This is the Sequel to "The Waterbender's Love and the Mechanic's Passion." We return to the Sato family after Avatar Korra has passed on to find out that Tadashi Sato, great-grandson of Korra and Asami, is the new Avatar. His mother and grandparents keep it hidden for years until an unwelcomed reminder arrives and makes them reveal the Avatar sooner than expected. But in the shadows of it all, someone plots to take Tadashi and his family down until there's nothing left of them. And in the mix of it, family drama burns alive even after all of these years.
A/N: Also, I'm trying something new with incorporating flashbacks. I'd appreciate feedback on it. Also I'm thinking about portraying a more quiet and reserved Avatar different from Korra. Please let me know what you think of it down the road.
I will not upload this as fast as I did "Waterbender's Love and Mechanic's Passion." That was different because it was written ahead of time. For "The Sato Legacy," I'm still in the middle of writing the book. I'm up to chapter 12 but I've been stuck in a bad writer's block lately. I'll upload weekly until things catch up. This story is much more plot-driven compared to the first book, which focused more on raising the Sato family. This second book will have a villain and more story.
Korra watched as the enemy positioned himself to attack. She tried to stand up but was in too much pain. For a moment she thought about going into the Avatar state, but knew she'd be done for before she could initiate it. She sighed, knowing it was her time. She closed her eyes after she saw him make his final move and with her last breath she whispered to the air. "I'm sorry, Asami."
"Don't you get it?!"
Tadashi huddled into the couch while his family argued in the other room about what to do next. He wished he had never started airbending, but he knew what it meant. His family was always telling him stories about his great-grandmother Korra.
"We need to inform the White Lotus so that we can provide extra security!" Karina yelled.
"No! If we start giving him special treatment, people will notice. He'll be in danger!" Riko said.
"What is he in danger of?!" Karina asked.
"He's in danger until he learns to protect himself, and even then he will always be in danger because he's the Avatar!" Riko growled. "I'll take charge of this."
"Why you? People will notice since you're the Chief-"
"Because I'm his grandmother!" Riko yelled. The room went quiet. "I'm not just the Chief…"
Olivia cautiously stepped in between her mothers. "I think you're both wrong." The young mother said. "I do think it's a bad idea to make it public until we have this under control. But providing extra precautions is too dangerous. You can take him to school today, Chi - mom, to make sure it's safe. After that we will continue what we've been doing. Don't forgot who taught me everything I know. We won't make it public until he's capable of defending himself."
"Of course…" Riko grumbled.
"Fine." Karina said in a huff.
The commotion fell silent and Tadashi looked up. If they didn't leave soon he was going to be late for school. His mom stepped back into the living room and picked him up. "Sweetie, Grandma Riko is going to take you to school for today. She just has to go change into her work uniform really quick."
Tadashi nodded and twiddled his thumbs. Riko entered the living room with a smile. "Alright, kiddo! Let's go to school!"
What could they do to make ensure Tadashi's safety? Who could they trust? Well that answer was obvious; no one but family could be trusted. They'd have to find him bending teachers as well. Obviously Riko and Olivia had already claimed the positions of earthbender teachers. Karina could possibly be his waterbending teacher. Nami was too busy with Future Industries to even think about it. There were only a handful of airbending masters so that option was limited. Jinora would probably be the preferred choice. So firebending? There was really only Kohaku, but he jumped around often to support different orphanages. Hmmm, or…
Riko was brought out of her thoughts when the young new Avatar tugged at her hand. She chuckled quietly when she realized they were at the school. She glanced down to the little boy holding her hand as they walked. Six years sure do pass fast. She shook her head to prevent old memories from resurfacing and trekked up the school stairs. She let go of his hand and the boy smiled and ran to his designated classroom.
Riko sighed and began walking back down the stairs. She glanced at the bodyguard at the entrance. Tadashi would be safe. This was a prominent school where many wealthy families sent their children. He'd be fine. She then continued her normal walk to the station.
Riko walked into the station and it seemed that everyone was already losing their minds. She sighed. "What's going on?" She asked an officer running by.
"Oh! Chief! Uh, we think we found another gang hideout!"
She chuckled lightly. "Well let's get a group together and head out." The man then ran off to collect her usual group of officers. She shook her head in good manner. It was going to be a long day.