Author's Note: I was inspired by DaLantis' stories, Since the Beginning and Until Death Do We Part. After just reading Since the Beginning, the idea for this is born. AU and altered appearances. Please remember to leave a review, thank you.


Unwanted Birth

Howard Howard Stark sat in the cockpit of the STARK jet as his good friend Peggy Carter sat in the co- pilot seat next to him. Something was happening on that plane in the sky and they didn't like it. They were waiting for the moment, on the coastlines for Captain America's signal, but it never came. It was a short time working with Steve Rogers but in that time, he became to love the man. The last bit of words that was exchanged, were something he'll hold on forever. Peggy, on the other hand wasn't the same when they landed back at the army base in Germany.

"He's gone isn't here?" there were a bit of tears in Colonel Phillips' eyes. "All that sacrifice for it to drown!"

Howard was leaning against a army truck when his brown eyes snapped opened. "No! I made the sermen, I can make another soldier." he lowered his head. "There can never be another Captain America, as there will never be another Steve Rogers!" the multi- billionaire lifted his head. "I'll never give up Steve! I'll find his body and make him proud!"

Peggy looked out the window of the army center, her arms were as if they were holding her. Tears fell from her precious eyes and not just the death of her lover but the death of a friend.

-H and S-

Blood curling screams rang through the halls of California General, birthing floor. A woman in her early thirties laid on a hospital bed, her long golden locks spread over the pillow she rested her head. Pieces of her blond hair stuck to her head from the sweat that was now rolling down her face.

"Alright, Mrs. Stark, PUSH!"

The in labor woman closed her eyes and gave it her all. As she continued to push, she couldn't stop the tears from falling, the pain was too much to handle. She didn't realize it but the heart monitor went off, alerting the doctor and nurses.

"We're losing her!" the doctor's emerald eyes were wide and clouded with fear. "We can't lose her!"

A bunch of nurses ran to the dying woman's side. A nurse with short auburn hair ran over and tried to pumping her chest, "Come on, Mrs. Stark-"

The monitor went off noting that the woman was dead. The sighed and ran a hand through his light brown hair before looking at the nurses. "We have to get the baby out! Now!"

The hospital staff cowered around the dead woman, preparing for a emergency c-section. The doctor cut a line and pulled the skin apart before bringing out a bloody bundle. "It's a girl..." announced a nurse with a messy blonde ponytail, after cleaning the baby and wrapped her in a bright pink blanket.

The doctor washed his hands and took a deep breath before leaving the room. Waiting in the waiting room was the world's famous multi- billionaire and his butler. Howard's brown eyes snapped up from the floor at the appearance of the doctor.

"How's my wife and son?!"

Doctor Harris felt bad on more than one occasion. Mrs. Stark was dead and there was a baby girl in the nursery. With a deep breath the doctor gave the man the devastating news. "I'm afraid that Mrs. Stark had died during birth."

Howard was hurt, he did love Maria. But he had to do what he had to, for Steve. He was knocked out of his thoughts as the doctor started to speak again.

"Your daughter is alive and well,"

Howard's eyes widen in disgust! How was he so pose to continue Steve's legacy when he has a daughter! Jarvis knew Howard for a very long time. He knew that even though he fell in love with Maria, the only other reason Howard married her was her appearance. Maria had a face that would put most A- list models to shame. She had amazing blue eyes, that seemed unearthly and long, bouncy blonde hair, that look like it was kissed by the sun. Maria could past as a relative of Captain America, the second and last reason why Howard married her.

"Come on, 'Ward. It may be a girl, but imagine if she looks like Maria. You can still continue the Captain's legacy."

He totally disagreed what his friend had in mind for his child. Noting but life of tests, the butler was brought out of his disapproval thoughts by the sound of Howard's expensive shoes walking down the hall. Jarvis sighed before following his friend, he didn't even get close to the window that showed into the nursery room when Howard stormed past with a disgusted glare.

"You deal with it!"

Jarvis shook his head before entering the nursery room. He walked over to the baby with the name tag, 'STARK'. Jarvis smiled, the daughter of his friend was beautiful and no doubt going to be a heart breaker. The baby had a head full of dark brown hair, a sign that she'll have long beautiful hair like her mother did. She had a most gorgeous face for a newborn, as if she was an angel.

"She needs a name, sir. To go in the records."

Edwin Jarvis was never good at stuff like this. He glanced at the nurse that spoken before looking at the child. "Antoinette Edina Stark."

The male nurse nodded with a smile and wrote the name down. "May I say a beautiful name for a beautiful baby."

Jarvis smiled as he looked at the newly named Antoinette, who was looking up with big chocolate brown eyes. He closed his eyes and let a few tears fall for the innocence that will be lost.