A/N: Hi! This is my first BH6 multi chaptered fanfic and I'm very excited to work on this. I just want to give you guys a heads up. I probably don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to science stuff and all that jazz so I apologize in advance when things don't make sense. Please correct me if I'm wrong too. I'd also love to hear your thoughts and ideas on where could this be going. I'm as clueless as you guys :'D
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this fic!
"So tell me, is it true?" Krei asked as he and his men walked towards the drop off area to pick up the new addition to their company, something much more useful, much more powerful than anything else in the building- maybe in the world.
"Yes sir." One answered, "We got our hands on the only successful result of Experiment TK121."
The crate was slowly lowered down the conveyor belt, the shadow of the huge box devouring the men who awaited what was inside. As it landed on the hard ground, it created a small dust cloud, not fazing anyone around it.
A smile couldn't help but play on Krei's lips, "And is everything about it true?"
Another flipped through a checklist, "Not yet confirmed. According to the papers that came along with it, its capable of making any technology out of scratch and controlling it to its capabilities' extent. For us to know if it's accurate, we have to test it."
"Do as much tests as you like. This is the future of Krei Tech right here, maybe the future of San Fransokyo itself! And it's in our hands." Krei patted the box on the side proudly. Everyone's expression changed when they heard a slight creaking sound that slowly got louder and louder by the second.
"Sir! Look out!" It was only when one of his staff pushed him away when he realized that the box's walls were falling apart. Its sides crashed down the concrete floor with a loud thud as it created a bigger dust cloud than before. When their sights were cleared, they were shocked to see an empty box with only a small note in the middle.
'Tough Luck, Krei. -TF'
There was a high speed chase between a huge delivery truck and a girl in a yellow suit with her buddies on a flying red robot tailing behind happening in an empty high way of San Fransokyo, roughly an hour before midnight. After a call from the great company, Krei Tech, saying that The Fujitas stole a very important piece of tech, the Big Hero 6 immediately suited up and sprang into action.
Honey Lemon threw her chemical bombs at the truck, Fred tried to breathe fire at it too, but the driver was very skilled. It was able to dodge every attack and somehow managed to turn it against their number one racer.
"Take it easy up there, would ya?!" Gogo shouted through their communication device. Honey and Fred could only whisper a sorry.
"Hey Tadashi, isn't there anything you could throw at that thing? Like a kunai or shuriken?" Fred asked, but Tadashi was already on it. It was fairly hard to aim at a moving target, on a moving robot no less, but he knew what he was capable of. Two kunais flew through the air, sliced through the air resistance, passed through their yellow-suited friend, and pierced one tire of the vehicle.
The tire exploded causing the truck to sway out of control in the empty street. Honey Lemon threw another chemical bomb - one that keeps it in place - but she may have pressed the wrong buttons or her purse was malfunctioning because it was too late for her to notice that she threw a fire one.
It exploded upon contact. The truck caught on fire as it skidded on two wheels and landed on it's side. A huge cloud mixed with dust and black smoke caught the super hero team with almost zero visibility, only catching a glimpse of three shadows escaping in an alleyway. Gogo was about to chase after them, but another explosion came, creating a force that toppled her off her feet.
"Damn it." The asian woman could only cuss under her breath and punch the concrete below her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Honey Lemon immediately apologized as the rest of the team landed too.
"It's okay." Tadashi said, "Are you okay, Gogo?" he then offered a hand to their fallen teammate only to be declined as she pulled herself up and dusted the dirt off of her.
"Okay, let's just get that stupid invention and get out of here. I have an exam tomorrow." Gogo almost growled.
"The question is how," Tadashi then pointed out, "Krei specifically ordered that we are to go nowhere the crate. He said to call the company and just leave it there."
"I find that awfully suspicious." Fred commented almost seriously, "I wanna look at it!" But then he started jumping around like a child who saw the new edition of his action figure collection.
"Yeah, plus we can't just leave it to burn, right? For all we know it's a bomb," added Honey Lemon.
Wasabi started to sweat in his suit as he shifted nervously on his feet, "Uh, then, shouldn't we be getting as far away from here if it's a bomb?"
"I agree with Wasabi. We should get out of here. I'll send Krei Tech a report and we can-"
Tadashi was cut off by pounding from inside the vehicle. The whole team was frozen, probably thinking that it was their imagination, but it came again and that time it was with a cough and a small cry for help.
They sprang into action.
"Honey, make a chemical bomb with potassium bicarbonate and liquid water. Wasabi, cut that fire hydrant open. Fred, use the top of the trash bins to direct the water towards the truck. Gogo, we're going in!"
Tadashi shouted out the orders. The others did as the were told. It happened almost in lightning speed.
Honey dialed the code on her purse and out came three balls of white that when she threw acted like a fire extinguisher. Wasabi cut the fire hydrant slightly allowing enough water to burst out of the earth. Fred grabbed the trash bin lids and directed the water flow at angle that hit the vehicle. Soon enough the fire was almost out and it was safe enough for Tadashi and Gogo retrieve whoever it was inside.
The roof was melted metal and the crate was still slightly on fire too. Both of them pried the already weak walls of the box open, only to be blinded by a poof of black smoke.
After a coughing fit themselves, their sights cleared only to reveal a young boy, not older than fourteen, on four coughing hardly. He had messy disheveled hair, he was rather pale and he was really thin too. He was in a blue hoodie, six-pocket shorts, and ordinary sneakers.
The two heroes looked around for any signs of the invention, but it was only the boy and the burning crate. Did The Fujitas take the invention with them when they escaped? If they did, then who was this boy?
Though those questions flew through their mind, Tadashi grabbed the boy and carried him in his arms, out of the collapsing vehicle.
When he and Gogo got out, another huge explosion came, making it a situation too close to call.
"Oh, poor child!" Honey Lemon gasped upon sight of the younger boy.
"What was that little dude doing in there?" Wasabi asked.
"Beats me, but there was no invention in there too. The Fujitas took it." Gogo gritted her teeth.
"Or, he's the invention." Fred then suggested.
Everyone else just raised a brow at him.
"This kid? An invention?" Gogo pointed her thumb at the unconscious boy.
"Yeah Freddie, you've been reading too much comic books again." Honey patted him on the back.
"When does he ever not read too much comic book?" Wasabi only shook his head.
"On the contrary, the child in Tadashi's arms is not fully human."
Everyone's head snapped towards Baymax, who had his head tilted slightly.
"Wait, what did you say buddy?" Tadashi thought he heard it wrong.
"The child in you arms is not fully human, or rather not a normal human. His mind activity is much higher that of the ordinary and his blood is contaminated with unknown chemicals that enhance the mental ability tenfold- maybe even more. There are more but my records are insufficient to state anything else."
The team stared at the boy in Tadashi's arm, not knowing what to do. Then the boys eyes opened. It illuminated light of cyan blue. Everyone stepped back except for Tadashi who couldn't even though he tried. No one knew what was happening and no one knew what to do. Lines and figures started to appar in the young boy's eyes and, all around them, the lights flickered and the wires electrocuted and short circuited. Their suits started malfunctioning too, even Baymax was going into his drunk state. For a moment, it was like every piece of technology around them was going crazy.'
Then it just died.
Along with the light from the young boy's eyes.
"Okay, he's the invention." Honey Lemon admitted.
"Am I right or am I right?" Fred sounded so proud.
Everything went to life again, even their suits started to function too, when the boy's eyes fluttered open, but that time it wasn't cyan, they were just plain brown eyes much like Tadashi's.
"Ugh, w-where am I?" the young boy asked with a slurred voice as he held his head.
Everybody else removed their mask - Honey removed Tadashi's- to avoid startling the kid.
"Uh, hey. It's okay, you're out of the truck now." Tadashi soothed.
"Out?" at first the word was too foreign to him, "I'm out!" But then it hit him, and he pushed himself off Tadashi out of glee. It was too late for him to realize that he was too weak to even stand. He stumbled on his two feet and landed face forward on the concrete floor. The team just cringed at the sight.
"You have tripped." Baymax stated. "From a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?"
"Ugh, what? What?" The young boy sat up and held his shaking his head. It was only then when he realized that he was surrounded by starngers in weird outfits. "Who are you?" He asked trying to sound intimidating, but it came out more worried. "Are you trying to steal me too?!"
"No, no, little dude." Wasabi put up his hands to show that they were not trying to do anything. "We mean no harm."
"Yeah, we just saved you from a burning truck. Show some gratitude." said Gogo in her usual tone of voice.
The young boy kept his mouth shut as he eyed them suspiciously.
"Hey, hey, we're not going to hurt you okay?" Honey leveled herself to his height and cooed, which was very effective, "We're going to take you back to Krei Tech so-"
Just when they thought they were calming him down, he started to panic again, trying his best to back away from all of them. "Don't let them get me too! Krei isn't good news either! He- They-!" The technology around them started to malfunction again. However he felt, everything electric around them reacts to it.
"Shh shh, okay okay. We're not going to take you there anymore." Tadashi tried to calm him down by grabbing him by his shoulders and looking him in the eye. It felt weird, because it was as if he was staring into his own.
"Y-You won't?" Everything around them started to go back to normal again. A sigh of relief escaped everyone's mouth.
"Yeah, buddy." Tadashi reassured him while patting his back, "Say, what's your name?"
The boy looked him in the eye, a little hesitant at first, but answered still.
"My name is Hiro."