We're Doing What?

Chapter 3

"As happy as I am to see you, Maus," the Kommissar had started. "I do not understand why we couldn't just meet at your terminal," Beca looked up at the German, slightly puzzled. She had picked up on the expression and proceeded to explain. "There are trains that depart from terminals one, two and three. They will get us to Paddington,"

"Oh," Beca said, her expression showing a hint of sadness.

"I am happy that you came to meet me, however," the blonde told her.

Beca made note of the fact that the German was wary of her facial expressions before speaking up. "I have an idea," the blonde looked at Beca, cocking an eyebrow. "There are trains that run between stations, surely we can catch a train down to one of the other terminals and can link into the city?"

"You know, for a maus you are smart,"

Beca and the Kommissar had successfully navigated their way around the trains and sat in relative silence as they were sped towards their destination. It was an hour long train ride as opposed to sitting in traffic for a couple of hours, and the Kommissar had decided it was decently cheaper.

"As gorgeous as you are, I'd like to know when are we leaving?" Beca asked, pulling her gaze from out the train window and towards the woman she was travelling with. She got a curious reply and Beca continued. "I haven't booked a return flight yet,"

"I do not know when we shall leave," came the simple reply. "I had other ideas but I wasn't sure if you like the idea or not,"

"Humour me," Beca offered.

"We are going to travel the world,"

Beca's jaw dropped. The fact that the German had kept such a straight face as she said it, and her eyes gave no hint of it being a joke, the shorter brunette was taken aback. "We're doing what?"

"We are going to travel the world," came the simple statement for the second time.

"How do you know if I can afford this?" Beca asked her, her palms beginning to sweat out of anxiousness.

"You won the worlds, maus," came the blonde's reply. "There was a cash prize which was no doubt split between your team, leaving some of it behind for the Bella's group,"

Beca couldn't deny it. There had been a nice sum of money put into her account, but that wasn't what she had used to get her to London. "What makes you so sure I used those funds?"

"The fact you have asked me that makes me change my mind,"

Beca's brow furrowed and before she had the chance to speak, the train intercom sounded throughout the carriage. "Next stop, Paddington Station,".

"Keep that thought in your brain. It appears to be our stop,"

Beca muttered something under her breath about the correct idiom being 'hold that thought', but it went unnoticed by the tall blonde.

Departing the train, the pair made their way onto the main road before Luisa pulled out her phone. Beca watched as she opened Google Maps, sighing in relief when it told the pair that it was only a five minute walk.

"I booked us in for the Dolphin Hotel, it is right next to Hyde Park, not a bad price per night either," the blonde had told her as they walked. "And just further down the road there is the palace,"

Beca smiled, not replying. As much as she had managed to sleep on her flight, she was still tired, after all it was only around 5am Los Angeles time. The Kommissar picked up on Beca's silence, and worried for a moment that it was her. "Are you okay, maus?"

Beca shook the weariness from her face and looked up at the blonde. "I'm just a little tired is all,"

"I thought you slept on your flight?"

"I did, but it must have been restless because I feel so exhausted right now,"

The German put her phone in her pocket and reached her newly freed arm around Beca's shoulder, rubbing soothing circles where her thumb lay. "How about a power nap, and then we shall eat,"

'I saw a pile of food joints back there," Beca mentioned, more meaning the fact they had walked past a Burger King and that was something familiar to her.

The hotel was small, Kommissar knew this already. The walls were painted a light yellow, with the skirting boards painted white. It was as modern as an old place could be done up, and it would suit their needs.

Beca didn't care right now as she flopped herself on the double bed, she wanted to sleep as quickly as possible so that she could spend as much time with the German girl as possible.

Luisa knew the brunette was tired, watching as she fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. She took the liberty to position their bags a little better than the way they had been haphazardly thrown before opening the French doors to the balcony. She stood out them, watching over the central city street, smiling as her thoughts drifted to the brunette who slept.

She thought about how Beca seemed a little...off. There was something that wasn't quite the same about her when they had first met at the car show. Even in Copenhagen she had seemed different, admittedly, they had slept together before doing anything else, they hadn't even gone on a date. Perhaps the blonde still intimidated her.

She hoped that in time that perhaps the woman would open up to her, because in reality, the brunette had just flown halfway around the world to see her.

"Hey," came the sleep laden voice of the American.

The Kommissar had found herself standing on the balcony of their hotel room for longer than the hour she had allocated for the brunette to sleep. She turned from her forward leaning position against the railings to turn to face Beca who was standing in the doorway, shoulder leaned up against the door frame.

"Hallo," she greeted back in her native tongue.

"Whatcha doing out here?"

The German tried to find any reason, but there wasn't one. Nothing could explain why she had been standing outside till the sun had started disappearing. "I think I became lost in my thoughts," she replied honestly.

"Well, can I take this beautiful woman out for dinner?" Beca kicked herself mentally. Even after everything that they'd been through, Beca always managed to vocalise something that was best left in her head.

The blonde realised this, smirking at the shorter woman, before approaching the door. Beca moved out of the way so that the German could enter the room. "They have wifi here, yes?" the blonde asked, before remembering that she was the one who booked the hotel.

"I don't actually think they do," Beca told her, switching the wireless function on, on her cellphone. "They're not appearing in my wifi list,"

"Well that is a shame," the blonde sighed, she figured she should have probably done some more planning. This wasn't perfect.

"Wait!" Beca almost yelled in her excitement. "There's a free wifi signal showing,"

The Kommissar pulled out her iPad, logging herself into the network before pulling up Google Maps again to attempt to decide where they were going to head for dinner. "There's a place caled Angus Steakhouse just up the road?" she offered.

"Sure," Beca agreed, pulling on her shoes and following the taller woman out the door.

The pair had been seated at a table rather quickly, but both glancing at the clock on the wall, it wasn't even 5pm yet. Beca quickly did the maths and figured it would be about 9am back home in Los Angeles and then she quickly remembered that she hadn't sent any kind of 'I'm alive' messages to Chloe.

"Excuse me," she told the German, quickly pulling out her cellphone. She figured she would regret roaming internationally and paying extra for the text, but it was Chloe; in the end, she was Beca's best friend.

'Hey red, forgot to txt to say that I made it to London ok. I'm currently about to have dinner with the freaking goregous german, fuck, she is seriously so gorgeous. But yea, roaming is expensive so I might not reply immediately. We found a wireless hotspot, so I will be able to skype and facebook message you x.'

"Was that the one from your group that you call 'Red'?" Luisa asked, her eyebrow cocked out of curiousity.

Beca nodded, turning off her phone and tucking it back into her pocket. "Have we decided if we are going to have a starter?"

"I think we should get the potato skins," she told the shorter woman.

Beca agreed and when their waiter came back they placed their order, making sure to order their mains at the same time, because lets be honest, it would usually be breakfast time for Beca.

The wait was relatively short, and the pair sat in silence, taking moments to sip from the water that they had been given upon arrival.

"Why did we agree to this?" Beca asked curiously.

Kommissar looked up at Beca, perhaps she was misinterpreting, but did Beca not want to be here? "Do you not wish to be here, maus?"

Beca smirked, shaking her head. "I do want to be here, but why are we here,"

"At this restaurant, or in this country?"

"This country,"

Kommissar was the one to smirk, and Beca took notice of this. The German had a plan. "What if I told you that we were going to be flying to the Maldives in a few days?"

Beca's brow furrowed. Did she really just say the Maldives? Her heart started pounding at the suddeness of this all; there was literally no time to process what the woman in front of her had just said. She gulped a mouthful of water, when in reality she practically skulled the glass. She coughed as the last drops of water found their way into her lungs. "Wait, what?"

"That is why you have not booked a return trip home," she told the brunette shrugging her shoulders. "Now, you will tell me what you told me on the train. How you might not have money, how you might not have enough time off from work, but what you fail to realise is that I have talked to 'Red' and she will cover for you depending on where we go,"

"What do you mean she will cover for me?" Beca asked, a little annoyed that her best friend was now apparently in on this.

The waiter approached with their starter, placing the plate on the table and leaving quickly. He must have sensed the tension between the two women.

"Never mind, I would much rather discuss this in private," the blonde dismissed, leaving Beca on the opposite of the table practically fuming.

By the time the pair had calmed down, enjoyed their courses and caught up on the last six months, it was nearly 7:30pm and it was time to collect the bill. The Kommissar had waved Beca off as she had tried to pay for the meal, and Beca wasn't one to argue when a gorgeous, German goddess was paying for her meal.

Stepping out of the food joint, the pair realised how much colder the weather was. They knew that they were travelling in winter, but dropping to what felt like 35 degrees just didn't cut it.

"I don't know why you American's use fahrenheit," the German had told her. "It makes no sense for water to freeze at 32 degrees. Below freezing makes sense to be a negative number,"

"So if it's about 35 degrees now, what is it actually," Beca challenged.

"For someone whose native language is English, that was a terrible sentence,"

"Well, I would say it's 35 degrees fahrenheit, right? So what is it in degrees celcius?"

The German quickly did the maths in her head. "It's about 1 degree,"

"And how does that make more sense than 35 degrees?"
"Because, you see this frost forming?" the blonde gestured towards the leaves that were, in fact, freezing over. Beca nodded her head in agreement. "It means it is nearly freezing, and a freezing temperature makes more sense to be 0 than 32, just like water boiling is 100 degrees, it makes no sense to boil at 212 degrees fahrenheit,"

The more Beca thought about it, the more it made sense. With that thought, they had arrived back at their hotel. She thanked fuck for that because it really was freezing outside, and that reminded her that Kommissar had told her that they would be flying to the Maldives in a few days. The Maldives was tropical, wasn't it?

AN: I am so sorry about the wait. I became caught up in work, and I am doing research for this fic to try and make it as accurate as possible. Well, now you know why the fic is called what it is.

I hope you're enjoying it and if you have any feedback about whether I've got something right or wrong, please feel free to correct me.

As you may have noticed Kommissar thinking about the fact they had slept together, please remember that this is a rough continuation of Heterosexual Insults.

Anyway, I really, really hope you enjoyed it.