So, we've started a new journey. I do have a blog for this story. A link for the blog is on my profile. On the blog, there will be picture teasers, teasers and pervy picture teasers. This story is going to be quite steamy and it's pre-written.

I also forgot to thank my beta, Sally, for magical red pen and making sure that the commas and such were in the right spot. You are amazing. Thank you for suggestions and guidance! ;-)

Now, onto the story …

Chapter Nineteen

Monday morning dawned too quickly. Bella showered with both Edward and Garrett, her heart full but her mind reeling. She had opened her heart, and instead of giving it to one man, she gave it to two. Each of them were her ideal. Edward was her rock, sweet and attentive, showering her love and affection. Garrett was her fun, adventure and lust. He made her feel sexy and a bit dirty, in the best of ways, of course. His dominating persona made her quiver. Though, she was more emotionally attracted to Edward. Bella was confused, wanting both of them, but also wanting to see how a relationship with them, individually, would work out.

It can't, Bella. Could it?

She couldn't choose. She didn't want to choose.

Well, she could. Her heart belonged to Edward, mostly. He was the polar opposite of James and Garrett.

After their shower, Bella asked for some time to get ready. Garrett kissed her neck before shuffling to the former oyster bathroom. Edward gently cupped her chin, his eyes radiating with love, before he pressed his mouth to hers. With a smile, he left, and Bella clutched the edge of the counter. This weekend had been a roller coaster of emotions, most of them good. Though, for a consummate planner like Bella, this situation was unreal.

Were they just catering to a divorcée because she spread her legs?

Was this their bonus for a job well done?

Did they really want to be with her? Or were their words from last night just like her wedding vows? Empty promises?

Did she want a relationship with both? Garrett was so much like James, it frightened her.

Did she want Edward exclusively?

Did she want Garrett exclusively?

What was their future, and did she want a future with both of them?

That undeniable pull to both of them made her giddy. She felt alive and desired for the first time, ever. Sex with James was almost work. He never made it enjoyable for Bella. It was all about him. Bella went through more vibrators than she could count because of his inadequacies. With Edward and Garrett, she found the joy in sex, having fun with them and losing herself to the ecstasy of her orgasm more times than she could count. Though, they were more intense with Edward.

Nothing needed to be decided at this moment. Bella had to get ready for a day at the courthouse. She had a new family to create at one, meeting with her clients at eleven to go over court procedure. The weekend of sexual "renovations" was over and real life was knocking on the door. Shaking her head, she finished blow drying her hair, twisting it up into a chignon, with a few tendrils framing her face. She applied her makeup, hiding the few love bites from her lovers below her ear and along her collarbone. Looking over her shoulders, she slipped off her robe, appraising her body. There were a few faint bruises on her hips from where Edward held her while they made love on Saturday night and again when the three of them came together, causing her body to sing. She loved those bruises, though Edward felt guilty about them.

"Bella, do you want some coffee or breakfast?" Edward asked.

She put her robe back on, poking her head out. "That would be amazing, Edward," she smiled. He replied with his own crooked grin, picking up one of the curls framing her face. His fingers grazed her cheek before he gave her a sweet kiss. Her stomach fluttered, feeling as giddy as a school girl having a cute boy admitting a crush. She blushed and went to get ready. Her pickings were slim since all of her really nice dress clothes were still at the corporate apartment. She found a Prada suit with a cream-colored blouse. She put on a scarf to hide her love bites and slid into her heels that she wore on Friday.

Edward had made coffee and a quick breakfast of ham and cheese omelets. Garrett was given the task of cutting up the fruit. Even that was a hot mess. He could create beautiful homes, but anything domestic like cooking or laundry? He was a lost cause. Bella came downstairs. She looked fierce and sexy all at the same time, just like Friday. Garrett gaped at her, his mind filled with memories of her sucking his cock, her riding him while he was handcuffed to the headboard, both her and Edward as they fucked her … Down boy.

"You look exquisite," Edward said, kissing Bella's cheek

"Thank you," she blushed. "You didn't have to go all out. Some yogurt would have been fine."

"With all we did this weekend, you need the extra protein," Edward quipped, placing the omelet in front of her.

"I think I had enough protein," she teased, palming his cock.

"That's not what I mean," Edward laughed nervously. His eyes softened, and they seemed to communicate without speaking. Bella just blushed, kissing Edward's lips and tucking into her meal. Garrett felt like an outsider, but he knew Bella and Edward shared something. "Here, Garrett," Edward said, placing an omelet in front of him.

"Thanks, man," Garrett smiled, eagerly devouring the eggs. "We have a meeting with that family down the street. They want to finalize the plans."

"The Copes?" Edward replied. "That's awesome. When do they want to start?"

"As soon as possible for the renovations," Garrett answered.

"I met Mrs. Cope when I first bought the place. She gave me all the details when I did the walk through," Bella said. "Did she come nose around while you were renovating?"

"At first," Edward chuckled. "But, she saw the plans on my truck. She asked to look through them, and she was impressed. She asked for a quote for the renovation of her kitchen and a finished basement. I gave her a rough sketch last week, and she gave us the thumbs up on Thursday. If this keeps up, I may have to relocate from Port Angeles. More and more of our jobs are in Seattle."

"Every day you drove from Port Angeles?" Bella asked.

"Not every day. Esme has an office in Seattle with a small apartment above it. She said we could use it any time we want," Edward explained. "If we worked past seven, Garrett and I stayed there."

"The apartment was comfy," Garrett smiled. "I guess you'll see more of us, Bella."

"I certainly hope so," Bella asked, raising a brow. "You both promised me, last night, that you weren't going anywhere, and I'm holding you to it."

"You want both of us?" Garrett pressed.

Making up her mind, she jutted out her chin. "I want this. I want to feel alive again. Both of you did that for me, and I hope …" she sighed, twisting her watch on her wrist, "I hope I did the same for you."

"Bella," Edward said, cupping her face, "you are amazing, and trust me when I say that what happened this weekend was beyond my wildest dreams. Whatever you want, I know I'm willing to give to you. What is it? What do you want?"

"I want to see where this will go," she said, looking at both Edward and Garrett. "You've renovated more than my house. You've renovated my heart, and I don't want to lose what I'm feeling right now."

"Then, we'll take it. One step at a time," Garrett said, wrapping his arms around Bella's tiny waist.

"One step at a time," Edward agreed, kissing Bella's lips. She turned and kissed Garrett's mouth. He smiled, nuzzling her neck. Her heart felt full, and she was beyond happy.

"One step at a time," she breathed, in the arms of two men who adored her and made her feel worthy of love.


A/N: Do you want more? I know you do! There is a SECOND installment, Under Construction. It will start posting on January 1st, following the same update schedule, Wednesdays and Sundays. OR you can donate for the Fandom 4 Disaster Relief to read Under Construction. Follow my Renovations blog for teasers and sneak previews for Under Construction. It's just as pervy as this one! And as always, leave me some lovin!