"Hey, Em, could you zip me up?" Alison asked her friend, who was lying on her bed reading a magazine.
Emily eagerly jumped up, "Sure," she smiled.
Alison smirked; far too easy, she thought.
Emily's hands quivered as they found the zip running from Ali's lower back right up to her shoulders. She pulled it up slowly, savouring every moment her fingers brushed that perfectly pale skin.
Alison spun around, "How do I look?"
In a stunning full length black dress, Emily was near speechless.
"You look great," she smiled shyly.
"I was going for like hot or sexy but great will do," Ali winked at her friend, who blushed automatically, just like she did every time Alison would wink at her.
"I'm going to get some water," Emily mumbled, "You want some?"
Alison nodded, "Thanks."
Emily walked down the stairs; breathe in, breathe out. God, she could not get rid of this feeling in her stomach or maybe a little lower, she thought. She drank a glass of water in one gulp before filling it back up and another for Alison. Why couldn't she stop thinking about the feeling of her friend's skin beneath her hands'. She knew why. Of course she knew why.
Ali knew why too, Emily thought. That's why she'd always say things…and wink. God, that wink, she thought. Just being near Alison these days was hard, she thought as she trudged back up the stairs and nudged the door open with her hip.
"Uh, um, um, sorry," Emily stammered.
Alison looked down at herself in only her lingerie and black lace bra and shrugged, "It's cool, Em."
But Emily had already squeezed her eyes shut, trying to shake the image from her brain.
Alison laughed quietly and approached the brunette, taking the glasses out of her hands and putting them down before standing close to her friend again.
"You can open your eyes, you know," she said softly, "I don't mind if you stare."
Emily's cheeks heated up, "Uh, um, I wouldn't…"
Then a soft hand was on her cheek and she felt like she was melting into the touch. Alison smirked at the obvious reaction her actions were doing to her friend.
"What is it about girls, Em?" Alison cooed in her ear.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about," Emily squeaked, moving from one foot to the other and back again.
Alison giggled, "Yes, you do," she whispered, her hot breath tickling Emily's ear, "You're about as subtle as a brick, sweetie. Always staring, always blushing…"
Emily clenched her jaw shut, afraid she might just let out a moan if Alison's breath hits her face one more time. She shook her head pathetically.
Alison laughed again, "It's okay, I won't tell the others. I can keep a secret," she let a single finger trace Emily's jawline and was pleased when the other woman's whole body quivered.
"No secret to keep," Emily managed to say, though with a gasp as Alison's hand massaged her collarbone.
"So I'm not making you all hot and bothered?" Alison purred.
Emily shifted her weight again, giving Alison her answer.
"I think I am," Alison whispered, "I think you want me," she continued, "And I think it's driving your mind and clearly, your body, absolutely crazy."
Emily merely shook her head, feeling well out of her depth.
"Em," Alison said, a little louder this time, "Open your eyes," she said firmly.
Emily shook her head.
Alison rolled her eyes and put a hand under Emily's chin, "I said, open your eyes," she demanded.
Emily let a small whimper out of her throat before complying but hanging her head so she wouldn't have to look her friend in the eyes. But Alison lifted her chin up and then it was everything Emily could do not to look at her friend standing there, still in only her underwear.
"You are so cute," Alison laughed as Emily blushed, "You can look."
Emily pursed her lips together and looked everywhere but her friend.
"Okay, I see," Alison shrugged, "I have to be a little more direct with you, hm?"
Emily opened her mouth to reply but suddenly Alison's hand pushed into her chest and she fell backwards onto the bed. Which would have been fine if Alison hadn't quickly crawled on top of her.
"A-Ali?" Emily croaked.
"Tell me you don't want me and I'll stop," Ali finished by thrusting her knee between Emily's legs, eliciting an unedited moan, "That's what I thought."
"I don't think I can…" Emily was cut short by another thrust of her friend's knee, "Ali," she moaned.
"Yes?" Alison ran her hands up her friends body, once over her clothes and then under her shirt.
Alison kissed her neck, "Hm?"
Emily moaned, "I've…wanted this for so long," she finally admitted.
Alison grinned, "I know you have. That's not the secret. You wanna know the secret?"
Emily nodded.
"I want to try this too," Alison whispered in her ear before biting it softly, eliciting yet another breathy moan from her friend, "You're so easy, you know that?"
Emily blushed, "I am not," she protested.
Alison laughed lightly, pulling back and quirking an eyebrow at her friend.
"It's just you're so…" Emily trailed off.
"So…?" Alison smirked.
"I don't know," Emily mumbled, "You just make me feel…funny."
"Funny, huh?" Alison leaned closer to the other girl, "Where do you feel funny?" she murmured, still running her hands over Emily's skin.
Emily shrugged.
Alison rolled her eyes, "Stop being so shy."
"I can't help it!" Emily whined, "I am shy, that's who I am."
"Fine," Alison began to pull away from her friend, "If you can't tell me where you feel…funny then I'll just stop."
Emily bit her lip as Alison retreated, "Don't stop," she squeaked, "Please."
Alison got a glint in her eye, "Knew you could do it, Em," she said triumphantly, "Now tell me where you feel it."
Emily took her friends hand gingerly, "Um," she looked down and traced Ali's fingers down her stomach, "Like knots here," she mumbled, "And then… I don't know how to explain it…further down."
Alison grinned, "Like a rush of energy," she whispered, "Or like a build up of energy," she moved her hand to Emily's crotch, flicking gently against her jeans.
Emily nodded, "Yeah," she agreed quietly.
"You want me to show you how to get rid of the funny feeling?" Alison's lips brushed against her ear.
Emily swallowed tightly, "Yes please."
Alison chortled, "Since you said please…"
Alison's nimble fingers quickly undid the button on her friends jeans. She pushed her hand into them, already feeling Emily's damp underwear.
"Does this happen a lot?" she purred.
Emily blushed, "Um, sometimes," she mumbled.
Alison giggled before she peeled the underwear away and was met with Emily's heat. The instant contact was made Emily gasped and her body shook. Alison flicked her clit experimentally and then did so again just to see the way Emily's face contorted and her eyes threatened to roll into the back of her head.
"Ali," she barely managed to moan.
"Does it feel good?" Alison asked curiously.
"It feels amazing," Emily breathed, "Please don't stop."
Alison grinned, watching the woman beneath her unravel as her fingers ran through every centimetre of wetness. It only took a couple more flicks for Emily to release the lip she had bitten down and scream as her body convulsed. Alison watched her come undone and her eyes flutter as she regained her breathing. Alison lay on her back and hesitated only momentarily when Emily turned into her, nuzzling her head into Alison's chest.
"I guess we share another secret now," Alison whispered, combing her fingers through her friends hair.