Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Doctor Who

Godric's Hollow, Halloween 1981

Appearing in her usual fashion the Tardis materialized in front of what used to be the Potter cottage. Stepping out of the blue police box was The Doctor and his companion Rose Tyler, who examined the ruins with a bit of confusion.

"Where are we Doctor?" asked Rose

"Somewhere I hoped I wouldn't have to visit" said The Doctor, rushing into the house he stopped to kneel next to the dead body of James Potter. Ah James, I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner. The sound of a baby's cry directed the Time Lord's attention to the upper floor, where he found the nursery and the fallen form of Lily Potter and her baby crying in his crib.

"Doctor" Rose called sadly, realizing the couple must've been friends of his.

"Better get back to the Tardis, yeah?" asked The Doctor, walking over to the crib he picked up the crying child and collected a fob watch out of Lily's hand, and began to journey back to the Tardis.

"Doctor, just what are you going to do with a baby? And who were those people?"

"They're names were James and Lily Potter" said The Doctor, placing the baby in a crib the Tardis provided in the console room. "And this is Harry."

Taking a closer look at the child Rose could see Harry had messy black hair, and bright emerald green eyes but as she looked into the boy's eyes she could swear she felt something familiar in him.

"You're probably noticing traces of the Time Vortex in him" said The Doctor, drawing Rose's attention away from the now sleeping baby.

"How can he have something like that inside him?" Rose questioned, remembering The Doctor's own recent experience in absorbing the energy of the vortex.

"Well that's because Harry was conceived and born on the Tardis" the Time Lord explained, much to Rose's shock.

"So…you and his parents traveled together?" she asked, hoping she wasn't just staring at The Doctor's love child.

"Yep, long before I met you. It was my fourth regeneration…well part of my third most of my fourth. The Tardis picked up on a Carrionite and since those aren't supposed to be around anymore I got curious, you know me can't help but checkout something that shouldn't exist."

"But of course" Rose said in agreement.

"Anyway the Carrionite signal led me to Lily Evans; that was her name before she married."

"So I gathered Doctor, please continue."

"Right, anyway long story we did a bit of world saving we did and I offered Lily the chance to travel with me for a bit. I admit she became like a daughter to me."

"So what happened next?" Rose prompted, her growing jealousy of not being the first woman to travel with the Doctor disappearing as he stated his platonic relationship with Lily.

"Well she eventually returned to finish her education at Hogwarts, and I was invited to her wedding to James Potter. I always found that funny since she used to say how much she hated him but I guess he won her over. Anyway after the ceremony she asked for one last trip in the Tardis for old time's sake and eventually Harry came about. Being conceived in the Time Vortex, he inherited Time Lord DNA so I gave his parents a Chameleon Arch (the fob watch) to seal it when I returned them home. I'm guessing the Tardis brought us here because she felt Harry's Time Lord essence being released."

"So he's part Time Lord?"

"Yep" The Doctor confirmed. "Well to be more specific he's half Time Lord, half Human, with some Carrionite for flavor. Yep Harry James Potter, one of a kind no other person like him in all of existence."

"Except you" Rose countered, earning a shocked look from The Doctor. "Come on, you said it yourself, he's part Time Lord. He's got to learn somewhere, why not from you?"

"Well Lily did name his godfather" The Time Lord admitted.

"See, I doubt she intended to hide what he was forever." But The Doctor wasn't sold on the idea just yet.

"Rose, you know how dangerous things can get."

"And like you told my mum, the dangers just the in between parts." At that moment the Time Rotor flashed indicating the Tardis was siding with Rose in this argument. She'd enjoyed Lily's company and felt that Harry was as much her child as he was Lily's.

"But I haven't been responsible for a child for so long" pain flashed in The Doctor's eyes as he remembered the family he once had long ago.

"Hey, you're not alone anymore" Rose said gently, taking his hand in her own. "I know he's not the genuine article and I don't even know what a Carrionite is. But Harry is basically the closest thing to a Time Lord in existence and he just lost his family too, I think you'd be good for each other."

"Alright" The Doctor smiled, accepting his new role. "But don't think you'll get out of helping me Rose Tyler!"

"What you want to play house?" the blonde laughed.

"Oh yes" The Time Lord replied cheekily. "Now first we best get some supplies for Harry."

"Right we can ask my mum for some advice, since I doubt you've looked after human babies before Doctor." As the Time Lord set the coordinates for their next destination, Sirius Black a longtime friend to James Potter arrived just in time to see the Tardis blink out of existence as it slipped into the Time Vortex.

"Well Prongslet, guess we won't be seeing you for a while" Sirius sighed sadly, having already seen the destruction of the Potter's cottage he knew there was only one reason for The Doctor to have been there. As he walked away from the sight of his best friend's murder Sirius couldn't help but muse over the stories Lily told of The Doctor and his adventures and one thing was for certain, should Harry return he wasn't going to be like anything the wizarding world would expect.

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