DISCLAIMER: The Wicked universe and the characters you recognise are not mine. The plot and all original characters are the creation and copyright of me.

Life's Epochs

By Vinkunwildflowerqueen

AN. Here we are, my first non-Fiyeraba multichapter fanfiction- and not only that, a multichapter fanfiction with Frex of all people as a main character. What?! I know, I know.

But I had this idea over a year ago for this universe and how it would affect Elphaba's character. Naturally, I had to set it up properly, I didn't want to merely cram it in as a backstory in a prologue or first chapter. 19 chapters later, here we are.

I know Frex isn't most people's favourite character (or anyone's… is Frex anyone's favourite character?) but I hope you guys give this a chance!

Chapter 1

Frex opened the front door quietly, and shut it behind him with a weary sigh. He didn't turn on any lights but walked through the darkened house with no hesitation, making his way to the kitchen, which was lit.

The housekeeper, Nikita Braell sat at the kitchen table, knitting. She must have heard Frex's footsteps because she didn't look surprised to see him.

"You're back earlier than I expected, Governor. Did the bride and groom leave already?"

Frex nodded tiredly as he took a seat at the table opposite her. "Elcin has to report to the Quoxian Prime Minister in two days, so they wanted to get a start on the journey. Did-"

"Both girls ate, bathed and are fast asleep," Nikita reassured him.

"Any trouble?"

"Is Nessarose ever any trouble? I swear that child is an angel," Nikita smiled. "Elphaba spent most of the night in her room reading."

Frex nodded in acknowledgement as Nikita stood and gathered her things.

"Well, I'll take my leave, sir. No doubt you ate your fill at the wedding, but there's a piece of pie in the oven for you. Nessarose insisted on keeping it for you. She knows cherry is your favourite, sir."

Frex smiled faintly. "Thank you, Nikita. I appreciate you staying."

"It was my pleasure, sir. The girls are no trouble, and my boys are more than capable of looking after themselves. I've just been thinking that now all three will be away to Shiz in the fall, Oz knows I have nothing keeping me at home. Do you have more interviews tomorrow?"

"Five," Frex sighed. "I truly appreciate all your extra help until I find a replacement for Valeria. I didn't expect it to take this long."

"You're finding someone you trust to take care of your little girl, Governor. I wouldn't expect it to be an easy process," Nikita smiled and bid him goodnight.

Left alone, and despite the fact he had eaten plenty at the wedding, Frex fetched the slice of pie keeping warm in the oven. Nessarose was right, cherry was his favourite and Nikita's pie was about the best thing Frex had ever eaten. She was an excellent chef and housekeeper. She had been with them for twelve years, ever since Frex had become Governor. Melena had been so stubborn about relinquishing control of the kitchen to a stranger… despite growing up in a wealthy home with servants of her own, Melena loved to cook… had loved to cook.

Frex sighed heavily, putting down his spoon and pushing the empty bowl away from him. It had been almost six years, but Frex still felt the loss of his beloved wife as though it were yesterday- and none too keenly than instances like tonight, at a wedding.

If Valeria hadn't cared for Nessarose since her birth, he wouldn't have gone. And now she was leaving, moving to Quox with her new husband who had just been appointed ambassador to Quox. He had only gotten the news a few weeks ago, which was why here it was, the night of the wedding and Frex had no replacement for her. Valeria had offered to stay until a replacement was found, and join Elcin in Quox later, but Frex hadn't wanted her to begin her marriage away from her husband.

It was not proving to be easy to replace Valeria. And whoever it was had to fit into their home and be comfortable with Nessarose. The five year old girl was still upset about Valeria leaving. She had known her all her life.

Thinking of his youngest daughter, Frex rinsed his bowl and fork and left them in the kitchen sink, before turning off the kitchen light and moving quietly down the hall. There was a soft light shining from Nessa's room, as per usual. She was still afraid of the dark.

When Frex peered into the room, as Nikita had told him, he found Nessa sleeping peacefully. She lay on her back, her hair fanned over the pillow, her arms holding her beloved teddy bear to her chest. Nessarose resembled her mother strongly, but never more than when she was sleeping. It made Frex's chest ache. Frex gently kissed his daughter's forehead and turned off the lamp but left the door ajar as he left the room- just in case.

He hated having Nessa's room so far away from his own, especially now the small room next to it that had been Valeria's was empty- what if she needed him in the middle of the night? But getting Nessa's wheelchair up and down the stairs each day was neither easy nor practical, and so when she had been old enough, she had been moved to one of the downstairs bedrooms. Frex wondered, not for the first time in recent days, if he should just sleep in his study until a replacement was found; and decided to think on it tomorrow. It was almost midnight, and he was tired and not looking forward to enduring more interviews tomorrow.

He went up the back staircase, and on his way down the hall to his own bedroom, he hesitated briefly before opening the door to the bedroom that roomed his eldest daughter. There was no light in this room save for moonlight, lit by the open window.

Elphaba, nine now, and still as green as the day she was born, lay curled in a tight ball beneath her covers, a book she must have been reading before going to sleep still held in her grasp, as tightly as her sister had held her teddy bear. Frex frowned slightly. Elphaba, it seemed, had always slept that way, curled up into herself tightly. Melena used to laugh that she thought she was still in the womb…

Frex shook his head and shut the door firmly but quietly. No. It would not do to dwell on the past. It hurt too much.

The Governor was up at seven am the next morning, as per usual for him, and he moved through his morning routine casually. He washed and dressed and came downstairs as the morning paper landed on the doorstep. Frex took it to his study and read it, Nikita bringing him a cup of freshly brewed coffee once she arrived and had prepared it. By half past seven, Frex was entering the kitchen for breakfast, just after his daughters had taken their places at the table.

"Morning, Daddy!" Nessa greeted him brightly.

Frex smiled and bent to kiss the top of her head. "Good morning, angel. Did you sleep well?"

Nessa nodded. "Yes, thank you. How was the wedding? Did Miss Valeria look beautiful?"

"She looked lovely," Frex reassured her, taking his seat. Then he glanced at his elder daughter, sitting opposite Nessarose's chair.

"Good morning, Elphaba."

"Good morning, Father," she replied quietly. "Are you doing more interviews today?"


"What should Nessa and I do?"

"Occupy yourselves quietly. Take care of your sister and don't disturb Nikita unless necessary. She's busy. Understood?"

Elphaba nodded. "Yes, Father."

They ate breakfast in relative silence after that, none of them but Nessa was much of a morning person. Finally, Frex excused both girls.

"Fabala, can we colour in?" Nessa asked her sister. It was her favourite pastime, and whilst Elphaba never really had the patience for it, she never refused her sister.

"Ok, Nessie."

Elphaba took hold of her sister's chair and wheeled her away as Frex took a fresh cup of coffee to his study to look over the applicants for the day before the interviews started.

At exactly nine fifteen, Nikita knocked on the study door.

"Miss Hew, the first applicant is here, sir."

"Thank you, Nikita. Please show her in," Frex ordered and rose to his feet.

Three o'clock found Frex wearily awaiting the last interviewee for the day, but not completely disgruntled. He thought he might have find someone for the job- Miss Boyana Coldore from Rush Margins had raised her sister's four children after her sister and husband had died; and now that they were all grown, she was looking for something else and had offered to come care for Nessarose. She had experience raising children and Frex thought she would do quite nicely.

However, he still felt obligated to interview the last applicant. Right on cue, Nikita appeared at the door.

"Miss Swift for you, sir."

At Frex's nod, Nikita ushered a blonde, hazel eyed woman into the study.

"Miss Swift."

"Annalie," she introduced herself, taking the offered hand. "Thank you for meeting me, Governor."

"Please, have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

Frex sat behind his desk and surveyed her application again. Twenty seven, from the Glikkus, a former librarian.

"What brings you to Munchkinland?"

The woman looked a little surprised that was his first question. "This job, hopefully," she said with a weak smile.

"You have family in Munchkinland?"

"No. My family's all from the Glikkus. My father's a carpenter… family business. My mother's a teacher, and my brother-"

"Works in the family business?" Frex finished, raising an eyebrow.

Annalie seemed to falter slightly. "Actually, he's a miner. The Emerald Mines."

Frex nodded and pushed on. "You went to Shiz University," he noted.

"Yes, sir. Majored in Linguification and graduated six years ago. I got the job in the library that fall."

"So, why did you apply for this job?"

Annalie paused thoughtfully. "I've been wanting to move on for a while now. This opportunity came up, and it seemed perfect."

Frex nodded and was silent for a long moment.

"Nessarose is five and a half years old," he said suddenly, sitting up straight in his chair and looking her directly in the eyes.

"She has been paralysed from the waist down since birth. She can mostly manage to manoeuvre the chair on her own, but it is easier when someone else assists her. The doctors call it 'incomplete paraplegia'… 'Anterior Cord Syndrome'. She has some sensation of pressure and joint sensation in her legs, but she cannot move them. She has control of her bowels, but she has no motor function in her legs. The doctors do not think she ever will. Nessarose also has a weak immune system. She often is in pain from cramps in her legs and she does daily exercises to keep her leg muscles from atrophying."

Annalie didn't know what to say to that, but couldn't keep her eyes from widening. The advertisement in the paper had simply called for a "aide and governess", it hadn't gone into specifics as to why.

"The woman who formerly held this position, has cared for Nessarose since her birth. Nessarose has grown very close to her, and it is important that she is comfortable with whoever takes her place."

"Of course," Annalie nodded.

"The main duties of the position are to assist Nessa with her day to day care. It's a live in position, so room and board are included in the salary. Other duties are helping her gain the skills to give her as much independence as possible, and to begin her studies in the fall, at least for now. She's too weak to attend regular school just yet."

Frex hesitated. "My other daughter, Elphaba…" He gave an odd sigh, as though he was reluctant to say anything.

"She's nine years old. And green."

Annalie startled. "Green, sir?"

"She attends school in town, but will require checking that she completes her homework and keeps up with her studies. Elphaba is also responsible for keeping her own bedroom tidy and helping care for Nessarose where possible. Other than that, the only duties concerning Elphaba are too make sure she stays out of trouble. Do you have any questions?"

Annalie really wanted to know why- and how- a child became green, but thought perhaps this was not the best time to ask.

"Not that I can think of at the moment, Governor."

Frex went over a few more details- namely, salary and then asked one final question.

"Why exactly are you interested in this job, Miss Swift? You have no childcare experience, and no teaching experience."

It was a fair question, but Annalie still felt faintly slighted.

"I know I don't have any experience with children, but I've always liked them. I used to babysit and tutor since I was a teenager and all through Shiz. The truth is, Governor, I wanted to be a teacher after I graduated. Circumstances changed and I didn't get that chance, and I ended up at the library. But I would really like the chance to prove myself, sir."

Frex surveyed her, his gaze cool and hard.

"I'll let you know shortly when I've made my decision. Where can I reach you in town?"

"I'm staying at the inn in town until Wednesday."

"I'll contact you within the day," Frex promised.

Annalie thanked him, shook his hand again and left.

Frex resumed his seat and leaned back thoughtfully, picking up two applications- Boyana and Annalie's.

Miss Boyana remained the most qualified candidate, there was no doubt about that. But… there was something about Miss Annalie that intrigued Frex. Perhaps it was her nature… she was young and soft spoken, Nessarose might appeal to that more. Nessa was such a sensitive, tender-hearted little girl, she needed that.

On the other hand, Miss Boyana seemed as though she'd be more adept to keeping Elphaba in line and under control.

Frex mused over it for the rest of the day. Logic and all reason told him that this should be an easy decision. Yet there was a voice in his head that urged him to consider Annalie- a voice that sounded oddly like Melena. That night, Frex finally let himself reflect on the voice. Who would Melena have hired? That was an easy question. She would hire the person who would care most for her daughters, regardless of who was most qualified for the job. And that settled Frex's decision.

The next day, Frex sent a message down to the inn, asking Annalie to report to the Governor's mansion in an hour's time. She arrived promptly and Nikita once again showed her into the study. Frex got right to the point.

"Miss Swift, I'd like to offer you the position."

Annalie's face lit up. "Really? Thank you, sir. I really appreciate the opportunity," she gushed.

"How soon can you start?" Frex asked, brushing off her gratitude.

"I return to the Glikkus today and I can be back by the end of the week," she said quickly.

Frex nodded slowly. "That will be suitable. I'd like you to meet the girls before you leave today."

Annalie nodded. "Sure."

Frex led her from the study and out into the back garden. Blinking against the bright sun, it took Annalie's eyes a moment to adjust. There were two girls sitting under a tree, one in a wheelchair and one sitting on the grass next to her, with green skin. The elder was reading to the younger, although she stopped as Frex and Annalie approached, slowly getting to her feet.

"Girls, I'd like you to meet Miss Annalie Swift," Frex introduced them. "She's going to replace Miss Valeria."

Annalie smiled, studying the girls discreetly. Nessarose was very beautiful, as the rumours had said, with a sweet pale heart shaped face, brown eyes with flecks of gold and dark brown hair that flowed over her shoulders in soft waves. The chair she sat in made her appear even more petite than Annalie guessed she was. She smiled at Annalie politely, rather shyly.

Elphaba was a different story. She had the same eyes as her sister, although hers were larger than Nessa's. Her hair was long and black, tied back in a neat ponytail, and she was thin, not merely petite but bony. And as her father had said, she was green, almost shockingly so. She was watching Annalie with wary eyes.

"Hello girls," Annalie said. "It's nice to meet you both."

"Hello," Nessarose replied softly.

Annalie glanced at the book in Elphaba's hand. "What are you reading?"

Elphaba's grasp tightened on the book and she moved it behind her back, but Nessa answered.

"It's called The Secret Garden. Elphaba's reading it to me."

"Elphaba, I think Nessarose has had enough sun for today. Take her inside and get the both of you washed up for lunch," Frex ordered.

"Yes, Father," Elphaba nodded.

Annalie and Frex watched Elphaba push her sister's chair inside the house before Frex spoke again.

"You get used to the green."

Annalie nodded, not sure what else to say. Frex walked her back inside and saw her out.

"We'll expect you at the end of the week then," he said coolly.

"Yes, sir. I'll be back on Friday," Annalie promised. "And thank you again for the opportunity."

"I'm trusting you with my daughter's care, Miss Swift. I do not take that lightly."

"Annalie. Please call me Annalie," Annalie asked. It was too unnerving to imagine living in his house and being called "Miss Swift" all the time.

Frex gave a curt nod. "Miss Annalie. See you on Friday," he said before returning to the house and shutting the door behind him.

AN. Before I forget-

Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed and gave condolences on my one-shot The First Date for the closing of Wicked in Australia. It's a difficult time for everyone.

It does help with the pain to know that Jemma Rix is going to be playing the role of Lucy in Jekyll and Hyde at the end of the year(!).

Thank you to Maddy (AKA UltimateQueenofCliffies), Kelly and Julia (AKA Julia Caesar) for approving of this idea and title (not to mention the working title of The Nanny and the Beast of Music… because I was describing it as "Beauty and the Beast meets The Nanny meets The Sound of Music. Get it? I'm witty that way.)