Hey there everyone this is the last chapter of the story. This one unlike the others will talk about how the hikaris fare without the yamis after the ending of the show. But before I do that I would like to thank some people.

makaylaatw for favoriting and following

the girl who envies books for favoriting and following

SkyNakama27 for following and reviewing

Nemisor for following and reviewing

CrystalOfTime for following and reviewing

XHikariLaylaX for reviewing

Thank you all so much for all the kind words and showing your support for this story. I hope everyone enjoys the ending!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Let us start with Malik, since he was the first to lose his yami after battle city. Unfortunately he also happened to be the one that turned out the best after the relinquishment of his dark.

No one could say that he was completely alright, but he did go on to lead a fairly normal life considering the circumstances he was thrown into. Needless to say there were problems. His sister may have been ignorant to them, but his brother started to notice the difference in the way the light was acting.

The light was still in fact a light, no matter what he did to try and pretend he wasn't. He still felt the emptiness of what used to be the dark in his soul. He still felt the feeling of something missing from him. However, he was able to deal with these feeling a lot easier than the other lights because he himself was the one to banish his dark.

Not only was that the primary reason, but he also had his brother and sister to help him through it. With them he was able to at least pretend he filled the hole in his heart and be able to move past his past so that he could have a happier future. He even ended up helping the Pharaoh and completing the tombkeepers mission, despite the fact that it had caused him so much pain.

Yes, Malik fared the best of the three Hikaris, his brother and sister may not have understood his feeling, but he could at least talk to them about it since they knew what was going on. They could help him in the very small ways that they could. This light had the best situation to deal with and was able to move on from the presence of his yami for the most part. He went on to lead a healthy life continuing to study history and help his sister in her expeditions, while also breaking away from tradition to learn new things, like mechanics to work on his bike and even at one point going on to work with cars for a bit.

He did have after effects from his loss of his dark half though. At times he would be caught having spasms clutching his head like he used to in Battle city trying to fight for control and would be observed to have slight shifts in personality from time to time. Fortunately they had little effect on his life due to the light's brother's presence to bring him back.

Despite what seemed to be a happy ending for this light, it was indeed hollow in nature. His brother and sister were the only people the light really ever let into his life. He never found a lover of sort, nor did he go on to make his own group of friends except for the occasional call to Yugi or Ryou. His family was all he had in the end, but he was still content with his life.

In short, Malik got lucky with his situation believe it or not. Yes his dark may have tried to destroy him countless times, but the thief king's light had a far harder time adjusting to normal life.

Ryou, as we know him, was left between a rock and a hard place. This light had suffered through years of his yami's psychological torture. His dark had worn him down in an attempt to force his light to submit.

It may not have worked, but that kind of torture never goes without its effects. For one, the light hardly knew how to trust. The most he had shown trust to was the Pharaoh's light and his friends to stop his yami, but that was the furthest extent his trust had gone. Ryou was still far too scared to make real friends without the fear of something happening to them. Plus after so much time of having to rely on himself, the light didn't know how to go to anyone else, be it for help or just plain interaction with another. Despite his dark being defeated, the light was still far too scared of the reality that he could come back and continue his domination of his light.

This fear that the light held onto ended up driving him away from not only Yugi and his friends, but everyone in general. His life was so secluded it was scary. His own father, his only family left, still didn't want anything to do with him and when the light turned eighteen, he was cut off forced to fend for himself even further. Of course not wanting to interact with others was not a good thing to have when looking for a job, but he ended up finding out a way to work from home.

The light only left his apartment when he needed to, for instance food or clothing and such. It was obvious that the poor light needed psychological help, but it wasn't like he could walk into a psychiatrist's office and explain the situation to them, they would think him crazy and give him what he didn't need.

The only interaction he would get with others was the few occasional phone calls with Malik or Yugi, more often with Malik, because he felt that they could at least relate with the sick empty feeling he felt.

Yes, despite what his dark did to him, the light still missed him. He was, after all, the other half of his soul. He completed the light it a way that no one else could. It wasn't love, no, it definitely wasn't love, but it was a feeling of deep want, almost need of the other.

This seclusion of himself also caused other problems not excluding his health. Being inside so much caused him to have problems with lack of nutrients, but he was able to rectify those with vitamins and pills.

His secluded mental state was not the only after effect of his yami. Like the Pharaoh's light and dark, the thief king's light and dark learned things from each other as well. It may not have been prevalent with the dark, but it was obvious with the light. The light's thoughts had taken a far darker turn than they ever used to before being introduced to his dark. The light would have to deal with habits that he had accidently picked up from the dark like always checking around corners and wanting to go against the rules and steal the occasional thing here and there. They stuck with the light all the way to the end.

Despite this, Ryou was not the worst off. Yes, believe it or not, our last light, Yugi had the worst fate awaiting him with the departure of his dark. This was for the simple fact that Yugi had wanted his yami's presence, unlike the other two lights.

Again unlike the other lights, Yugi had the advantage of his dark giving him a positive after effect of his presence. He grew more confident in himself and was willing to be less socially awkward, and you would think that this would set him up to thrive without his dark, but it was all a lie.

No matter how much anyone wished to deny it he was still a light, he was not as independent as the people around him want to think. His friends just assumed that he was going to be okay on his own after the past years of having what was like an older brother at all times, in his own mind no less. They pretended like that transition wasn't going to be a difference for the light at all. His parents who knew close to nothing about the whole thing in the first place had no clue why their son was suddenly depressed and blew it off calling it a phase, and his grandfather, while knowing what was going on didn't understand and just assumed that the light was in a grieving period and would just get over it in time.

See the reason Yugi had the worst fate to deal with was that he was faced with betrayal and having to live a lie. His so called friends couldn't even see past the plainly obvious mask he was wearing and to top it off they slowly just lost contact with the light. Granted they were going to live their own lives, but with everything they all went through you would expect it to bring them closer together than this. The light who had come to be dependent on the strength of his dark and friends was now brought straight back to the time before he met his dark, except this time he had to pretend he was still the happy little Yugi he had been these past years.

That mask tore him down from the inside and with no one to confide in it just destroyed him even more. He didn't talk with the other lights much, since they didn't understand what it was like to have a good yami. He had to still go out into the world and pretend he was happy at the tournaments which were nothing but a smack in the face reminder of what once was.

It was this that proved why Yugi had the worst fate. Unlike the other lights he couldn't escape, he couldn't close himself off from the world being the celebrity he was. He couldn't depress himself over his yami because he had to be the hero, he had to show that he grew from his dark and that he could go on even though all he wanted to do was break down and cry at the emptiness he now felt inside. How anyone thought he could deal with that was unimaginable, but he did somehow.

Like the others he never did find someone to get in a relationship with because he didn't want to deal with the disappointment of not being able to fill that hole in his heart. He spent his life continuing on with the game that started and ended it all. He pulled new players into it and helped improved those already playing. He made a comfortable living off of it while also maintaining his grandfather's legacy of the game shop.

This whole ordeal of lights and darks were just a cruel and unusual punishment to these poor souls, by who we will never know, but what we do know is that our wish was not granted. The lights were torn away from their darks and forced to go on without them with what most would consider unhappiness, or in their eyes the best it could get without their other halves.

Okay this is done! Thank you all so much again and I'm sorry for such a late update, I wanted to make this a good ending even though I still feel like it was a bit of a underwhelming ending...I also got stuck, but that's beside the point . Anyways thank you for the support! I hope to see you in whatever I post next! R&R plz :)

P.S. I have completely run out of story ideas in all honesty except for one that won't be posted for a while since I don't have all the material I need for it, so if you have any ideas that you want me to write send me a PM or a review telling me them and I might write them if I know how to and can work off of them!