Chapter Eight

Once the team arrived they ushered Ace back to HQ and Tech bandaged him up as Lexi began to explain. When she finished Ace weakly sat in the infirmary and Zadavia entered. She shook her head at him a smile on her face, "I should have known better. I'm sorry."

He smiled back, "It's okay."

Zadavia pulled a chair over to Ace's bed and sat beside Lexi. "Well it looks like Endura's gone for good. Thanks to you."

Lexi took Ace's hand, "My hero."

He blushed and lowered his eyes, "All in a days work." He muttered.

A knock came at the door and they all looked over. Tech stood rubbing his arm in the doorway. Standing Zadavia motioned for Lexi to follow, "Come on, let's give these two a minute." Ace reluctantly released Lexi's hand as she followed Zadavia out of the room. "Ace, we'll be in the living room when you want to join the group." Zadavia called back.

Ace nodded and Tech took their place closing the door. "Hey, chief." Tech walked over to the bed and sighed, "I'm so sorry." He shook his head, "I just thought of the most logical explanation and… I feel horrible."

Sighing Ace reached out a patted Tech's shoulder, "It's okay, buddy." Tech let a bit of a smile form on his face, "You did everything I would have." Ace shrugged, "Well, honestly, I wouldn't have known what to do. You took charge of the team and led them through even while I was freaking out." Nodding Ace looked over his friend, "Thank you."

Now releasing a full smile Tech sighed. "I wouldn't say freaking out…"

Chuckling Ace nodded, "Yeah, I was freaking out."

Tech laughed, "Okay, kinda."

Ace sat up and winced at his slightly sore ribs. "Come on, let's go be social."

With another smile on his face Tech helped Ace out of bed and together they made their way towards the living room. Tech passed Ace's waist over to Lexi and she took it kissing his cheek. "You feeling okay?" She whispered to him.

He nodded, "For the first time… Yeah. I am."

She dropped her hands from his waist and took his fingers in hers. "Good."

"And they all lived happily ever after, blah, blah, blah. Let's eat." Duck cut in.

They all laughed in agreement and Ace sighed, with closure. "Sounds good to me."