A/N: Hello! I am back. It's been awhile and I can't tell you how sorry I am. I have had the first sentence written for this chapter for awhile but I couldn't manage to get any more out, until now. I hope you enjoy and please forgive me.


The six of them became silent, their chests heavy, and their pulses racing. The scene that lay before their eyes made them feel like they were in a horror movie. A fire burned, crackled, and popped near the water's edge. A tall, slender form stood in the shadows next to the river. Frizzy hair and pale skin could be seen from the light being casted by the flames. The sweet smell made them nauseous and the singing was dancing into their ears.

The four men stood in awe as Allison and Lydia took in all the details before them. Their eyes scanned the camp, looking for any clue as to what may help them win the fight that would soon come. Lydia's eyes darted in every direction as she tried to spot their missing pack member. Her eyes went cold as they fell upon a small, slender form. She knew who it was and she felt bile rising in her throat. She knew it was going to be bad but deep down she wished that she had just been going overboard with worry. Lydia didn't know it was going to be this bad. All day she had a gut wrenching feeling growing in her, making her want to cry.


Her voice was barely a whisper but Allison heard her. She focused her eyes in the same direction Lydia was looking. When she found their missing friend she felt her stomach start to churn. Stiles hung limply from a tree, his wrists bound together behind him. His head rested on his chest but he looked sick and tired. Stiles looked weak, fragile, and pale. He looked like he was dying.

Allison looked over at her father. She was surprised to see that his weapon dangled loosely in his hands.

"Dad." She kept her voice low. Allison expected a reaction from him but nothing happened.

"Dad." This time she was slightly louder but firm. She was worried when he still didn't respond.

"Dad!" Allison elbowed her father really hard in the side. He snapped his head to the side and looked at her. His eyes were dazed but after a few seconds he blinked and the blank stare were gone.

"Allison? I'm on your side." He whispered gruffly.

"You weren't answering me!" She quietly spat back. Chris looked at her confused, but then it dawned on him.

"The song." His voice was almost inaudible.

He quickly turned and faced Derek, Isaac, and Scott. They all looked forward, towards the figure in the shadows, the siren. Chris tried his best to get their attention but his attempts were failing.

"Why isn't it working?" Allison asked worried.

"I don't know but I think I have an idea." Chris answered as he looked over at Allison and Lydia.

"It's because they are supernatural." Lydia whispered. The two Argents looked at her so she elaborated.

"Her song didn't work on me or Allison because we are the opposite sex. That's why only you and the others were affected. The trance was easily broken on you but why? What's the difference? You're not supernatural, they are." Lydia's brilliance baffled Chris at first and Allison smiled.

"They connect with her on a different level. They're hearing is a lot better. The song is more powerful to them." Allison looked at the three wolfs as Lydia finished speaking.

"How do we get them back?" Allison asked as she thought for a way herself.

"I'm not sure." Lydia's attention went back to Stiles.

The three of them watched as the siren made its way over to where Stiles was being held captive. They watched in fear of what was going to happen. Allison and Chris readied their weapons. The tall creature held something in its hands and they weren't sure what, but they knew it couldn't be good. In an instant the siren was kneeling in front of him and they could see him starting to stir. He looked weak and unaware of his surroundings. In one swift move the siren took her hand and pressed it against his chest.

All of a sudden a loud and pained screamed ripped from Stiles throat and Lydia wanted to scream too, but she didn't. Instead she contained it, it wasn't a banshee scream, instead a fearful scream. She felt hope diminishing inside of her. Stiles screams were agonizing and the three of them couldn't take it anymore. Allison and Chris fired their weapons at the same time. Allison's arrow sped towards the siren and so did the bullet from Chris's gun. The siren dodged the bullet and caught the arrow.

Sira let out a deadly hiss as she took a defensive stance. Her scowl turned into a smile as she looked from the arrow to the others. Before anyone could react she took the arrow and rammed it into Stiles leg. The pained yet weak scream that filled the air was followed by silence.

Allison didn't dare fire another arrow and Chris didn't want to take the chance of hitting Stiles. Lydia felt her hope of saving Stiles diminishing as he let out another yell as Sira twisted the arrow and yanked it out. That was until she heard it, the deep and powerful roar that ripped from Derek. Scott followed suit and so did Isaac. Within seconds Derek charged towards the siren. Scott ran behind Derek and Isaac behind Scott. Allison and Lydia ran towards Stiles while Chris gave them cover.

Everything was working out. Lydia threw down mountain ash around them and Allison fired arrows at the siren. Isaac attacked but was knocked back. Same thing happened to Scott and Derek. Allison hit her once with an arrow but it didn't seem to change their odds. Chris hit her in the foot with a bullet and the siren let out a scream. They finally found her weak point but she wasn't giving up that easily. She let out a noise that sounded like a hiss. She raised her hand and aimed it at Chris. A stream of water shot across the small clearing and hit the hunter in the chest which sent him flying. She did the same thing to Allison then Lydia. Derek was next, then Scott and Isaac. Somehow she still had the upper hand.

Allison ran over to Lydia and made sure she was alright. Once satisfied she looked at her surroundings. Isaac and Scott were taking turns going after her and Derek landed five feet in front of her and Lydia.

"I have an idea." Lydia said quickly. Allison and Derek looked at her and then at each other.

"Get her to your dad. I'll cover Stiles." Derek said almost in a growl. Allison nodded and the two girls took off running. Derek saw the mountain ash so he knew this was as close as he could get the teen. He wished he could free his hands because Lydia had only been able to free his legs. He could smell his blood and it angered him. He had to do something, but what, he was unsure. Until he could figure out how to help Stiles he knew the best thing to do was to protect him to the best of his ability. Derek let out a loud growl and took a defensive stance and prepared for any attack that might come.

He didn't expect what happened next.

A/N: So…how'd I do? Please let me know and review! :)