Team RWBY stumbled off the transport onto the landing pad at their school. The mission they'd just come back from had been nothing less than hell. Six dens of beowolves, three packs of Ursi, and two deathstalkers had each taken a toll on the team. Between them, they had enough injuries to write a thirty page list of them. None were major, but more than a few were troublesome, causing the girls to limp and cradle their arms to their chests. The team stopped at the fountain, the will to continue to their dorm extinguished at the sight of the flowing water and empty seats.
"I could stay here forever!" Ruby stated to mumbled agreements from her team.
As they sat there a breeze started, pushing mist from the fountain their way.
"That feels terrific!" Weiss sighed as she pulled her hairpin out so her hair could flow free in the wind.
Yang pulled out her scroll and noticed a message. "Looks like we got something."
"What is it?" Ruby asked as she started massaging her bicep to keep it from cramping after its brutal overuse.
"Shit! We got fifty thousand lien!" Yang exclaimed. "What are we gonna spend it on?"
"Why don't we invest it?" Weiss asked. "I'm sure I could double that by next month."
"That might be a good idea." Ruby nodded. "What do you think, Blake?"
"Well…" Yang looked somewhat disappointed, so Blake decided it would be easiest to pass on this conversation. "What would you want to do Yang?"
"Well, if it was up to me, I'd challenge all of you to a shot contest!" Yang decided to nobody's surprise.
"No." Ruby said simply followed by Weiss and Blake both nodding their agreement with her.
"You guys are no fun. You're all just afraid I'll beat you!" Yang pouted.
"Correction. We can spend the money on almost anything else and it would be guaranteed to be a better choice than spending it on the consumption of alcohol." Weiss said simply.
"Chicken!" Yang crowed, followed by animal noises.
Ruby watched as she saw Weiss set her jaw under the relentless torment her sister was unleashing. Weiss looked terrifying as she stood up and turned to Yang.
"We will all go back to the room and shower." Weiss said before pointing at Yang. "And then I will destroy you at your own game under one condition."
"Anything!" Yang grinned excitedly.
"You never suggest drinking away our bonuses again." Weiss said simply.
"Fine, but in exchange if I win, you do any one thing that I say." Yang's grin widened.
"I accept your bet, but it doesn't matter. A Schnee never loses!" Weiss said before limping off.
"I guess we're going drinking." Blake commented as she slowly rose to her feet.
"Why can't we ever bake cookies?" Ruby asked as she followed.
"Cheer up little sis!" Yang patted Ruby on her shoulder. "When I win, I'll get Weiss to give you a big kiss as an apology."
"Yang…" Ruby groaned. She was too tired to deal with Yang's teasing right now.
"Come on. Otherwise Weiss will be done before we even get back." Blake said, successfully getting Yang to stop her teasing and get them all in motion.
"I'm never signing us up for another clearing mission. Ever." Ruby groaned as she felt her arm start to cramp up. Hopefully the hot water would help relax the muscle enough for the coming evening to be somewhat enjoyable.
"Here we are, team!" Ruby announced as they stopped in front of Yang's selected bar.
"I still don't see why I had to come." Blake stated as she slowly turned a page in the book she was reading.
"Aw, don't be such a killjoy." Yang pushed Blake forward to the door as the others followed closely behind them.
The music in the bar was loud, the bass sending vibrations through the floor as the song changed from one to the next without so much as a second of a pause. The dance floor was already moderately populated while the bar was full with people getting the night's first round.
"Let's all have a drink before we get down to business, yeah?" Yang said loudly to the group, nodding at Weiss with reference to their bet.
"It won't help you any." Weiss taunted as she walked past Yang.
In front of Weiss, the patrons at the bar parted to let her through. Her team kept close behind her as the crowd closed behind her. It was due in part to her fame as the heiress of Schnee Dust and part due to the fact that her father had decided to publish a biography of her life so far, that almost everyone in the crowd knew who she was and the power she had at her disposal. And though she'd only ever voiced her opinions to her team, she frowned her disapproval at the special treatment.
Yang ordered their drinks and they left the bar to relax at one of the open booths along the side wall. A waitress came by and refilled their drinks three times before Weiss's impatience got the better of her.
"So are we going to keep drinking this weak Guinness all night? Or are we going to resolve our bet?" Weiss asked Yang, breaking up the conversation she'd been having with Ruby.
"How about we all compete?" Yang asked, elbowing Blake to get her attention away from her book.
"Someone has to make sure you three get back to the dorm alive." Blake replied with her usual sarcasm.
"Whelp, Blake's out. How about you Ruby?" Yang asked while Weiss talked to the waitress, ordering shots for the table.
"I guess… I don't want to compete though. I'll just have a couple shots with you guys." Ruby said. She had only finished half of her first pint before deciding she didn't care for the bitter taste of the beer. Yang had been more than happy to finish it for her along with Blake's untouched drink.
"Alright!" Yang cheered as the shots arrived. She passed one to Ruby and Weiss before taking one herself. "Okay. Rules are simple. First person to quit, puke, or pass out loses. Ready to lose, Weiss?"
"Kindly keep your delusions to yourself." Weiss replied. She picked up the glass and tossed it back with Yang mirroring her movement. Ruby followed a moment after, coughing slightly as the liquid stung her throat.
"Okay there Ruby?" Yang asked with a chuckle.
"Yeah… I don't think I've been missing much." She replied sourly.
"Well, that's because that shot was whiskey." Weiss said, passing a clear one over to Ruby and Yang before taking her own. "This is vodka. It's much smoother, I assure you."
With that the three once again took their shots. Ruby didn't feel the burn on her throat as she had with the whiskey, but nevertheless felt her cheeks warm up considerably.
"I'm sitting the next few rounds out." She said before her sister could serve her another shot. "You two have fun."
"More for us then!" Yang exclaimed as she tossed back her shot. Weiss copied her and tilted her head as she swallowed.
"How are you faring, Blondie?" Weiss asked with her usual smirk. Her cheeks were starting to take on a very slight blush. Yang on the other hand looked as unaffected as if she hadn't had a drop to drink all night.
"Perfect. How about we get this contest over so I can claim my prize?" Yang asked as the waitress brought another tray filled with shots and took the old one away.
"You'll be sadly disappointed." Weiss replied, taking three shots in quick succession and waiting for Yang to follow.
The two kept drinking with Ruby occasionally joining in whenever there was a new type of shot to try. And by the time the fourth tray of drinks came and left, all three of them were noticeably drunk.
"Whats that?" Ruby asked, picking up a green shot and eying it before taking a small sip.
"It's a kamikaze." Yang said after downing her shots. Weiss took hers along with two more to start the next round.
"I think… it means… something." Weiss mused, watching Ruby finish the shot. "I can't remember right now…"
"Well, I think I heard something about that a while back." Yang said. Despite the fact that she'd matched Weiss shot for shot, it seemed as if she hadn't had anything at all. "So, Blake. Who do you think is going to win this battle of shots?"
"Honestly?" Blake asked to nods from the other three. "Nobody. But if I had to choose, I'd say Ruby."
"I'm not even competing!" Ruby said after the moment it had taken for Blake's words to register.
"Then I'd say Weiss. And I think I'll be leaving shortly, so finish up. I'll take Yang back as usual." Blake said, flagging down the waitress to settle the tab.
"Okay! Last one to finish the shots loses!" Yang shouted already taking two of the remaining shots as soon as she'd finished her sentence.
Weiss started taking drink after drink until there was nothing left. She looked down to find both her and Yang had finished even. The only drink left on the table was the one Ruby was sipping. She looked up at Yang for a moment before realizing that she was actually considering taking Ruby's shot to win.
"Ruby…" Weiss started but couldn't string the next words together properly.
"Mind if I finish your shot?" Yang asked, holding out her hand expectantly.
Ruby looked between Weiss and her sister for a few seconds before looking down at the drink in her hand. She looked back up at Weiss who was looking at her pleadingly.
"Uh…" Ruby searched her brain for the right answer and found only one. "Nope!"
She drank the rest of the shot out of the glass and put it back on the table. She didn't swallow as she had a feeling it would be a bad idea as she already felt on the verge of being sick. As soon as the glass left her hand Ruby felt her face being pulled toward Weiss.
Her vision took a second to realize Weiss was holding her face with both of her hands and leaning ever closer.
"Hmmph? Hmm?!" Ruby tried to ask without spitting as Yang stood from the bench clutching her stomach.
"Be right back!" She yelled before sprinting off for the washroom. Blake followed right away, leaving the two girls alone in their booth.
"A Schnee never loses." Weiss answered before connecting her lips to a surprised Ruby. Her tongue prodded at Ruby's lips, coaxing them open before Weiss sucked what was left of the shot from Ruby's mouth.
"What?" Ruby asked again as Weiss broke the kiss and stood up.
"I win!" Weiss exclaimed pumping her fist in the air and jumping. Just as her celebration started she was knocked back into the booth by a group of rowdy boys who barreled past without even a glance in their direction.
Weiss opened her eyes, finding herself in Ruby's lap. For a moment, she was confused as to how she got there, then decided she didn't care.
"How… is your skin so soft?" Weiss asked, reaching up to Ruby's shoulder and rubbing her hand across the skin Ruby had exposed from her evening attire.
"Um… it just is?" Ruby asked in return to a few giggles from Weiss. "You laugh cute."
"Dolt!" Weiss giggled as she crawled into a proper sitting position before leaning on Ruby's shoulder. The whole time she didn't stop trailing her hands over Ruby's exposed skin, causing goose bumps to emerge.
"I'm taking Yang home." Blake announced to Ruby as she supported Yang. "The bill is paid, so you can leave whenever."
"Okay." Ruby said as she watched the other two leave. Not once did Weiss give any indication she'd even noticed the other two as she traced the muscles in Ruby's arms.
"You're really strong, aren't you?" Weiss asked in a voice that said she was flirting with her.
"Kind of…" Ruby replied. "We should go home now."
"But you're so warm and soft…" Weiss argued, abandoning her tracing in favor of wrapping her arms around Ruby's back to pull her closer as she started peppering small kisses along her neck.
"Wow… uh… l-let's go… we'll uh… um." Ruby lost her train of thought momentarily as Weiss found a spot that sent a shiver down her spine. "Weiss!"
The loud bark surprised Weiss enough for her to let Ruby out of her embrace. Weiss looked like she had been kicked and Ruby couldn't help but feel sorry.
"Weiss." She started, much quieter than she'd yelled moments ago. "Let's go someplace quiet."
"Okay." Weiss perked up and took to her wobbly feet. She quickly wrapped Ruby in a half hug as the two of them stumbled out of the bar to a couple of wolf whistles from the guys that saw them.
Out on the street, without the music blaring and crowds talking, Ruby was able to get some of her bearings.
"We should go home." Ruby said while turning them toward the way they'd taken to get there.
"I don't wanna." Weiss whined as Ruby led her back. They'd only gone a couple of blocks when Weiss stumbled away from Ruby who followed her partner reluctantly. Ruby looked up to find themselves at the entrance to a rundown looking roadside motel that was surrounded by buildings at least twice the size as the strip of rooms. A orange vacancy sign glowed bright on the front window of the office that looked as if it had been cleaned with cooking oil.
"Where are you going?" Ruby whined in return as Weiss made a beeline for the front door.
She followed Weiss inside the office that looked just as dirty as the window suggested.
"I want your finest room!" Weiss almost shouted at the teenager who sat behind the desk playing on a portable game system.
"Ain't no fine rooms here. But its six thou a night. Checkout at two. Cash in advance. If you don't got cash theres a machine right there." He pointed quickly before returning to the game he was playing. He didn't even look up at them.
"Here." Weiss pulled out a few bills and slammed them down on the counter. The boy spun his chair and snatched a random key off a rack. Then he swapped the key for the money.
"That'll open one of them. If you break anything you'll be charged for it." He said while he continued his game.
"Thank you kind sir!" Weiss said before marching out with Ruby right behind her.
"Whatever." He responded before the door shut.
"Alright Ruby! Take me to my chambers!" Weiss ordered while holding out the key for Ruby to take.
"O-kay…" Ruby said looking down at the number three on the key's tag. She had just walked past Weiss when the heiress caught her arm.
"You're supposed to carry me!" Weiss whined while readjusting her grip to wrap around Ruby's shoulders.
"But I'm tired!" Ruby complained. Weiss started kissing her neck again while whispering please in between pecks. Ruby's resolve quickly dissolved and she grumbled a fine. She picked Weiss up bridal style and carried her the three meters they had still to go to the door. Ruby unlocked the door and kicked it open and threw Weiss onto the bed so she could lock the door. Weiss shrieked as she flew and bounced on the bed.
"Ruby! What the hell?" Weiss yelled from the bed as Ruby turned the deadbolt and latched the chain onto the door.
"Oh shut up. You're the one who tackled me off a cliff not twenty four hours ago." Ruby replied while kicking her shoes off and taking Weiss's shoes from her.
"This bed is so cold." Weiss complained.
"You're the one who rented it." Ruby replied as she went into the washroom to wash up. While she did, she heard Weiss complaining about whatever. She couldn't exactly make out what she was saying but by the sounds of it she was just lonely. "Hold on I'll be right there!"
When she reentered the main area she found Weiss curled into a ball on top of the covers that were still tucked loosely into the edges of the mattress. Weiss seemed to be in a nervous state judging by the constant movement of her hands that slowed considerably once she noticed Ruby.
"So I guess I'll take the chair?" Ruby asked as she walked around the bed to sit in the lone chair in the room.
"No!" Weiss sat bolt upright and caught Ruby's arm. She leaned back, pulling Ruby on top of her before she rolled them both farther onto the bed. Weiss's arms wrapped around Ruby's waist tightly, keeping her from escaping. "I don't wanna be alone anymore."
Weiss's voice had turned to a whisper that Ruby had never heard from the heiress. It sounded scared and tired and excited all at the same time. Weiss cuddled up to her as she remembered she used to cuddle up to Yang on cold winter nights back when they were both little kids. It was almost the same feeling now. Ruby had the faint desire to simply lay there and let Weiss use her as a talisman to keep her demons at bay, but she knew there was a part of the situation that had never existed when it had been her and her adopted sister.
"Weiss, let me get the blanket, okay?" Ruby asked and Weiss moved to help her pull the ugly brown comforter out from under them. Weiss hit the light switch shortly after Ruby had reclined back onto the pillows, leaving both of them in semi-darkness due to the thin blinds on the window.
"Ruby… I'm sorry…" Weiss said as she cuddled up to Ruby and wrapped her arms loosely over her stomach.
"For what?" Ruby asked, confused at Weiss's change in behavior.
"I kissed you to win the bet with your sister." She said regretfully.
"That's okay…. It's not exactly the first time something crazy happened when Yang made a bet." Ruby replied, finding it easier to rest her arm around Weiss's back since she was using her shoulder as a pillow.
"That was your first kiss, wasn't it?" Weiss asked again before falling quiet.
"Well… uh, yeah…. It wasn't yours though, right?" Ruby asked, realizing she hadn't actually ever spoken with her partner about her private life outside of Beacon.
"Yeah… I don't know if I liked it." Weiss said, removing her hand from Ruby's waist to reach up to her lips as if she could decide from touching them. After several moments of silence, just when Ruby thought Weiss had fallen asleep on her, she spoke. "Maybe if we try it again I'll know what I think?"
"A-are you asking to k-kiss me?" Ruby stuttered, surprised at the heiresses advances. Weiss gave no answer to the question, simply replacing her hand on Ruby's abs and gently feeling the defined muscles through Ruby's shirt. "Uh… I… um, guess its… uh… okay."
Ruby felt Weiss shift and the next moment she felt Weiss's soft lips meet hers. Her lips were tender and moist, flipping a switch and lighting a fire under Ruby's skin as the two nipped playfully at each others lips. Weiss poked her lip and Ruby felt herself open her mouth to allow Weiss's tongue entrance, finding herself mirroring the heiress and exploring her mouth as well.
Ruby's mind quickly went fuzzy with the fire that spread throughout her entire body. As if by reading her mind, Weiss started to unbutton Ruby's shirt before moving on to her own. Once free of the stifling fabric the two pressed their bodies together, not once breaking their kiss as Weiss started undoing their skirts. Their skirts joined their shirts on the floor and the blanket was pulled up to keep them warm.
Ruby felt a wave of exhaustion hit her as Weiss moved from kissing her properly to small pecks and nibbles at her neck. Ruby closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation as she fell slowly into sleep.
Weiss continued her treatment of Ruby's neck, enjoying the moans escaping the younger girl's mouth. After a while she lost track of what she was doing and fell asleep with her body pressed intimately to Ruby's.