So we meet again reader! Thank you all for the love and support on the last story. It was like my baby that I watched grow up and spread its wings and I couldn't be prouder to call it mine. Here is the prologue to the new story "Learning is Half the Battle". Enjoy!
June 2, 2015
Yelena opened the passenger door to Rosa's truck, getting inside and slamming the door "Go."
"Drive. Just... Please drive." She all but begged. They couldn't get away from that place fast enough.
Rosa pulled out of the parking lot of clinic onto the main road. They drove in silence the whole ride, Yelena quietly crying behind her sunglasses
"I know it's a dumb question to ask, but are you alright?" Rosa finally spoke
"I don't think I'll ever be okay again." She said softly
Rosa reached over with one hand and gently placed it over her friend's "It was the right thing to do. You'll see."
"If it was the right thing to do then why am I having such a hard to accepting it? This wasn't suppose to happen. None of this was suppose to happen to me."
"We all make mistakes Lena. You're human. Unfortunately, you made some bad choices and life took a turn for you, but you have to make the best of it. Things will slowly but surely repair themselves. You will find happiness again."
Yelena sniffled, wiping at her tear stained face "I just want to go home."
Once at the apartment, Rosa helped her upstairs and into bed
Yelena let Rosa tuck her in, mumbling a thank you
"I'm right down the hall if you need me."
She nodded, turning her back to the door. When it shut behind the Latina, she wept, wanted to forget today ever happened.
The past month has been her worst and she just wanted the misery to go away. A human being was not meant to carry this amount of weight on their shoulders.
Her care free days where a distant memory and she wanted so badly to go back to them.
But she couldn't. Everything was different. Now that she was going to be someone's mother.