The light burst through the curtains and decided to shine right in Green's eyes causing him to wake up. The burning feeling in his eyes caused him to close them quickly again as they begged for more sleep. Green couldn't hold back the groan that escaped him as he sat up and looked around his room. Stacks of papers lay around the floor, both finished and incomplete. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to remember how the hell he got to bed from the kitchen counter with no memory of ever leaving. In fact, he specifically remembers falling asleep on the counter while trying to finish up some paper work.

He stood up, his green pajama pants hanging low on his hips, exposing the top of his dark blue boxers. He stretched before shrinking down as the cold air hit is bare chest, making him shiver. Stepping out of his room, he looked to the left to see that, yes, his paperwork from the night before was still there, unfinished. He took a step towards the kitchen, prepared to finish his work as it was Sunday, his day off, only sparing a quick glance to the right where his living room was. He halted his steps as he was greeted with the sight of a mop of black hair and a blanket seemingly covering the rest of the person's body.

Green thought back to all the people he knew with short black hair, only two came to mind in this early morning. Gold and Red. But it simply couldn't be Red, he never got off of that damn mountain. Green sighed, trudged over to the couch, and yanked up the blanket.

"Gold, you can't come barging into my apartment every time you have a fight with Silv-" I shut my mouth as soon as his red orbs greeted my green ones. Red. Red was here, in my apartment. How? He blinked up at me, still as silent as ever. Slowly my shock faded away as anger took over. What the hell?! After all this time now he comes down?!

He simply sat up and rubbed his eyes. Red stared up at Green with a 'can I help you?' look. Green simply glared at him.

"What are you doing here?" It's not that Green didn't want him there. In fact, it was the complete opposite. Green was happy to see Red, especially off that damn freezing mountain, but he couldn't help himself. Red was there on that mountain for years, he never came down, not even for supplies. Green used to go visit him to take supplies up, but slowly, over the years, he started to make excuses to stop when eventually, he did stop all together. He just couldn't stand being told 'no' each time he asked Red to come back down.

Red sighed causing Green to return to reality. He stood up and simply stared at Green before walking past him into the kitchen. Green groaned before putting down the blanket and following him to the kitchen.

"Can you at least tell me how the hell you got in?" Red gave him a 'duh' look and nodded his head toward the door. "No shit Red! But how did u open the door?!" At this a light scarlet color coated his cheeks and the tips of his ears making my mouth feel dry.

"... Picked it..." It was barely above a whisper, but enough for Green to hear. He picked the lock... What? Since when does he know how to pick locks?!

"You could have knocked you know! If someone had seen you, you would have been arrested."

"... I did... No answer..." Despite his lack of use of his voice, it was silky and smooth, not scratchy like Green would have originally thought it would have been. It's been so long since Green heard Red speak he had almost forgotten the sound of his voice. Red's voice echoed through Green, giving him the feeling of being alive again.

Green sighed, trying to hide the blush that was slowly trailing up his neck. Red looked at him expectantly. "What? You want food?" He simply nodded his head. Typical.

Green started heating up the pan and looked around for some pokefood. A yip sounded behind him followed by a 'pika'. He turned around to see his Eevee nudging a bag of pokefood with Red's Pikachu following right behind her. Green snickered and grabbed the bag. He poured two bowls of food for them and got back to the pan.

Red's eyes followed Green as he walked around preparing breakfast. He couldn't believe how much Green has changed. He knew he would, as it is, even he, himself, changed plenty. Red grew taller over the years, and his body filled out more with lean muscle. He could see the tips of his hair, probably meaning he greatly needed a hair cut.

Green, of course, still managed to be taller than Red, but his personality matured as well, as not everything that came out of his mouth was an insult. Red was glad that after he had gone up to Mt. Silver, when Green still used to visit him, they had gone back to being best friends. Of course Green still got mad whenever Red refused to come down. Finally, after all these years, Gold was the one that convinced Red to leave the freezing mountain peak.

Red kept trying to keep his eyes somewhere else other than on Green, but he just couldn't seem to help it. The sight of Green's boxers and how his pants, ironically the color of his name, hung loosely on his hips, made the Champion's mouth water slightly. He felt a blush creep up his neck and settle on his cheeks. Right before Green turned around, he tipped his hat down to hide his blush.

Green put the food on two plates, egg and bacon, and placed a plate in front of Red who had his hat tipped down low. Before sitting down he passed Red some ketchup, still remembering how he eats almost everything with ketchup. Green reached out and tugged lightly on a lock of Red's hair causing him to flinch and look at Green, a blush still covering his cheeks.

A blush covered Green's cheeks as well. "I-... I was just gonna say you need a hair cut..." Since when does Red blush? Red pulled down his hat and it surprisingly covered any and all signs of his blush. Green though back to all the times he had turned or looked at Red only to see his hat pulled down low. Does this mean... all those times... Red was... blushing?

"After breakfast I'll cut your hair okay?" Red only nodded and continued eating. Pikachu and Eevee ran around, playing tag or some other game. After the dishes were washed Red sat on a chair and removed his hat, putting it on Pikachu's head, and waited patiently for Green to get his scissors. Red tried his best not to fidget as Green stood behind him, snipping away.

"Oi! Would you stop moving already? I'm gonna snip your ear if you keep moving." Red huffed before sitting still again.

Finally done with the back and sides, Green went around the front and crouched down until he was at eye-level with Red. Red tried to force the upcoming blush away as Green's face was really close to his own. If it weren't for the scissors that promised to cut him if he moved forward, he might have just moved forward to simply get the chance to brush his lips across Greens. It wasn't until he was almost done that Green noticed just how close he was to his friend's blushing face. Green audibly swallowed causing Red's eyes to travel down to Green's bare neck.

Green's voice hitched with slight excitement causing Red to realize what he was doing and to quickly look away. Green took a deep breath and stepped back.

"Woah, hey, there you are. I thought I would lose you under all that hair," Green chuckled playfully and ruffled Red's hair. Red quickly put his hat back on tipping it low, but now his ears were visible to Green who could clearly see the red tipped ears. His own blush started to cover his cheeks. He turned around grabbing his supplies in an attempt to hide his own blush.

"Y-you should go take a shower, do you have any other clothes?" He asked while putting everything else away. It was silent for a while before he heard a soft, sweet, no. "I'll find something to lend you then. Go on, the bathroom is across the hall from my room." It wasn't really a hall, it was too small for that, it was more like a small opening that lead to his room if turned left and his bathroom if you turned right.

Red nodded and stood up, careful not to step on the stray pieces of cut hair on the floor. He walked away and disappeared behind the corner. Green quickly cleaned up the hair and walked into his room to find something suitable for Red to wear. Red was skinnier than Green so he picked out one of his smaller boxers that just so happened to be a dark green and, figuring all his pants would be too long for Red, he simply picked out one of his t-shirts that he uses around the house.

He knocked on the door only for it to be opened by a very wet Red holding a navy blue towel around his waist. Green stood there, frozen in shock as Red looked at him curiously before raking his hand back through his freshly cut hair, enjoying the feel. Green, after mentally slapping himself for staring at his half-naked friend, thrust the clothes he got for Red in his free arm and quickly spun on his heel and made a break for it to his living room. About a minute later Red came out with his hair still wet, but that's not what made Green's mouth dry. Oh hell no. It was the purple t-shirt which he had given Red to wear. It ended above his knees about the middle of his thigh and the boxers could not be seen. Green knew he was wearing the boxers, but he couldn't see the boxers and that's what started causing his problem. To busy himself he stood up and grabbed Red's towel from his hands and used it to dry his hair.

"Your gonna catch a cold if you leave it wet idiot." The tone he used was not mean in anyway. On the contrary, he seemed genuinely concerned about Red's health. Unbeknownst to Green though, Red was blushing a bright red under the towel. How on Arceus is he supposed to survive the night here with Green if he can't even stand close to him blushing? Red peeked up at Green only to see the same blush covering his cheeks. Hmmm... It seemed he wasn't the only one facing this problem.

Okay so this is my first fanfiction. Tell me what you guys think please, if you like it please vote. Thank you!