A/N: I'll just get this part out of the way but there will be references/cameos from Characters Not From KnB, and if you notice then that's great! But I will not be developing them beyond their scenes and roles, and am not trying to throw at your face that loOK THIS CHARACTER'S FROM ANOTHER ANIME! I just more or less wanted to save time on coming up with new characters by using existing ones that I believed could fit in with this future fic (god forbid there aren't any new people around the KnB guys after half a decade). I even changed some names by one letter or syllable a la anime-avoiding-copyright-issues style, just for the heck of it. Otherwise it's like the Special Features in a DVD: it's there, but you don't have to know about it to enjoy the movie, but if you do, then that's just a few plus points for you ;) This is also on my ao3 (link on my profile)

Will try to update this periodically (probably on weekends). (emphasis on /try/)

Through the years, Kise had nearly perfected the art of falling asleep in any situation: all he had to do is take a deep breath or two, close his eyes, and fall into a state of half-slumber. Sometimes he'd manage a five, maybe ten minute nap while being prepared by stylists. Other times, he relished the breaks he was allowed when travelling from one appointment to another, and he felt unbidden relief when the distance afforded him more than twenty minutes of breath in the backseat of his car. If he was particularly lucky, there'd be traffic.

Even amidst the buzz of backstage activity hustling around him, Kise was contemplating sleep as his older sister combed through his hair with her fingers, just the way he liked it best. The soft strands of his hair parted easily under her palm, soothing his head with a warmth he rarely experienced. Kise might as well purr at how comforted he was, nerves relaxed and pulse muffled—his heart never missed the opportunity to drum in his chest at every live show, reminding him just how many people would have their eyes trained to the TV watching him where he can't see them. Kise had somewhat gotten used to it, and would pride himself in being able to don his many new faces; expressions and emotions completely under his control. He knew exactly how wide to stretch his smile, how high to raise his eyebrows, tilt his head, scrunch his eyes—every shift was measured and mixed in the right ways for the right times, and even Kise with all his fast learning had taken longer to grasp it all. But he was as far as where he was anyway, and faster than most, just like any other endeavor he set out to do.

"You're being extra nice today, Rika-nee," Kise mumbled, leaning into his sister's palms. "Why are you being extra nice."

Rika chuckled, brushing Kise's hair back with her fingers. His hair was so soft and neat that he rarely needed hairspray, and when they were younger she would spend more time tenderly combing through his hair than braiding it, smiling at how he'd curl up to her like a puppy and nod off. "You've worked hard," she replied, tucking stray clumps of hair behind Kise's ear. "And you're the featured star today. It's a special occasion."

She pulled her hands back, looking at Kise's reflection. Just a bit of makeup and a simple blow-dried hairstyle looked best on Kise, and she was always his very first makeup artist. Today she didn't have any of his usual stylists work on him, and it had taken a bit of overtime crunching to get everything in order, but it was a special occasion—she organized nearly everything, and she was damn well going to see things through properly.

Kise blinked at his reflection, tilting his head and giving a sigh. "It's just another live show."

"But you're the featured celebrity."

Kise grimaced. "That's not helping."

"Oh, are you nervous?" Rika smiled. "But you're right, Ryou, it's just another live show."

Kise huffed, smiling. His older sister put both of her slender hands on his shoulders. "With you at the center of attention."

"Nee-chan," Kise cried. Rika giggled, squeezing his shoulders.

"Just be yourself," she told him, hearing on her earpiece the final calls for the show.

Kise rolled his shoulders, stretching his neck to each side. The noise of backstage production that he had tuned out gradually came flowing back, filling him with the environment, the atmosphere, the constant buzzing of movement. It was like a current that would easily sweep you into its course, casting you into all kinds of waters, sometimes smooth and exhilarating, sometimes rapid and dangerous. It took a different kind of strength and ability to pull ahead in that current, to stay on top of its flow and overcome every blockade. It was also the kind of current that could easily pull your feet from under you, submerging and pulling you deeper and deeper until you drown.

To Kise, the thrill was a fire that only stoked his own.

"Alright!" Kise smacked his cheeks, getting to his feet as everyone started to get called on standby. He was wide awake, gears switched up and whirring with a keen awareness of everything going on around him and every way he can move accordingly. Kise would almost reluctantly credit a large part of that to his basketball days—sure, he was already pretty keen on observation and learning even before then, but the years he spent dedicated to basketball had put him through the kind of training where reacting to a double clutch or rapid drive was similar to twisting your face into just the right expression and shifting your body just the right way when confronted with a revelation on live TV. Kise was almost grudgingly content about the fact that his basketball years were at least still useful to him, in one way or another.

"Go get 'em, superstar," Rika smirked, lightly punching his back.

"Thanks," Kise smiled back, then turned thoughtful. "Now that I remember though, your script overview is a bit…vague?"

Rika waved her hand. "It's the outline version," her lips split into a wide grin. "Although there's a surprise for you before the preview. I'm giving you fair warning, be grateful."

Kise squinted as they walked towards one of the stage entrances. "Surprise? At this show, of all times?"

"What, do you mean to say the Kise Ryouta can't handle a surprise or two?" his sister taunted.

Kise couldn't help but grin. "Is that a challenge?"

"I bet ten thousand yen you're going to be so surprised you'll get off your seat," she dared, lifting a knowing finger. In the background, the show had begun, the two hosts cheerfully starting the program and warming the crowd as they introduced the other celebrity guests of the show.

Kise's energy only grew, tingling his nerves with excitement and curiosity. The money wasn't any issue, it was the fact that his sister actually bet such an improbability—Kise could be surprised, sure, but he was quick to react. His surprise would be masked with the reflexes of a basketball ace and layers of experience in the entertainment industry, armoring him with the acting chops and crowd-winning charm that propelled him to stardom. "Really now," he beamed, completely hooked in the challenge. "Are you sure about that, nee-chan?"

Rika's smile widened. The sparkle in Ryouta's eyes was something she always enjoyed looking at, his positive energy so contagious as she watched her brother visibly light up in that same boyish and charismatic way that captivated his fans. "I only bet when I know I'll win."

Kise never knew his sister to have lost any bets, that's for sure. But this time was different. "Well, prepare to lose," he declared with a puff.

"We'll see about that," Rika said, sticking out her hand.

Kise took it. "Ten thousand yen and the loser does one thing the winner wants."

"It's a bet," his sister smiled brightly, lightly squeezing his hand as he nodded. He let go, and was signaled to come onto the stage. He vaguely registered seeing a flash of pink in the corner of his vision, and he knew that it should have meant something to him, but couldn't be bothered to think about it then. He closed his eyes, listening to the hosts introduce him by more or less rattling off the best parts of his resumé, building up the crowd's anticipation just before announcing: "Please welcome onto the stage one of Japan's top male models, rising actors, and the 'Golden Boy' of the industry, Kise Ryouta!"

Kise opened his eyes, letting out a huff as he stepped into the spotlight—into thousands of people's screens—and was showered with the applause and cheers and squeals of the audience. He donned his billboard-worthy smile, waving cheerily, and took his seat as the featured star of the program. Even with half a dozen celebrities at his sides, the focus was on Kise, and he took everything in perfect, near-calculated strides. They flashed pictures of his recent shoots and appearances, showed some clips, some videos; and Kise smiled and laughed and pouted and yelled as if he was maneuvering through a game and gathering all the points along the way, sweeping the crowd into a current of his own, lively and captivating just as he meant to be.

Eventually they neared the central highlight of the show: Kise's upcoming role as a lead in a highly-anticipated TV adaptation of a novel; and the reason his fame had shot up by leagues in recent months. They were going to release the full preview as the main feature of the segment, and apart from how excited Kise was for this particular job, there was also the interesting bet that his sister had brought up that lit the back of his mind.

"Now, it's been all over the news how you recently got cast in one of the most anticipated TV dramas of the year," one host began. "Based on an award-winning series by the award-winning author, Takahiro Inoue-sensei,"

Kise nodded, smile softening naturally in an expression of modesty. "That's right. It's an exciting new experience for me." This time, he wasn't acting: the role was definitely a big one, probably one of his biggest breaks in his acting career; but both the role and the material were something that touched on Kise more personally than any other job before. He had taken on the audition with a fire unlike any he's blazed in his celebrity life, and he had more personal feelings about it than he'd normally allow, but he was in nonetheless.

"I've read the series," the other host commented. "And it's made me cry way too much. I was moved by the characters and the circumstances."

"Aah, I think I cried reading it too," Kise agreed, leaning back. "It's a really great story."

"Kise-kun's tears!" the female host cried. "I don't know if I'd hate to see it or love to."

Kise chuckled. "Well maybe you'll find out soon." Make them anticipate. Make them want more.

"The series is really very deep and can get high on the emotions," the other host was nodding, thoughtful. "Could you tell us more about it, Kise-kun?"

Kise tilted his head a fraction, part in consideration and part-charming. "Well the story is about three different people, each with their own stories. And they have two things in common: a tragic incident, and love for a sport. For basketball."

"And you'll be one of those three leads!" the female host cooed. "Could you tell us about the role?"

Kise's smile stretched wider, a thankful smile. "I'll be playing the part of Takanashi Hiranobu"—a picture of an illustration of the character flashed on the screen—"A popular high school guy—captain of the basketball team, popular with the girls, smart—who gets into an accident that leaves him paralyzed from the waist down."

The audience was a mix of gasps and sympathetic nods—it really was a popular series, and having it translated onto screen was going to be big.

"Aah, I love Takanashi-kun," the female host mused, her expression longing. "At first he wasn't the most likeable guy, but his character development is my favorite in the series. I cried too many times!"

Kise clutched his chest with one hand and reached out with the other. "I feel you, friend."

She clasped his hand, face twisted as if almost crying in a kindred bond. "Friend!" she wailed.

The crowd laughed, clapping and getting swept into their flow. Kise chuckled jokingly, observing vaguely the other stars around him, how they rearranged their expressions and regulated their voices in reaction to every event. There was a certain elating pressure, like a never-ending rally in a volleyball game, or rock climbing up a boulder without any harnesses, with being surrounded by fellow celebrities—entertainers—where they all shared having a certain version of themselves specifically donned for the public. They all moved and acted in certain ways, sometimes following an 'image' that they projected onto the crowds, where everything about themselves that everyone could see was a job, and more work than their roles or concerts or photo shoots could ever be. It was nerve-wracking, most of the time, but Kise would be lying if he said it wasn't fun.

"But hey!" one host piped up. "According to my sources, Kise-kun, you used to be a basketball player throughout middle school and high school, right?"

Kise blinked. It's been a while since that was brought up. "Yeah, actually."

"Uwah, is that true? I didn't know Kise-san was an athlete!" Izumi, one of the other guest stars, exclaimed.

Beside him, the taller actor Ryouma was pondering. "I thought you had a pretty athletic build," he considered. "Your body's different from people who just worked out."

Kise's eyebrows inched up a fraction. "Is that so? I think you have some pretty good abs too, Ryouma-chan!"

The audience gushed into a high-pitched collection of squeals, the hosts clapping and hooting while the other stars were laughing good-naturedly.

"I was wondering how Ryouma-kun would wonder, but now Kise-kun's made it clear," the host said.

His female partner slammed her fist into her palm. "You've seen each other shirtless?!"

Kise was puffing his cheeks in an attempt to hold back his laugh. "To put it bluntly, yes."

The crowd was squealing again.

"Please don't misunderstand!" Ryouma flailed, snorting. "It's because we've had some shoots together, so of course we'd have to change every once in a while."

The female host hid her eyes with the back of her forearm. "Oh the imagery! Thank you for that imagery!"

Ryouma snorted, covering half his face with his palm. "Well, anyway, what I meant to say is that Kise really does have a basketball player's build, now that you mention it. Tall, lean, and fit."

"Don't worry Ryouma, your body's great too!" Izumi cheered beside him. The audience cheerfully agreed.

Kise nodded too, and he noticed Ryouma blush deeply, a bit too deeply. Interesting.

"Well thanks," Kise continued. "I've always been pretty into sports since I was young, but I spent the most years playing basketball."

"So you definitely have some good qualifications to play this role," the other host nodded approvingly. "Having all those years of basketball experience under your belt."

Kise cocked his head to one side. It really has been a while since his basketball past was brought up, and quite some time since he switched to his retrospective basketball ace mode. A bittersweet knot formed at his stomach. "Yeah. And I could…relate to Takanashi to a certain extent, that's for sure." Hm, that pause was a bit too long.

The hosts nodded, then broke out into identical, face-splitting grins. "On that note, it's really a role fit for you. What does the super-producer-writer-director Kisaragi-san have to say about it?"

The producer in question, sitting alongside the other stars, crossed his arms. "I've had my eye on Kise-kun for a while now, but because of his modeling jobs there wasn't much opportunity to get him in one of my dramas," Kisaragi recalled. "Luckily though he managed to take part in the auditions and completely exceeded my expectations. I tell you, this is a Kise Ryouta no one's ever seen before."

The crowd reacted with oohs and ahhs, excitement and anticipation filling the air. Next was—

"Interesting! I'm sure we're all looking forward to seeing it air! We're so excited!" one host gushed. "And today we have the amazing honor of showcasing the full preview for the show!"

The suspense started to build up. Kise sat on alert, face masked with a smile.

"But before that—" the other host grinned. "We have a special surprise for our dear Kise-kun!"

There was excited, encouraging applause. The other stars beside Kise shifted in curiosity, their focus moving from Kise to the opposite side of the stage where the adjacent entrance was. It looked like they were going to be surprised as well. Maybe something will be brought out, or Kise will be made to do something. Was there supposed to be a special occasion some time? His birthday was pretty soon, or maybe some kind of anniversary—

"Since we were on the topic of Kise-kun's basketball past, in relation to his new role where basketball is a big part of the story, his manager and older sister, the model Kise Rika-san managed to bring in a special guest for her brother today." The host glanced to one side. Kise followed her gaze and found her sister standing off to the side near the audience, her grin so wide it reached her eyes, arms crossed as she obviously tried to contain her excitement.

A guest? Kise yanked his eyes away from his sister before taking full notice of the person standing next to her with the same pink he saw backstage. The hosts continued, effectively keeping everyone at the edge of their seats. "This person is someone many of you probably know, a real rising star themselves," the host carried on. "But this is also a person Kise-kun knows quite well, more than what we all know them for right now."

Kise's mind started to whirr, gears working as he tried to figure out the mystery. With trying to compose his face and body language and bracing himself for the surprise, it was all pretty tricky.

"And for the love of all things great, we have the ultimate pleasure of being able to introduce him into a show—our show, of all shows—for the first time," the female host enthused, practically bouncing in her heels with her own thrill. "He's just come from America and one of the most intense and thrilling seasons in the past years—"

Kise's eyes widened, and his hands resting on his seat, between his legs, gripped its edges tightly. He looked back to his sister, processed more the pink-haired lady next to her mirroring her expression of excitement—

"Last year's Rookie of the Year, an up-and-coming basketball superstar of the international stage—"

His attention was wrenched back to the hosts, to where the stage door lit up and started opening upwards. This was the surprise. The one that would shock him out of his seat, where ten thousand yen and an order was riding on a bet that he would, his sister gambling such a preposterous bet that he was sure to make her lose—

But Kise could barely think about all that, couldn't be bothered to think about the ten thousand or his sister's undefeated streak, when he was already out of his seat.

"The poster boy of the new line of super-popular Jordans—" the door slid up, revealing a pair of feet sporting the said brand of shoes, long legs covered in dark jeans and hands stuffed into its pockets.

Kise's heart thrashed in his chest, and he was somehow a few steps away from his seat without him realizing.

"One of the most looked-out-for, must-watch and followed rising basketball players of the international level, and one of Kise-kun's friends—"

He wasn't thinking. Kise's legs somehow suddenly started carrying him across the stage as the special guest stepped into the spotlight; tall frame, tan skin, sharp eyes and all.

"Please welcome to the stage—"

Kise didn't even let the hosts finish when he called out—


His voice rang out loud and clear, and he was almost running when he practically threw himself at Aomine himself, just barely out of the door, wearing light clothing and high-end basketball shoes and that same scowl and furrow in his brows. Their eyes met for a moment before Kise had launched himself at the basketball player, his arms flying out and wrapping around Aomine's shoulders without a second thought.

"Whoa what—" Aomine's arms shot out just as quickly, catching Kise on reflex and staggering back a couple of steps as Kise's laugh tumbled out of his chest, completely unbidden.

"Kise?" he heard Aomine say, the end of his name turning into a small laugh that made it sound like the word was a small bubble of happiness.

Kise pulled back, his arms still around Aomine's neck as his face broke out into a grin without any effort or control or any thought at all. "Aominecchi!" he said again. "You're here!"

Aomine blinked at him, not minding at all that they were wrapped around each other in front of god knows how many people, and the wrinkle in his brow disappeared as he smirked crookedly. "Yeah."

Across them, as if time had stopped from the moment Kise had said Aomine's name to the point where he had thrown himself at him in a tight hug, the audience sprung to life, erupting into a chorus of screams and cheers so loud it was almost deafening.
