Teenager, full time student, superhero. You would think that was enough to handle on its own. A part time job to keep Artemis and her mother off the streets made life nearly impossible.

"Artemis wait!" M'gann called out to the retreating form of the archer. "Its movie night, aren't you going to stay?"

"Rain check M'gann." Artemis called over her shoulder, shooting her a sympathetic look. "I really can't, I want to but I can't" The zeta beam flashed and she was gone.

"She's acting weirder than usual." Wally mumbled around an apple. "What's she up to anyways?" Zantanna perked up.

"We could always follow her." She suggested with a mischievous smile. Both Robin and Wally grinned at the idea and made a move towards the exit.

"No." Kalder's voice commanded. "Artemis has a life outside of the team, what she wishes to do in her spare time is up to her and weather or not she tells us is none of our business." It sucked when Kalder was always right, but damn, if they weren't curious.

Artemis's boss hated her. No matter how many times she requested he switch her schedule he always booked her for the nine to three shift. Just her in the store, manning the cash, doing the cleaning and closing and dealing with all the creeps Gotham had to offer.

What did I do to deserve this? Artemis thought angrily sweeping the convince store floor aggressively. She was a superhero for crying out loud, you think the scales of justice would have changed and she wouldn't have to work the graveyard shift in some rat-infested store.

A few people came and went, buying chips or milk that Artemis dutifully warned was expired, but they bought it anyways. It was cheaper that way. Artemis knew that's how she had to buy her milk too.

Around two in the morning a greasy haired man stumbled in, drunk off his ass. He smiled lewdly at Artemis, showing an array of decaying teeth and badly infected gums.

"Well aren't you fine." The man slurred, leaning up against the counter. "How about we go back to my place and I can see what's under you're uniform."

Wow, Artemis thought with a cringe, this guy is so original. Not. How many ways could I break his femur?

"I could pay you," The man continued, ignoring the icy death stare she was giving him. "I can pay real good." He waved a hundred dollar bill in her face and Artemis felt her stomach twist then drop. How did it come to this? Where a disgusting old man waves money her direction and she actually considers selling her body to him? Tears burned behind her eyes, as shame and defeat wash over her.

"You have ten seconds to get out before I call the cops." Artemis hissed, leaning over the counter menacingly. "And it's not me their going to be protecting." The man's eyes widened at the threat and the fear that washed over him. This chick wasn't kidding.

The man hurried out and even though she had half an hour left, Artemis closed the store and made the long trek home, trying to push the burning tears and over whelming feelings of failure and defeat. How long could she keep this us? School with an 85% average, shitty job, saving the world, you think life could cut her a little slack.

"Artemis, the Bakers phoned, they want to know if you can babysit this weekend." Artemis looked up from her calculus textbook and rubbed her forehead. She had a late shift on Sunday night and there weren't any missions this weekend. The Bakers were a wealthy family that lived in the upper side of Gotham whom she occasionally babysat for, the kids were a tad difficult but they paid well.

"I'll call them back," Artemis called back, reaching for the landline. "Maybe I'll get paid enough to make rent this month," she said under her breath. Just after she was finishing up on the phone Artemis's communicator went off, flashing red light illuminating the darkening room.

Emergancy. It read, Report to Cave immediately.

Could life get any more chaotic?