AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hey! Over a year ago, I was working on this story. And then I wasn't.

Either way, I actually remembered I had the next couple of parts for this story written which I never finished. I'm going to start writing again, but a different story, so unfortunately this is the rest of this story you're ever going to see, but I figured I would upload it anyway.

I haven't read over it or anything, so this is my work from however many months ago.


Takeba Yukari is a third-year student at Gekkoukan High School. She boasts strong academics, athleticism and popularity and participation in the school community. She is a prime example of an ideal student, next to Kirijo Misturu.

Iori Junpei came to Gekkoukan the same year as Yukari and is the drastic opposite of what she is. A lazy studier, poor in physique and would rather hang out with his few friends rather than in a school club or doing any school activities.

So how did one person fall in love with another person who was so different on a high school social level?

Yukari pondered that very question as she walked down the second floor hallway in Iwatodai Dorm.

She was, in many ways, better than her friend. She could have chosen from a much nicer batch of guys to date, people who could stand equal to her, people like Minato.

And yet the person she gravitated toward was none other than her ridiculous and perverted friend who she'd have never thought of this way.

Maybe that's all there was to it. He was a friend. Wasn't that enough in the end?

Yukari stopped in front of Junpei's door. Was he inside? Should she talk to him?

She resolved to walk up to the door and knock on it.

No response. She tried knocking a few more times.

Yukari sighed in defeat. There was no point in her pursuing a romantic relationship with Junpei, at least while he was still getting over Chidori.

It was amazing how much the two had loved each other. And for their tale together to come to such a tragic end was not unlike many romance novels Yukari had read in the past. It reminded her especially of a certain Shakespearean play. The strength of the feelings between them were deep and it would be no small feat to match that.

The brunette wondered what exactly it was that attracted Junpei to the red-headed Strega member. Maybe Junpei had a fetish for gothic lolitas; considering all the things she had overheard him talk about to his friends, she wouldn't doubt those were included in his sexual interests. Or was it the supposed air of mystery about her and how Junpei described her as a "flaming red enigma of beauty and passion." Yukari swore he used the same nonsensical phrase to describe Mitsuru when he saw her in her bathing suit when they were at Yakushima.

Could it be something to do with Chidori being an artist? Though she snuck a peek at her sketchbook after she gave it to Junpei, she didn't learn much from it. The pages were mostly filled with garbled and incomprehensible sketches that she didn't understand. It was doubtful Junpei understood most of them either.

But she did come across something spectacular; a beautifully drawn portrait of her lover, in marvelous detail and quality. Chidori had to have had put a great deal of effort into the drawing. When Junpei caught her looking at Chidori's sketchbook, he had quickly taken it away from her and gave her a firm warning not to look at it again.

Chidori's final act of rescuing Junpei from certain death was something that would not be forgotten. Yukari knew herself that she would not be able to give up her own life in exchange for saving someone else so easily. But Chidori did it without a second thought, not caring for her own life at all. The things that love could drive a person to do scared Yukari, but also excited her at the same time. To have such dedication to one person in your life would be a truly fulfilling experience to her.

She suddenly heard the loud sound of a door being slammed coming from the direction of Minato's room. When she looked down the hallway, she saw Hamuko stand silently in front of the door.

"What is she…?" Yukari thought. She became concerned when Hamuko fell to her knees and began to cry. "Hamuko!" She ran over to her.

"Y-Yukari…" Hamuko's voice came out broken and desperate.

Yukari bent down to her level. "Are you okay? What's wrong, Hamuko?"

The auburn-haired girl sniffled. "M-Minato… H-He…"

Yukari was confused. What did Minato do to upset her like this?

"J-Just… I can't…" Hamuko sobbed.

The expression on Yukari's face softened. "Hey. Let's talk about this in your room. Is that okay?" She asked soothingly. Hamuko nodded.

The two girls were sat beside each other on Hamuko's bed, which was covered in pink bedding.

"Do you feel a little better now?" Yukari put her hand on Hamuko's shoulder.

"Mmhmm. Thank you." Hamuko wiped the few remaining tears from her eyes.

"Are you ready to talk now?" Yukari asked in a motherly tone.

"Yeah," Hamuko spoke softly, barely above the volume of a whisper. "Minato and I have been friends for a long time now. We've known each other since we were children. When both sets of our parents died on the Moonlight Bridge, we only had each other left," Hamuko explained. "We became really close friends after that."

"I could tell from how you two acted when you were with each other. You seemed to get along well with him."

Hamuko hummed in affirmation. "During all the time we spent together, I guess… there was that little spark. That maybe I felt more for him than simple friendly affection. Those feelings eventually grew and I fell in love with Minato."

"…" Yukari felt a pang of guilt in her heart. It must have hurt Hamuko deeply when Minato didn't fall in love with her.

"I was angry at you for rejecting him and hurting him like that. I hated not receiving his affection, but I couldn't stand seeing him in pain either. That's why I lashed out at you last night."

Yukari could only admire Hamuko for her selflessness toward her friend: to accept the fact that she would not be the target of her crush's affections and instead make sure he was happy no matter whom he was with was beyond incredible.

"I liked to think I had to look out for him all the time, but in truth he's done a lot, if not more, for me as well. He takes better care of me than he does himself and I don't think he even realises it. It's hard for me to repay him for all he's done," Hamuko continued. "That's why I'm so afraid of him moving on without me. I don't want to be left alone…!" Her voice cracked and she started to sob.

"There, there…" Yukari pulled Hamuko into a hug and pat her on the back. She waited until the crying teenager calmed down. "I don't think he'll leave you behind. You know he's a good person and he wouldn't do that to his closest friend, even if he loves someone else."

"I guess so…" Hamuko looked down.

"And," Yukari moved Hamuko's head so that it was facing hers. "Even if he does, you have plenty of friends to support you. Me, Fuuka, Junpei and everyone else is there for you. You won't be alone, no matter what," Yukari moved away and crossed her arms. "We'll make sure of it."

Hamuko smiled, teary-eyed. "Thank you… Thank you so much, Yukari. You're a great friend of mine."

"You too."

Fire crackled and glowed under the ominous green light of the Dark Hour. Two cars, totaled and tossed to the sides of the Moonlight Bridge were more evidence of the disaster that transpired mere moments ago.

Among the wreckage were two small children, one from each family from each car, laying face-down and unconscious. Standing over them was a beautiful blond girl, with mechanical limbs and brilliant blue eyes. Her body was clearly damaged, with scratches and dents, as well as loose electrical wiring protruding from the exposed mechanisms underneath its protective metal casings.

"Seal… successful," Aigis uttered in her robotic voice. "Commencing Bystander Safeguarding Protocol," The android nodded as she crouched down and picked up the two youths and slung them over both her shoulders. She proceeded to walk away from the inferno behind her before pausing and lowering her head. "I am sorry that you two were the ones unfortunate enough to carry this burden… Please know that it is for the betterment of humankind and a necessary evil."

Even though the Shadow's power was locked away inside the bodies of the children, she could still feel the dark power emanate strongly from them. How would this change how they mature? What would happen to their minds; their Personas if they were to possess them? Death is a powerful entity; their bodies could barely withstand having half of it sealed away inside of them. There would have been much graver consequences if it were to roam freely, however.

"Activating Obligatory Seal Protection System: victims scanned. Identified as two young Japanese children, one male and one female. Facial features and distinct bodily features saved for future recognition. Protect at all costs," The headphone-like devices on her head hummed softly. "Proceeding to Paulownia Mall Police Station."

"So… Uh… You two kids done eating or what? I need to ask you some questions regarding the accident you two were just in," A gruff-looking, middle-aged police officer asked. "So, what're your-" He was cut off by loud munching sounds. He grunted and sighed, scratching his head.

"Mmph." The auburn-haired girl was holding a small bowl to her face, shoveling rice into her mouth with a pair of chopsticks. The blue-haired boy was doing the same beside her.

The officer soon heard their noises of eating die down and tried to test the waters with another question. "Like I said, what are your-" He growled audibly as they began to eat noisily again. "How much will they have to eat before they actually listen…?" He muttered to himself. "Oy! Tohru! Go get some more food for these two!" He shouted out through the door of the interrogation room.

"C-Coming right up, Kurosawa-san!" A panicky voice shouted in response. Moments later, a black-haired, messy-looking young detective rushed into the room with bowls of rice in his hands. He placed them in front of the kids, who immediately noticed them, put down their previous bowls and began to eat from the fresh ones. The detective watched in silent awe as they scarfed down the food they were given in record time. "Geez, how much can these guys eat? It's like they're from a different planet or something."

"Hmph." Kurosawa huffed. "Excuse me!" He piped up. On cue, the two stopped feasting and lifted their heads. "What are your names?" He asked in a softer tone.

The girl spoke first. "My name is Hamuko… What happened to my family?" She asked innocently, tilting her head. Kurosawa's expression turned grim and Adachi simply stared.

"They're…" The senior officer hesitated.

"They're dead." Adachi finished bluntly. Kurosawa glared fiercely at him for his lack of sensitivity, to which he shrunk. Hamuko's eyes widened in tears. The boy noticed her despair and quickly turned to face the adults.

"What happened to my family?!" He asked in an alarmed tone.

"They're dead, also." Kurosawa replied sadly. The boy looked crushed and hung his head low.

"Poor guys," Adachi mumbled pitifully. "I feel kinda sorry for 'em. Oh, and by the way, what's your name, kid?" He pointed a finger at the boy.

"…" The boy remained silent and kept his head hung down.

"I asked you; what's your name?" Adachi inquired impatiently.


"C'mon, you gotta answer sometime." The detective scratched his head annoyed.

Kurosawa made his way to the door. "Let's leave them be. I don't expect them to say anything after giving them such bad news." Kurosawa whispered to Adachi as he passed by him, who nodded and followed the officer out of the room.

The only thing to fill the silence between the two children was Hamuko's quiet sniffling.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I'm not working on this story any more, but feel free to leave reviews regardless. I appreciate feedback, and I might learn a few things from any criticisms you might have, even if this is my writing from a long time ago.