A/N: For Kelsi: a fluff.

Chapter One:

Introducing: Uncle Ben's Prison Dinners

"I just need a word," his now ex-master had said as he walked into the interrogation room. It had been such a neutral tone, but then, Obi-Wan had very few tones in his repertoire. There was 'neutral', 'disappointed', 'pretending to be disappointed so that Anakin doesn't get the wrong idea,' and every so often 'utterly inappropriate joy' popped out at surprising and inconvenient moments. As much as those moments caught Anakin off balance, he realized that he may have never truly experienced shock before today.

"You idiot! You idiot!"

"I'm the idiot?"

"What? What was that? You don't get to use the incredulous tone. You're in jail. You're in-! You're in jail!"

Anakin, for example, did not know that Obi-Wan repeated things when he flew into an apoplectic rage. Of all people, Anakin was certain that he would be the one who knew that, but he wasn't even aware that Master Kennobi, he of the legendary even-keel, had anger levels that went anywhere beyond 'stern but responsible scolding.' And yet-

"I'll put my foot through your helmet!"

"I'll put my foot through your skull!"

"Try it!"

"Untie me!"


Padme was through the door before Anakin could even register what Obi-Wan had just said, hauling the older Jedi's arm away from the release pad. Skywalker strode in behind her somewhat dazedly. His life's rock of considered speech and measured action stood before him, red and shaking, facing off with the equally furious bounty hunter who strained at his bonds, fingers twitching as his mind filled a throat in beneath them. A ten year old clone sat quietly on the floor, a makeshift energy tether keeping him in the corner of the sterile, white room. The newly minted knight had not prepared for most aspects of this situation.

"Master, perhaps we should..." Anakin began, trailing off when he realized that he didn't know how the 'act responsibly' and 'think before you slice' speech was supposed to go. It just didn't sound right when he tried to imagine it in his own voice. In that sense, he was lucky that the bounty hunter wasn't finished.

"What would Jaster say?"

"I don't know!" Obi-Wan hollered, a never before seen vein popping out in his forehead.

"Okay," Padme interjected. Oh, Padme, wonderful Padme, Anakin sighed internally. Please fix Obi-Wan. He broke. "Anakin, why don't you take Master Kennobi outside. Master Kennobi, why don't you… breathe into your hands for a minute. I'll take over here."

Obi-Wan and the bounty hunter glared at each other until the door closed on the Jedi. The bearded knight put his hands over his mouth as Padme had instructed, his muffled grumbling a low, rumbling constant.

"What would Jaster say… so immature, who… such a child, I'm… I have a career. A legal career, and people respect me. They do. I am a respected adult. A respected adult with a sword. Maybe Jaster would say excellent job, Obi-Wan, on becoming such a respected and be-sworded individual-"

"Obi-Wan?" Anakin asked slowly, lowering his head to try to find his gaze. The Jedi breathed in deeply through his nose, held the air in for a moment, dropped his arms and squared his shoulders.

"I have to talk to the Counsel," he stated shortly, a responsible adult once again. Anakin stared after him as he walked away, unsure if the spittle spraying rage had ever happened, or if Anakin had just had some kind of unusual stroke. He would have to ask Padme later.

Skywalker meandered back into the interrogation room, too distracted by his own curiosity to pay much attention to the official information that they were supposed to be gathering, which at this point had very little to do with his wife's attempted assassination. To that end, he let Padme do the questioning and supported her efforts by menacing from the corner. He turned his attention to the child on the other side of the room, interested to see that while the boy's face was a perfectly blank shell, his eyes looked as confused as Anakin. A little brother in befuddlement, he took an absent minded liking to the clone.

The boy noticed that he was being watched and brought his feet in towards his chest with a defensive scowl. Anakin maintained a scowl of his own, but felt odd about it. Should he get the kid a chair? Do adults tie children to corners and make then sit on the floor? That didn't sound right. Is this what being a knight was going to be like- having to wonder what an adult was supposed to be doing? Why wasn't Obi-Wan handling this?

The bounty hunter followed Anakin's gaze to the clone and pushed his own chair over to him with his heel. Anakin fought down a blush. Out-responsibled by a criminal. This was going to be a steeper learning curve than he had anticipated.

Padme wasn't getting far with the hunter. The boy climbed into the chair and returned his full attention to the exchange. Mostly the hunter refused to answer Padme entirely, although sometimes he would give a short, dismissive, and in all likelihood misleading replies. Maybe they would have more luck going through the items on the hunter's ship. It was still on Genosis, as far as he knew, and it was going to take a specialty squad a few weeks to make it safe for anyone without the hunter's exact biometrics to enter it without issue. Anakin had originally thought that this wouldn't be a problem, considering the literal army of people who should share that biometric signature at the Republic's disposal, but apparently the hunter's security system was tailored to detect telomers, the junk on the end of DNA strands, which was somewhat different on the age-accelerated clones.

Anakin's gaze darted back to the unique, non-age-accelerated clone in the corner when Obi-Wan returned and, as if reading his old apprentice's mind, deactivated the close's energy tether. The senior knight breathed deeply through his nose and squared his shoulders again, meeting the hunter's eyes.

"I've negotiated with the Counsel," he informed the man, who, intelligently, swallowed whatever bile that comment set on his tongue with a poisonous expression. This was a definite improvement for the both of them. "You're to remain in custody. You will be interrogated and your trial will be postponed for as long as there is an ongoing investigation."

"Boba," the man replied, quickly enough that it was clear that he wasn't really going to be listening to the details of the situation until he was provided with the answer to whatever question he'd just implied.

"Boba will be staying with me until a more suitable situation presents itself," Obi-Wan answered, maintaining eye contact as the hunter's jaw clenched, unclenched, and clenched again, paralyzed by the competing strings of obscenities all rushing to it at once. That noted, the man's face was otherwise impressively blank for the thick waves of hatred peeling rolling off of him. Anakin would have been half way to impressed if said hunter hadn't hired someone to murder his wife. Just as well, he excused as his inner Obi-Wan chastised him for his increasingly frequent emotional disquiet. Rolling thunderclaps of hatred is really more appropriate for menacing.

"Boba," the hunter began, finally turning away from Obi-Wan to address the clone. "Go with your uncle Ben."