review :)

CHAPTER 1 - Is Someone Getting the Best of You?

Whatever tomorrow brings

I'll be there with open arms and open eyes, yeah

Whatever tomorrow brings

I'll be there, I'll be there

"And we are back. For all the people who didn't know – and if you didn't, shame on you – you've just heard Drive by Incubus. One of my favorite songs from the early 2000s. While the song was playing, I was talking to my bud Daniel and we got into a super deep 3 minute discussion about how fast time flies. This song was released in 2000, guys. That was 15 years ago. Let that sink in and you think about what you've been doing for the last 15 years during this commercial break. We'll be back in a few here on WKRC 88.1 FM."

Dean entered his apartment and shut and locked the door behind him. He pulled his headphones out of his ears as he walked over to the stereo in his living room and switched it on. With one hand, he began to pull off his scarf and beanie and with the other, he turned up the volume on the stereo.

"Just go to redbulletin dot com to sign up for your free trial. That's R-E-D-B-U-L-L-E-T-I-N dot com."

Dean rolled his eyes, "Stupid commercials."

He shrugged off his snow covered coat and immediately shivered. His roommate, Kofi, forgot to turn the heat on before he left the apartment, and it was fucking freezing. Dean walked over to the thermostat and turned it on. He blew warmth into his hands as he made his way to the kitchen to make some coffee, rushing a little so he'd be at least half way done by the time the commercials were finished.

After about a minute or two, the radio host's voice rang out from the living room.

"Hello again, night dwellers, late studiers, bored and tired students of WBC! If this is your first time here, don't worry I'll be gentle. You'll soon learn I obviously have no filter and for that, I am so sorry. I'm Roman Reigns, and thank you for joining me tonight here on The Nightly Dose; your last resort for late night tunes and discussion. The theme tonight accidentally became nostalgia, so I'm gonna open the phone lines up and invite you all to call in to chat for a bit about 'the good old days'. Or maybe just call in to make some requests. But before we start talkin', I'm gonna play you guys another song that gives me nostalgia for the early 2000s, and that is Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day from their iconic album, American Idiot."

Dean hurried back to the living room with his coffee mug and four of Kofi's double chocolate chip cookies (Kofi will attempt to kill him for eating them, but all Dean has to do is promise to help him with whatever paper he has due next and he'd be forgiven). He flopped down onto the couch as the sound of Green Day filled his living room.

It was a Friday night (or early Saturday morning since it was around 1am), and while other young adults his age were out partying and drinking at this time, Dean was in his apartment, listening to college radio. Now, Dean wasn't a huge fan of the radio. It was too outdated and it usually played songs he wasn't interested in. His iPhone alone held about 5k songs as well as Pandora AND Spotify, so why would he be interested in his local radio station?

Because every Tuesday to Friday night from 10pm – 2am, The Nightly Dose came on, and the DJ and host of The Nightly Dose was Roman Reigns. Dean thought Roman had the sexiest voice he'd ever heard. It reminded him of smooth, thick caramel pouring over and mixing with deep, dark chocolate, and there was nothing better than studying, relaxing, or falling asleep to that voice.

Kofi had caught him listening to The Nightly Dose religiously several times and he suggested that Dean called in one night, just to actually talk to Roman. But just the thought of speaking to Roman made Dean clam up. See, it sounded relatively easy, to just call a radio station and request a song, or take it one step further and debate a topic with Roman, but there was one small problem.

Dean was extremely shy, bordering on having a social anxiety disorder.

Kofi was Dean's only friend, and that was because Dean was forced to live with him for the last 2 and a half years, by him being his roommate and all. Kofi tried several times to get Dean out there. He tried to take him to parties and he tried to bring girls back to the apartment, but Dean always reacted in negative ways. He would sneak out of the parties and berate himself all the way home, and he would straight up lock himself in his room if Kofi brought potential sex partners to the apartment.

Eventually Kofi stopped trying, but their friendship continued. Unfortunately, Kofi had a job and a pretty serious girlfriend now, so he barely spent any time in the apartment these days. And when he wasn't with his girlfriend, in class, or at work, he was usually with his other best friends, Xavier and Big E. Kofi tried to bring Dean into their group, but they were loud and boisterous and fun, and Dean was… He was not like them.

So long story short, Dean barely saw any of Kofi these days. He wasn't too sad about it, though. He got the apartment all to himself and he didn't have to worry about Kofi pressuring him to call into the station whenever he was listening to Roman's show.

"I feel like the 90s and the early 2000s aren't as good as people imagine they were, ya know?" A female caller said, over the airwaves. "I think nostalgia plays a huge part in people thinking those were good times. Things are infinitely better now."

"You're crazy," Dean muttered.

"Well, I disagree, but that's your opinion," Roman replied with a small laugh. "And you know we accept all opinions here on The Nightly Dose, because this is ultimately your show, so thank you for calling in, baby girl."

Dean sighed at the "baby girl". Roman was so flirtatious. Dean didn't know if it was intentional or not, but obviously flirting came naturally to Roman. Maybe it was because he was hot and he could get away with being flirtatious all the time in his daily life.

Dean often wondered what Roman looked like. Did he look like how he sounded? Was he "tall, dark, and handsome"? Or was he just a scrawny blond hair, blue eyed guy with a deceptive voice? Dean didn't really care. His crush on Roman came from his taste in music, his opinions, and his voice. That voice that had gotten Dean through countless lonely study nights and random bouts of insomnia. That voice that Dean refused to jerk off to because then it would take this situation from "cute shy guy who developed an innocent crush on someone's voice" to "creepy perv who masturbates to some poor guy's voice while he's just doing his job".

"You know what the best part of the 90s and early 2000s was?" Another caller asked, slightly slurring his words.

Roman laughed, "What?"

"Sabrina the Teenage Witch, dude!" The man declared excitably. "Remember the cat? What is name? Ummm… Secretase?"

"Salem, man!" Roman said. "He was the best part of that show."

"Yeah, bro. I wish they put it on Netflix."

"Maybe one day," Roman said reassuringly. "But hey man, you be safe. Don't drive if you're out. Call a cab. Or an Uber."

"You're so considerate," Dean sighed out loud. "I mean, how many other radio hosts would take the time tell their drunk callers not to drive?"

"Ok, listeners," Roman said, "I'm gonna play a couple requests we got, however I can always do with more. We have about a half an hour before I'm out here until Tuesday, so make it a good one. First request up: Howlin' For You by The Black Keys. It doesn't really fit with the theme of nostalgia, but The Black Keys are awesome and someone wants to hear it, so who am I to refuse?"

Dean glanced at the clock. Damn. It was already 1:25am. He felt like the show had just started, but that was because he missed the first 2 hours of it because of work.

"Reminder that you can still call in to chat, but you just won't be on the air," Roman said. "If I'm already talking to someone, you'll be directed to my good friend, my assistant, and full time hippie, Daniel Bryan. I promise he can hold a solid conversation for a full minute or so before he starts trying to convert you to veganism. And now he's putting his middle finger up at me. Thanks, Daniel. Anyway, 376-9820. Call in!"

Dean picked up his phone and went to his contacts as The Black Keys started to play. He only had a few names in there, but right under 'Mom' was 'Roman'. His finger hovered over the name for a while before he shook his head and put his phone back down. He had done this same exact thing several times, but he never actually hit 'call'.

"You're being ridiculous," He scolded himself. "What's the worst that could happen? He doesn't know you and you're practically invisible, so he won't spot you around campus. He doesn't even know what you look like!"

Dean picked up his phone.

"And if everything goes wrong and you say something stupid, you can hang up," He said out loud as his finger hovered over call again. "And think about how proud Kofi will be. Maybe he'll be so happy for you that he won't rage about you eating his chocolate chip cookies."

Dean shoved a cookie in his mouth and hit 'call'.




Dean's palms began to sweat and he chewed slowly, forcing himself not to hang up. Maybe he would get lucky and Roman won't answer.

"Yo. Thanks for calling The Nightly Dose, this is Dan-"

Dean hung up.

He finally got the balls to call and he got Daniel. Dean berated himself again. He'd taken too long to call and now someone else was talking to Roman. Before he could beat himself up into a hole, however, he suddenly remembered that he actually called. A whole year of panicking and freaking out and he actually, finally called!

Feeling a sudden rush of confidence like never before, Dean shoved another cookie in his mouth and hit 'call' again, expecting Daniel to answer the phone. He already had an apology on his lips when-

"Roman Reigns here, who do I have the pleasure of speaking with tonight?"

Dean froze. This wasn't a figure of speech, DEAN LITERALLY FROZE. His mouth fell open and a few cookie crumbs tumbled out as his throat worked to say something, ANYTHING.

"Hello? You there, man?"

Dean took in a breath to answer, but he ended up inhaling a piece of cookie. He dropped his phone and began to cough violently, his eyes bulging comically as he reached for his cup of coffee. He grabbed it and, desperately, he took a huge gulp. When the hot coffee burned his tongue and throat he immediately regretted all life choices leading up to this moment.

Dean powered through the burn and his watering eyes as he swallowed and picked up the phone again. He was about to hang up and bury himself in his room forever, when he heard a concerned, "Hello? Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Dean panted out, trying to catch his breath. He put the phone up to his ear again. "Yeah, I, uh… I was choking."

Roman let out a small huff that sounded strangely like a small laugh, "Well I'm glad you didn't die while I was on the phone. That would have been awkward."

"Yeah…" Dean agreed with a small laugh, then he realized he was talking to Roman. He froze up again, hand tightening on the phone.

"So, what's up? Why are you up so late?"

'I always stay up late to catch your shows.' Dean almost said, but thankfully didn't. That would have been super embarrassing. Not like he didn't already embarrass himself by almost dying on the line.

"Um, I'm just hanging out," Dean said quietly, trying and failing to sound nonchalant. "I just got home from work."

"Oh damn, another late worker. I know your pain." Roman mumbled. "Actually, I don't. I just get paid to sit here and talk to people and play music. I'm sure your job is harder."

Dean chuckled, relaxing a little. "I'm a stock boy. I unload boxes and restock the store I work at and take inventory and stuff. It's pretty boring, actually, but it helps pay my tuition."

"Well, we gotta do what we gotta do," Roman said. "When I was still in college, I had 2 freaking jobs and I interned at this place for my first 2 years. It got easier during my junior and senior year since I got help with my tuition and didn't have to work so hard, but man, work and school at the same time is tiresome."

"Oh, you're not a student here?" Dean asked, puzzled.

Roman laughed. "Nah, dude, I graduated last year. I kept working here because my apartment lease isn't up until this spring, so I figured I might as well wait it out. Maybe work another job and save up some money. I'm moving to Hawaii at the end of summer."

Dean felt a pang of sadness. He would have to go through his senior year without hearing Roman's voice. For some reason, he always thought Roman was gonna be there up until he graduated. He even made plans to call in when he graduated and request a song…

He cleared his throat. "Why Hawaii?"

"I grew up there, and I have a job opportunity. I figured it's time to go back home," Roman said, and then he muttered into the phone, "Hang on."

Dean listened as Roman shuffled around in the background. After a few seconds, he came back. "Sorry, I had to put on a new track. I kinda lost track of time. Daniel is shooting me glares."

Dean cringed. "Sorry, I forgot you have a job to do."

"It's no biggie," Roman assured him. "Hey, it was nice chatting with you. Call in any time you want, ok man?"

Dean's lips twitched in a small smile, "Yeah. It was nice talking to you, too."

"And what's your name?" Roman asked, his voice slightly deeper than before. "So if you call back, I can know it's you."

"D-Dean," He said, and he winched at the sound of his own meek voice. He was a man, damn it. Not a pubescent teenage boy! He cleared his throat and deepened his voice slightly. "My name's Dean."

"Well, Dean, you have a good night," Roman said. "And thanks for tuning in to The Nightly Dose."

"You, too, Roman." Dean said, and then he hung up.

Dean stared at his iPhone for a long time, a smile slowly growing on his face. He did it. He finally did it. After a year of trying to call Roman, he finally did it! After calming himself down, he opened up the text message window between him and Kofi.

just called into TND

u lyin

am not. we talked for like 5 mins.



Dean turned off his phone's display with a huge smile on his face. Below the excitement, he was exhausted from working and then from forcing himself to socialize out of his comfort zone. He yawned as the song on the radio came to an end.

"That was just 505 by Arctic Monkeys," Roman said, "Another favorite song of mine requested by Pamela, who was half asleep when she called in. She's probably dead to the world by now, but I played it anyway because, like I said, it's a favorite."

Dean wondered if he should have requested something. What would he request anyway? And what if he requested something and Roman thought his taste was shitty?

"It's about time for me to leave you all for the weekend," Roman drawled in his smooth voice. "I know you guys hate when I leave, but I will be back Tuesday night, so make sure you tune in. I'm gonna go to commercial break and then come back with one more request, but before I do, let me just say goodnight. I'm lookin' forward to hearing from you guys next week on the best station broadcasting on this campus: WKRC 88.1 FM."

"Goodnight," Dean muttered to his empty apartment, a small smile on his face.

He was already mustering up the strength to call back on Tuesday.

To be continued...

Just made a new tumblr: msfoxxyfoxxy. I made it so I can post fic updates and other shield boys related stuff and maybe (hopefully) meet some new people. So, follow me there, if you want.