The blood slowly drips down from my chest. 'It hurts that Sasuke did not think him as a friend... it hurts so much.'

Kakashi ran to the body laying down on the ground. He failed again. He failed not only Obito but sensei as well.

He knew that he shouldn't have taught Sasuke chidori but he had hoped that Sasuke would forget about revenge but he was wrong. Now one of his student got hurt because of his mistake.

Kakashi slowly picked up Naruto and stared at the hole in his chest. He quickly jumped to the trees . He didn't care about anything else. His top priority now was to get Naruto back to the village.

~ Later ~

Naruto slowly open his eyelids but quicky shut them again at the bright light.

He started to adjust to light when he felt something shift at his right side. He looked only to see Kakashi there. "How long was I out?" he asked Kakashi. Kakashi handed him a cup. "Drink." was the only thing he said.

There was only silece as Naruto drank.

"So how long was I out?" Naruto asked again.

" You were out for only 6 hours. You should get some more rest."

"Kakashi-sensei... did anyone visit me?"

"Everyone did Naruto, but they already left. Even though Iruka and Tsunade was more stubborn, I was able to get them to rest."

It brought a smile to Naruto's face that all his friends were here and the last part only made his smile wider.

"Okay Kakashi-sensei. I'll get some rest."

~A Week Later~

Naruto was all healed again but there was still a little itch near his chest. It was almost invisible but you can still see a faint thin line. Right now he was heading towards the tower because the old hag-Tsunade-called him.

Tsunade had a pained expression on her face but when naruto came barging in, yelling 'Old-hag', it quickly disappeared.

"Naruto, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!"

"*sigh* Anyway I have something to tell you.'s not good news." She softly said the last part but he heard her anyway.

"What is it Old hag?"

"It's- She was suddenly cut off when Jiraiya came through the window and falling down onto the floor.

He then quickly got off and had a serious face though it was hard for Naruto not to laugh because of the red mark on his face.

"It's- She was cut off again as the door opened revealing all the council members. She got annoyed. She got cut off not once but twice and now the council walked her office as if they owned the place.

"Hokage-sama, did you tell the k- the kid yet? A council member asked, sneering at the word 'kid'.

"I was about to until you suddenly waltz in here without knocking." She replied in an annoyed voice.

"I sincerely apologize but we can't wait forever."

'Damn council.' "Very well. Naruto.." She softly spoke his name. He had a very bad feeling about this. "The council decided..." She took a deep breath but before she could speak again, one of the council members decided to say it for her. "We decided that you could either leave this village, be executed, or go to... the room."

"What the heck is 'the room'?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto, the room is the most dangerous room out of the whole village. Every village has one but all of them are different." Jiraiya said in a serious voice.

"We never named the room before so we just call it 'the room'. This time Tsunade answered.

"Wait. Why are you telling me this. You said I could but what if I don't want to."

"You don't have a choice, boy." This time a was a man that looked like a mummy with a scar on his chin.

"Well, pick one."

Naruto thought for a very long time.

"I pick... the room." He finally said.

"Naruto, are you sure? We never went into the room before because I've only heard of it from my grandfather. Even he said he couldn't have survive a few weeks in there and he was the one that made along with some others." Tsunade asks worriedly.

*gulp*' ' It couldn't be that bad, could it?'

"I still chooser that ba-chan."

"*sigh* Okay."
