Dear Readers,

I blame this fanfiction on the fact that Godfather Part I, II, and III were on TV today and I got the sudden epiphany for a story such as this. Therefore, the plot is from me, but the amazing characters are from Ms. Meyers. I majored in History and Political Science, not English so there will be errors. Love the flawed is my only advice.


An Irish crime family moves to Chicago where Bella's dad is a captain of a police unit. Will Bella be able to choose between her dad and the man she had grown to love? What will she do when she's stuck between a rock and a hard place? Canon Couples. Rose is the kickass best friend. Mobward and Mobfamily. This story is an offer you can't refuse. ;P

"Dad?" I yelled from my bedroom upstairs, waiting for him to respond.

After a few seconds I shouted again, but louder this time. "Dad? What do you want for dinner?" Still nothing.

Irritation started to set in. "I see your car in the driveway. I know you're home." Crickets.

I pushed myself off of my bed and walked to the top of the stairs. "If you don't tell me what you want for dinner, I'm gonna let you starve. I'll let you wither away from eating nothing but cold pizza and cereal." Absolutely quiet.

"DAD!" I bellowed running down the stairs with some uneasy feeling in my gut.

I flew down the steps and found Charlie in the corner of the living room whispering into his phone.

"I have numerous sources that tell me they're moving their operations to Chicago. We need to be ready for them, all of them." He caught me eavesdropping into his conversation and quickly wrapped up with whoever he was talking to. "See you tomorrow."

"Who was that?" I gestured towards his phone.

"Oh. That was one of the guys from the station." Charlie said, attempting not to make a big deal out of what seemed to be a very serious conversation. I could tell because his shoulders were tense and he had giant bags under his eyes. Charlie always worried too much about work.

My dad was a captain for a police unit here in Chicago, and he had the bad habit of trying to keep me out of his work life, but all too often he brought it home.

Who was coming to Chicago? And why was Charlie so worried about it? Would he go back to working long hours again? He barely came home as it was.

"Alright kid. What are you feeding me? Your old man is hungry." Charlie said, bring me out of my own personal musing.

"Well, old man. You decide but pick something simple because I have a ton of homework to do, and college applications to turn in."

"I can only hope that you get out of Chicago" He said jokingly with a smile. "And get out fast." He whispered the last part so low that I was positive I wasn't meant to hear it.

I didn't know why Charlie was so worried. Or who was going to come to Chicago. But I had the feeling that my life would soon change. And this change was closer than I thought.


"Bella, sweetheart. Stay with me." There was a rust smell and warm liquid that covered my body as I gasped for air. "Don't worry, I'm going to take care of ya. Everything is going to be alright." Sobbed a male voice with an accent that I couldn't place.

I had the strange urge to comfort him and tell him that I would survive, but I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't lie to him.

"Bella, ya can't leave me. I can't live without ya. If ya die, I die, luv."

Bronze hair and green eyes infiltrated my mind as I attempted to look at the angel holding me.

"Bella.." He sobbed.

"Bella.." I joined him in his cries.

"BELLA." Rose yelled at me, waking me from my dream. I would normally consider it a nightmare, but even the worst dreams would be wonderful if they contained that angel.

"You fell asleep again, bitch. I tried to cover for you, but Mr. Banner figured out that you were snoozing up a storm once you started crying."

I had fallen asleep after doing the blood typing lab in our honors anatomy class, which explained the rust smell in my dream.

"Sorry Rose" I moaned, scraping my hand against my face. "Charlie has been gone at night, and I have a hard time sleeping by myself in that house." I always ended up falling asleep at 3 am downstairs while watching Friends on Netflix's.

"You know you can stay at my house whenever you want." Rose glanced at me sympathetically. "Has your dad given you an explanation for his crazy hours?"

"Nope. He just says that there are more criminals on the streets, so that means more work for him. I know he's keeping something from me though. I have been thinking about holding my cooking hostage to get him to talk, but to be honest he's so stressed he probably wouldn't even notice."

Once the bell rang, Rose and I headed to the cafeteria hoping to snag a table towards the window and away from the group of Barbies who followed Jessica Stanley around.

Rose had been my best friends since the age of five. I mean we were always close, but when I was in Kindergarten, a blonde hair tomboy came up to me, declaring that we would be best friends for life. We have been inseparable ever since then.

"Your puppy dog is on his way over." Rose laughed as she looked down at her salad.

"I wish you would stop calling him that, Mike is just a friend. A harmless friend." I glared pointedly at her.

"Yeah! A friends that wishes to warm your feet, or another part of your body."

"Rose!" I slapped her arm as I gasped at her audacity.

I could smell him from ten feet away. He smelled like he had been drenched in ten gallons of ax cologne, weed and gym socks.

"Bella" Mike said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "So I heard that your dad is going after the Cullens?"

"What are you talking about, Mike?" I replied, suppressing the urge to tell him to fuck off.

"The Cullens? The crime family from Ireland? The whole family moved here and rumor has it that they moved their entire operation to Chicago."

Operation. When my dad was talking on the phone, he said something about operation, and that they were all coming. Was my dad going after the Cullen family? Was this why he had been so stressed?

"Well, not that it's any of your business Mike, but I have no idea."

"Calm down, Bella." He said trying to sneak a peek down my shirt.

"Get the fuck off me Mike and go molest some bimbo girl that you actually stand a chance with." I shoved him hard, attempting to rid myself of the pest.

"Fucking tease" Mike muttered.

I jumped up from my seat and stalked towards him. "What was that, asshole? Just because I don't want to be look at like some fucking piece of meat while I'm eating my lunch, I'm the tease? Or is it because I actually have standards and self-respect and therefore won't even give you the time of day? Get out of my fucking sight before I kick the shit out of you." I pushed him into the table that Jessica and her Barbies sat at, which resulted in his groaning and their screaming.

After he recovered from the fall, the puppy left the cafeteria with his tail between his legs.

"Harmless friend, huh?" Rose said with her eyebrows raised.

"Not one word." Was my only reply as I walked back to the table.

"Wouldn't dream of it." She murmured. "So do you think that the Cullen family is why your dad has been so busy?"

"Probably. I just hope that he's not getting in to deep." I didn't know what I would do if I lost my dad. He was all that I had since my mom left us when I was seven. It has always been just Charlie and Bells.

"Well since he's gonna be gone tonight, lets hit the town."

"And do what?" I really wanted to just stay home and transform into a couch potato, not Cinderella.

"Maybe go to a club, or hit a bar or two." I rolled my eyes. "Come on Bella, its Friday night and we never go out. One club? We won't even stay that long."

"Fine. One club." She squealed. "And once we are done, we are going back to my house and watching Friends all fucking night long."

"How you doin?" Rose smiled and entwined our arms as we went to English.


"Is that what you're wearing?" Rose shrieked as she barged into my room.

I huffed and crossed my arms, not fully prepared to have this particular conversation with Rose. There was nothing wrong with what I had on, a lot of girls went to clubs in jeans and a t-shirt that said "Hogwarts Express Bound". Well maybe not a lot, but the girls that didn't give a shit certainly did.

"You told me I had to go to a club, you didn't tell me I had to dress up." I growled.

Shoving me out of the way, Rose raided my closet for ten minutes until finally she came out with a pair of skinny black jeans and a dark blue crop top. "Perfect! Do you have those blue pumps still? If not, we could stop by my house and get the red ones."

"Rose, I am not wearing that, the top looks like it was made for a ten year old." I sighed.

"FOUND THE PUMPS! Put this on. Now. Then head to your bathroom, cause I have to do something with your hair." She dictated, attempting to suppress her looks of disgust.

Two hours and three catfights later, Rose and I were heading out of the door with what seemed like a whole can of hairspray in my hair. She won the catfight that started when she attacked me with a curling iron, but I won the catfight with makeup, just mascara and lipstick.

We jumped into Rose's 70's red mustang, and headed away from the suburbs of Chicago.

"So are we going to The Mid again? Cause last time my dad almost caught us and I would rather not be spend the rest of my senior year in my room." I asked as we flew down the 94 Interstate.

"Yeah that place was getting lame anyways. There is a new place called Ceilidh that just opened up. It's supposed to be the next big thing."

"What the hell does Ceilidh mean? Good god, the names for clubs these days. They are getting more ridiculous every time we go out." Seriously, what will they come up with next?

"One place is called stool, it's supposed to be the shit." She looked at me with a sly grin on her face.

"You're fucking disgust, Rose." I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling.

"But you still love me. What does that say about you?"

"That I need fucking mental medication."


"ID miss?" The bouncer, with a familiar accent, asked at the door.

"Yeah sorry." I pulled out my expertly made fake ID and showed it to the scary looking bouncer outside of the club.

On the outside, Ceilidh looked like a small pub, but once you stepped inside, you were hit with excellent house music and flashing lights that flickered over hundreds of sweating bodies dancing together.

"Holy shit, this place is awesome." Rose yelled into my ear. "Come on, let shake our asses." Her hand clasped onto my wrist and dragged me onto the dance floor.

We danced with each other for at least twenty minutes before heading to the bar to get something to drink.

"Rum and coke" Rose told the bartender when we finally got his attention.

"And for you miss?" He asked with the same accent as the bouncer.

"Um.. gin and tonic, please." I replied.

"No problem." Why was that accent so familiar?

"So where did you come from?" I blurted out.

A knowing smile crossed the bartender's face. "Well darling, when a mother and father.."

A blush consumed me and probably followed down my entire body. "That not what I meant. Sorry. I meant what country are you from?"

"Ireland, just came over with me cousins."

"Is your cousin the bouncer?"

"No, luv. Me cousin is the owner of this club. You see that guy leaning over the railing?" He pointed toward the second level dance floor. "He's the boss."

The bartender pointed towards a young man, couldn't be more than 25 years old, with bronze hair and what look like from here, piercing green eyes. Green eyes that stared right back into mine. Once I realized my blunder, I quickly looked away, while struggling to hide my embarrassment from gawking at him. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't place him. I really needed to get my memory checked.

"Here's you gin and tonic, luv."

"Thank you so much…."


"Thank you, Seth. I'm Bella by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Bella" He walked off to help another customer.

"He's hot, Bella. You should jump on that train." Rose chuckled right after he left.

"Yeah Rose. I'm gonna lose my virginity to guy in a bar. Cause that really smart." I snapped back not noticing my mistake.

"Well, some of us didn't get that choice, Bella." Rose headed towards the dancing floor leaving me in my own self-loathing.

A year and a half ago we went to a bar in downtown Chicago, where Rose received the attention of a certain douche named Roy King. He poured drinks into her all night, and ended up raping her in the alleyway, when I went to the bathroom. After searching for her for an hour, I found her on the ground outside crying and trying to cover herself up. I tried to get her to tell the police, but she was afraid of her parents and what they would think. So instead she took self-defense classes and swore that she would never be that weak again. I think she went to clubs in Chicago because she was trying to find him, and give him what he really deserved.

"Want another, luv?" Seth asked, which brought me out of my own memories.

"Yeah, and a shot of tequila."

"Take it easy girl." He laughed and went to make my drinks. After taking the shot and chugging my gin and tonic, I went to go find Rose. She was dancing with some tiny creepy old man.

"Seriously, Rose?" I pulled her from his grasp. "You really think that this is the best way to handle your feelings." Pushing her off of the dancing floor until we were by the entrance of the club.

"I'm fine, Bella."

"Sure you are" I rolled my eyes. "Look, I'm sorry I was such a bitch. I wasn't thinking when I said that."

"I said I was fine."

"You know I blame myself, right? I should have been watching you. I should have had your back. I'm sorry." I started to feel the massive amount of alcohol that I consumed.

"I'm ok Bella. Just brings back memories." She wrapped me into a hug and held on tight.

"Are you ready to leave?" I asked. I could feel my bed calling my name.

"I don't want to leave like this, let's dance a little bit more. Than it can be me, you, and Netflix's for the rest of the night."


Two tequila shots later, I was wasted. My filter was gone and my body did whatever it wanted, like it had somehow been disconnected from my brain.

Tove Lo "Talking body" song came on which was my absolute favorite, so Rose and I started grinding on each other to the beat of the song.

Bed, stay in bed

The feeling of your skin locked in my head

Smoke, smoke me broke

I don't care, I'm down for what you want

That's when I saw him from across the room. Seth's absolutely gorgeous cousin, with the fuck me hair and dreamy eyes. Suddenly, I didn't want to be grinding against Rose, but against him.

Day drunk into the night, wanna keep you here

Cause you dry my tears, yeah

Summer lovin' and fights, how it is for us

And it's all because

He's dressed in a black suit that is well tailored. I mean panties were flooded. Closing my eyes, I began to fantasize that it was him holding on to my hips, his fingers that were digging into my jeans, and his chest that was pushing into my back. I felt a jolt within my abdomen that forced me to open my eyes and meet a pair of green ones, only a few feet away from me. Our eyes connect for what felt like forever.

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one, so put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right, we fuck for life

On and on and on

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one, so put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right, we fuck for life

On and on and on

Throwing caution to the wind, I left Rose and headed towards a man that I could only define as a pure dream. The closer that I got to him, the more defined his features became. He had a chiseled jaw, perfectly angled nose, and beautifully bright green eyes. Also, he was at least a full foot taller than me.

With no control over my actions, I placed my one hand on his muscular chest and wrapped my other hand around his neck, pulling myself up to his ear. His scent of pine trees and fresh linen made me weak in the knees.

"Didn't your parents teach you that it's rude to stair?" I asked in the most flirtatious way possible. I didn't know where this seductress personality came from, but when in Rome. "Dance with me and I might forgive you for your rudeness."

Gazing into his eye, I shivered involuntary at the brief moment that I grab his hand and lead him to the middle of the dance floor.

I grasped his other hand and place both of them around my waist as I began moving to the music with my back against him. I started to feel slightly awkward, due to the fact that dream man was standing still as I was grinding on him. It was like dancing with a statue. A warm, hot, slightly panty melting statue. My hand, which I had no control over, moved from his hand on my waist, up his muscular arm, grazing his neck, and stopping when it started to pull on his hair. Suddenly, the grip on my hips became tighter and his body began to relax and move with me. Within no time, I was a panting mess and he began to kiss down my neck.

"Jaysus!" He breathed heavily into my ear and I began to feel something a little harder than the rest of his body against back. He moved his hands from my waist to the apex of my thighs and pressed the seam of my jeans into a very hot and throbbing part of my body.

"Shit" I cursed. Having no idea if it was the alcohol or him that was doing this to me, all I knew was that I didn't want it to stop. The muscles in my stomach were clenching and I quickened my pace against him. The more we moved, the harder he pushed his hand into me and the tighter my muscles got. The invisible cord that would release this tension was so close to snapping, but the silence in the room caused our movements to cease.

The music had stopped playing. The club was closing, and the DJ was breaking down his equipment. Are you freaking kidding me? I'm was a frustrated mess, and not caring that the music was no longer playing, I began pressing myself into my dream man harder than before hoping he would get the message to continue.

"Sweetheart, ya gotta stop moving, or I won't be responsible for any further actions." His voice said with a silky Irish accent. Oh god, he could read the phone book and it would be sexy. I still couldn't shake the idea that I had heard his voice before.

"I gotta make sure Seth isn't fuckin up the bar close out." He guided me over to a couch and forced me to sit down. "I'll be back. Don't move ok? Ya, can't leave me."


As always, reviews are welcomed, nice reviews are appreciated.

Also, I am one of the worst writers when it comes to checking spelling and grammar, so I am looking for a Beta to help point out all my flaws. It would be for this story and possibly for "The jury is out" which is my other fanfiction that I am currently writing.

Stay tune, cause there is much more to come.

Hoped you guys enjoyed!

