I'm sure you're all familiar with my old story, Danny Phantom: Ultimate Alien. Well, it's unfortunate but I've lost all inspiration and drive to continue that story. However, this does not mean I'm gonna scrap it! I've decided to rewrite the story, and put the previous version up for adoption. So if anyone out there is reading this and wants to adopt the previous version of this story, PM me and we'll talk about it. Thank you all, and I hope you understand.

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or Ben 10!

"..." = Normal Speech

"Italics" = Thinking

"Bold" = Yelling

Prologue: A Device is Created!

On the technologically advanced planet of Galvan Prime, we find ourselves in a giant building in the form of a green hourglass. As it would turn out, this building was actually a laboratory where one of the greatest minds in three, possibly five, galaxies was working on something that would revolutionize the universe. Well, more accurately the one working was this guy's apprentice.

The one in question was a Galvan named Albedo. Like all members of the Galvan race, Albedo had gray colored skin, bulbous green eyes with rectangular pupils, and was only six inches tall. He also had four fingers on each hand, and three toes on each foot. However, unlike most Galvans, Albedo has a longer neck and a thinner face. He wears silver colored armor on his arms and legs, and a green and black outfit that looked like a fusion of a Greek toga, and an Aztec battle dress.

What he was working on was a strange device indeed. It appeared to be a gauntlet that was much bigger than a Galvan could ever hope to wear. The gauntlet itself looked like it was supposed to be worn on the back of one's hand, and had four black squares where the knuckles would be. There was a silver dial in the shape of a circle that had four "spikes" jutting out of the sides. It also had a single strap going underneath the top of the gauntlet that looked like it was supposed to secure itself to the wearer by the palm. However, for some odd reason there was nothing on the faceplate. This most likely meant that the device was inactive at the time.

Albedo had just one more thing to add to the device to complete it. It was a small red crystal that resembled the three dimensional shape known as a dodecahedron, and it was radiating a strange power. Albedo was broken from his work by the voice of an elderly man.

"How goes your invention, my young apprentice?"

Albedo looked to the door of the lab to see his teacher walk into the room. Like Albedo, this man was a Galvan. However there were some key differences. For one thing, he had a normal sized head and a shorter neck than Albedo. He also had wrinklier skin that had liver spots here and there. He also had a couple of long appendages hanging from his upper lip and some shorter ones on his chin resembling a mustache and a beard.

"It is almost complete, First Thinker Azmuth." Albedo said with a grin.

Azmuth is the brightest mind in five Galaxies, and the creator of a device known as the Omni Matrix. Or the Omnitrix, as most prefer to call it. But as time wore on, Azmuth's young apprentice Albedo began to show some real promise in the scientific field, and had actually begun to Humble himself. For these reasons, Azmuth entrusted Albedo with the task of creating a special Omnitrix that would allow the user to evolve their alien forms by many, many eons to a worst case scenario. Naturally, Abedo accepted the task and has been hard at work for a whole year now.

Azmuth walked over just in time for Albedo to open up the Ultimate Omnitrix's faceplate. Albedo brought in the crystal before turning to Azmuth.

"Once I place this Polymorphic Crystal into the Ultimatrix, it will stabilize the core and prevent any serious issues with Biofeedback to the wearer." Albedo explained. "Well, here goes something!"

He placed the crystal into the Ultimatrix, and closed off the faceplate. Once that was done, the two Galvans stepped back as the Ultimatrix flared to life! The dial remained silver, but the whole body of the Ultimatrix turned an intense red color along with the core. And a red colored hourglass symbol that was glowing with power appeared on the faceplate.

Both Azmuth and Albedo were very much impressed by the fact that it had been completed without blowing the whole lab sky-high, but they were also quite confused by the odd coloring of the Ultimatrix. This was quite the unforeseen development.

"Albedo, it the Ultimatrix supposed to be red?" Azmuth asked.

"I hadn't intended for it to become such a color, but at least we know it's not gonna kill us." Albedo said in a slight joking manner.

But this just left them with one more question. Since they were too small to use the Ultimatrix and Azmuth had entrusted the Omnitrix to a teenage boy by the name of Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, what were they gonna do with the Ultimatrix?

Well, there's the prologue. As you can see, I chose to make Albedo a good guy in this story. This is mainly due to the fact that not many people write stories where Albedo is one of the good guys. Now like I said, this story is a rewrite of my story Danny Phantom: Ultimate Alien. My previous story is up for adoption, so if anyone wants to adopt it and needs additional information, PM me and we'll talk about it. Thank you, and I hope to get lots of reviews for this story. Next on my list of updates is Teen Titans Omniverse!