BTS Chapter 1: Married Life

By: Zaywrites

Author's note: This is just an idea which popped in my mind. I suddenly felt the urge to write it. This story is my gift to my readers because I still haven't updated some of my stories. Please take time to post your reviews. I will be looking forward to read them. I always get inspired by positive feedback.

I do not own anything.

Rein's point of view

"You look stunning Rein Hanazawa-san." My stylist and best friend, Sophie commented as she gently applied make-up on my face.

"Do not apply too much make-up. People prefer natural beauty on and off screen." I suggested with a wink.

The green haired girl softly giggled and nodded.

"She is Rein Ishida not Hanazawa anymore. Rein is already married right?" My colleague and friend since middle school, Lione spat as she walked towards the dressing room with a cream colored box in hand. She looked a bit stressed because she still has to accommodate other artists who will attend the press conference as well.

"I'm sorry I forgot." Sophie sheepishly grinned and glanced at my reflection on the full length mirror.

"No wonder that your husband never tore his eyes on you whenever you attended conferences. There is no doubt that it will be harder for him to avert his gaze now." Lione teased and sneered. I was equally amazed at my image on the mirror. My stylists are extremely talented.

"Why are you always dodging every topic concerned about your husband?" Lione asked as she twisted my hair to a loose bun and pinned it to the side with a pearl clip.

"I want my hair down this time Lione." I motioned to evade her question.

"There you go again. You change topics instantly." Lione rolled her eyes and sighed. My stylist removed the clip and my hair flowed elegantly on my shoulders.

I shot an apologetic look at her and flashed a small smile.

"Your husband wants you to wear these flats instead of the sling back heels I gave you earlier." She grumbled as she opened the cream colored box revealing a pair of well-designed midnight blue flats with silver straps. My eyes twitched as I glanced at the expensive looking shoes yet it does not match my white jacquard sheath dress.

"What is he thinking?" I muttered under my breath and clenched my fists.

"I suppose that you need to talk to him." Lione suggested and gave me a light pat on my shoulder before leaving.

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I grumpily slipped my feet on the shoes.

"You look beautiful Rein." I felt my breath hitch and my heart pound loudly as I heard familiar footsteps entering the room.

I slowly tilted my head and sighed in relief after I noticed that my guest was just Bright Yasuhiro, my colleague, childhood friend and longtime crush.

He is one of the popular actors who was nominated in numerous categories and have received several awards recently. We are going to pair up for an upcoming movie but since that I am already married, it was decided that my husband will be my leading man while he got the supporting roles. My eyes softened as I remembered that Bright wanted to acquire the lead role. I feel bad for him.

"Are you all right? Why do you look like you have seen a ghost? Or am I that handsome that is why you look so astounded?" The golden haired guy teased as he plopped on the couch. His crimson eyes glistened with happiness.

"I thought you were him." I mumbled as I swiveled my chair and painted my lips with light gloss.

"Are you perhaps talking about your husband? He is already waiting in the conference hall." Bright answered in a casual tone.

"He is probably eager to announce the upcoming movie. It will be a big break in his career after all." I whispered to myself and puffed my cheeks out indignantly.

"Did you say something?" Bright queried with a puzzled look on his face.

"N-nothing." I smilingly answered.

"I just came to check you. The conference will start after five minutes. See you Hanazawa, I mean Rein Ishida." Bright calmly replied as he rose from his seat and left the room.

I just glanced at his slowly disappearing figure and slumped on my chair.

"You can do this Rein." I motivated myself and placed a smile on my face.

I walked out of the room and was greeted by the staffs. They readied themselves and gave me the flash cards which contain my supposed answers to the questions. My manager always prepares these answers though I never bothered myself to read them. I don't like scripted answers. I want to voice out what my heart tells me.

I clutched my dress as I inched closer to the conference hall. I can already hear the flickers of camera, murmurs and classical music playing softly.

A press conference is where directors, writers, producers, actors and media personalities gather. Though it is my nth time attending a premier night, I can't help it but feel uneasy.

"Are you ready Rein Ishida?" My manager asked as he held the door for me.

"Y-yes." I stammered as I felt nervousness paving its way through me.

"Give your best shot Ishida-san." The staffs chorused as I stepped inside.

I covered my eyes after I was welcomed by the scintillating lights and flashes of camera. I quickly placed a smile on my face and confidently walked on the aisle.

The atmosphere felt so new. I subtly waved my hands and shot side glances on the other individuals inside the hall. My sea green eyes wandered on the handsome dark blue haired young man occupying the seat on the farthest corner of the long table located in front.

He is clad in an Italian designer suit which made him look stunningly handsome and attractive. His dark blue hair is neatly swept back which emphasized his mesmerizing pool of dark blue eyes.

I darted my eyes around to look for an unoccupied seat. The floor director signaled me to occupy the empty seat beside a multi-talented actor, my leading man and husband, Shade Ishida. I guess that seat was reserved for me.

'I am Rein Hanazawa now Ishida, 20 years old, married.'

'That guy right there is someone who I must deal with each day, Shade Ishida, 21 years old, my cocky annoying husband.'

I noticed him vacate his seat and walk towards me.

"I'm glad you chose to wear the shoes I gave you." He whispered as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Do I have a choice? I know that you will act like a toddler throwing tantrums if I will not comply with your requests. You're worse than a teenage guy going through rebellious stage at times." I countered with a grin. He narrowed his eyes at me and tightened his grip on my hand. I can feel my phalanges crushing to pieces because of his grasp.

We stopped arguing, teasing and acting like grade schoolers after the guests settled on their seats.

Shade pulled the chair for me and I took a seat. He securely held my hand before facing the reporters. I covered his cold hands with my warm ones. It seems like he is nervous as well.

"How does it feel that you and you're wife teamed up for a movie?"

"I was extremely happy that I am going to be my wife's leading man. We all know that Rein is a versatile and impressive actress. I can't help it but stammer and forget my lines whenever she is around. I am always mesmerized when she looks directly at me. " He simply answered and flashed a warm smile at them. I gently squeezed his hand and pretended that I was flattered.

"We discovered that Ishida-kun and Fine Kojima are endorsing the latest apparel designs together. What are your reactions after you heard the news?"

The crowd intently glanced at me. My lips parted but I can't utter a single word. I took a deep breath and tightly held the microphone.

I waited for the bitterness in my tone to dissipate before answering. I admit that I was miffed after my manager informed me that Fine Kojima, a scarlet haired gorgeous actress, was selected to model the latest brands of expertly designed clothes by a distinguished fashion designer abroad.

I know that Fine is more elegant, taller, more stunning and more talented than me. She is a famous actress who bagged several awards already. Fine is already a considered as a respected and tenured artist in the industry.

"Oi, what are you doing? You're spacing out." Shade whispered as he nudged my shoulder. I tensely laughed and looked directly at the crowd.

"I am happy for him. Fine Kojima-san is already married to Yasuhiro-kun that is why there is nothing I should worry about. Besides, modeling is part of his job. We know our limits and my husband is always by my side." I looked at Shade before saying that I trust him. He smirked and softly chuckled.

"How about you Shade? We heard that your wife and Bright Yasuhiro-kun are starring in a romantic comedy series. Are you disagreeing with the pairing?"

"I am not opposing with the tandem. They are both professionals. Just like what my wife said, Yasuhiro is already married to Fine Kojima…and Rein is married to me." Shade calmly answered but his reserved expression turned murderous.

His scathing tone sent chills on my spine. It was actually not a romantic comedy series anymore.

A week ago, Shade barged in the set demanding that the entire casting and plot to be altered. The writers just complied with his request to avoid further arguments.

The exchange of question and answer went smoothly. We managed to utter satisfying answers to the consecutive questions. However, we were caught off guard when it came to this particular question.

"Can you share to us some of your experiences as a married couple?"

"He is lazy and annoys me every second of the day. He gets in my nerves and shoves all the household errands to me." I spilled. I instantly covered my mouth after I realized what I had just said. We were both shocked by my unexpected answer.

The crowd exchanged glances and threw incredulous looks at him. A nervous laugh escaped his lips and he stomped my feet under the table.

I cringed in pain and threw a deadly glare at him.

"What I mean is Shade is more thoughtful, caring and sweet off cam." I clarified as I slapped his shoulder, with much force.

He narrowed his eyes at me and forced a smile on his face.

"Rein is still learning how to become a good wife. Our kitchen utensils were all broken and our appliances are not functioning anymore because she attempted to prepare breakfast for me. She tried her best but to no avail. My wife is a hopeless case right?" Shade teased and laughed derisively.

I hid my flustered face as I noticed the other individuals murmuring to each other and puzzlingly staring at me. Some are forcing themselves not to laugh. I frantically denied and placed a smile on my face.

I will strangle this guy beside me right now. I inhaled sharply to keep my cool.

"My husband actually prepared a set of rules that I must follow." I grabbed a piece of paper from my handbag and showed it to the crowd.

The laugh promptly died on his lips after he noticed the familiar paper.

He tried to snatch the paper from my grasp but I just ignored him.

"What is that paper Rein Ishida-san?"

"Do you want me to read it aloud?" I cheerily exclaimed. His eyes grew wide and seethed.

"Oi Rein!" Shade gruffly yelled as he stretched his arm to grab the paper.

"Catch me if you can." I challenged and through the crowd. So this is the advantage of wearing flat shoes huh?

"Come back here!" My husband screeched as he ran after me.

Headline: Press Con turned to mess due to a lover's childish quarrel.