Hey guys - I don't know if any of you are my regular readers but if you are well hello and please enjoy. If not hi all and please enjoy. This is my first Jurassic Park/World story but I watched the film on the weekend and have been thinking about writing a story because of my love for Chris Pratt. This is an Owen/OC story so sorry to any Owen/Claire lovers but I just have to replace her.
Sorry for any mistakes but I promise it's not intentional and I do proofread beforehand but I sometimes miss it. It would mean a lot if you guys would review please so I know whether to continue with this story - who am I kidding I'm gonna continue with it anyway. I hope you all enjoy this story so far and please feel free to tell me whatever you are feeling.
Thanks a lot, guys and please, please review xxx Comet96 xx
"A little cocky aren't we, Mr Grady?" I asked looking up at the man. I raised my eyebrows as I lifted a hand to shield my eyes from the sun. He was stood on the high platform looking down at the raptors. He looked between the raptors, more commonly known as his girls before giving me a charming smile.
"I prefer the term confident," he replied, the left side of his lips curling up. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I heard Barry laugh from behind me at Owen's reply.
"You can call it confidence all you want, but that doesn't change how cocky you're being," I mumbled as I stepped closer. The cooing from down below grew louder.
"Do you have a problem with me, Miss James?" he questioned, that teasing smile curling his lips. It was the smile I loved seeing on his face.
I shrugged my shoulders as I joined him. Leaning over the railing, I glanced down at the four raptors below. A large warm hand settled on the small of my back and I glanced at the man next to me.
The sun was making his blue eyes sparkle and his dark russet brown curls look slightly redder. He needed to get it cut soon or it would curl out and I knew he hated that.
"I have many problems with you, Owen," I told him. I looked over his shoulder as Barry joined us, a large smile on his face as his eyes rested on the hand on my back.
"I can't believe you're still with him," Barry teased, glancing to Owen. He clapped him on the shoulder as he sent me a wink. "How do you put up with him, Andi?" he asked with an exaggerated sigh.
Owen sent a playful glare to Barry as his hand lowered on my back. His fingers dipped into the waistband of my shorts running over the silky material of my bikini bottoms. His head turned slightly as he glanced down at my shorts, a large smile on his face.
I knew he was thinking something dirty.
"I keep him on a tight leash," I replied to Barry. Owen pulled me closer, pressing his lips to my head.
At his actions, a cooing from below caught my attention and I peeked down to see Blue looking up at us with her head tilted to the side.
"How do you think he trains the girls so well?" I added, laughing when Owen pulled away and snorted at my response.
"My training with the girls has nothing to do with you." Owen sighed, looking down at the raptors. Something was on his mind.
Blue was sitting on the grass, but she was peering up at us with interest while her sisters were oblivious. Delta and Echo were playfully biting at each other, while Charlie watched them both, before she pounced on them, joining in with the play fight.
"Let's stop deflating Owen's ego and go ahead and look at them," I said quickly before Owen could get any more defensive.
There had been one too many arguments between us over the way he did things.
"Is it that time already?" Owen asked, taking my hand in his. Barry led us down to the enclosure used when giving the raptors their medication or check-ups. Barry snorted at his friend's words as he opened the gate and closed it again as we walked through.
"They have a check-up every three weeks Owen, I was here three weeks ago for their last one," I told him. Barry set my medical bag down on the floor before walking over to one of the head enclosures. "I want Charlie first," I added, looking to Owen hoping he would just go ahead and call her over for me.
"You're so bossy," he grumbled, going over to Barry and calling out for Charlie. I reached my arms up and stretched before sinking my hand into my bag.
"Good girl Echo," I whispered rubbing her head softly as Owen and Barry let her out of the head holder as she scampered off, calling for her sisters.
"And now we have Miss Trouble left," Owen muttered looking out into the paddock letting his eyes rest on his beta. Blue was looking back at us as if she had been waiting for the moment our eyes would settle on her and without having to be asked she made her way over to us and I smiled at the frown on Owen's face.
"She knows it's her time," I told him kneeling on the dirt and rumbling around in my bag as Barry clipped Blue into the head enclosure and smiled up at Owen as he frowned down at me. "She is smart, you know that," I added grabbing a new swab kit and blood test kit ready to take Blue's samples.
It was part of our usual check-up and an effortless way to find if there was anything wrong with the girls. That along with a blood test was the only way we could be certain that they had no unseen diseases that would affect their health or their behaviour.
"Blue, eyes on me," Owen ordered and the yellow, orange orbs landed on him as I slowly made my way closer to her, smiling at my boyfriend as he flicked his eyes between me and Blue as if he was expecting something to happen. Owen was stood by the gate leading into the paddock so he could keep his eyes on the other girls and Blue at the same time.
"Hey girl," I whispered to her softly, running my hand over her head softly and watched as her eyes flicked to me and away from Owen. Blue always got confused when I was around with Owen. Although Owen imprinted on her when she hatched he brought her back to our place and she had to get accustomed to me. Soon after that, the other girls were born and they were like a group of hyper toddlers and both Owen and I had been caring for them. Blue being the oldest, understood that with Owen also came me, and she learned to listen to me just as she did Owen. She may not have listened to me as much but she still listened much like she did for Barry.
"You going to let me do this without any difficulty?" I asked her, lifting both kits in my hands as her eyes flicked to them and back to me which I took for a yes. "That's a good girl," I mumbled sliding the needle into her neck and taking a vial of her blood before sliding the cotton ended swab under her gums and across from her teeth. I ran my hand over her nose as I tossed Barry the samples so he could set them aside. I glanced over to Owen as he watched the other raptors in the pen. I knew he would be keeping his eye on them while I was here. He always did. As they grew they started acting more like teens and were almost like brats, testing him and not listening and I knew he didn't trust them around me. "Do you have the reports on them?" I asked him, watching as he turned his head towards me and slowly made his way over.
It seemed Blue didn't like it as she hissed when he came closer, fighting against the restraints holding her. A sharp crack and an overpowering pain shot through my hand as it got trapped between Blue's head and the metal holder as she fought against the restraints. A scream left my lips and I was pulled away from Blue as Owen pushed me out of the way, looking down into her eyes, challenging her.
"Blue, stop! Eyes on me! Stop!" he ordered not taking his eyes away from her as I clutched my left hand against my chest aware that there was blood running along the length of my arm from the open gash on my hand. "Let her out, Barry," Owen snapped at him as Blue continued to snap at him as he got closer to her. The restraints around her head and neck came undone with a light hiss and Blue darted out of there, screeching for her sisters. "Are you okay?" Owen asked coming to my side, resting his hand on my shoulder as he took my left hand within his right one. I looked up at him, biting passed the pain to give him a glare. "Right stupid question."
"What's wrong with her?" I asked him, forgetting about my pain as I glanced into the paddock as Blue rushed to the gate hissing and snapping her jaw at the metal fence. The other three joined her, snapping away and following their beta's actions.
"I don't know," Owen grumbled stepping away from me and over to the fence where his girls hissed. The closer he got to the fence the quieter the girls became and even though he wasn't facing me I could tell that he had a frown marring his lips. "They seem fine now,"
"Maybe there's something physically wrong?" Barry suggested but I shook my head and walked closer to Owen keeping my eyes on Blue as I did. She was watching me, ignoring her alpha as he spoke to her softly. I watched her as I got closer, tilting my head to the side slightly as she turned to hiss at Owen the closer I got.
"It's not that," I stated stopping beside Owen and watching as Blue looked to him with a glare and bared her teeth to him. "Owen walk to the other side of the enclosure," I mumbled waving my hand behind me as I kept my eyes on Blue.
"I'm not leaving you here," he seethed and I knew that if I looked to him then I would see that his jaw would be clenched and his eyes shining with anger.
"Just do it! There's a metal fence between us, I don't think I'll get hurt," I sighed knowing how stubborn he could be but also knew he didn't like getting on my bad side. According to him I had a bad temper and got feisty when I wasn't listened to – something he liked to blame on my bright copper curls.
Slowly and begrudgingly Owen slowly made his way to the opposite side of the enclosure, away from me and the girls. The further away he got the lower their hissing became until they stopped. I found it peculiar and wondered what was behind their attitude suddenly. They seemed all right earlier but now they seemed to be on edge.
"What are they doing?" Owen asked and I could tell that he was agitated now because his girls didn't want to be near him. I turned my gaze to the other three raptors before looking back to Blue and then frowning slightly at her. I had never seen her do this before.
"I don't know," I told him curling my left hand into my stomach and wincing slightly at the sting of pain that ran through it. It could tell that something was broken and it would need to be wrapped soon. "Barry can you hand me a bandage from my bag," I called to him and from the shifting behind me I could tell that Owen was getting restless.
Blue let out a louder hiss as Barry came closer causing him to stop and me to gap at her in disbelief. Was she really acting like I think she was? I had seen this with wolf packs before and with dogs but I had never seen reptiles act like it.
"There's definitely something wrong," Owen stated and I turned to glance at him, his hands crossed against his chest and his eyes darting between the four raptors and me.
"Owen, come here," I mumbled turning back to face Blue and waited for her reaction as her alpha came closer. "And you Barry," I added wanting to see if both together would get a reaction from her. As both men came to a stop on either side of me Blue started screeching and jumping at the cage while her sisters reacted the same, leaping back and forth, bouncing against the cage and hissing out. "I don't believe it," I whispered laughing lightly as I took a step back and marvelled at the girl's reactions.
"What?" Owen asked turning slightly so he could look down at me but he wasn't going to turn his back to the raptors.
"They're trying to establish their territory," I told him sounding confused as I looked between Blue and Delta as they slammed against the cage their eyes settled on me.
"What territory?" he mumbled sounding just as confused as I was. I glanced over at my boyfriend with a wary smile and shrugged lightly as I stepped back again.
"Me," I supplied smiling slightly at the shocked look that flashed across his face as he gave me his full attention.
"What?" he repeated looking utterly adorable with his face full of confusion.
"It's a pact thing," I started nodding towards the girls as an example. "Normally it's seen within wolf packs, the surrounding females get protective of the alpha female, and they get aggressive towards all the male wolves and keep them away from the alpha female."
"Why?" Barry asked as the three of us took slower steps away from the paddock and slowly left the square enclosure and walked over to the stair that led up to the platforms.
"There's only one alpha male and he has an alpha female,"
"I'm their alpha," Owen injected earning a scowl from Barry as he interrupted me.
"If Owen's their alpha, in their eyes if I'm with Owen then I'm their alpha female," I concluded feeling that it made sense logically in their eyes if they were acting like a wolf pact.
"Why are they trying to establish their territory?" Barry asked ignoring the suggestive looks Owen was sending me.
"It's not really them trying to establish their territory it's more of them trying to protect their alpha female."
"Protect her from what?" Owen asked interrupting me once again. I looked over to him before smacking his shoulder lightly as he looked down at the raptors below as the three of us leaned against the railing of the balcony. Blue's screeching started again as she caught sight of the three of us and her sisters soon joined in. "We should move from their sight," he suggested taking my hand and leading us up another set of stairs and to a large red door that led to their offices.
"Well, generally when the female wolves get like that their alpha female's pregnant with the next litter of the pack. All females get protective of the litter seeing as it's the only litter the pack gets." I mumbled dropping down on Owen's lap as he turned slightly on his chair. I felt Owen freeze under me at my words and I chuckled lightly and turned my head to face him lightly. "Don't worry Mr Grady there's no bun in this oven," I lightly patted him on the shoulder pressing a kiss to his cheek as Barry laughed at us.
"How do you know?" he questioned running his hands lightly over my flat stomach rubbing gently under my shirt making me shiver lightly as his rough fingers ran along my skin.
"I had my shot eight weeks ago," I explained noting the way he nodded his head at my words, pressing his lips to my bare shoulder as he pulled me into him. It was mandatory for all female workers to have their shots every three months to stop our 'time of the month' so it wouldn't affect the dinosaurs we worked with. After one incident, it became mandatory for our safety. The only sad thing about these shots was that after every three months, we'd have to have a few days off as we had the worst period of our lives. Out of all the female workers that worked with the carnivores there wasn't really many of us that had to have these shots. As one of the vets around this place that seemed to land on me.
"Thank god for shots," he grumbled lightly before rested against the chair and sighing deeply. "Why are they acting so strange then?" he asked mentioning his girls.
"I'll check their blood but it might just be a pack thing. If they think I'm their alpha female then it's their instinct to react that way. If they're anything like wolves then it's to be expected. I'll check with the lab and see what they mixed their DNA with, I bet they haven't told you everything that went into their genes. It might explain why they are able to listen to you so well." I pushed up from his lap, swatting away his hands away as they rested on my bum. "Hands to yourself Mr Grady," I warned him leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Andormeda," he warned in return as I bit his lip lightly and pulled away, tugging his lip as I did so. I smiled at him ignoring the burning look in his eyes as I rested my hands on either side of the chair and hissed out in pain when I put pressure on my left hand. "Andi?" Owen questioned taking my hand in his, eyes widening at the gash on the back of my hand and the blood coating my creamy skin. "How could I forget this?"
"It's not as bad as it looks," I told him only to cry out softly as he pressed his fingers against my hand. "Okay, maybe that was a lie."
"I'm taking you to the medic bay," he grunted standing from the chair and tugging on my arm as if he thought I was going to argue.
"I think I broke a bone or something. It felt like the last time I broke a bone." I told him as he pulled me along with him and over to the jeep I was given, full of medical equipment out back and it even had a pull-out metal gurney in case we needed to perform anything in an emergency. After all, I wasn't just a vet but also a doctor so it was the best of both when it came to me. I could care for both the dinosaurs and the humans at this park.
"God damn it blue!" he seethed lifting me up into the jeep as if I couldn't walk. I gave him a look as he quickly slipped into the driver's seat and started the engine.
"Don't blame her," I scolded him leaning over so my right hand rested against his arm. I ran my fingers up the length of his arm before running the back down again. "It was your fault after all,"
"My fault? How was it my fault?" He spat out and I noted the way his knuckles turned white against the wheel.
"You got too close and triggered her need to protect," I explained thinking that maybe he hadn't listened to a word I said to him before. "Look, let's not argue about it okay. Those girls have brought out too many arguments between us. We don't need to keep arguing over them, they don't live with us anymore and I don't have as much say in their lives as you do. You're their alpha, they are your pack." I told him hoping he would hear the stubbornness in my voice.
"Alright, alright we won't argue because of the girls," he grumbled catching my hand within his and giving it a soft squeeze before taking the wheel again with both hands. "God, it sounds like we're parents arguing over their children," he groaned pulling to a slow drive as we reached the closest medic bay. There were a few stationed around the park for us workers so we would be able to get seen too quickly. Most of the medic bays were close to the animal enclosures for needs like this.
"They are sort of like our girls, you were there when they all hatched and we raised them when they were younglings, which sort of makes them our girls." I voiced as he took my right hand in his and dragged me into the medic bay saying a few hellos to the familiar faces – Owen got himself into a lot of accidents (most of them not involving the raptors). It seemed my dear Mr Grady found trouble, but I was also a familiar face to be seen around in most of the medic bays – having helped out a few times in each bay.
"Well let's go get mommy alpha healed," he teased leading me to the end room where he knew a doctor would be waiting.
Thank you for reading xx