A Reason
Caroline twisted and turned in her bed still unable to find sleep after the amount of booze she had already taken, her unforgettable tryst with Klaus still haunting her every minute that passed. Although almost a week had passed and she was sure Klaus was long gone from Mystic Falls, she couldn't help but feel guilty for not being relieved that he was no longer there to threaten them. As much as she hated to admit, there were times she can't help but miss all the compliments that he would give her every time they met.
Groaning, she sat up and scrolled through her contacts until she saw his name and stopped. At war with herself, her finger just hovered on the screen screaming in her head thinking how wrong it was to call the enemy. With a sudden burst of courage she called the number and waited for him to answer.
"Hello love, you never cease to amaze me. You have a rather peculiar timing though, 2 am. Is that our new thing?" she could hear the smile in his voice.
"I told you Klaus, we don't have a thing. And same to you, shouldn't you be asleep and not answering this call right now?" Caroline felt her frustrations being channeled to Klaus. Which she deemed deserving since he was the cause of her rather volatile state lately.
"Will you actually tell me what's wrong Caroline?" She was stunned as to how could Klaus know that something else was up with her, when she wasn't even telling him anything was a wonder.
She pursed her lips and sighed, she wanted to switch to a different conversation. Besides the growing sexual tension from just hearing his voice and not to mention his accent was not helping. She actually missed his presence, their spats as he called it, how their relationship would go from mutually beneficial to destructive. To her that was their thing, unstable and yet there was the undeniable pull of attraction, need and the understanding that Klaus surprisingly was able to provide unlike the others she had been with. After contemplating for a few seconds about what she should say, she settled with telling him about how everyone now knows about their little scandalous session in the woods.
After spilling everything to Klaus, Caroline anxiously waited for him to reply letting a few seconds pass. He remained silent even after 5 seconds, which seemed too much for her.
"Well, Klaus!" Caroline checked to see if he was even listening.
"I heard you love, although I don't really see a need for my input since I already assumed our little tryst would soon be known. Secrets spread like wildfire in that little town of yours Caroline, and I know for a fact that right now your so called friends are having doubts regarding your loyalty. Perhaps you should think of coming here to New Orleans and open your eyes to the beauty the world has to offer you, and not to mention the people here are rather open-minded. I'm sure they wouldn't judge you if you slept with me again, whether it's in my bed or in the alley sweetheart", Klaus replied with a smirk evident in his tone.
"Really Klaus? Why are you coaxing me to go to your stupid kingdom of New Orleans again?!", Caroline was exasperated .
"Need I remind you love, you called first not me", he seethed and dropped the call.
Realizing that Klaus was right, Caroline scolded herself for making a rash decision and for letting her impulse get the better of her. Rising from her bed she decided to go for a run and headed for the woods.
For about thirty minutes Caroline just sped here and there in the forest and eventually stopped near the waterfall. She pondered for a while, watching the elegant fall of water being reflected by the moonlight and basking in its radiance. After a few minutes she decided to head back home, but before she could take the first step backwards she heard two unfamiliar voices from a distance. Being on alert with other possible rising threats, she crept towards what seemed to be an already heated conversation.
"Why do we have to stay here? Klaus is not here anymore, and besides the vampires here don't even know a thing about what's happening in New Orleans right now!", the first man irritatingly stated.
"The Master has strict orders to make sure they stay just that, clueless. You know he wants everything kept in order down to the tiniest detail. And besides from what I hear there's someone here we can use against Klaus in case a back up plan is needed. Even though that Hayley is pregnant with Klaus' child it doesn't guarantee full cooperation, especially with his reputation", the second man countered.
Caroline almost staggered back because of the surprise. Sure she was expecting unusual information, but Klaus impregnating someone was the last thing she would ever guess. So many questions began running through her mind. Why didn't Klaus tell her? Was he really the father? Why in the world did it have to be Hayley the bitch? And lastly, didn't Klaus tell her that he fancied her, liked her, he even gave her dresses fit for royalty, and the drawings, are there others he actually 'fancied'?
Caroline was becoming infuriated by the moment, she already knew what to do and Klaus better be ready for her. After a few more minutes of conversing the two men decided to leave the woods, but before they did Caroline crept up behind the first man and snapped his neck then fully detaching it from the body. The second man snarled when he realized what happened, but before he could lunge towards Caroline she went for him and they stumbled to the ground wrestling. Caroline knew she had to be careful not to be bitten if the man ever attempted to shift under the full moon, making it harder to subdue him. While struggling to not be bitten and yet keep a hold on the man Caroline saw a broken branch just within her arm's reach, she wound her left arm around the man's neck as tight as she could and reached for the heavy piece of wood and rammed it just below the man's right shoulder blade. An agonizing scream ripped throughout the forest but Caroline only rolled her eyes and snapped the extra length from the branch but letting a short length of it remain pierced through the man's chest. She ripped a part of the other man's clothes and tied the man's hands at the back, earning another guttural sound from him. Producing a packet of wolfs bane that Caroline had ready ever since she realized werewolves were going to be a constant threat to her, she shoved it down the man's throat forcing him to swallow it.
"Tell me your name unless you want another packet of these," Caroline warned waving another packet in front of the man.
"B-B-Briggs. Th-The name's Briggs", he hurriedly answered stuttering because of the pain.
Caroline frowned, noticing the Australian accent but shrugged it off. "Good. Now Briggs I want you to be completely behaved unless you want to die right now okay?"
The man only nodded. Caroline smiled, but knowing it's not safe to take any risk as of now she knocked him out with a punch to the face and sped back to her car putting the man in the backseat. She went back inside the house to gather a few things she might need for her destination, after a short while of deciding what to bring and finally making her choice she grabbed her luggage and walked towards the door just in time to see her mother get back from work.
"What's going on Caroline?" Elisabeth was frowning, hands on her hips.
"Mom, there's no time to talk. Right now there's an unconscious werewolf in the backseat of my car and he's there because he might pose a certain threat to us although I don't know what yet. Now I'll probably be gone for a few days to get to the bottom of this, but you can't tell anyone about what I found out. It might put them in more danger", Caroline explained without so much as a breath.
The Sheriff just looked at her wide-eyed. Caroline was impatient and made a move to get out the door before her mother stepped in front of her blocking the way. The sheriff was used to the supernatural, but her daughter voluntarily going frontline without involving her friends was a new one.
Filled with worry, she tried to put a stop to what was happening. "What in the hell is going on Caroline Forbes? You can't just tell me you're leaving out of the blue without giving me a proper explanation!"
Caroline sighed, "I just have to do this by myself. I want to… no, I need to do this. I need to know something and figure it all out by myself mom."
Sheriff Forbes looked at her daughter, saw the confusion in her eyes. From the outside her daughter looked like she already had everything figured out, but she was still her little girl. She had yet to find her place in the world and something was nagging at here that this was the time.
"Look Caroline, I know that you're a strong girl and I probably won't be able to change your mind. Just promise me you'll call as much as you can and be careful. Alright?" Elisabeth Forbes was almost pleading.
Caroline gave a heartwarming smile and nodded, hugging her mom before speeding out the door. Elisabeth could only watch as her daughter's car drove away vanishing from her sight, leaving her in a bundle of nerves full of worry.
Klaus paced around the room, his temper only growing after Caroline's surprise call. He had enough on his hands with trying to regain New Orleans from Marcel and taking control over everything, but she had to call and rub it in his nose that he can't be with her further diminishing the little hope that he had left. Nonetheless, he felt bad about hanging up on her who obviously has issues with her friends regarding their little tryst. It was painfully hilarious how most people in the town of Mystic Falls were so narrow-minded.
After having cooled his head off he decided to call Caroline back and let her vent out, knowing she needed that much. Much to his surprise she answered after just one ring, but she also said something he never thought he'd hear.
"I'm coming there Klaus. We have something important to discuss", after her short statement Caroline dropped the call.
He could only stare at his phone in surprise as a small smile appeared on his face, which quickly disappeared once he caught a sight of Hayley heading towards him.
"Leave Hayley. Your presence is not needed here today", he threatened. The tone of his voice made Hayley stop dead in her tracks and walk out of the mansion.
The moment Klaus heard Hayley leave the premises he received another call from Caroline.
"Yes love, is there anything you forgot to mention?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
"Stop being smug Klaus. I need directions to your house," Caroline ordered. He only kept on smiling giving the directions to the Plantation.