We begin our story under calm blue waters, near the beautiful green island of Bikini Atoll. Beneath those tropical seas we find the town of Bikini Bottom, a peaceful place where everyone is happy and-

Wait a minute! Hold your sea horses!

Things were usually happy in Bikini Bottom, but on this day, there was panic in the streets. Sirens wailed and frightened fish swam in all directions. Police helicopters buzzed over the town and squad cars blocked the intersections. The situation was so bad that classes at the school of fish were canceled!

In front of the Krusty Krab restaurant, a crowd had gathered. Mr. Krabs, the owner, was talking to reporters. They clustered around, waving microphones under his nose and pressing cameras into his face.

"Can you tell us what is happening, Mr. Krabs?" asked a young reporter from the Daily Clam.

"Wait! Please settle down," said Mr. Krabs, waving his claws. "One question at a time. Please! One at a time!"

"The people of Bikini Bottom want to know - what's going on inside?" asked Perch Perkins, Bikini Bottom's favorite newsman.

"We've got a situation in there that I'd rather not talk about until my manager gets here."

Suddenly a sleek black sports car pulled up to the curb.

"Look!" cried Mr. Krabs. "There he is!"

All eyes - and eyestalks - turned to see SpongeBob SquarePants step out of the black car. His face was somber, his eyes hidden behind sunglasses. In his hand the determined sponge carried an important-looking briefcase.

"It's SquarePants!" a fish cried out in a voice filled with awe.

SpongeBob walked right up to Mr. Krabs and tore off his sunglasses.

"Talk to me, Krabs," he said in a commanding voice.

"It started out as a simple order," Mr. Krabs sobbed. "A Krabby Patty with cheese."

"So what went wrong?" asked SpongeBob.

"When the customer took a bite," -Mr. Krabs choked and continued to sob- "there was no cheese!" Mr. Krabs cried. "No cheese on the sandwich. This has never happened before."

Mr. Krabs broke down. He covered his eyestalks with his claws and sobbed. SpongeBob slapped him on the snout.

"Get ahold of yourself, Eugene," said SpongeBob. "I'm going in."

Mr. Krabs stopped crying and sighed with relief.

SpongeBob turned and faced the restaurant. Reporters and innocent bystanders backed away under his stern gaze. The crowd parted to make a path for him - a path that led to the front door of the Krusty Krab.

SpongeBob boldly entered the restaurant. The dining room was deserted, except for one very frightened fish sitting alone at a table. On a tray in front of him sat a Krabby Patty with a single bite missing.

Fearlessly SpongeBob SquarePants walked over to the anxious fish.

"Who...who are you?" the fish asked in a shaky voice.

"I'm the manager of this establishment," replied SpongeBob in a businesslike tone.

Then SpongeBob slapped his briefcase down on the table. The nervous fish jumped at the sound.

"Everything is gonna be fine," SpongeBob said in a calm voice.

But the poor fish just shook his head. "I'm really scared, man."

"You got a name?"

The fish nodded. "Phil."

"You got a family, Phil?"

The fish got choked up, then began to cry.

SpongeBob snapped his fingers in front of Phil's face.

"Come on, Phil! Stay with me. Let's hear about that family."

"I...I got a lovely wife and two beautiful children," Phil stammered.

"That's what it's all about, Phil," SpongeBob replied.

As Phil watched nervously, SpongeBob reached into his briefcase. Then he looked up at Phil.

"I've only got one shot at this," SpongeBob warned. "Gotta have the right tools for the job..."

SpongeBob paused, rifling through his briefcase. Then he looked up and whispered, "Bingo!" Slowly, he pulled out a pair of shiny, golden tongs.

"Now I want you to do me a favor, Phil," SpongeBob said.

"Wh-what?" the fish gasped.

"Say cheese!"

With that, SpongeBob placed a perfectly cut slice of yellow cheese in the center of the bun. Then he looked up into Phil's grateful, smiling face.


Minutes later SpongeBob came out of the Krusty Krab's front door, looking pleased with himself. He carried Phil safely in his arms.

"Order up!" SpongeBob said. Customers cheered and flocked to fill the tables.

SpongeBob was lifted into the air and carried through town on the crowd's shoulders. All around him, confetti fluttered down like snow.

"Three cheers for the manager!" they cried. "Hip, hip - HONK!"

"What?" SpongeBob said sleepily.

"Hip, hip - HONK!"

And just like that, the dream was over. SpongeBob SquarePants sat up in his bed and blinked his eyes.


He turned off his alarm clock before it honked again.

"Hooray!" SpongeBob cried, throwing off his blanket. "Gary! I had that dream again. And it's finally going to come true. Today!"

He raced over to the calender.

"Sorry about this, calender," SpongeBob said as he tore away yesterday's page. The date underneath on the calender read March 7.

SpongeBob stepped back and admired the calender.

"Today is the grand opening ceremony of the Krusty Krab 2, where Mr. Krabs is going to announce the new manager."

"Meow," said Gary, and the little snail slid over to SpongeBob's side.

"Who's it gonna be, Gary?" said SpongeBob. Then he got an idea.

"I know. Why don't we ask my wall of three hundred seventy-four consecutive Employee of the Month Awards?"

"SpongeBob SquarePants!" yelled all 374 pictures of SpongeBob on the wall.

"Hooray for me!" said SpongeBob as he ran to the bathroom to get ready for work. While he showered he sang.

"I'm ready. Promotion! I'm ready. Promotion!"

In the shower SpongeBob took the paper off a bar of soap and ate the whole bar of soap. Then he soaked water up until he was so inflated he could hardly fit in the bathroom.

Holding his nose and closing his mouth, SpongeBob made two fists and strained. Bubbles and water poured out of his sponge holes. Soon SpongeBob was back to normal size - and clean as a whistle!

Still thrilled about his soon-to-be promotion, SpongeBob danced over to the closet. He searched until he found the perfect square pants for this special day, the same square shorts and shirt he always wore.

When he was dressed, SpongeBob ran back to the bathroom. He pulled down the brush and squeezed the tube of toothpaste. SpongeBob brushed his teeth, then his ears, and then his eyeballs, until they sparkled. SpongeBob admired his reflection in the mirror. "Cleanliness is next to managerliness," he declared.

Then the happy sponge gave little Gary his breakfast and skipped off to work. As he went, SpongeBob was still singing.

"I'm ready. Promotion! I'm ready. Promotion!"

He sang until he got to Squidward's house, right next door. Without bothering to knock, SpongeBob opened the door and walked right in!

End of chapter. This film was intended to be the show's series finale, but due to the success of the film, SpongeBob SquarePants (1999) was then renewed for a fourth season, continuing the series' run. Further episodes of the series were said to take place before this movie. Until next time. Ciao.