Disclaimer: I do not own naruto or snk C:
Thanks for readings!
Aaa what a perfect day. The Sun was shining, the birds' were singing, the kids playing and even better team 7 was coming back to the action.
Sakura was excited, because last week she had managed to release her byakugou seal. Since then she hasn't appeared in her shishou office or anywhere near her nee-san, she wanted to give a surprise to the older woman. And because it was a surprise she had begun to use her headband in her forehead to hide the seal, and so far no one has comment about her sudden change. At least until that instant...
"Hey forehead!"
"Morning Ino-pig" she said turning around to face the blonde. Sadly ino didn't miss a beat to ask the question no one has dared to say aloud.
Well, kind off. It was ino after all.
"Are you trying to hide your forehead?.'Cause is not working to well"
"Shut up pig!" "I'm not trying to hide anything"
"Then why forehead?" asked the blonde narrowing her eyes.
"It's none of your business"
Now blushing with anger the pinkette sent so chakra to the sole of her feet and jumped to the rooftop of the yamanaka flower shop to avoid ino.
"Wait Sakura! Were not done yet!" She screamed to the top of her lungs attracting unwanted attention to them.
"I'll tell you when I'm back!" she screamed back. "It's a surprise!"
Ino waited until her friend was only a blur of pink and green to sigh in annoyance. "You better tell me what you're planning forehead girl" she whispered to herself.
Now she was late, not like kakashi-sensei, but still late for her liking. 'Its ino-pig fault'
Knocking 3 times s waited patiently for her shishou permission.
"Good morning sensei"
"You're late sakura-chan"
'Oh great, even Naruto was here before her, was kakashi-sensei here too?.. Never mind that could never happen…
She opened her mouth to excuse her lateness but was cut off by tsunade.
"Silent! Leave this chit chat for other moment."
A chorus of sound of agreement was heard in the hokage office. Taking this as her signal, shizune make a couple of hands seal placing a special jutsu in the office so any intruder couldn't hear them.
"I'm pretty sure you are aware of the rumors"
"What rumors? What do you mean baa-chan?"
"So it's true." Kakashi said lifting his eyes from his book.
Sakura tensed immediately, if it's true then...
"Wait! I don't know what you're talking about"
" a spy is in the village" Shizune cut off the blonde before tsunade could throw the desk at him.
"Were not sure, but lately the amount of failed missions has increased drastically, and i'm afraid it could be that one of our men leaking information to the akatsuki "
"So what is our mission?" "You're going to act as a bait to the akatsuki."
Everyone in the room tensed up at her words.
"Even though the spy probably already knows this" she added quietly.
"So if the akatsuki decide to appear, what we supposed to do?"
"Since is impossible to avoid battle, I'm giving you my permission to use any method necessary to get the information we need"
"Don't worry baa-chan team 7 is going to kick some akatsuki ass 'ttebayo!"
´ Easier said than done´.
Shut up inner
"One little thing before you leave, I want you to take tonton with you"
"Tonton? But why"
"We had a clue of who could be the intruder"
"He is out on a mission, it was required in order to plan this mission" shizune said placing the little pig in Sakura hands.
Tsunade opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a piece of cloth.
"We found this in the meeting room,Tonton has one of the most sharpest nose in the fire country"
"If were going to track him by his scent the why we don't take Kiba with us?"
"Less people the better"
"Now that everything is explained, you're dismissed."
"When are we leaving Tsunade-sama?"
"Right now, pack only the necessary. I have no idea of how long is gonna take you to catch him."