Chapter 1

I looked over the sunset. Wishing it'd be night time soon. Ever since that night...I feel like I'm missing something very important in my life. Something speicial, that I should be able to remember.

But I just could t. What was up with me?

I walked home and saw my dad putting together car parts again. "Hi dad. Aren't we going to go visit Great Grammy today?" I asked. My dad nodded as he put his stuff down and stood up. "Yup! Let's go get your mom and we can get going all right?"

The drive to the hospital was quick, and we arrived at Great Grammy's room. She was old and frigile. Especially right now when she was on the brink of death. I clasped her hand and talked to her for a while before announcing that I needed to get something. But really...I didn't.

I don't exactly know how to explain it. It felt like...there was a tug. Someone was calling me and I couldn't ignore this voice.

I hurried down the hallway, the voice..

I stopped at a hospital room where it was all dark. Most rooms had lights open...

Slowly opening the door, I saw someone lying on a bed. He looked very sick and inhealthy. I wondered what was wrong with him.

"Um...hello?" I asked.

He didn't respond. I sighed and took a closer look at the boy. He...seemed a bit familiar, but I couldn't put opmy finger on it. Where have I seen him before? Church? School perhaps?

The next thing that happened was totally unexplainable. He opened his eyes.

"Subaru..." he groaned. I took a step back.

"Please...remember." he said before falling asleep again.

i thought I had imagined it. I thought I was dreaming. Did he actually just talk?