A/N: The final chapter! I hope you are all ready to see how this story ends!

Chase's POV:

I caught up with Skye at the space between ouor doghouses. "Hey, Skye, there is something I have been meaning to tell you for a long time now. I am still missing one part of my memory, but I think that me and my other self feel the same. Well, the same about you, I suppose.

"So, here it is. Skye..." I was cut off yet again by Marshall falling between us. "Marshall?!" Skye cried, looking up to see if there were any other falling pups. "I told you to stand still!" called Rocky from above them, atop the lighthouse. "Sorry..." he said, then ran off.

"I don't care at this point." Another piece locked in place, and I remembered everything then. "Skye, I... I love you, Skye! I had to ask Ryder if we could be together, if I rejoined the PAW Patrol, because I wanted us to be together!" As I spoke, I heard an "Awww" coming from above, which I ignored. "Skye, I have loved you ever since we met, and I ran away because I thought that we couldn't be together and I am sorry that I ran away and that I quit the PAW Patrol and I understand if you don't like me and I-"

Skye cut me off there. "Chase, the question that I asked Ryder was if we could be together. I have always loved you as well. You are kind, and you have done so much to help me, there is no one else that I would like to be with more." I heard more "Awww"s coming from above, which I still ignored. "Y-You do?" I asked, my breath catching inside of me at the very thoguth that we could finally be together. Then, by some unseen cue, we leaned fowards, and finally shared a true doggy kiss. It was amazing, and then ignoring the "Awwwwwww"s still coming from the other pups, we ran inside, and I smacked into Marshall for once.

Marshall POV:

Everything was going just fine until Chase pulled a me on me, running me over. Everest had came to visit the Lighthouse, and I was talking with her. I was in the middle of finally telling her how I felt about her when that happened. Chase looked between us, and then said "Well, now we are even." We all laughed, and I turned towards Everest, saying "Everest, what I was trying to say, is that I love you."

I could see the red under her fur once I said that, and without saying a word, we stood together on the elevator, and she leaned on me. I knew how she felt then, although I was rather suprised that she reacted so calmly, calmer than she normally is, actually.

Skye's POV:

When we all reached the top of the lighthouse, we saw Ryder and Katie together, down at the salon. We didn't have to hear what they were saying to know what was going on. Suddenly, both Ryder and Katie went red, then laughed. They took each other's hand, and together walked inside the salon.

Chases's POV:

Well, Skye and I, Marshall and Everest, and Ryder and Katie are all together! I hope I never get amnesia again, but even if I did I bet I would remember Skye! So, to finish this story, the night after we had returned, we went camping. Under the stars, it was beautiful. Ryder invited Everest, Katie, and Callie to join us. I must admit, I wish I wasn't alergic to cats. Anyway, after everyone had went to sleep except Skye and me, she asked "Could I sleep with you, Chase?" I nodded, and we met in the middle. "I am so glad that we are truly together." I replied saying, "I am too," and licking her, with both of us, side by side, asleep, together at last...

A/N: So, how was the final chapter? I know, it was rather anti-climatic, but today is the only day I am going to have access to a computer for who-knows-how-long, so I rather wanted to finish this. Well, not really. I have rather mixed feelings here. Although I am crying over the fact that the story is finished, I simply couldn't update reliably, and... Well, it wasn't fun for you guys. Now, with that being said, who knows? Maybe one day there will be a third to this series! Don't get your hopes up, though. Anyway, thank you to everyone for everything, from reading to commenting here. I know I will miss both you pups... Er, guys and gals... And these pups. Well, this is good-bye... You have been such good pups! Bye!