Decided to try my hand at a crossover fic, and well this one has been brewing in my mind for a while. Let me know if I should continue one. Reviews/Favorites/Alerts are this girls best friends. ;)


I hold on so nervously

To me and my drink

I wish it was cooling me

But so far, has not been good

It's been shitty

And I feel awkward, as I should

This club has got to be

The most pretentious thing

Since I thought you and me

Well I am imagining

A dark lit place

Or your place or my place

Well I'm not paralyzed

But, I seem to be struck by you

I want to make you move

Because you're standing still

If your body matches

What your eyes can do

You'll probably move right through

Me on my way to you

I hold out for one more drink

Before I think

I'm looking too desperately

But so far has not been fun

I should just stay home

If one thing really means one

This club will hopefully

Be closed in three weeks

That would be cool with me

Well I'm still imagining

A dark lit place

Or your place or my place

Well, I'm not paralyzed

But, I seem to be struck by you

I want to make you move

Because you're standing still

If your body matches

What your eyes can do

You'll probably move right through

Me on my way to you

Well, I'm not paralyzed

But, I seem to be struck by you

I want to make you move

Because you're standing still

If your body matches

What your eyes can do

You'll probably move right through

Me on my way to you

I'm not paralyzed

But, I seem to be struck by you

I want to make you move

Because you're standing still

If your body matches

What your eyes can do

You'll probably move right through

Me on my way to you

You'll probably move right through

Me on my way to you

You'll probably move right through

Me on my way to you

Chapter One

I couldn't believe it. I was being pulled from the dance troupe. Tonight would be my last performance and if I left quietly I would be giving a glowing recommendation to any other company I addition for.

"This is bullshit!" I said as I slammed my brush on the vanity well sinking down in to the chair in front of my dressing table.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Alice asked while settling into her own seat.

"They're firing me and I think it's because I wouldn't sleep with the producer. Jake is such a sleazy asshole I wouldn't degrade myself like that." I fumed.

"You would do who? What and why?" Rose asked from the doorway.

"Bella's getting canned because she wouldn't let Jake dip his dick in her honey hole."

"God, Alice! How can you say that shit with a straight face?" Rose asked shaking her head.

"Well they're at least going to let me go out with style, I'm getting to perform the solo I was working on; you know, the one Jake absolutely loved." I informed them with a roll of my eyes.

"Well at least there is that." Rose said.

I was working through my breathing exercise like I did before every performance when I heard Jake yell out that it was five minutes until show time. I went to take my place but Jake stepped in front of me.

"You know Swan; it's a damn shame you have to go. You know if you come by my office tonight I'm sure we could work a way out for you to stay.

"If it is all the same to you, I rather swallow rusted nails." I said stepping around him. My leg was twitching to knee him in the balls, but he was still my boss so I had to curb the impulse. I hurried and took my place in between Rose and Alice, each grabbed one of my hands and squeezed then dropped them before the curtain started to rise, something we did before every performance for the last two years.

As I was putting the finishing touches on my costume for my solo Alice and Rose came in.

"How are you holding up?" Alice asked.

"I am in the zone right now, so it really hasn't hit me. Ask me again when the curtain closes." I said while putting the last earing in my ear.

"Well when you getting a new dance troupe….and you will, Alice and I have already decided to follow you, we've out grown this one."

"Rose, Alice are you sure? We would be starting from scratch again. Remember what it was like having to prove ourselves."

"Don't worry about use girly. Anyway if I'm not mistaken it's time for your swan song." Alice said while pulling me to the door.

"Alice that was a horrible pun." I heard Rose say as I continued walking toward the curtain and took my mark.

As the music played I lose myself to the pulse of the beat. Music to me was a living breathing entity that had the ability to transport me to a different place and time. Before I knew it the music had ended and when I opened my eyes it was to roaring applause and a standing ovation. When the curtain closed Alice and Rose throw themselves into my arms hugging me fiercely.

"Oh my gosh Bella, I knew you were great, but you really set the bar high with that performance. The directors would be nuts to let you go after that!"

"Alice I had time to think about it and I really think it is time for me to leave this troupe."

"I know you're right."

"Hey don't look now, but there are two extremely good looking gentlemen stand stage left talking to Jake and I do believe they have their eyes on you Bella."

I turned to see two gorgeous men heading my way with Jake who looked like he had just sucked on a lemon.

"Bella these are two of our top benefactors and after seeing your performance they insisted upon meeting you. I was just informing them about how you have chosen to leave the company and tonight was your last performance." Jake hinted.

"Oh did you now Jake? I was under the impression that I was being fired because I wouldn't sleep with you." I said sweetly.

Jake face turned almost purple from rage.

"Now you listen here you…"

"Jake that is quite enough! Go finish wrapping up, then when you are done take the next two weeks off unpaid, of course while we have an internal investigation done. My inner child wanted to stick my tongue out and say nener nerner nener, but I had to be an adult so I just smiled and gave him a little wave while he retreated like a wounded dog with his tail tucked between his legs.

"Miss Swan, if what you say is true then we are truly sorry for what you must have had to go through." Gorgeous number one said.

"Yes Miss Swan we do not condone such deplorable behavior and had we had known earlier I promise it would have been dealt with swiftly and severely." Gorgeous number two added.

"Well I seemed to be at a disadvantage, you both know my name, but I haven't had the pleasure of knowing yours." I stated.

"Oh where are our manners. I am Elijah Mikaelson and this is my brother Niklaus Mikaelson." Elijah said while taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

"Klaus or Nik will suffice." Niklaus said taking my other hand and kissed it.

"Nik, Elijah." I said while gently pulling my hands from their grasp and clasping them together in front of me. I don't know why but these men were causing a nervous fluttering in my stomach. "I appreciate that. I just hope once the investigation is completed, whatever reprimand seen fit for him will make him think twice about treating another woman the way he did me. He nearly ruined my career." I finished angrily.

"You have our word it will be dealt with accordingly." Elijah promised.

I stood there awkwardly for a moment not knowing what else could be said. Just as I was going to make a excuse to leave Niklaus spoke up.

"We were planning to go for a late dinner, what do you say about joining us. I can't speak for my brother, but I would like to know more about you."

"I would have to agree with Nik. I would like to become better acquainted with you."

"Oh, I don't know." I said nervously.

"I don't really know either of you, and I don't think it would be a smart idea for me to just leave with you both."

"If it would make you feel any better Miss Swan you can tell your friends over there who have been keeping a close eye on us this whole time that you are going to have dinner with us. They can call as often as they want or you can call them. Believe us when we say, we mean you no harm. We can also take separate vehicles so you can be assured you can leave at any time." Niklaus said reassuringly.

"Well I guess it would be okay. Excuse me for just a moment." I said and walked over to where Rose and Alice were standing.

"Well who are they and what are they like?" Rose asked

"Their names are Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson, they are honest to goodness gentlemen, and they would like to take me to dinner to get to know me better." I blushed.

"The Mikaelson brothers? Bella are you serious? Do you have any idea how influential they are, and not to mention rich oh and let's not forget mysterious." Alice loud whispered.

"Bella, I have heard of them too. You would be a fool not to go to dinner with them, especially if one of them is showing interested in you. You owe it to yourself to see what happens. If anyone deserves a fairy tale love story, it would be you." Rose said.

"Okay, but if I don't call or text with the code word we have then you know to call the police." I said only half joking.

As I walked toward them I could see they were having an intense conversation. The closer I got the clear I could hear them. She is the one, the one we have been searching so long for. Can't you feel it brother? Being in her presents for such a short time and I am already addicted. We cannot let her go. I agree Nik and we will have her. I knew they were talking about me, but for some reason I didn't care. If I had heard anyone else say those words I would have hit the ground running. Yet, in some perverse way I was comforted by their words.

"Well it looks like you guys have a date." I said, trying to pretend I didn't hear what they were talking about. My cheeks burned from the intense blush that was quick spread down my throat and chest when I realizing what I had implied.

"Oh, I am sorry, I didn't. That's not what I meant. Crap!" I stammered

"No Miss Swan."

"Call me Bella. Since I already made a fool of myself I think we are past such formality" I said.

"Bella, there is no need to be embarrassed about your chose of words. In fact we would like nothing more than this to be a date."

"With which one of you? Wouldn't that be kind of awkward for the other person?" I asked a bit confused.

"Both." They said in unison.