AN: Hey guys, and welcome to this s***** story that is to be written! Some chapters are uploaded by Lu, and some by me, Vee. I'll explain some more at the end of this oneshot. :*

WARNING: much swearing

"You'll be fine?" Thalia asked.

She didn't like that she had to leave Annabeth sleeping on a couch in the living room, she would normally sleep on a foldable bed she had under her own. Her dad had surprised her with her cousins today, who are taking up all the available mattresses in her house. Nico was sleeping in Thalia's room (taking Annabeth's bed) and Percy slept in Jason's.

Percy. Jet black hair, sea green ocean eyed, Percy.


The Percy that Annabeth has had a crush on for the past... forever. Ever since Thalia had introduced her to the idiot of a cousin she had.

"Yeah, it's not my first time sleeping here."

"Sleeping on the couch at least." She said. "Jason tells me it's the couch of nightmares."

"Well is it?"

"I dunno. I actually have the energy to go upstairs to sleep."

"Okay, well if it's too bad, I'll sleep on the floor."

"Or you could go to Jason's room." She suggested.

"Okay, ew. Why the hell would I sleep with your brother?"

"Not with my brother... with my cousin." She winked.

Annabeth's jaw dropped even though she was slightly smiling. She repeatedly hit Thalia with one of the pillows on the couch while Thalia laughed and ran upstairs. Before she was out of sight, Annabeth threw it at her. Thalia dodged it and left it on the stairs.

"Night Annie!" Thalia yelled from upstairs.

"Yeah okay." She said.

She pulled the blanket over her shoulders and after a while, fell asleep.

"Ow! Agh!"

Annabeth's eyes snapped open. She heard an uneven pounding coming from the stairs.


And a groan.

"Jason?" She whispered as she got up to check who it was.

"Why the hell is there a throw pillow in the middle of the stairs?"

Not Jason.

"Sorry?" She offered as she walked over to the mess of tangled limbs that was Percy.


She bent down and grabbed him by the arm and helped him up. He groaned again.

"Idiot." She responded.

"Well, I'm sorry for not expecting to step over a throw pillow in the middle of the stairs at fucking three in the morning."

"Well expect it next time." She helped him sit down. "What are you doing awake at fucking three in the morning?"

He stared off and the skin above his nose wrinkled as his eyebrows bent closer together. "What am I doing awake..." he muttered to himself. "Oh!" His face brightened (ignore the fact that it's almost completely dark if it weren't for the small amount of moonlight) when he remembered. "Happy birthday!" He exclaims as he extends his arms. Annabeth rolls her eyes.

"It's not my birthday."

"I know, and shame too. Because that would have been a perfectly good reason to be awake at fucking three in the morning. Wouldn't it?"

"No, that would be a perfectly good reason to be awake at midnight. Not at fucking three in the morning."

She remembered when he called her at midnight on her birthday. She hung up on him after asking him what the hell he was doing up at fucking twelve o-clock at night. Being an eleven year old in the fifth grade, midnight was insanely late. She got an infinite amount of messages from him that night. Most of them where just random emojis.

"I'm working with what I've got. And I've got fucking three in the morning. Not midnight." He shrugs.

"Okay. So tell me the real reason why you're awake at fucking three in the morning."

"Ah yes." He says brightly as he walks over to the kitchen, Annabeth following behind him. He leans his arms against the kitchen island. "I'm bored." He says.

"You're bored?" Annabeth asks, raising an eyebrow and leaning against the counter, across from Percy, so there was the kitchen island and a small passage in front of her, separating them.

"Yeah," Percy waves off. "I couldn't sleep, so I went on Instagram, and then I got bored. So I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. So I got bored again. So now I'm here."

"And downstairs makes you unbored..." Annabeth asked.

"Well, indirectly, yes."


"It's pretty simple Annie."

"Don't call me Annie."

"Thalia calls you Annie."

"Thalia is Thalia."

"And I am Percy."

Yeah. Percy-fucking-Jackson.

"Okay Percy, explain." She says. He sighs.

"Seriously Annie, it's pretty damn simple. I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep but instead, thinking about life. Then I remembered you're here. So I thought," -he threw his arms up ever so dramatically- "Annie's right downstairs! She can unbore me!" He stood straighter and smiled brightly at Annabeth. "So now I'm here." She rolled her eyes and walked back to the living room with an exasperated Percy quickly following behind her.

"And if I were asleep?" She asked as she sat down on the couch. Percy sat on the coffee table, careful not to put too much weight on it.

"I would wait." He replied.

"Until you got bored?" She asked. He tapped her nose.

"I knew you were smart." He moved himself over to sit on the couch and laid back to stare at the ceiling. "Hey Annie,"

"Don't call me Annie."

"Hey wisegirl,"

"It's not like my parents didn't give me a name."

"Hey. Anna. Beth. I'm. Bored." He spoke, spitting out each word.

"Interesting." She pulled the blanket over herself and laid down on the couch. She shut her eyes.

"Annie." She felt the couch shift under her and assumed Percy had sat back up.

"I will no longer respond to that name." She responded with her eyes still closed.


"Nor anything that is not on my birth certificate."

"Annabeth Chase."

"You forgot my middle name."

"I don't know your middle name."


"Annabeth Madelyn Chase."


"Please don't leave me alone at fucking three in the morning."

"I'm right here."

"You're asleep."

"Sucks to be you."

"Please wake up Madelyn."

"That's not my name."

"Yes it is. It's just not your first name. Please wake up Madelyn."


"But I'm lonely."

"Then go to sleep."


He laid down behind Annabeth and wrapped his arms around her. Her eyes snapped open.


"Yes Annie?" He dug his head into her hair.

"Not here."

"I'm asleep, Annie."

"Percy. No." He noticed how shaky her voice sounded and he sat up.

"Okay," He stood. "Sorry, Annabeth." She sat up and lightly grabbed his arm.

"You can stay." At this point she was silently hating herself. She knew she was sending mixed signals. She didn't want to do that to him. She knew how it felt.

"Okay." He sat on the couch, next to her. She leaned against her pillow.

"So you can't sleep, huh?"

"Nope." He popped the 'P'.

"Well why not?"

"Hell if I know." He said, leaning against the back cushions, looking at Annabeth.

"So now you're awake."

"At fucking three in the morning." He smirked. She let out a small giggle and nodded.

"At fucking three in the morning." She repeated.

"Fuck fucking three in the morning."

"No thanks." She smiled, and he nodded slightly, smiling right back. "So are you unbored now?" She asked. He shifted his position so he could lean closer to her.

"Just about." He said, still smiling. He looked down for a moment before speaking again. "Hey Madelyn?" He said, not meeting her gaze.

She didn't answer or prod for him to continue, nor repeat that her name, is in fact, Annabeth. "Percy what's your middle name?" He smiled at that and shook his head.

"Don't have one."

"Dammit." He snorted softly at her response.

"So Annabeth,"

"No Madelyn?" She asked, he shook his head.

"Just Annabeth."


"So. Annabeth,"

"So Percy..."

"Do you remember when we met?"

"Yeah, what about it?" She was curious with where he was going with this. There was nothing out of the ordinary that happened that day. Except of course meeting the guy she would have a crush on for the next eight years-and counting-of her life.

"We were nine years of age,"


"Fetus Annabeth Madelyn Chase and Percy Jackson."

"Oh gods not that image." She covered her face. She hated what she looked like so long ago. With bangs that covered her face and thick rimmed glasses (before they were cool) and-oh gods-the braces.

Percy laughed. "Yup that image." He rolled his head back and half groaned, half laughed. "Gods I was ugly a-fuck."

"You?!" She took her hand out of her face to motion to Percy. "I was the one that looked like the stereotypical nerd from 1980." Percy laughed, trying his best to keep it quiet.

"Annabeth, you still are a nerd."

"Yeah but I don't look like one from 1980."

"I think you looked cute." He said. No blush, no flushing, no nervous jittering or fidgeting, not a single sign coming from the way he said that line, that could indicate that Percy-fucking-Jackson liked her back. Dammit Annabeth, quit hoping. Hope is just a disappointment.

Fine Percy. Fine. Let's see how confident you are with this.

"Are you saying I don't look cute now?" She asked with over-exaggerated hurt plastered on her face.

He rolled his eyes. "I did not say that."

"But you implied it."

He let that statement hang before replying. "Yeah, I did. It's true anyway." He shook his head slightly and shrugged. "You're just not cute anymore."

What the fuck Jackson?

"Okay now don't give me that face."

He sighed when she didn't respond. Her face just changed to disgust.

"I meant, that you're not cute anymore because cute would be something to describe little kids, or puppies, or kittys."


"Kittens." He corrects himself.

"So I'm not cute because I'm not a puppy?"

"Or a little kid, or a kitten."

"Well," She laid back down and pulled the covers over herself. She closed her eyes. "I don't think you're cute either."

If they were going by the definition of cute that Percy used, then it wouldn't really be a lie.

She felt the couch shift under her. She ignored it and kept her eyes closed. She assumed that he had given up and left.

"I don't think you're cute anymore." She was surprised when he whispered it. She could feel his breath on her face. "I think you're beautiful."

She opened her eyes and found his face right in front of hers. She smiled and chuckled softly. "Percy-fucking-Jackson," she said aloud this time, "that is so cheesy." She lifted her head off the pillow so she could look at him without his face being horizontal to her. "But thank you."

"Fucking Jackson?" He asked, one eyebrow lifted.

"That's what I call you in my head." He snorted.

"Okay. Well, aren't you gonna compliment me on my good looks now?" He leaned closer to her and glanced down at her lips, quickly, half-hoping that she wouldn't catch him, in case she wasn't crushing on him.

She did.

And she so was.

"But if I did, it wouldn't be true."

"Don't lie to me Madelyn." He put one hand on her cheek.

He kissed her.

And I is back!

As I mentioned earlier, these chapters are either uploaded by either Vee, (moi) or Lu (moi's friend).

We are open to requests! even if they interfere with a ship that we already wrote something about. Leave a review telling us what characters you want to see (romantically or not) and we will write it! We currently have two percabeth ones written, two jasper (or jiper) one solangelo in the making, one frazel in the making, and one jercy to be written.

Please also leave what scenario these characters will be in. Are they at a carnival? Does one need to borrow another's phone? OR WHERE THEY LOCKED IN THE LIBRARY? GASP. It's your choice. Just review!

We will also take requests at .com and we will post them there as well as here.

Thank you loves! :*

~ V