I do not own Naruto.



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...what a wicked game you played,

to make me feel this way...

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He shuffled.

Tossing the thick quilt off his naked body, he teetered out of the bed. As though the room was shifting, turning. Long, uneasy breaths dilated his chest, as he struggled to clear his hazy vision. Stumbling forward, into the light. Gripping the wooden counter, and involuntarily blinking up to the reflection above.

'Don't forget about me...'

He sucked in a sharp breath.

His legs, threatening to give out.

The face, looking back at him, was not entirely his own.

Those reptilian, yellow eyes... The sinister, mischievous grin twisting his ashen features.

He formed a fist, slamming it into the mirror again and again. Painting his hand red.

'I haven't forgotten you... Sasuke-kun...'

'Damn you!' He shouted, with both unadulterated anger and anxiety.

Satisfied laughter echoed over the dark room, rocking the make-shift world.

His body was physically shaken, "Sasuke-san."

'No-!' He gripped his head in madness, as the voices reverberated in his mind.

"Wake up, please-"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wild, red eyes tore open.

Sasuke's shaking hand shot out, mercilessly gripping the stranger by the throat.

Shrouded by the dim-lit room, the culprits face contorted in pain and sheer terror.

Clawing at the offending hand, his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

Bulging hazel eyes pleaded with the young master...

"Mouse," a pale faced Sasuke breathed in recognition a second later, releasing the young servant.

The brunette coughed with a painful inhale, rubbing at his quickly bruising throat in respite.


Every muscle within Sasuke's body was still spasming. As it always did when the leviathan decided to visit his dreams. Though the young Uchiha's inner chaos didn't reflect externally - the servant before him was oblivious. And would remain so.

"Forgive me," he pushed past his sore throat," I did not mean to wake you so abruptly - you were having a nightmare-"

"Akira," Sasuke murmured, closing his eyes and dropping his head back against the cushion of his bed, "It's alright, breathe easy."

His master only ever called him by his real name when, well, never.

Shaking off his stupor, the concerned servant didn't hesitate, nodding profusely, "Of course - as you say, my lord." He cleared his throat, his eyes shifting to the left of the room, towards the window where loud noises could be distinguished now," I had come to get you because it is nearly time for your exalted entry."

Sasuke said nothing. He laid so motionless, so still, Akira feared that he'd fallen unconscious again. He was much too pale this evening, the servant observed. Mentally deducing the mission he arrived back from early this morning to be the sole cause of his young master's exhaustion.

Ever so slightly, Akira leaned in and asked softly, "Should I prepare the bath, Sasuke-san..?"


Familiar with the raven haired boy's mannerisms, the brunette shifted at the response, bowing his head in respect even though his young master's eyes remained closed before aiming towards the bath-room in the far right corner.

Yellow eyes, and that sinister grin. The disturbing image was still playing in his mind.

Taunting him, reminding him.

The tendons at his jaw flexed.

Uchiha Sasuke sat up at the sound of running water. Throwing the thick quilt aside and revealing his bare upper body, he sat up.

He combed a hand through his black, disheveled hair.

Dispelling the dark thoughts and images, the objective at hand weighed in.

The 'exalted entry' awaited. Sasuke thought sardonically. Hands dropping to his thighs, he pushed to a stand. Taking slow, unhurried steps, he came before the broad, third-story window of his room that over-looked his mothers grand garden.

It was full, of course.

Of glowing lanterns, music, and people. So many people.

The enchanting Kagurabue flute had begun its lullaby.

Its mesmerizing, high, whistling chime seemingly telling the legendary story of Amaterasu. The goddess of the sun and fire.

Lightly, he surveyed the crowd. Skimming over the familiar and unfamiliar - eating, conversing, laughing. Enjoying the theatrical display and themselves. Celebrating the event that was his.

A grim, bitterness washed over him.

Like a poison it seeped into his blood stream, expanding through his chest, and down to the tips of his fingers. And suddenly, suddenly he felt like breaking something... Or someone.

His eyes were climbing over the body of people, zoning in on the petite figure seated above them all. Clad in shimmering red - his betrothed was everything a young, noble, and testosterone-induced man would want in a bride. Obedient, confident and beautiful.

And yet...The very sight of her sickened him...

"Young master, the bath is ready."

Vaguely, Akira's declaration reached his distracted attention.

Because unanticipatedly - pale, pink tresses had peaked up through the crowd, demanding his study.

Akira stood for a moment, surveying the unresponsive boy before him. Sasuke's physical stature betrayed nothing, nothing of the inner flurry within. And the servant boy left quietly with the click of the door.

Sasuke was leaning in a little closer, intently searching the area where she had disappeared.

Seconds later, her dainty figure surfaced once more - confirming her presence.

His quiet heart convulsed violently within his chest. Betraying him with the jarring force it held and he despised it... Despised how she was the only one - the only girl that did this to him. That created this discord of the beating organ without his consent. Tracing all the way back to when he was just a genin. Possibly even before then.

Just the mere sight of her...

The knuckles of his hands turned white from the stretch of his curling fingers.

So... She had decided to come after all.

He was certain his words would have cut her deep enough to hinder her - to stop her, but she had surprised him yet again.

He frowned to himself...Did she no longer hold any respect for herself?

Or had she seen through his icy façade somehow..?

Somehow surmising that her touch was the true reason why he had reacted such a way in the lab room...

No... That wasn't it.

Sasuke was certain, that his too, soft-hearted teammate had only come out to 'support' him, despite his cruelty.

And acid burned through him with the truth.

Unable to resist the opportunity to take her in freely within the shadowed, confines of his room - he folded his left arm against the corner of the screen, leaning his temple against the face of his wrist almost casually. Dark, hooded eyes traced over the Hyuuga escorting her with two other bodies. Immediately, black brows dipped low in disapproval as he processed the platinum blonde dragging his teammate along... What was his modest Sakura doing with that back-stabbing harlot..? He remembered the day she savagely broke Sakura's heart because of him, never once looking back. Until now, ironically... At his engagement.

A deep displeasure sat in the back of his throat... He didn't like it. Not one bit.

Sasuke shifted in place, almost restlessly. Quietly studying the rosette's pale, and sunken features underneath the touches of make-up, still raw to his sharp eyes. Even without the Sharingan. She looked thin and almost fragile - wearing that soft, peach dress-kimono. The locks of her pastel hair were curled and pulled back into an unkempt, low twist. He could plainly see, that her uncommon beauty still held through her inner storm... Her weariness.

Something twisted in his chest.

It was his doing... He knew.

He knew what she felt for him - understood it better than she did herself. What she tried so hard to come to grips with, underneath all that anger and fear... And like a confused and indecisive little boy, he neither wanted her support, nor did he want her to stop longing for him.

Consequently, bedeviling her.

Sasuke closed his eyes, pushing back from the window he turned away, trudging to the bath as disgust for himself surfaced.

He had never felt such a strong desire before.

Had never given away to such 'feelings...' He physically grimaced in distaste at the offending word.

Always in control, never - never a slave to his emotions, let alone lust.

Such a wretched, and demanding sentiment it was.

And it was all because of that day... Because of the cold in Shimogakure...

...When he felt her against him... Beneath him...

Every slope and dip of her trembling body - soft, and warm and tangible.

And it had affected her too, he knew... Ultimately, dragging him in deeper.

Altering his unyielding resolve to stay away, to keep her out of the line of fire... From the silent threat that would likely ruin her, and irrevocably - him, if he witnessed it.

Stripping bare beside the steaming bath, the cryptic Uchiha walked down, into the slanted stone tub dug into the ground.

The caressing heat eased the tension of his muscles soon enough, but did little for his conflicted mind.

His desire for her had deepened significantly with the time apart, and he couldn't guarantee any civility now that she had decided to come. His engagement or not, Sakura was still off limits... She had been even before he left for his long, 3 year training.

With the thought, he was unwillingly thrust back to an old, and almost forgotten memory.

'I need you to,' he paused, clearing his throat and avoiding all eye contact, 'To keep an eye on her, until I come back...'

If his older cousin knew him, he wouldn't have to elaborate on his subliminal request. So he waited with expectancy... And dare he think it - anticipation.

'...Why little cousin,' Shisui finally said, wearing a playful expression, he folded his arms over his chest,' Aside from keeping her safe, are you indirectly asking me to ward off the sweet, little nymphs future suitors..?'

Sasuke didn't hold back the venomous glare twisting his features, 'Stop dragging this out... And if you so much as touch her, I'll-'

'Easy young dragon, I'm only teasing,' Shisui smirked, a curious and satisfied light in his dark eyes, 'Sakura will remain safe, and single until you come back, I assure you...'


'On one condition, of course...' Ignoring the young boys scathing eyes, the older Uchiha leaned in a little closer, that same mischievous smile still in place, "I must know - how do you feel for her, really..?'

Sasuke initially refused to answer, was planning on walking away because it was none of his goddamn business. But then, he realized that his bastard of an older cousin might deny the request. Just to spite him, much to his chagrin.

'I... Don't know...' he found himself genuinely answering, his eyes downcast and lost in thought,'...Yet...'

'Hmm... And I assume you are aware of the stakes too, Sasuke-kun..?'

Sasuke closed his eyes, a foreign sadness washing over him, weighing down on him, "Just - do it...' he uttered in a small whisper, turning away from Shisui. He promised quietly, 'I'll figure it out by then...' before walking off.

End* Flashback*

His sometimes incompetent, older cousin had only fulfilled half the request...

Sakura's lifeless and bloodied body flared before his eyes... As it did so often. Weakening his knee's and twisting the organs in his gut out of place. He wondered if the haunting image would ever leave him. He grit his teeth.

He'd nearly killed Shisui that night. It had taken everything in Sasuke not to murder his cousin in cold blood... Because Shisui had willingly left her to die, to save his own ass.

Sasuke closed his eyes, growing frustrated with his scattered train of thought.

Nothing... 3 long years later and he still had nothing figured out.

Willing his beating heart to steady, he submerged into the hot, steaming water.

Metallic orange, red and purple lanterns were littered above them in an abundance. Giving a dreamy hue, and tranquil ambiance. The light flutter of the wind, the soft harp and Kagrabue flute playing in the background. It was a gorgeous setting, amidst the assortment of blooming flowers within the versatile garden.

Sakura sighed softly, admiring the splendor and yet, feeling out of place... Like she shouldn't be here.

Her emotions were still too raw from her rugged teammates treatment.

When did he become such a jerk? And she so sensitive..?

Though she would never admit it aloud, his views and opinions have always mattered, more than they should. And his cold, disregard for her innocent support, had crushed her almost irreparably. Yet, she hid it well. No longer the girl that wore her heart on her sleeve... At least, in most peoples eyes.

"Shochu liquor with fresh cut strawberries and lime," Yamanaka Ino introduced in a sultry tone, thrusting the cool glass at a distracted Sakura.

She sighed, grabbing and eyeing the refreshing, powerful drink in her hands warily, "Thanks..."

"I haven't poisoned it..." The platinum blonde reassured with the raise of a blonde brow, watching the rosette intently.

"Cant be too sure, kitten..." Uchiha Shisui inserted, dragging the seat to Sakura's right and dropping onto the cushion,"She's actually being hospitable... It's a trap."

Sakura bit her lip to keep from smirking. Oh, some entertainment was always good for the soul.

"Excuse me..? I'm as courteous as they get sweety," Ino's cerulean blue eyes shone with challenge.

The rosette easily stayed out of this band-wagon, bringing the object of their banter to her rosy lips. It was a combination of bitter, sweet and cool... Exactly what she needed.

Shisui smiled, almost sweetly. Folding his arms over his chest, his lips pouted in thought,"Hmmm... And are your services limited to only food and drink?"

Green eyes wide - Sakura choked on the beverage, and the Uchiha swiftly pat her back in assistance while chuckling to himself.

Ino grinned beautifully... Not even a trace of malice in her features.

It was a booby-trap... The sputtering rosette knew, and felt the need to protect Shisui somehow-

"Not for you they're not," she winked, leaning over the apprehensive rosette and towards the Uchiha,"I render all kinds of," she turned over the unforeseen candle within her grasp, its dripping wax spilling over the silk of his inner thigh,"Hot services."

When did Ino snatch that off the table without their notice..?

Shisui hissed, closing his eyes and cocking his head back in euphoria,"Ahhh, it burns so good..."

The slender blonde dropped back onto her seat in dissatisfaction,"You ruin everything... Perv!"

"You pig," Sakura snickered, swatting at Shisui.

"Guilty..." The ebony haired boy shrugged,"Sorry, not sorr-"

His response cut short, as his senses tingled. Along with most everyone else...

Shushing and urging words of quiet ensued.

Sakura felt the shift, but couldn't immediately identify the source.

"Above you forehead," Ino leaned in to whisper, her blue eyes focused and fascinated ahead,"Its your teammate."

Pink brows gathered in apprehension... She had never actually witnessed the entry of any Uchiha groom before. Had never had the pleasure, until now... Sakura was only conscious of a few facts. The grander it was, the more worthy the groom was of the bride and of the name that was Uchiha. Furthermore - justifying that he be the one to commission the next heir... Typically, just a large show of the katon-fireball jutsu would have sufficed, but she knew Sasuke would be different and completely original in his show-case.

Not that he needed to prove himself in the least... She guessed this was just to appease the elders and of course, his father Fugaku.

Green eyes squinted up at the dim, formless overhead above... Just barely, she could distinguish something moving in the distance, almost casually. A ghost-like fog was gliding on the ropes stretched between the tall manors. Transferring from rope to rope, the lanterns beneath his feet blew out with a hiss... Was he absorbing the energy of the little fire-lights as he tread..? It was an acquired ability that most Uchiha did not, or could not possess. Sakura recalled witnessing it before, back in the cave in Shimogakure. Yet, Sasuke had done it with his hands then, not like this - without any contact or hand-signs... Making it all the more compelling sight, and evoking a stillness over the observing crowd.

Every few seconds, his silhouette would mold with the shadows and then reappear on a higher or lower line of rope. It was becoming difficult to follow him, their only main source being his chakra signature. Which she assumed he was deliberately channeling for that very reason.

The expanse was almost completely dark after a short time. Sakura could only see the people seated at her table and a little further beyond.

Without warning, a luminous red was aglow above. Little, vibrant flames danced on the tips of shrouded fingers. Ever so slowly, his outstretched arms retracted, dipped and curled in a circular motion. The ten fire-lights fluttered and seemed to glow with the meditative yin and yang dynamic. Every so often, his whirling hands would ghost over his features, revealing the structure of his jaw. But no more than that. He was just as shrouded as his next move.

It was all so very cryptic.

And when the crowd was eventually lulled into an almost soothing trance by the rhythmic, dancing flames - the routine movements of his hands changed.

The sensual, fire-lit hands were slowly coiled and uncoiled - wider and longer until they united above his crown - easing down, and forming a lotus flower before his mouth. Sasuke's pale lips moved, but no words were heard. As though he had spoken to the blaze, a red-hot fire burst forth, illuminating the night. Many gasped at the abruptness of it and even cowered at the radiating heat.

Sakura's fascinated green eyes reflected the red flames. She watched as his cloaked figure was revealed - his hands whirling and manipulating the fire that was quickly growing by the second. A trickle of sweat ran down her temple and over the curve of her cheek. She absentmindedly wiped it away, still watching his movements closely, she couldn't deny that the heat was becoming a little overwhelming.

Sasuke released the swirling flames that seemed to stretched at least 15 feet long. And astonishingly enough, it seemed to hover in place. Index and middle finger against his chin, the vibrating 'katon' was heard soon after. The scalding heat shot out from his mouth like a beam, directly into the fire he had released. While confusion and curiosity adorned the faces of everyone watching, Sakura grimaced at the acid jumping up her throat. Beads of sweat began coating the back of her neck as the intake of breath was suddenly difficult.

What in the world..?

She discretely channeled chakra to her neck to ease the burning sensation within. Suspiciously eyeing the contents of the alcoholic drink Ino had made for her as she did so... What did the blonde put in that thing..? She wasn't sure if it was the drink or the emanating fire above but, the rosette's back was nearly soaked.

Shisui's senses tingled at the subtle fluctuation and his black eyes shifted - immediately taking note of the rosette's feverish features but voicing nothing.

Sakura's thoughts were lost on her as she again, caught glimpse of the bright display above. Just as the last of the metallic blaze left Sasuke's lips, the line of fire had molded into a long stream. Shifting, and forming under the katon, he had quite literally breathed life into the flames. Into what they could now make out as - a dragon.

"Woah," A clammy-faced Sakura breathed in admiration and suspicion,"Shisui, how did he - could this all be a genjutsu of sorts..?"

"Yeah," Ino quickly agreed, shifting awe-stricken blue eyes to the Uchiha,"How the hell is he doing that without any hand signs..?"

The falcon smirked with evident pride, "All those years of training had to bear some fruit, no?"

"So, your saying he's really doing it..?" The blonde questioned with an arched brow.

"Just keep watching babe," Shisui said with a wink.

"They're gone..?" Sakura said aloud, wondering when Sasuke and the dragon had disappeared.

"...Are they, really?"

Ino growled, "Dammit Shisui just be real for five seconds!"

They bantered amongst themselves and Sakura took the moment to relish the absence of the heat.

All was still, dark and graciously cool.

Whispers of question and adoration ensued at Sasuke's disappearance. Of course, he had gone to encircle the town with the fire-beast - so that all could see and know that he was 'declaring' himself. And even if they couldn't make out his body, the 'fire dragon' would more than suffice.

"Woah girl, cant take the heat..?" Ino suddenly inserted, her voice holding some concern, but mostly amusement.

Sakura dropped the drenched table cloth she'd used to wipe her neck with, shooting a glare at the blonde, "What did you put in that drink pig?"

The platinum blonde snorted, "Nothing but alcohol - ask Tenten, I made her the exact same thing..." She paused to giggle, patting the rosette's thigh," I had no idea you were such a lightweight."

Mistrust began to rise up in her. A frown twisted Sakura's mouth, "I'm not a lightweight. I barely took a sip and I've been sweating up a storm," she leaned in a little closer, her gaze unblinking and ominous, "Are you trying to embarrass me? ...Was that your intention all along?" Her questioning whispers hung in the air between them.

Ino's features contorted into confusion and distress, "What!? No forehead, never I - I just wanted you to loosen up-"

Brilliant hues of red and orange ruffled above.

The guests whistled and clapped, thrilled to see the dragon spinning and coiling the distance. It seemed even larger somehow, and faster..? It wasn't until the scorching beast made some jagged and sharp turns that Sakura and the others registered that it was following after a flickering Sasuke... Bouncing off manor to manor, and wisely avoiding the tree's, the young Uchiha stayed in their line of view. It wasn't until a guttural roar emerged from the dragon, followed by a blast of fire from its large mouth when Sakura also understood that she was mistaken again. It wasn't following Sasuke, it was chasing him.

Heat sprung forth from her core, as biting goosebumps erupted on her scalp. With every minute it became hotter with more fervor, and for whatever reason, her chakra could not identify or heal the source immediately.

Yet, she ignored all this - refusing to give the treacherous blonde any further satisfaction... Oh but, when this was over, Sakura would adopt a new name - karma. And serve Ino justly...

The cloaked Uchiha eventually dropped to the ground camouflaged by the dark once more.

Until he drew his neck up, his shadowed features revealing nothing, nothing but the brilliant Mangekyou Sharingan. Within an instant, his crouched form tumbled left just as the dragon shot a beam of fire where he had been. The sounding of the drums erupted then. Jumpstarting Sakura's heart with a pulsing adrenaline. A hard and rhythmic tune filled the air, the tension was so tangible it was just as thick as the radiating heat.

BUM bum bum bum...BUM bum bum bum...BUM bum bum bum

The dragons movements heightened from above, rolling and twisting like a snake. Its vibrating features became more malicious as it was forced to remain in the small clearing in order to get Sasuke. It roared beams of fire at the evading boy - doing a series of back-flips and tumbles.. It wasn't until he maintained a deliberate pattern on the ground when his actions began to make sense.

He was slow enough for them to follow his movements, but also so that the dragon would breathe its blasts of fire in longer spans. The beast was unintentionally creating a design on the earth because of Sasuke's momentous dance. His hidden figure paused on the flames only to leap towards the middle as the leviathan spouted hot lava on his heels. With every twist and turn, the picture was coming together clearly.

It was the Uchiha's sigil. Large enough to be spotted from miles and miles away. Perfectly lined and burning brightly under his unceasing, agile feet.

And just as the final curve in the center of the fan was complete, Sasuke didn't hesitate - immediately propelling himself high, twisting in the air, and stretching out an arched, right foot, he delivered a powerful blast of fire from of his own at the red hot beast. Coo's of awe emerged from the crowd.

While Sakura was amazed at the display, the heat inside was steadily turning into an inferno, demanding her attention. She clutched at her torso, breathing through her nose and debating if she should make a break for the washroom. Could the blonde have dropped a laxative into the drink? ...Poison? The rosette absolutely fumed in place, burning gaping holes into the back of Ino's pretty blonde head. She gripped the seat, preparing to stand only to wince at the stabbing sensation in her hands.

Shisui's sharp black eyes narrowed in suspicion and an underlying worry for the girl beside him. Yet he still voiced nothing.

The dragon shrieked in pain at the assaults.

The cloaked Sasuke never slowed, and never fell out of step. He remained in the center of the burning fan, flipping and tumbling in place as he continued to launch beams of fire from the palms of his hands and feet. And contradictively, the dragon was growing smaller and smaller with every hit... Distracted by the sight, Sakura's brow furrowed in question. Was it possible that he was drawing the fire back..? But making it look as though he was shooting the fire up..? It was puzzling. Though, the dragon was inclining faster - and steadily becoming impossible to follow.

It spinned and convulsed ferociously and rapidly.


The striking drums were reaching their climax. The three dorama's slamming their large, wooden doramusutikku against the face of the wide Taiko drums as though their lives depended on it. Once, twice, and then falling into a drum-roll - their hands came down on the drums in perfect unison. Repeating the notion again and again they became in synch with the young Uchihas motion.

Sasuke's body was barely distinguishable with how fast he was moving now. Blast after blast, harder and stronger. The dragon grew smaller and faster taking hit after hit. It remained on the defense up until it suddenly jerked away. Aiming skyward, it flew high like a shooting star - until it was just a tiny speck.

It was dark without the dragons light and Sasukes counter-attacks. And the guests began to whisper amongst themselves once more, believing it was finally over.

Yet, the boy cloaked in black was still unmoving...

The burning energy within had reduced Sakura to a panting heap. Luckily, her teammate was a good cover as no one had paid her any notice with the theatrical display he'd provided. She grit her teeth, gripping the seat a second time, she prepared to ease herself up and head to the wash-room to officially resolve whatever was going on inside her.

Unanticipatedly, a high, pained shriek wracked the area. Echoing over the pounding drums.

It was all happening so fast.

The dragon was coming down like lightning, ready to strike - to smite Sasuke.

Burning, Sakura was burning inside. She staggered out of the chair with short breaths.

Arms extended sky-ward - Sasuke seemed to pluck unseeing energy with the wave of his left hand. Drawing it back to his chest, he thrust a closed right fist high - a crystalline flare of blue fire shot out, clashing with the beast in an earth-quaking rumble.

Sakura's cry of pain was drowned out by the thunderous booms. As though she'd been struck from behind by a fire-laced whip, she collapsed - into a pair of strong arms. She cringed against his body as he scooped her shaking legs up, teleporting out of sight with the last of the sound waves.

Sakura hissed, jaw sore from clenching and body restless with burns. Unable to sit or stand, she leaned the side of her temple against the washroom wall.

"Your telling me that you cant identify what's going on inside?"

She groaned in frustration rather than pain.

Turning her neck, Sakura glared past the beads of sweat obscuring her vision, "How many times do I have to answer the same questions?"

"...And every time you heal it, it comes back with a vengeance..?"

Shisui caught the bar of soap aimed at his face with the shake of his head,"Kitten, I'm trying to look at this from another angle, alright?"

"There is no other angle," her features twisted in pain as another round of acid crawled up her throat,"I'm telling you that Ino put something in my drink," she forced out, cursing at the intensity of the heat.

The brunette boy appeared to be in deep thought externally, seemingly entertaining her explanation. Internally - dread was leaching its way through his gut, telling him this was something more, much more.

He shifted away from her, frowning as he did. Grabbing the cloth from the marble counter, he turned the faucet, soaking the rag. Ringing out the excess, he tread towards her. Her body was tight with tension. The physical burns at her neck, and wrists had him wincing. He didn't have to see the rest of her to know it was bad. Gently, Shisui lifted his hand to her sweat-laden forehead, dabbing the cool rag over her twisted features.

A ghost of a prickle ran up his neck - both relief and unease settling over him now.

Shisui cocked his head to the right just as the door slid open with a low creak.


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His entire right arm was pulsating - as if it was its own entity, and it was.

Because fire breathed, it cowered and it burned... It was alive.

The blue blaze pumping out of the palm of his hand was absolutely electric. Both restoring and ruining him again and again with every piercing blast. The final screech of the beast echoed through the clearing with a final flare of white fire. The hottest of them all. And it fizzled out as quickly as it had come. All that remained was the night and smoke. Like an ending fire-cracker.

Seconds later, whistles and hoots erupted, filling the thick air.

The lanterns were manually lit immediately, lighting the scene once more.

Sasuke's motionless body moved.

"Magnificent Sasuke-kun!"

"Sasuke-san, that was absolutely amazing!"

Many of the younger guests chanted and called as he passed by. Nodding at only the familiar faces in respect every so often, his pale hands gripped the edges of the black hood, pulling it back as he neared his father and the elders.

A familiar, feminine face came into view, stepping onto his path and skipping to close the distance.

"My son," Mikoto's soft, round features were warm,"I was so captivated by you..." she whispered in awe and admiration, caressing his cheek lovingly.

Sharing a small moment with her, his blacks eyes softened notably. Quietly, he reached for her hands, drawing them up to his lips, he pressed a chaste kiss.


Fugaku called in impatient excitement. Mikoto squeezed his hands before reluctantly stepping away from him.

He walked up the short steps to where he and the others were.

"Otou-san," Sasuke addressed, reaching the final step he bowed his head in respect.

Fugaku pulled him forward, throwing an arm around his shoulder,"Very well executed..." He complimented aloud, though Sasuke knew he felt otherwise.

The guests settled down, their voices dropping a few octaves as the maids brought out the main course of the night.

His father lead him to the table, nodding and greeting many faces as he did, he spoke to Sasuke quietly, "Your right hook was rigid, and you were moving too quickly for the drums. If you'd rehersed with the dorama's at least once, as I had asked you several times it would have been appropriate." He sighed, still wearing a satisfied smile externally, "You have yet to acknowledge your bride and father in law... After you meet with the elders, go wash up then come take your place beside Amaya."

"A very powerful, and theatrical display Sasuke-kun... I admire your versatility," Yashiro Uchiha commented, drawing up his cup of sake' in respect.

The raven haired boy nodded mutely as he passed, feeling absolutely nothing. Towards the criticism and praise. It took years - years for a young Sasuke to finally grasp the fact that they wouldn't be satisfied until he was bruised and bleeding. How could fleeting words of praise affect him now, when he'd bled countless times, yearning to hear them..? They meant nothing. He was just playing a role now.

Reaching the end of the table where a few of the other elders congratulated him, Izuna made his way over.

"Job well done, Sasuke-kun..." Izuna sang in a sardonic manner, moving to throw his arm over Sasuke's shoulder just as his father released him to speak with the others. Such was normal behavior from his late, and bitter teacher. Izuna jerked his head to the side, his pony-tail swaying to the left as he leaned closer, "You have more than proved yourself for your lovely bride... but you haven't sold me just yet."

"Tch... Is he marrying you..?" Naruto's gravelly voice inserted from behind,"Your approval hardly matters anymore old-timer," the blonde snickered, giving him a nice slap on the back for good measure. Amongst the stern and serious Uchiha, the shaggy blonde stood out like a bowl of ramen amongst steamed rice.

And somedays, the raven-haired boy considered tipping it over, to save him all the trouble.

Izuna's grey eyes narrowed, a foul smile twisting his mouth, "When are you going to learn to mind your own damn business brat.?"

"Uhh when you finally understand that he's not gay for you... There are plenty of other hot Uchiha guys who probably still wont date you, because your well, you... But you need to stop harassing Sasuke because your not getting any-"

Naruto's words stuck at his throat as he was suddenly grabbed and thrust much too close to a seething Izuna's face, "Listen hear you ill-mannered punk. I've had it with your loud and dishonorable-"

"Let him go."

Sasuke uttered.

His body language betrayed nothing, but the nearly tangible enmity of his low voice had a chill running down Izuna's spine. Swallowing thickly, he feigned confidence and let go of Naruto as if he were a wretched thing, "Of course... Only for you, Sasuke-kun." He turned away and Naruto burned holes into the back of his skull.

"He know's that you can whoop his ass with your eyes closed, and he still taunts you?"The blonde intoned in a low growl, his blue eyes flashing towards Sasuke with a ferocity that almost surprised him,"When the fuck is he gonna stop crying over you?"

"When I'm dead," Sasuke deadpanned.

The blonde eyed him peculiarly, unsure if he was joking or serious.

"And next time, if I need your help," he paused, fixing Naruto with a stern look,"You'll know."

His tan features pinched up in question, "But you never need help..." Naruto scratched his head, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water as Sasuke began to walk away from him.

"Teme - I've never even heard you say the word!" The shaggy blonde articulated at last, loudly enough for his retreating body to hear.

Sauske's swift, three-syllable'd response had Naruto pouting dejectedly.


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Sasuke followed the stone path of his mothers garden down to the manor without haste.

His eyes, down-cast and faraway.

His mind, recapping his fathers words, only his fathers.

Sasuke's right swing wasn't rigid now, nor was it during the performance. And he had in-fact spoken with the 3 dorama's on one account, to ensure they were made aware of what was to come. Surely he couldn't be held accountable for their inability to keep up..?

Making his way up the stool-steps, he entered the home without a sound - unintentionally. He felt like a ghost most days, now it merely matched his stealth. The home was nearly dark inside, and mostly empty... And it suited him just the same.

Climbing up the long flight of stairs at his leisure, Sasuke considered his father again. His thoughts never straying too far from him.

Fugaku had a way of seeing things that weren't there. Creating problems, or imperfections in his head - in order to justify his need to push Sasuke harder towards 'perfection.'

So many painful memories lied within this epiphany he had learned long ago... Back when he was still an untainted, hopeful young boy. Back when his big brother, was still around and had somewhat of a leverage. He would have never made it without Itachi. Would've have lost his sanity long ago. No matter how much his father and the elders compared them, dissecting every little detail and instilling a zealous ambition within him... Sasuke held Itachi close to what remained of his heart... How could he not, when he meant everything to him? When he wished to be a fraction of what and who he was everyday..?

His absence this evening was taking its toll... The boy with the raven-black hair had tried to disregard the fact that he was gone on a long and grueling mission, refusing to even entertain any thoughts of him.

But he couldn't.

A dull pain enveloped his chest. He stood still, closing his eyes for a moment and dispelling every thought. Sasuke inhaled in a therapeutic motion, and it was in the quiet of his mind when he felt something was amiss.

Sasuke's senses were tingling - and he immediately identified the source without the use of the Sharingan...

Uchiha Shisui was in his room... That overbearing cologne was unmistakable.

An elegant brow rose in question, at both Shisui's presence and his poor attempt in masking his chakra - and another's...

Sasuke was unmoving on the wooden step - processing the second chakra signatures to be a woman's. A frown wore at his pale lips. Continuing up the stairs, he began entertaining the many dark ways he would humiliate his cousin. Without warning - a meaningful tremor racked through his spine, rendering him immobile for a moment. The second chakra... It was a little too potent and familiar.

Obsidian eyes widened by a fraction before narrowing in outrage.

It was Sakura...

Within a millisecond, he was flashing up the two remaining flight of stairs and standing before the door of his washroom.

He hesitated, suddenly conscious of the fact that something was very wrong. He deemed it possible that his cousin had deliberately left a trail for him.

Sasuke's hand flattened against the door, giving it a firm push.

Gauging the dim-lit setting, the drenched rags strewn over the marble counters, and the labored, feminine breaths echoing in his ear - he met Shisui's black eyes.


The room tilted, bleeding red and condensing the atmosphere.

Even before the Tsukuyomi had finished settling over, Sasuke didn't waste a second.

"What is this?" His low tenor demanded, "Why is she here with you?"

Shisui chewed on his lower lip, raising his hands in surrender, "She's, uhh - burning up..."

His inarticulate response had Sasuke surveying her more thoroughly. She was hunched over, neither standing nor sitting. Patches of burns were littered all over her body at random. In her frozen state, her features were clammy, and strained in pain. He swallowed thickly. Wanting nothing more than to look away from her but unable to do so... A familiar and wretched emotion ghosted over him... One that only surfaced recently... When the situation dealt with his shortcomings with the rosette.

It was fear.

The brunette boy tisked with the shake of his head,"Your performance this evening had her so hot and bothered, she cant even heal herself-" Shisui yelped in surprise as he was grabbed by the collar and slammed against the opposing wall.

The explosive energy was crackling off of his body - threatening to swallow him whole and rocking the Tsukuyomi world.

Holding him in place, he shoved his forearm against his older cousins windpipe,"You have the heart to joke right now?" Sasuke's voice was brittle and loaded.

"Arghhh," Shisui clawed at the restraining arm, indirectly asking for some leverage but wasn't given any. Red-faced, he sputtered,"C-Calm down - I'm s-sorry - you s-set me up, I couldn't resist-!"

The Mangekyou's pin-wheels were shifting sporadically. Not because Sauske was trying to use them on him, they were a symptom of how deep his inner distress lied.

"Tell me what happened or I'll have your fucking head this time, I swear it!"

Shisui winced. Alarmed at the extent of his anger and anxiety but knowing that he would deserve that. Even though it would be a huge crime to decapitate someone as handsome as he. He would take it all and more if it meant forgiveness for his sins. Because Sasuke's cold indifference towards him dulled the guilt in his heart... For breaking his promise... For being a coward...

"Sakura thinks she got a reaction from a drink Yamanaka prepared for her, but that's not the case - not even close," Shisui disclosed in a whisper, his dark eyes frozen in the memory.


The older Uchiha sighed, suddenly feeling very tired," I was watching her through the night and - don't look at me like that, it wasn't in a creepy way...Well not entirely - ow! Okay - OKAY!" he growled irritably, "Look, there's no easy way to say this, or explain it but..." he met Sasuke's eyes, hesitation and regret weighing on his brow, "It was you..."

Incredulity twisted Sasuke's pale features,"What..?"

Shisui gripped the unmotivated arm at his throat in a supportive manner, and stepping closer, he elaborated in a gentle tone,"Every flare and blast of fire you produced from the palms of your hands, had her reeling in pain... "

Sasuke's aura became absolutely murderous,"Are you drunk?" he shouted in question, shoving his cousin off of him,"Your not making any sense!"

"It's the truth God dammit!" Shisui reached for him a second time, locking onto Sauske's neck,"Listen to me Sasuke! Your blood flows through her veins and she has never been exposed to any fire jutsu!"

"So what?"

"So, it's like - almost like muscle memory... Your extensive jutsu tonight triggered her, or activated your blood," Shisui paused, watching the boy closely.

What was this fool babbling about? He analyzed Shisui very closely. His body language, his eyes, his words... Trying to come up with a valid reason as to why he would lie... Especially with such a folktale of an explanation.

"How are you so sure..?"

"I've seen it before..." HE answered with confidence.

The rapid rise and fall of Sasuke's chest was telling. He closed his eyes for a moment, now more angry with himself for losing his cool so quickly. Damn this girl, she was going to kill him in the end.

"...Your still not making any sense," Sasuke uttered in a small, distant voice before the room turned.

The red glare eradicating into nothingness.

She felt so exhausted... Thoughts of taking such trivial things for granted - like sitting down, were enough to make her want to repent. The cool cloth Shisui was dabbing at her forehead did absolutely nothing other than to distract her. She squinted up at her late anbu captain. Suddenly feeling guilty that he was missing out on the party, Sakura decided she would try to heal herself again.

Letting out a shaky breath, she was just about to tap into her chakra when-


Shisui's quiet voice addressed.

Half-lidded green eyes blinked towards the door to their right.

Kami above... Cloaked in black head to toe and utterly intimidating - stood the last person she expected to see, Uchiha Sasuke.

Her unprepared heart convulsed painfully - nearly matching the severity of her burns.

"What is," her voice quivered, her wild green eyes searching Shisui rather than her teammate,"Why is he here?"

"His washroom kitten..."

Was this some sick joke?

It felt as though he'd just slapped her in the face,"Why would you bring me here?" she spat under her breath with little restrain, cringing at the recurring stings on her neck.

It was his engagement party for the love of dango! He shouldn't be here, and technically she shouldn't either!

"So that we could be alone, babe," he answered with a smirk, but it held no real amusement,"Because I know how you don't like to draw attention and no one comes up here without 'Sasuke-kuns' permit."

Sakura missed the half-hearted glare he shot her teammate.

This was a nightmare. Rather than choking the daylights out of the falcon, she planned her leave.

Running a shaky hand through her disarrayed bun, Sakura panted,"Just forget it and go back to the party. I'm going home, sorry for the trouble," she uttered tonelessly, easing off the wall with evident difficulty.

Hugging her abdomen and refusing to meet Sasuke's eyes for many, valid reasons she walked past Shisui, still fighting the powerful urge to strike him. Staring at the tiled floor, Sasuke's rooted black shoes came into view. When he didn't step aside and allow her passage, her frustration manifested further.

Exhaling a soft breath, she attempted to speak in a calm fashion, "Move, please."

No response from him. She could feel the weight of his eyes on her - assessing her, seeing through her.

And it pissed her off to no end.

"Your guests are waiting," she explained in controlled urgency, "And this doesn't concern you."

"Why haven't you healed yourself..?" His smooth voice questioned, speaking for the first time since his arrival... Even though he knew the answer.

Sakura grit her teeth, not in the mood for Q&A.

"Please get out of my way," She repeated, her voice thinning.

Sasuke exchanged a glance with his restless cousin - Shisui's 'sworn explanation' in the forefront of his mind.

The tendons in his jaw stretched, as he abruptly reached for her, locking onto her inflamed wrist he was caught off guard by how very hot it still was.

The rosette cringed at the contact, wrenching her hand out of his grasp, "What the hell!" she cried, shooting him a wrathful glare, "This is none of your damn business!"

The young Uchiha maintained a cool exterior. Even though his mind was reeling with impatience and offense at her words. Though, he knew he created this rift between them. Trying to reason with her rather than argue, he spoke slowly, and with notable concern in his voice,"Your running a ridiculously high fever, you need help-"

"Kami, here we go again!" she shouted bitterly, panting much too hard, she paced in place, "Your going to forcefully try to fix this and then throw it in my face again, right?" she staggered to a stop before him, "Move or I swear on my name, I will rip you a new one," she threatened with dark resolution. She wasn't sure if it was the fever, the burns or the infuriating young Uchiha before her but the room felt like it was closing in on her.

Jaw clenching, Sasuke met Shisui's curious black eyes, giving him a meaningful gander as his eyes bled red.

She felt herself hyperventilating now - she needed to get out, and so help her God she was going to one way or another.

"Get out of my way!" She cried again, almost hysterically, uncaring of what color his eyes were.

He took half a step closer, looming down on her, he whispered almost tauntingly, "...Make me."

Eyes wide in incredulity, Sakura snapped.

Channeling chakra to her sore hands, she was aiming to shove him in the chest with little thought of repercussions. Before she could make the contact though, his pale hands intercepted her, grabbing and interlacing with her fingers. She was unprepared for the crippling inferno that ensued at the contact. Sakura wailed in despair - frantically trying to tear her hands out from his clutches but to no avail. The red tomoes in his unreadable eyes were swirling with intent. Jabbing goose-bumps rushed all over her skin, her boiling blood was pumping like lava. She squeezed her eyes shut, sobbing as her knee's gave out and a piercing jolt shot through the palms of her shaking hands.

Gritting her teeth with the last of the fluctuating fire, Sakura's swaying head felt as if it were floating away from her. Her long, heavy breaths echoed in her mind. Green eyes cracked open, finding him on his knee's too. Their hands were still intertwined and dripping with blood. His features - evidently distraught and white as snow.

Her mouth opened but she found herself unable to speak, unsure if she was even breathing. Her vision went black and her upper body fell forward, dropping over his lap.

A heavy stillness fell over them.

Shisui surveyed his motionless cousin. Eyes still scarlet and heart still pounding, the brunette could easily read the questions whirling in Sasuke's sharp mind. His gaze was unblinking, and focused on their still intertwined hands as if he was waiting for something more to happen.

Shisui whistled, immediately shaking his younger cousin out of the stupor.

"So...You drew the compacted energy out... You relieved her," Shisui commented in fascination. Closing the distance, he dropped onto the bawls of his feet, pressing a hand to her forehead, "Incredible... Her fever is broken."

Sasuke said nothing... Seemingly experiencing an aftershock of sorts.

"So then, she burned you as well, as a result..." Shisui commented aloud, his eyes always drawing back to their crimson hands.

The young heir remained lost in his thoughts for some time, and Shisui did not disturb him, knowing he needed a moment. To come to grips with whatever it was in his mind.

Sasuke blinked several times, as if he was coming to. Gently, he detangled their hands before cradling her neck, and drawing her up to his chest. Shisui saw that his breathing had nearly stopped now. As he stared down at her - retracing every dip, and curve of her rosy face - as if he would find some curious answers there. Stroking the stray pink hairs away from her eyes, he held her close, and delicately. And Shisui began to feel like an intruder.

Something squeezed in Shisui's chest at the sight of them together like this...

Even still... Knowing Fugaku would send someone up for him soon, Shisui reluctantly cleared his throat,"Tell me what you want me to do, brother..."

Sasuke's black eyes widened by a fraction, as if he had forgotten Shisui was still there. He was withdrawn immediately. His features void of any emotion they held seconds prior. Yet he still held her close.

He swallowed with difficulty, now looking everywhere but at her,"Get her home...For me..."

"Of course... When I get back, I'll tell the others she had an emergency at the hospital."

Sasuke nodded, his lips drawing into a thin line.

"Thank you... Shisui..."


She wanted nothing more than to fall back into the soothing lull of sleep but found the shivers running up and down her spine a bit much.

Teeth clacking, and muscles bunching, Sakura forcefully sat up.

Groggy eyes widened in surprise when she identified her living room...

She was home.

Involuntarily, she was thrust back into that moment of scorching heat, and Sasuke...

Her organs within her stomach squirmed, creating a feeling of nausea... Sasuke... She owed him her gratitude - he had helped her somehow... And as she tried to back-track and remember, she was assaulted by a head ache that her groaning and clutching her scalp.

Bizzare as it was, she felt hungover. And decided against reliving the night, after maybe a good nights sleep and then maybe she would dwell on it.

Sakura sighed, shifting her puffy eyes towards the night sky through the window... It was very dark, telling her it was sometime past midnight now. Hugging her upper body, she surveyed the time, reading 2:54 am.

Knowing a hot shower and change of clothes would do wonders, she hauled herself up, wobbling down the hall and into her room.

Undressing, and stepping under the warm spray of water, she was mystified to find no trace of any burns on her body... Unmarred, smooth skin under her searching hands.

She snorted.

What was this witchcraft..?

Coating her hands with conditioning oils, she washed her hair, a weird feeling arising in her chest.

Hands scrubbing up her neck, she giggled. Grabbing the tube of body-wash, it made a loud hiccup sound when she set it down. Sakura burst into full blown laughter. Leaning against the tiled wall, she clutched her soap-sud stomach, throwing her head back at the uncontrollable chuckles pouring out of her. Eventually reduced to an expended and sniggering child, she began to question her sanity when a dismal sadness immediately replaced her bitter mirth.

Turning off the cascading stream, she stepped out, wrapping a towel around her hair and another around her body.

A dark cloud seemed to loom over her now, self-pity and hatred the down-pour of the night. Closing her eyes, she smoothed a hand over her face.

When would her mind stop working..? When would she be free of this?

Throwing on some boy-shorts, and black cotton pajama bottoms, Sakura was sliding her arms through the flowy tank-top when she felt something...

A presence.

Discarding the towel on her head, she grabbed the kunai from her drawer.

Peaking her head out from her room door, she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary... Matter of fact, that chakra signature had completely vanished. Even still, for her own peace of mind, Sakura tip-toed down the hallway, needing to see it with her own eyes rather than rely on sensory.

Scanning the dark living room, she crossed the threshold into the petite kitchen, finding not a sound nor disturbance...

Deeming it empty after a moment, she sighed in relief, turning the corner only to yelp in surprise. It was just the outlines of his silhouette at first, casually sitting there on her couch, where she occupied not long ago. And then his red eyes cracked open, confirming his identity.

Her body was trembling with the abruptness of it, of his presence.

"S-Sas," she panicked, unsure of what to say or do,"I - didn't sense you..." she placed a hand on her thundering heart, willing it to slow,"You scared the hell out of me..."

"...Your awake..."

Green eyes squinted in question... Not at what he said, but the way he said it... As though he was relieved...

"Yeah," she breathed, watching him closely for any signs of injury or pain,"...Are you okay?"

He didn't answer... And didn't appear to be in any form of pain... Dread twisted her gut.

What was he doing here on the night of his engagement? ...And at this hour?

She blinked to find him standing and walking leisurely towards her... And as he approached, Sakura didn't miss the looseness to his step, and body language.

Kami above. Was Sasuke...drunk?

When he didn't stop at the appropriate distance, deemed 'personal space' Sakura reflexively back-tracked, until her rear bumped into the wall. She flinched, leaning into the wall as he bent an arm beside her temple, his handsome, tranquil face half a foot away from her own.

"Sasuke..?" she forced out in a whisper, silently cursing the paralysis of her tongue,"Why have you come?" She swallowed, the hand still gripping the kunai tightly was quivering,"...Are you hurt somewhere..?"

Maybe he was, and she could help him and send him on his way quickly.

His smooth, alabaster features were relaxed, yet his half-lidded gaze said otherwise... There was a sadness in his eyes, turmoil even... He surprised her by nodding in answer.

"Okay... Tell me where," she directed slowly, shifting on her feet,"And I'll make you some coffee-" she gasped, as his other hand shot out to cage her in before she could take a step.

Before she could process it, there was a pressure against her forehead. Sakura blinked up to find his head leaning against her own, his eyes closed. He looked so serene, and innocent in that moment, her heart fluttered.

What the devil was happening right now?

She couldn't speak... Didn't even dare to move in fear of what he might do... Clearly, he wasn't in his right mind, and the last thing she wanted to do was forcefully subdue him.

The audible rubbing sound of his hands sliding down the walls ensued - dropping to his sides. Sasuke leaned away from her then, only to take her hand captive with him. She felt the bandages around his hands before she saw them, and just as she was about to channel chakra to heal them, he pressed her hand over his chest, over his beating heart... Mouth ajar with forgotten words, Sakura suddenly felt faint.

His glossy red eyes seemed desperate somehow, and she felt her throat tighten at the sight... Sasuke was really hurting.

"Can you heal this..?" He whispered quietly. She felt utterly ensnared by the sincerity of his voice, of him.

Sakura leaned heavily against the wall, finding it nearly impossibly to find her voice,"I don't..." she sputtered, avoiding his piercing eyes,"I don't know what you mean... I mean, I cant," she closed her eyes, dropping her head back against the wall,"I don't know how..?"

"I do," he uttered, releasing her hand and leaning his arms on both side of her once more.

She shook her head in almost hysteria. Absolutely terrified of what he would say or do next...

"...What is it?" she dared to ask after a pregnant pause.

She was answered by the caress of his cool hands on her neck. Slow, and savoring, his fingers ghosted down her throat, and flattened against her collar bone and shoulder.

She shivered, looking away from him in shame,"Sas - I don't-"

"Shhhhh," he hushed over her lips, a new light brimming in his eyes. He grabbed her jaw, bringing her back to face him, his fingers combed through her hair.

"I need you, to let go of your morals... And just trust me," he said huskily, pressing his face into her damp hair.

She fought off an oncoming shudder but soon found herself doomed because it kept coming back... What was he doing to her? She swallowed thickly, drawing her hands up between them, neither pushing nor relenting his chest. Just some form of leverage.

Because this was madness.

"Sasuke..." she choked out, squeezing her eyes shut and shaking her head back and forth,"Please don't do this..." The anxiety was eating her alive,"Don't do this to me..."

His hand flattened over her throat. The drunk glaze in his vibrant, red eyes made it absolutely unfeasible to look away.

He was pushing closer, ignoring the quiver of her resistant hands.

"Sakura..." His smooth voice called in a whisper, his fingers in her hair again,"I wont force you..." he assured gently, leaning his head against her own, and staring deeply into her eyes,"But...I really need to kiss you right now."

His words, his closeness were outrageously intoxicating.

Her heart burst - its remains pouring into her stomach like a vad of acid,"Y-Your drunk! And - And engaged!"

He either didn't hear or, remained unfazed by her reasoning. His thumb stroking the corner of her mouth in a dizzying frenzy.

She couldn't do this. No matter how good it felt - this wasn't who she was!

"Sakura," he groaned needily, resolutely,"I have to know..."

Tears pricked at her eyes.

Overwhelmed with the civil war within herself. Of what she knew was right, and of what she felt for this boy - this young man.

She sucked in a sharp breath when his calloused thumb stroked her bottom lip and knew it was too late to say no now. Sasuke dipped his head, swiftly capturing her lips. Her heart convulsed in both pain and desire... How could any of this be real..? She continued to diagnose herself mentally unstable, until the firm pressure of his mouth had her dazed and senseless. It was such a sweet, and unhurried kiss. The tears rolled down her warm features. He cupped her face a moment later, parting from her.

Long breaths stretched his tight chest, as he met her tear-stained eyes, wiping the streaks away with his thumbs, he immediately closed the distance between them again.

Sasuke's lips were so, so soft. His body was slowly pressing up against her own, and hands were caressing every inch of her bare arms and shoulders. Her revived heart was in her throat, and she was certain he could feel it...

An abrupt squeeze at her hip had Sakura squeaking in surprise, and Sauske took advantage of the opening. Tipping his head, Sasuke slanted his mouth of her own, deepening the kiss. His warm tongue was stroking her's slowly, curiously.

Terrified, she held onto him for dear life, shyly reciprocating the notion. She was completely incoherent to her inner restrain now...There was only Sasuke. His warm breaths fluctuating rhythmically with her own, the hot, soft pressure of his mouth moving over hers, his lean, firm body meshing up against hers, pinning her in place.

His closeness was outrageously intoxicating.

And she was quickly running out of breath, and nerve... Black spots invading her vision even as she closed her eyes.

Sakura leaned away, breaking the kiss. Her breaths ragged and limbs weakening.

Though Sasuke merely shifted his attention - kissing along her cheek and down her neck hungrily. Her hand's reflexively clutched at the nape of his neck and shoulder - knowing that if she didn't anchor on, her knee's would give out.

Feeling torn about the emotions he was eliciting, she began in a small, airy voice, as his mouth came back up, peppering her cheeks with kisses.

"Sas - We should stop - I can't-" Sakura whimpered, as he took her bottom lip between his teeth, silencing her. Possibly forever. She shuddered at the thirst in his half-lidded gaze, as he sucked and nipped at her lips, only to cover them with more fervor a third time.

Her legs gave out, and his arm slid around her waist, locking her to him. Sasuke's mouth was moving demandingly against her own. And she was spiraling down a steep well, of raw desire and guilt. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before, and she found herself silently wishing that he would never stop. And it was with that thought when shame slammed into her full force. Sakura began loosening her hold on him as guilty tears stung at her eyes again...

...What was she doing?

How could she allow this to happen... Even if she'd dream't of this moment half of her life..?

He was betrothed and this - this was unforgivable.

Her hands shook on his chest, and she immediately felt his resistance at her push.

So she pushed harder.

Sasuke broke away from her reluctantly.

Both starved of oxygen. Sasuke looked visibly annoyed, and not nearly satisfied but it took one look, one exchange with her glossy, green eyes to render him voiceless and immobile. He began loosening his hold on her neck and waist, but didn't immediately release her.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, a single tear spilling over her flushed features, as she averted his eyes,"You need to leave now..."

Her heart broke a little with every word she uttered.

A heavy silence fell over them, and she missed his eyes converting to black. His features smoothed out. The raw emotions that had been on display were no more.., And yet, he was leaning forward, a breath away from her swollen mouth and she fearfully thought he would kiss her again. Only for him to hesitate, closing his eyes, he withdrew completely. Sauske stepped away from, that same sadness and regret reflecting in his dark eyes.

Miserably, the tears streamed down her hot face.

She watched him turn away. Walking towards the open window, she blinked slowly to find him gone...

Sakura slid down the wall, hugging her chest, she whimpered...

The reality of what she had done, what they had done repeating in her mind, on her skin again and again.

Yet, it was the absence of his warmth, of him that had her sobbing in despair.

Because she never had him.

. . .

. .


Gawd, that scene took me on a trip... Things are about to get cray between out OTP's.

BTW - - - this chapter waas brought to you by Parra for Cuva ft. Anna Naklab - Wicked Games (Original Mix) #hashtag#vibes#sogood.

Hi lovelies, did this chap flow smoothly for you guys?

I hope your still with me on this. Ive been going through some personal problems, dealing with my health... At the age of 25 I never imagined I would have to walk down this path... And I know it could be a lot worse so, I'll save you guys the sob story. I will be working on this fic diligently but am undergoing surgery in mid-april so bear with me, and your prayers would be appreciated.

Thank's for stickin' around.
