Chapter 16

He stood basking in the warm afternoon sun watching his two sisters and the two women he thought of as sisters walk down the aisle gracefully to Ave Maria which was beautifully sang quietly in the background by his Cousin Cindi. Next was Henry he was indeed the cutest ring bearer in his little tux and his soft baby hair hanging in his eye, thank goodness Spencer was right there next to Morgan encouraging him to take his time. The flower girls were his twin nieces Shania and Mariah his heart melted at the 7 year old angels in their poofy whites dresses with royal blue sashes that matched the color of the rose petals that dropped for his bride's feet. It looked as if they were floating in tufts of cotton candy. Looking at three of them made him all the more anxious for his own arrival in a few short months.

No sooner than his Aunt and Mom helped the twins sit with them in front row he heard it, Trumpet Voluntary started to play. Everyone rose to their feet to receive her. Her white open air carriage pulled up right to the end of the aisle just as the song started. Rossi took time and care as he stepped down first as the gentleman should to help her. All time and matters before this moment for him ceased to exist, because right at this moment Truly his life just begun. Rossi took her arm in his as they started down the aisle she could barely see, not for the veil or the contacts that she always seemed to fight with. But for the tears that she fought to hold in. She noticed the baby was just about doing full on tumbles she was just as excited as her mommy.

She felt like her feet weren't on the ground like maybe just maybe Spence did one of his physics/magic tricks on her and she was levitating.

The closer she got the more his eyes burned. It was the burn you get when you try to hold in your tears. He couldn't believe how she looked, he would never forget a thing about her at this moment he was so in awe at her beauty he was afraid to blink just for the simple fact the for that nano second he wouldn't be able to see her. The gown was her in a nutshell she was always a princess in his eyes so she absolutely should have the dress like one for her special day in the spotlight. His two lady loves where taking his breath away so much so that he didn't even noticed he was crying openly and freely, and nope he didn't even care who saw. Yes the man who never let anyone in but a very select few, the man who kicked down doors for a living was crying tears of joy for once.

Rossi made sure not to walk her too fast so she wouldn't get winded and so that everyone could catch of glimpse of his kitten.

She was finally close enough to see that face, his face, the only face that mattered to her at this moment. Her friend, her confidant, her hero, her backbone, her lover, the final keeper of heart.

She started to tremble not from fear, but from the sheer excitement. She and Rossi reached Derek, Rossi took her hand and placed it in Derek's.

"Who gives this woman to this man?"

The Minister asked

"I do"

Rossi spoke proudly

"All of you may be seated. Today is a very special day in the lives of these two individuals. Years ago neither one of them knew that the paths they chose would lead them here to each other. Penelope And Derek are my favorite type of couple because they were close friends first and that relationship was nurtured, and cultivated. It grew into the unconditional Agape Love that we should all be so lucky to find in our lifetime.

"May I please have the rings"

Reid and JJ both handed the rings to the Minister

"The ring is the perfect symbol of Marriage. It is a complete circle for eternity this is the symbol of never-ending love. There is no ending to the love you share for Penelope and there is no ending to the love you share for Derek. You promise when you get married that you will love the other person FOREVER. Now Penelope take this ring and repeat after me

"I Penelope Anne Garcia take you, Derek, to be my friend, my lover, the father] of my children and my husband. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph."

With that she slid his ring on his finger. Then he took his turn.

"I Derek James Morgan take you, Penelope, to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children and my wife. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph."

Fran sniffled as Rossi handed her yet another tissue between her, Cindi, and his auntie he could barely keep up.

The Minister continued

"Love is an adventure and a conquest. It survives and develops the only right love is that between couples whose passion leads them both, one through the other. To a higher possession of their being. Put your faith in the spirit which dwells between the two of you. You have each offered yourself to the other as a boundless field of understanding, of enrichment, of mutually increased sensibility. You will meet above all by entering into and constantly sharing one another's thoughts, affections, and dreams. you will find no disappointments, no limits. The skies are open for your love; there alone lies the great road ahead."

"What God has brought together let NO man put asunder"

"By the power vested in me by the state of Virginia I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

This was the moment they were waiting for. He reached her trim of her veil and slowly lifted revealing her tear stained rosey perfect cheeks,

"I love you so much Baby Girls."

"We love you too Chocolate Thunder"

Sure everyone applauded as they kissed passionately but all of the noise was completely blocked out because to the two of them it was like they were all alone in their moment made for two.

"May I present to you for the first time anywhere Mr. & Mrs. Derek James Morgan!"

They turned to presented to their guest as JJ handed her her royal blue Bouquet of Roses. Pachelbel Canon in D Major started up right on cue. The Happy couple started down the aisle to their awaiting carriage full of smiles, tears, love, hope, and finally HAPPINESS.


Oh wait the baby has to arrive soon

I can't just leave you guys hanging now can I?