The group wasted no time after Ana had filled them in on the bits of information she had learned about what happened to her baby. Chuck had made it very clear that they needed to work fast once they were reunited. With nothing but a loose plan and the book she had found of Bobby's, they all disappeared from the old Singer residence and landed in the familiar meeting hall of the High Council. It wouldn't be long before the witches inhabiting the castle sensed their arrival and came to check it out so Ana needed to make sure the men with her were ready for what was about to happen. "They'll be here shortly, I can already sense them moving in our direction. Connor is going to stick by my side. Dad, I need you and Sam to keep back, this could get ugly and I don't want either of you getting hurt. Cas, Gabe, I need you both ready to subdue anyone who tries to stop us."

Dean didn't like the thought of stepping back while his daughter handled the situation before him, the last time he had done that she ended up dead. The memory of her lifeless body was fresh in his mind and it fueled his steps toward her as he pulled her into a tight hug. "Be careful. I just got you back."

"I'll be fine." She promised him with a smile as she pulled away from his embrace. The first group of witches was almost to the door and she needed him to be as far away from her as possible before it happened. With a quick pointed look to her uncle, who then pulled Dean away and toward the back wall of the room, she turned her attention to her soulmate. "I know there are a lot of things that we need to talk about, but right now I need you to have my back. No matter how crazy it gets."

Connor stared into her green eyes before grabbing onto her hips and pulling her to him, not stopping until his lips were on hers. They both let out a breath that they had been holding since they first saw each other in Bobby's library and as they broke the kiss he rested his forehead against hers. "We're going to get our daughter back and we will do whatever it takes to do so. Even if we have to cross that line."

A determined glint settled in her eyes as she nodded, understanding his silent plea to not judge him for any of the actions he was about to take. Something he seemed to be forgetting was that she would be there with him, performing the darkest of magics if they had to.

Before anything else could be said the large wooden doors swung open with Caoimhe and Niall in the lead, Valera, Nicholas, and Fenrick just behind them. All of their focus was on Ana, each of them looking too shocked to speak the question on their minds. That was until Val raised her voice with a single word, "How?"

Ana smiled at her friend, which is what they had become in the short amount of time they had spent together, "I don't have the time to explain, but I'm alive and that should be good enough for now." Her eyes found her great aunt's, "I know who the traitor is and we need to question him to find our daughter."

Niall's brow furrowed. "Your daughter? But she's-"

"Alive. She's alive and with the rogue witches." Connor interrupted, their time was running short. He could feel that the rest of the Council members had almost arrived and they needed to take immediate action once Tiberius was in the room. "What we're about to do will go against almost everything you've taught me, but if anyone else tries to stop us we need you to hold them off." He directed the words at his uncle.

The older man studied his nephew, "How do you know who it is?" They had been working tirelessly to find the mole within the Council and hadn't made any headway in days.

With a sigh Ana stepped forward, there was no time to waste with questions. "God. He told me. Now will you help us or not?"

The leaders of the three families shared a look before nodding in unison. "We will do what we need to." Val answered, turning to the young brothers with them. "I need you to get the message to the Harlow boys. We may need their help." Then she paused before turning to Ana and Connor, "They're not involved, right?" Suddenly realising that they still hadn't told them who their traitor was.

"No." Ana answered simply before the doors swung open again as the rest of the family members began to pour into the room. She took a step closer to Val, knowing that the woman would have her back, "Make sure Elania is watched, carefully." The instruction made the Russian woman's eyes grow wide. Ana turned her attention back to the others coming in, seeing that Tiberius was among them she quickly prayed to Gabe. I need him away from the others. Will you grab him and drop him in front of the table? In the blink of an eye the older man disappeared from the group and was falling to the floor near the end of the large gathering hall. Of course Gabe would take her words literally. Ana and Connor moved at the same time as they turned around and took a few steps forward. As Tiberius got himself back to his feet and lifted his attention in front of him, his eyes grew wide when they landed on Ana.

Many monsters and people would say that there weren't many things on the planet as terrifying as the look that Dean Winchester gave someone, or something, that he hated. Very few had lived to talk after the look of pure determination and murder settled on the eldest Winchester's face, but even he had to admit that the aura of power and hatred coming from his daughter and Connor was much worse than anything he could have ever mustered.

The pair stopped a few feet in front of Tiberius, no words shared between them and as the rest of the room quieted down the silence grew eerie until Connor broke it. "Where is our daughter?"

The young Mohr's words were followed by sounds of shock that echoed around the room. Tiberius glanced around seeing that every member was currently there, watching him be questioned. The worst of it was that his only daughter was flanked on either side by Valera and Dallis, the two women excelled in binding magic which didn't bode well for what was going to happen to him. Turning his attention to the witches directly in front of him, he frowned, "I don't know what you mean. The rogues killed your daughter."

Ana chuckled humorlessly, "That's funny, because God told me otherwise. I'll only give you one more chance. Where is our baby?" The magic in her body was at the tips of her fingers, waiting for the moment she chose to release it on the man.

There was no way that he was going to get out of the situation with his pride intact, there were too many witches in the room who would side with the couple in front of him, not to mention the angels that he could feel behind him. Quickly coming to terms with the fact that part of his plan had failed he smirked, "You'll never find her." He answered before lashing out with his magic, which sliced against Ana's chest.

Ana felt the power cut through her shirt and then her skin, leaving a gash just under her collar bone. Before he had time to attack again she raised her arm, twisting her wrist as her fingers curled in toward her palm. "That was a dumb move." she snarled as her power wrapped around his, taking control of it. Doing anything that removed another person's free will went against what the Council stood for, many who watched winced as Tiberius fell to his knees, no longer able to hold himself up while Ana basically squashed him like a bug. "Would you like to do the honors?" she asked Connor, they would need to get answers before he was too far gone.

"I would love to." He answered before moving away from her side and picking up a chant, one that very few in the room knew. Almost every witch alive used some sort of spell to protect their minds from being invaded or read and as a chairholder for the High Council Tiberius' was going to be stronger than most. Connor pushed all of his power into the spell that would break down any protection the older witch had, hoping that it would be a quick process.

"Dad!" Elania's voice echoed through the hall in panic. Though she didn't believe that any of the other's would let this happen without solid proof, that didn't stop the heartbreak that racked her body at seeing her father in pain.

The shout distracted Ana for just a moment and it was enough for Tiberius to attack again, this time his spell hit Connor. It was a weak attempt and it barely opened a wound on the young man's arm. Seeing the blood drip from her soulmate's arm refocused her, and as she tightened her grip on his magic she also wrapped her own magic around his body, keeping him in place. As Connor picked his chant back up, his hands resting on Tiberius' temples, Ana joined him.

Long minutes passed and to everyone in the room it didn't look like the young witches were getting anywhere, until an agonizing shout filled the room and Tiberius double over. The snap of the protective spell had reverberated and knocked him out, but not before Ana and Connor got their answer. She turned her attention to the group that had arrived with her, "We need to go. Now."

As they gathered together Niall was directing Nick and Fenrick to take Tiberius to the cells so that they could deal with him later. Valera crossed the room to join the Winchesters with the three Harlow men with her. "What can we do to help?"

"Stay here." Connor told them as Ana gave the location to Cas and Gabe. "We have a small idea of what we're going up against and the amount of angels and demons there don't bode well. Just be ready for us to come back in possible need of healing."

"Let's go." Ana held an angel blade out to him, thankful that Gabe always seemed to have extras. She gave a small smile to the witches before she turned back to her family. "Are you ready?"

Dean smiled as he pulled the slide back on his pistol, loading the demon trap rounds he now carried on him regularly. "Let's go kick some ass."

The witches and angels shared a look before they all disappeared, the angels each taking a hunter with them. They appeared a few feet in front of a large house, the building surrounded by a manicured lawn and a circle driveway. Outside of that the only thing that could be seen was a dirt road and dense forest.

"This place is crawling with witches, only a few angels and demons." Gabe spoke up, causing a nod of agreement from Cas.

Ana turned to her dad, knowing that he would come up with the best plan of attack. When it came to tactical plans he was the best option. "What's your call, dad?"

Dean paused for a moment, shocked since he had assumed Ana would take the reins on this one. Though she was ready to put up one hell of a fight he could tell that she was scared of what they would find once they fought their way inside. "We need to split up, attack from all sides. We need to keep the split semi even power wise, though. Connor and I will come in through this door, Sam and Cas will come in from the back, then you and Gabe will start at the top and work your way down. Take down anything that comes at you, no holding back. If you see a female witch who even looks a little pregnant stop them, but do not hurt them. Not until we find my granddaughter."

Ana gave a sharp nod before turning to Gabe. The pair disappeared at the same time that Cas and Sam did, Dean and Connor wasted no time as they advanced toward the main door. With a wave of Connor's hand the door flew off its hinges and all hell broke loose. The fight was long and tiresome, though they had all gone up against larger groups before this specific array of enemies was stronger than most. By the time the four who had taken the lower level had cleared it out they were bruised and bloody, though none of the wounds were serious.

"Any sign of the baby?" Sam asked as he caught his breath once they were together in the foyer. He and Cas had gone through every room in the back of the house, but they found nothing.

Connor shook his head, "None. I'm going to help Ana and Gabe." he spoke as he ran toward the stairs. The fact that they hadn't heard from the pair didn't sit well with him. The others weren't far behind him as they cleared the stairs quickly, each of them on alert as they came across dead bodies in the hallway. "They're this way." He turned to his left and followed the magic in his body directing him toward his soulmate. The group moved quietly until they reached an open doorway that caused Connor to pause and turn into the room.

Ana and Gabe stood in the middle of what looked to be a nursery, in her arms was a bundle of blankets that she was staring at with tears in her eyes. Dean, Sam, and Cas all stopped in the doorway, preparing for the worst, but the moment Ana looked up she smiled brightly at them they breathed a sigh of relief. Connor hurried to her side, but stopped suddenly the moment his eyes landed on the baby that was surrounded by blankets.

"She's perfect." Ana spoke as she looked up at Connor before her attention quickly went back to the baby.

"How?" Sam asked, "It's only been, what? Seven months?" He didn't know much about babies, but he did know that seven months was pretty early for a preemie baby to survive without medical help.

Gabe nodded, "She's early for sure, the angels helped push along the process though. There's still a faint trace of grace in her system, but that will fade with time."

Ana had a split in her forehead and she was almost certain that she had a dislocated rib, but she couldn't pull her attention away from her daughter long enough to care. The daughter she thought she would never get to hold was so small in her arms, but Gabe had assured her that the baby was perfectly healthy. She looked back up at her soulmate and smiled at the awestruck look on his face. With careful movements she gently handed their daughter to him.

Dean watched from the doorway, tears in his own eyes though he would never admit it. "What's her name?" He asked, wanting to see the little girl for himself, but he understood that the couple needed time with the child they thought they had lost.

Connor smiled as he angled his arms that cradled his daughter so that everyone could see her. "Brigid Grace Winchester."

Sam and Dean shared a look at the last name, neither man commenting on how emotional the other was in that moment. "Why Winchester?" Sam voiced the question they were both thinking.

"Well," Ana started as she took her daughter back and walked toward her father and uncle, "with our bloodlines combining into one we decided that taking one of our original surnames, but not the other wouldn't be fair and there's no way I'm going to hyphenate it. She's not just carrying on both the Good and Mohr lines, but also the Winchester one. And nothing can strike fear, or respect depending on the situation, more than the name Winchester in our world." She explained as she stood in the middle of the tall men so they could see the baby. "You're going to do great things, Brigid." There, surrounded by her family, the baby opened her eyes for the first time and what looked up at the three Winchesters was the same green that Dean and Ana had. They all smiled at the sight, taking just a moment longer to soak in the absolute joy of the moment as Gabe, Connor, and Cas moved closer to look at the baby girl as well.

In that moment every fight they had gone through, every loss they experienced, didn't seem as bad. They had been given another chance at happiness that they had all been so sure they had lost. Family never ended in blood and it certainly didn't have to start with blood either, but with the next Winchester generation between them it was clear that no matter how the family came to be, new blood could certainly breath life into it again.

A/N: So this chapter was longer than normal, but I couldn't stop until I got to the end. I know it's been about half a year since I updated last and I'm sorry! Again, thank you to everyone still reading! I really hope you've enjoyed it. Now I'm not going to say this is the end of the story, but it could be. I think this leaves an open enough ending for a sequel, if I ever got around to it.

So my question to you, my lovely readers, is do you want more? I could do a handful of different things from here. There are other plots to be explored, I just want to know what you're interested in? Do you want to see what follows with the witches as Brigid grows? Or maybe Brigid as an adult in a hunter/witch's world? Or are you ready for something new entirely? I have a bunch of half concocted Supernatural plots, most of which are more Winchester centered than this one is, with a female OC. So let me know if you just enjoy my writing and are ready for something new. You can leave a comment or feel free to message me!

PS: I love you all so much! Thank you for all of your support!