Author's Notes: You know, I had no intentions of doing this, but Royai week was recent, so I've been reading a lot of fics, and then I ended up starting a rewatch of Brotherhood... And well, I just can't get enough of these two idiots. They're my absolute favorite OTP, to be honest. I'm going to try to keep these drabble size so that I can write more of them faster, but we'll see how that goes. I've actually already got the first ten written, so there's that. The title comes from a quote from the movie, "The Fountain". That is one weird ass movie.

Disclaimer: None of this is mine and I am sad, so you all get to read my suffering instead.

1. Military Personnel

She turns twenty-two years-old four days after Roy accepts her as his personal adjutant.

It's Colonel Mustang now, Riza reminds herself, just as she used to do when she was younger and called him 'Mister Mustang'. It's not so strange, not when she was calling him 'Major' during the war. Still, there's something a lot more final in his name now that she's working directly under him. What a strange turn of events too. Even now, as she shoots a glance in his direction, she can see the boy that he used to be, but only barely.

After finishing the last bit of her paperwork, Riza gathers her coat and the rest of her things to leave. She's the last one to leave the office besides Roy, still unsure of what all her duties entail her to do. Is she supposed to give him a ride home? Close up shop after him? She sighs to herself. Being in the military is all about precision, clear cut rules and guidelines, but Roy has never exactly been one for policies. Things will have to be different now that they're working together in the military. She'll have to keep him on track, like when he'd start procrastinating in his alchemy studies and she nudged him along.

"Ah, Lieutenant?"

Riza lifts her head up and catches Roy looking at her oddly. Well, she assumes it's odd, seeing as how he looks like he's having a difficult time looking her in the face. "Sir?"

Roy scratches the back of his head and glances towards the ceiling lights, looking rather unsure of himself. "Listen; I know there's all these regulations about…proper conduct between military personnel and all, but…" He fumbles with something in his desk drawer, pauses for a second, and then holds out a clumsily wrapped present, practically refusing to look at her now. "But it's your birthday and I know that you don't really know anyone here yet, so I...I got you something."

For a moment, Riza doesn't know what to say. She blinks, staring at the shiny red gift wrap. It's a small box, something he could've hid in his coat pocket to sneak inside the building. A part of her thinks that she should admonish him – even if this is in secret, it's still inappropriate between officer and subordinate – but her heart warms inside her chest. She's already begun to hear what people whisper behind his back – Hero of Ishval on a good day; murderer on a bad one – but these people don't know him like she does. They see a man cloaked by the infamy of his alchemy and the blood of his enemies, not the boy so eager to learn and the young man that choked up when he saw a burned child.

"Thank you." Carefully, Riza takes the gift from his hands and tucks it into her coat. She wouldn't dare open it here, not where something could be construed as improper. She doesn't miss his sigh of relief or the way his cheeks have grown slightly pink, like he's embarrassed at having gone out of the way for her when they both know he wouldn't give any of his other new subordinates a birthday present.

"Think nothing of it," Roy says, waving a hand in the air. Finally, he lets his eyes land on her. There's a sheepish look about him, but a grin finds its way onto his face. "Just don't go expecting this every year."

"I wouldn't dream of it, sir." Riza smiles warmly back at him, unable to restrain herself. They'll have to get better at this if they're going to pursue his goals, but for now, behind closed doors, it's nice to allow themselves this little bit of luxury. It's a birthday present enough to feel like he's her friend and not her boss, if only for a minute. When they step into the office tomorrow, it will return to normal again, he the Colonel and she the Lieutenant, and they'll push this moment out of their minds.

(Until next year.)